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家庭变迁背景下的中国家庭政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人口转变和经济社会变迁的过程中,中国家庭规模不断缩小、家庭结构逐渐简化、传统家庭功能趋于弱化。这对维系社会正常运作的各项社会政策带来巨大冲击,并由此将家庭政策的完善与改革提上议程。尽管改革开放以来,中国的家庭政策在影响人口发展、提供家庭保障和促进性别平等等方面有所建树,但仍未脱离含蓄型和补缺型模式的囿限。文章认为,中国的家庭政策体系应实现向明确型和发展型转变。首先应创建专门的家庭政策机构,在此基础上明确将家庭整体作为基本的福利对象、以发展家庭能力为目标进行家庭投资、推进家庭政策的适度普惠性,并尽量避免其他政策安排与家庭政策的相互制约乃至冲突。  相似文献   

我国家庭政策的发展路径与目标选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国家庭政策的发展经历了与欧美国家完全不同的路径。由于社会福利和保障制度背景和发展水平不同,我国家庭政策的发展方向与发达国家存在本质上的差异,与发达国家"去家庭化"的方向相反,我国家庭政策发展的主要方向应该是"家庭化",即基于家庭责任前提构建福利保障体系,通过强化家庭功能实现为公民提供福利和保障的目标。我国的家庭政策具有双重任务:一方面要补充社会福利发展水平低造成的保障程度不足,提升家庭自身福利供给和保障能力;另一方面要针对家庭变化产生的问题,调整社会福利配给和组织方式,扩大以家庭为生计单位的福利保障。我国的发展型家庭政策要以提升家庭发展能力为重点,包括就业支持政策和供养家庭支持政策两大类。  相似文献   

中国人口与社会发展关系:现状、趋势与问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从人口转变、人口素质、人口结构、人口的社会分层及人口社会关系等方面,分析中国人口与社会发展的关系.中国正处于经济、社会迅速发展和变革的时代,作为社会基本构成要素的人口,其与社会发展的关系日趋复杂.必须对人口与社会发展之间关系给予高度重视,应该把解决中国人口社会问题及统筹协调人口与社会发展关系,作为人口发展政策和社会发展政策的一个基本方面.  相似文献   

关于南水北调工程建立被征地移民社会保障的问题思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾永飞 《西北人口》2009,30(4):27-32
目前,党的十七大报告中明确提出“要实现社会就业更加充分,覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系基本建立,人人享有基本生活保障”的大背景下,抓紧制定南水北调被征地移民社会保障相关的政策制度具有重大意义,本文从对南水北调的被征地移民的特点出发,分析了南水北调的征地补偿和移民安置办法,论述了南水北调工程被征地移民的建立社保政策依据以及必要性,针对实施被征地移民社会保障出现的问题提出了建议和对策。  相似文献   

本文以北京市老年残疾人为例,说明我国老年残疾人具有年龄、残障、性别等多种标志。多标志的特点反映出老年残疾人的跨群体或多群体的需求,而目前单群体的社会政策无法满足多标志群体的叠加需求。为此,本文提出社会政策建立多标志视角的接受原则、延伸原则、重点原则和交融原则,并对老年人法、残疾人法和妇女法的多标志视角扩展提出条文方面的具体建议。  相似文献   

中国城镇居民最低生活保障制度的回顾、问题及政策选择   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
1993年中国开始实施城镇居民最低生活保障制度,经过十余年的发展,初步建立了比较规范的社会救助体系,保障了城市贫困人口的基本生活。但在实施过程中也存在一些问题,主要表现为强调生存,忽视发展;强调效率,忽视公平;强调义务,忽视权利。解决这些问题的办法是实施消除社会排斥的社会政策。  相似文献   

中国残疾人就业的成就、问题与促进措施   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
就业是残疾人改善生活状况、参与社会生活和实现人生价值的主要途径。近年来,我国残疾人的就业率、就业规模和就业服务均取得很大进展,但在总体就业形势十分严峻的大背景之下,作为最困难群体的残疾人就业更为艰难,存在就业层次低、收入水平低和发展不平衡等问题。为实现残疾人分享经济社会发展的成果,必须采取系列有效措施,大力促进残疾人充分就业。  相似文献   

