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面对日益严峻的人口老龄化趋势,社区养老服务不仅承担起养老服务的重要责任,更关系到老年人养老生活的质量.基于上海问卷调查数据,实证分析政府购买社区养老服务的满意度及影响因素,得出以下结论:政府购买社区养老服务的满意度较高,从各维度看,模式满意度最高,其次是人员满意度,项目满意度最低.从具体的影响因素看,需求因素、家庭因素、个人因素中的年龄和受教育程度大都有显著的效应,而经济因素和个人因素中的婚姻状况只对政府购买社区养老服务满意度的部分维度有显著的影响.  相似文献   

当代农村女性生育行为和生育意愿的实证研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过对农村女性生育行为和生育意愿的调查 ,发现被调查女性的生育行为有以下特点 ,即生育率有了很大下降 ,但同时也存在进入孕龄的时间早、生育期比较集中、流产率高以及一定比例的性别选择等现象。生育意愿和生育行为相比 ,显得更为“现代化”。文章还对生育的影响因素进行了尝试性分析。最后提出了自己的政策建议。  相似文献   

立足于老龄化和生育政策调整的背景,文章利用中国健康与养老追踪调查数据,通过建立加速时效时间模型,系统分析了包含子女数量、性别结构、生育时间和生育期长等在内的生育行为对女性进入老年时期的健康的影响,并进一步在个体层面上测算了老年女性的健康生存时间.实证结果发现,生育行为对老年女性的健康会产生重要影响.从健康角度来看,生男生女都一样;而多子不但不会多福,还会降低老年女性的健康福利;同时,初育年龄太大或太小都将不利于女性老年时期的健康水平,而生育期延长会显著提升女性老年时期的健康水平.文章还探讨了生育行为对老年女性健康的影响机制,认为在目前生育政策调整的背景下应关注生育行为改变对女性健康的潜在影响.  相似文献   

当前极低生育率下如何提振人们的生育意愿具有重要意义,更好理解女性在生育过程中所付出的“隐形代价”,可以为三孩生育政策下的生育支持措施完善提供研究支持。基于2019年全国人口与家庭动态监测调查数据,文章采用中介效应模型实证分析了生育行为对我国女性健康人力资本维护的影响。研究发现,相较于未生育女性,中国已育女性减少了身体检查和体育锻炼,但在饮食健康方面有所改善。这一结果与女性生育后从生产劳动转向再生产劳动的过程密切相关。其中,生育后退出生产劳动降低了女性身体检查概率,但对促进体育锻炼和改善饮食健康有一定帮助;而生育后再生产劳动参与的增加则会抑制身体检查和体育锻炼行为,但促使女性采取更健康的饮食习惯。此外,与祖辈共同居住加剧了生育行为对女性身体检查和体育锻炼的负面影响,且消除了对健康饮食的改善作用。而女性参加办公室工作也会加剧生育行为对体育锻炼的负面影响,并削弱对健康饮食的促进作用。基于此,从拓展孕产健康服务边界,实施儿童照料和体育锻炼兼容性政策,完善家庭和社会侧生育支持政策,推动健康知识普及工作以及规划女性全面发展等方面提出维护和发展女性健康人力资本的若干建议。  相似文献   

钱雪飞 《西北人口》2011,32(3):58-62
对江苏省南通市1440份问卷的数据分析显示,老年人对各级政府为老服务的满意度、所在村居是否组织老年人活动、村居领导是否关心老人是影响城乡老年人生活满意度的共同性因素;老年人对村居医疗卫生服务的满意度、老年人所在村居是否重视尊老敬老宣传、村居成员是否关心老人等变量仅影响城市老年人的生活满意度;有无老年人活动场所、村居领导是否尊敬老年人、是否有志愿者服务等变量仅对农村老年人的生活满意度具有影响。社会应改善各相关影响因素,以提高老年人的生活满意度。  相似文献   

文章利用2017年全国生育状况抽样调查数据,基于经济学和人口学的理论,从数量和性别两个维度分析青年女性生育意愿与行为偏离的地域差异及其影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)数量维度的偏离以青年女性的生育意愿高于生育行为为主要表现形式,理想子女数比实际子女数平均高0.4~0.5个,性别维度的偏离主要表现为近六成的青年女性现有子女性别结构未满足理想子女性别结构,生育意愿与行为偏离呈现出明显的地域差异;(2)区域的“经济—文化”类型对生育意愿与行为偏离有显著影响,高人均GDP—强生育文化区域的青年女性生育数量与性别偏离的可能性相对更高;(3)生育意愿与行为偏离的影响因素存在区域异质性,城乡类型、流动状态、年龄、婚姻状况、婚姻持续时长、民族、受教育程度、工作类型和收入水平等因素对生育意愿与行为偏离的影响在不同的“经济—文化”区域存在差异。文章认为,完善生育支持政策应综合考虑地域文化和社会经济发展水平的异质性,力求实现“经济—文化”同向驱动和不同类型地区协同联动,推进人口的长期均衡高质量发展。  相似文献   

