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我国人口形势的新变化直接影响未来经济发展的潜力和活力。在人口环境发生剧烈变化的背景下开展关于第二次人口红利的讨论和研究非常必要。本文在以往相关文献的研究基础上,定位分析我国储蓄率的高水平特征,从人口变化、政策、社保等多个角度探讨未来储蓄持续走高的可能性。并利用全国30个省市地区的面板数据重点分析人口结构与居民储蓄之间的关系,发现老年抚养比与居民储蓄之间存在显著的负相关关系。文章得出结论,“第二次人口红利”在我国难以实现,抓紧开发第一次人口红利、拉动经济增长才是我国现阶段社会经济发展的重点。  相似文献   

文章运用动态广义矩估计方法,分析亚洲人口年龄结构对储蓄率、投资率及经常账户的效应。结果发现:(1)人口结构对储蓄的效应存在,老年人口抚养比对储蓄率有显著负向影响,符合生命周期假说;(2)少儿抚养比与储蓄率无显著相关,少儿人口抚养质量与数量间存在替代效应;(3)老年人口抚养比效应对于外部均衡非常显著。老年化经济体对于经常账户逆差存在依赖,经常账户可以视为亚洲人口红利期高储蓄的国际"缓存池"和"中转地"。亚洲的经济增长、高储蓄与高顺差呈现梯队性的趋势,且与人口结构的变迁一致。这些发现可以从人口结构角度解释亚洲的高储蓄和高经常账户顺差及国际资本流动。所以,世界经济体应避免同周期的老年化,以保证经济的梯队发展和资源跨代跨国转移;同时,对于减少少儿人口来压缩社会负担的政策效果不能预期过高。  相似文献   

预期寿命增长、年龄结构改变与我国国民储蓄率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口年龄结构趋于老龄化和人均预期寿命逐步增长是目前我国人口发展的两个典型特征,而年龄阶段不同,个人的收入、消费与储蓄行为也不同。基于生命周期理论,在选定相关分析指标的基础上,文章使用我国省际平衡面板数据,实证分析了我国人口预期寿命增长和年龄结构改变对国民储蓄率的影响。分析结论表明,人口预期寿命增长提高了我国国民储蓄率;不考虑时间效应时,幼年人口负担比提高会减少国民储蓄率,而老年人口负担比提高会增加国民储蓄率;在考虑时间效应时,幼年人口负担比提高会增加国民储蓄率,而老年人口负担比提高会减少国民储蓄率。对此,文章给出了合理的解释。通过使用多种估计方法,我们发现所得到的结论是基本稳健的。  相似文献   

蔡昉 《人口研究》2004,28(2):2-9
本文援引国际经验,把人口转变引致的不同人口年龄特征阶段看作是经济增长的一个额外源泉,或人口红利;论证了通过高储蓄率、充足的劳动力供给和低抚养比,中国人口转变对改革以来高速经济增长的贡献;揭示了人口红利即将消失的趋势,由此提出最大化促进就业是维持人口对经济增长正面效应的关键.  相似文献   

本文从一个两期的世代交叠模型入手,分析了人口老龄化对储蓄和社会养老保障支出的影响。在此基础上运用动态GMM模型对我国2000~2008年地区面板数据进行实证分析。研究结果表明:第一,人均居民储蓄滞后项对基期储蓄的影响作用较大且高度显著;当期老年人口抚养比对人均居民储蓄的影响为负,上期老年人口抚养比对居民储蓄并没有显著影响。第二,人均养老保障支出滞后项对当期人均养老保障支出影响作用较大且高度显著;当期老年人口抚养比对人均养老保障支出有促进作用,而上期老年人口抚养比抑制了人均养老保障支出的增加。  相似文献   

未来的人口红利——中国经济增长源泉的开拓   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
文章回顾中国经济增长中的人口红利,即在过去30年中人口因素对中国经济增长的贡献,在此基础上,探讨在劳动年龄人口增速放缓、剩余劳动力渐趋枯竭、人口老龄化的条件下,中国如何保持经济增长的可持续性.文章目的主要在于揭示和论证在第一次人口红利式微乃至消失后,仍然可以产生第二次人口红利,避免"人口负债",即通过教育深化提高劳动生产率,保持和延伸中国产业的竞争优势,通过养老保障制度安排创造新的储蓄源泉,以及通过劳动力市场制度安排,扩大人口老龄化时期的劳动力资源和人力资本存量.  相似文献   

我国人口年龄结构、储蓄效应与经济增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文遵循生命周期理论,在构建三期世代交叠模型的基础上,研究了人口年龄结构、储蓄率与经济增长之间的关系.本文运用1991-2010年我国29个省(市、自治区)的省际面板数据进行了实证分析,结果表明:实证分析结果与理论模型的预测分析相一致,其中少年儿童抚养比与储蓄率成呈负相关关系,老年抚养比的寿命效应超过了负担效应与储蓄率呈正相关关系,人口结构变量对人均GDP的影响大都通过了显著性检验,对被解释变量储蓄率和人均GDP增长进行了较好的解释.  相似文献   