人口空间集聚是宏观社会经济政策导向下的社会流动过程,也是基于个体理性决策的人口迁移后果。空间经济的一个重要特征是"演化",人口空间结构变化会带来社会关系和权利结构的演变,大规模人口乡城持续迁移带来中国乡土文化的凋敝和现代城市文明的繁荣。社会关系的排斥源于社会权利的缺失,权利贫困引致社会贫困,户籍制度和城乡分割致使农民工无法以平等的身份融入城市。文章基于城市权利的视角,提出城市公共治理的目标是赋予新移民平等的身份、公正的待遇、不歧视的就业、稳定的住所及体面的生活;保障其在城市公平获得生产、劳动、消费、进入、参与的主体性资格;同时,拥有平等获取城市公共服务与社会保障的主体性权利,从而在主体构成、主体资格和主体能力等方面实现城市权利的一致性,通过机会的平等、过程的平等,逐步实现结果的平等。  相似文献   

姚远  范西莹 《南方人口》2009,24(1):22-29
建立科学的社会政策支助体系是满足弱势群体需求和推进和谐社会建设的重要方面。本文以北京市老年残疾人为对象,具体分析了弱势群体的弱势特征,并依据这些特征提出了包括政策目标、政策依据、政策原则、政策构架等部分的社会政策支助体系的设计框架。  相似文献   

基本医疗保险"系统老龄化"及其对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在人口老龄化背景下,退休年龄不变、退休后不缴费的政策,必然导致基本医疗保险"系统老龄化".文章运用寿险精算与非寿险精算相结合的方法,建立分析模型揭示了这一趋势,研究"系统老龄化"对基本医疗保险基金的影响,并以Z市社会医疗保险中心提供的数据进行测算分析.在此基础上,提出完善制度以降低"系统老龄化"程度,进而降低基金风险、实现基本医疗保险制度持续健康运行的若干政策建议.  相似文献   

Maslow's hierarchy-of-needs theory is used to predict development of Quality of Life (QOL) in countries over time. Previous data sets have not had sufficient power to test these development trends among countries. Therefore a new database was developed that includes annual quality of life time-series for 88 countries from 1960 to 1994, covering measures on all five of Maslow's need-levels. Results showed significant agreement with some of Maslow's predictions, including his sequence of need achievement, and parts of an S-shaped trajectory in QOL. However, his mechanism of growth – that countries must slow growth in one area to increase growth in another – was disconfirmed.  相似文献   

本文依据社会保障基本理论,将需求层次和扩展线性支出系统结合,测算2003-2010年全国平均的城乡居民低保线和2010年27省(市、区)城镇低保线,从测算低保线与城乡居民生活支出比重、与城乡居民可支配收入比重、与现行低保线和CPI之间联动机制,以及测算过程中收入依赖系数平稳下降等4个方面评价低保线的保障能力及ELES测算结果的合理性,并指出需要进一步改进的方面.  相似文献   

The results of studiesconducted in the last 5 years in Poland formedthe basis for the assumption that amongst manyneeds an individual or a Polish household seeksto satisfy, the need to provide for security inold age takes a prominent position. Determiningthe position of this need among other needs asdefined in Schrab's classification (Schrab,1943), was the objective of an empirical studyconducted at the end of 2001. The results ofthe study indicate that within the Polishpopulation, clusters of Poles with the highestfrequency were those in which the need toprovide for security in old age is ranked infirst position in a declared hierarchy ofneeds. Those clusters pertaining to relativelyworse economic situations are, however,positively motivated as it appears they arecharacterised by an apparent achievement drive.A lower ranking for the need to provide forsecurity in old age correlates to a relativelybetter economic situation and an increasinglypassive attitude reflected by the lack of anachievement drive, which can be a result ofeither mental inhibitions or of lifetimeachievements so far, because the individuals inthe cluster displaying a marginal position forthe need to provide for security in old agewere of a relatively older age compared to theremainder.  相似文献   