政府行为在人口控制中起着十分重要的作用。本文论述了人口控制中政府行为的含义及必要性,同时阐明了对人口控制中政府行为的规范原则和评价标准。  相似文献   

张务伟 《西北人口》2010,31(2):71-74
在我国控制人口数量是一项长期而艰巨的任务。控制人口数量的一项重要措施就是禁止超生。本文通过基层政府监督与居民超生行为选择之间的博弈分析.发现扼制超生行为的策略如下:就基层政府方面而言,降低基层政府风险偏好。降低监督成本,减少不监督而增加的超常收益,打击基层政府对居民超生行为的权力寻租行为,加大对基层政府认真履行职能的奖励和监督不力的惩罚等;就居民方面而言,降低居民风险偏好,减少居民超生的超常收益。提高居民超生抚养成本,提高居民超生躲藏成本,加大对超生的惩罚力度,降低超生居民的信用等级等。  相似文献   

李若建 《南方人口》2010,25(2):25-31
根据1982—2005年间的历次人口调查资料,论文描述了25—29岁女性年龄组的就业、职业、教育与婚姻状况,指出急速的社会发展,女性教育水平的提高给大都市女性提供了不少发展机会,女性的职业结构优化。与此同时,女性也付出了一些成本,如婚姻的推迟和退出劳动力市场成为专职主妇。  相似文献   

The impact of female employment on fertility preferences and behavior is examined with data from a 1980 national sample of Taiwanese women. The guiding hypothesis is that the greater the involvement of women in the impersonal market sector, the lower the fertility preferences, the longer the first birth interval, and the lower the actual fertility. Findings reveal that female employment in Taiwan is only weakly related to reproductive behavior. Even with increased participation of women in the modern market sector, female employment apparently has little impact on fertility preferences or behavior. Implications are drawn for policies aimed at lowering fertility.  相似文献   

In this note we report results of 6 surveysusing the United States Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention indicators of healthstatus, taken from the Behavioral Risk FactorSurveillance System. Generally speaking, wefound that the CDC healthy days variables couldplay a useful role in survey research aimed atassessing the impact of measured health statuson people's satisfaction with their own healthand with the overall quality of their lives.More precisely, using stepwise regressions wefound: (1) The three healthy days variablesexplained from 16 to 27 percent of the variancein General Health scores. The limited activitydays variable remained as a significantpredictor in only one of the six regressionsand the not good physical health days variablewas most influential in every sample. (2) Thethree healthy days variables explained from 19to 32 percent of the variance in healthsatisfaction scores, and the not good physicalhealth days variable was again most influentialin every sample. (3) The three healthy daysvariables explained from 12 to 39 percent ofthe variance in quality-of-life satisfactionscores, with the not good mental healthvariable most influential in every sample. (4)The four CDC variables together explained from40 to 55 percent of the variance in healthsatisfaction scores, with the General Healthvariable always dominating the set ofpredictors by a fairly wide margin. (5) Thefour CDC variables together explained from 17to 28 percent of the variance inquality-of-life satisfaction scores, with theGeneral Health variable most influential inthree samples and the not good mental healthvariable most influential in the other three.(6) When the four CDC variables plus the healthsatisfaction variable were used as potentialpredictors, we were able to explain from 29 to40 percent of the variance in quality-of-lifesatisfaction scores. In every sample, theGeneral Health and limited activity daysvariables had no significant impact. (7) Usingstructural equation modeling, we found GeneralHealth does not have a direct effect onsatisfaction with the overall quality of lifebut rather only an indirect effect throughhealth satisfaction. The General Health, notgood physical health, and not good mentalhealth days variables account for 51% of thevariation in health satisfaction, and healthsatisfaction, not good physical health and notgood mental health days variables account for30% of the variation in satisfaction with theoverall quality of life.  相似文献   

This study adds to the literature on subjective well-being and life satisfaction by exploring variation in individual life satisfaction across countries. Understanding whether and how individual life satisfaction varies across countries is important because if the goal of development is to increase well-being, we must identify the causes of well-being in different national and regional contexts. Using hierarchical linear modeling techniques, I test the hypothesis that individual well-being does vary across countries, and that national wealth, human development and environmental conditions explain this variation. I also test whether the effects of individual characteristics on life satisfaction (including age, marital status, education, income, employment status, and sex) vary across countries, and which country level characteristics explain these variations. Using individual level data from the World Values Survey, I find that there is significant variation in life satisfaction across countries. There is also significant variation in the slopes of individual predictors of life satisfaction across countries and regions. Regional differences in the effects of individual characteristics on life satisfaction explain most of the between country variation in life satisfaction. This indicates that universal development indicators may not adequately reflect differences in life satisfaction across countries, and that development measurements should better reflect regional differences.
Astra N. BoniniEmail:

Social Indicators Research - In this study we examine the multi-dimensional structure of environmental behavior and its potential domains. Factor analysis reveals six behavioral domains: civic...  相似文献   

Based on data from a 1999 and a 2008 European Values Survey, the main objective of this study is to explore the relationship between a variety of social capital indicators, satisfaction with government and democracy, and subjective well-being. Happiness and life satisfaction were used as outcome measures of subjective well-being. The indicators of social capital used in this study are general trust, trust in institutions, political engagement, concern for others, societal norms, and membership in volunteer organizations. The analyses reveal a significant increase in happiness, life satisfaction, and many social capital variables between 1999 and 2008. Generalized trust, trust in institutions, government satisfaction, and democracy satisfaction are positive correlates of well-being, although some relationships are significant only in 2008. Several demographic variables are also linked with subjective well-being such as income, employment status, age, gender, and education. We discuss the findings in relation to the significant societal, economic, and political changes experienced in Turkey between 1999 and 2008. Policy implications are also emphasized such as improved trust among individuals, trustworthiness of government institutions, and functioning of democracy.  相似文献   

Chen  Longjin  Huang  Jian  Li  Jianjun 《Social indicators research》2017,132(1):377-394
Social Indicators Research - It is generally agreed that decentralized decision-making is conducive to the efficient allocation of resources, but detrimental to the equitable redistribution of...  相似文献   

Local natural resources are central to rural livelihoods across much of the developing world. Such “natural capital” represents one of several types of assets available to households as they craft livelihood strategies. In order to explore the potential for environmental scarcity and change to contribute to perpetuation of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, we examine the association between declining natural capital and engaging in risky sexual behaviors, as potentially another livelihood strategy. Such an association has been demonstrated in Kenya and Tanzania, through the fish-for-sex trade. To explore the possibility of this connection within rural Haitian livelihoods we use Demographic and Health Survey data, with a focus on rural women, combined with vegetation measures generated from satellite imagery. We find that lack of condom use in recent sexual encounters is associated with local environmental scarcity—controlling for respondent age, education, religion and knowledge of AIDS preventive measures. The results suggest that explicit consideration of the environmental dimensions of HIV/AIDS may be of relevance in scholarship examining factors shaping the pandemic.  相似文献   

Research examining environmental factorsassociated with adolescents' life satisfaction(LS) has revealed that familial variables(e.g., parent-child conflict, familystructure) are crucial correlates. Thepurpose of the current study was to identifyparticular dimensions of authoritativeparenting (strictness-supervision, socialsupport/involvement, and psychological autonomygranting) that are related to LS during early,middle, and late adolescence, as well as toexplore the hypothesis that LS serves as amediator between authoritative parenting andadolescent internalizing and externalizingbehavior. A sample of 1201 middle and highschool students completed self-report measuresassessing these constructs. Results indicatedstatistically significant relationships betweeneach authoritative parenting dimension andadolescent LS. Although all three parentingdimensions were positively related to LS,perceived parental social support emerged asthe strongest correlate. Importantdevelopmental differences were revealed,including the finding that the associationbetween parenting behaviors and adolescents' LSchanged as children aged. Last, LS fullymediated the relationship between socialsupport and adolescent problem behavior andpartially mediated relationships between theremaining authoritative parenting dimensions(i.e., strictness-supervision, psychologicalautonomy granting) and maladaptive adolescentbehavior.  相似文献   

This cross-sectional survey study is a pioneering attempt to investigate the generational differences in the work values, perceived job rewards, and job satisfaction of Chinese female migrant workers. The study targeted two toy factories in the Guangdong Province of China and recruited a total of 1,307 female workers as participants. Among them were 577 female migrant workers who comprised the target group for this research. The authors hypothesized that the younger generation of female migrant workers would have higher levels of cognitive work values (such as self-enhancement and career development) but lower levels of perceived job rewards and job satisfaction than those of the older generation. The results indicate that there are no generational differences in work values among the three birth cohorts of Chinese female migrant workers. The older generation felt more satisfied with the job rewards that they received, and their sense of job satisfaction was higher than that of the younger generation. Furthermore, the findings showed a substantial positive influence of perceived social job rewards (such as support from co-workers and supervisors) on job satisfaction among the younger generation. The current findings suggest that in China, generational differences in work are affected by both the generation factor and the rural–urban stratification factor. The authors hope that the study will provide a knowledge base for understanding the perceptions of Chinese female migrant workers toward work and for exploring the ways in which new policies and social services can be developed in order to address their needs.  相似文献   

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