我国一些地方陆续出现的冠以“国际”的老年住宅等凸现了企业涉足跨国养老新兴领域的意愿 ,其尝试如能成功 ,将产生一定的社会示范效应 ,对促进我国老龄产业的发展具有积极的作用。本文根据市场调查等资料 ,结合国内外产业界和政府部门的有关动向 ,对日本等国外老年人的基本现状及其对跨国养老的需求进行了分析。  相似文献   


The interactions between the processes of urbanization and international migration in less developed and transition countries have important repercussions for socioeconomic development, but are not well understood. Based on the retrospective data from the Albanian Living Standards Measurement Survey 2008, we first assess the geography of migration in terms of the rural–urban continuum, the urban hierarchy and the outside world since 1990. We then investigate the spatio-temporal diffusion of rural-to-urban and international movements using survival models. Results reveal an immediate onset of large-scale rural exodus, despite the post-communist crisis. Internal migrants mainly moved to the capital, bypassing secondary cities, and were predominantly female. Initially, international migrants were primarily men who tended to originate from the main urban agglomerations. The diffusion of opportunities to emigrate down the urban hierarchy and across the sexes then redirected the rural exodus abroad, despite domestic economic development. This evolution in population mobility is related to the gendered patterns and interlinkages of the two flows, as well as to rising inequalities within the urban hierarchy.


本文根据对农村未婚青年生殖健康现状问卷调查和座谈调查的结果,对农村未婚在业青年的生殖健康现状及其对婚前性行为、人工流产的态度进行了分析研究,同时还探讨了农村未婚青年对计划生育服务的需求,最后还就提高农村未婚青年生殖健康水平提出了一些对策性建议。  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(2):189-218
This article reports on the results of a needs assessment conducted for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) immigrants, asylees, refugees, and their allies in Southern Arizona, and it is the first study of its kind in the United States. Utilizing interview data collected with migrants, allies, and service providers in Tucson, Arizona, this article presents findings on the quality of service provision provided to this very underserved community pertaining to health care, housing, and legal services. The assessment shows that no services are provided specifically for LGBTQ migrants, and most LGBTQ migrants turn to family and friends when they have needs. The most significant result of this study pertains to the lack of cultural competence and an overall deficiency in terms of cultural awareness when it comes to the specific needs of LGBTQ migrants.  相似文献   

广州市社区老人服务需求及现状的调查与思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄少宽 《南方人口》2005,20(1):48-54
本文运用需要理论 ,从社会学和社会工作角度 ,以广州市东山区的问卷调查访问以及深入访谈资料为依据 ,分析老年人的需要及其与社区的关系 ,指出目前广州市社区老人服务建设存在的问题 ,以及在人口老龄化不断加剧 ,社会保障远未完善的情况下 ,构建一个社区老人服务体系的必要性 ,并提出相应对策  相似文献   

基于学生的自学能力与社会需求的教育创新探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
齐经民  于莎莎  杨小乐 《西北人口》2009,30(5):124-128,F0003
我国教育一直采取教师讲解灌输的方式,学生复制性接受学习,职业素质和工作能力不强,与就业生活和社会进步要求存在差距。充分考虑学生自学能力与社会需求,转变传统教育认识与树立新的职业教育观。进行研究与实践性教学,培养造就企事业等社会需要的高标准从业人才。  相似文献   

Why Social Policy Needs Subjective Indicators   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There are many qualms about subjective indicators, and some believe that social policy would be better for not using them. This paper consists of a review of these objections. It is argued that policy makers need subjective indicators, the main reasons being: 1. Social policy is never limited to merely material matters; it is also aimed at matters of mentality. These substantially subjective goals require subjective indicators. 2. Progress in material goals can not always be measured objectively. Subjective measurement is often better. 3. Inclusive measurement is problematic with objective substance. Current sum-scores make little sense. Using subjective satisfaction better indicates comprehensive quality. 4. Objective indicators do little to inform policy makers about public preferences. Since the political process also does not reflect public preferences too well, policy makers need additional information from opinion polls. 5. Policy makers must distinguish between `wants' and `needs’. Needs are not observable as such, but their gratification materialises in the length and happiness of peoples' lives. This final output criterion requires assessment of subjective appreciation of life-as-a-whole  相似文献   

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