人口红利代表的是人口转变过程中能为经济增长提供额外优势的人口年龄结构,随着劳动年龄人口在空间上的转移,会相应形成一种人口红利的空间流动。由于中国长期面临区域发展不平衡的基本国情,人口红利的空间流动便产生了不同的区域经济效应。文章结合人口红利相关理论,对人口红利空间流动及其经济效应进行梳理与分析,并通过对人口红利在中国东、中、西部三大地区做出的经济增长贡献及其变化差异进行实证研究,证明在人口红利式微的背景之下,存在由经济欠发达地区向经济发达地区的人口红利流动推迟了东部地区人口红利向人口负债的转变,东部地区较中西部地区的人口红利机会窗口期关闭得更晚,实现了人口红利的空间补偿,最大化地提升了人口红利的综合经济效率。而东部地区人口质量红利对人口数量红利的替代进程较中西部地区也依然处于领先水平。与此同时,文章也关注到东部地区吸收的人口红利于中西部地区而言则是一种人口红利的流失,使得中西部地区人口红利受到挤兑,扩大了各区域间的经济发展差距。基于这一现实状况,秉持着效率和公平兼具的发展观念,文章认为应通过强化主体功能区建设、完善跨区域补偿机制及推动基本公共服务均等化,以实现区域协调发展和可持续发展。  相似文献   

基于中国综合社会调查(CGSS,2013)数据,分析了经济状况和社会保障对居民养老意愿的影响及城乡差异.研究发现:我国居民养老意愿以自助型及半自助型为主,家庭型次之,社会型最低,农村居民更倾向于家庭型模式;多项Logistic模型的结果显示,经济状况和社会保障因素对居民养老意愿均有显著影响,经济状况和社会保障越好,居民家庭型养老的意愿显著性越低,社会型养老的意愿相对地较高,并且,经济状况和社会保障对城镇居民养老意愿的影响更为显著,对农村居民的影响相对较小.  相似文献   

劳动力抚养负担对居民储蓄率的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在生命周期理论假说基础上,文章运用二步系统GMM方法对中国省际动态面板数据进行估计,并分析了抚养负担对储蓄率的影响.结果发现,少儿抚养负担的下降是促使居民储蓄率上升的重要原因之一,而老年抚养负担对储蓄率的影响并不显著.总抚养负担减轻带来的储蓄率提高主要是由于快速下降的少儿抚养负担引致.  相似文献   

Ira Rosenwalke 《Demography》1969,6(2):151-159
The basic data needed for measurement of the risks of termination of the legal relationship of marriage by characteristics of the marital partners are not available at this time for the United States because the national divorce registration area includes less than half the States. Special studies based on selected census data or the records of marriages and divorces occurring in one State or community have provided much of the valuable but limited information at hand. Statistics for individual States are subject to substantial bias as a consequence of inter-State migration between time of marriage and time of divorce, but they must serve as a basic data source until national reporting has improved. A record linkage study was undertaken which tied marriages occurring in the State of Maryland in 1959 with divorces occurring in the State in the years 1959–66. Relative, not actual, divorce risks by race, age at marriage, and previous marital status were calculated for couples with at least one partner an in-State resident at the time of marriage. The dissolution rate was higher for whites than for nonwhites. Marriages contracted by persons at very youthful ages and by persons who had been married previously were found subject to greater than average risks of dissolution through divorce.  相似文献   

建立政府牵头、计卫联手、资源共享的计划生育技术服务体系 ,开展以知识普及、知情选择、随访服务、咨询指导、健康促进为主要内容的计划生育避孕节育和生殖保健优质服务 ,最大限度地满足社区育龄群众在计划生育和生殖保健方面的需求 ,是城市计划生育技术服务改革发展的方向1 。近几年 ,南京市玄武区计划生育局在区委、区政府的领导以及省市计生委的支持下 ,根据新时期城市计划生育工作改革发展要求 ,积极推进政府计划生育部门的职能转变 ,探索计划生育技术服务方式的改革创新 ,尝试依托社区医疗卫生和妇幼保健服务网络 ,由政府购买计划生育…  相似文献   

On January 12,2015,at the regular press briefing of National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC),NHFPC reported the major tasks in health and family planning in China in 2015.The details are as follows:In-depth Development of Medical and Health System Reform In-depth Development of Medical and Health System Reform.  相似文献   

New Zealand’s fertility fell below the theoretical replacement level (2.1 births per woman) for the first time in recorded history in 1978. It has hovered at or below replacement level ever since. The result, an impression of relative stability, belies changes taking place. Data from the 1981, 1996 and 2006 censuses show a pattern of delayed childbearing and increased childlessness. In a little over 30 years, childlessness has shifted from being almost entirely a consequence of a couple’s infecundity to being as frequently a result of a woman’s life choices. The steady rises in childlessness recorded by successive cohorts suggest that childlessness is already having a significant effect on New Zealand fertility. Patterns in characteristics of those women choosing not to start families, as well as subtle differences in these patterns between New Zealand and other developed nations, suggest that there is a significant potential for childlessness to cause a more dramatic shift in New Zealand’s total fertility rate. This analysis examines growth in childlessness in relation to marital status, country of birth, ethnicity, regional and urban differentials, religion, and educational attainment of women who were childless at the 1981, 1996 and 2006 censuses.
Robert DidhamEmail:

The People's Republic of China, during the second half of the twentieth century, has been repeatedly affected by social and political upheavals associated with government policies. These have produced strong but unexpected impacts on Chinese demographic patterns. Many of these policies are of the sorts that alter reproductive costs and benefits. This study examines patterns in Hebei, Shaanxi, and Shanghai, three provinces with differing ecological, geographic, and economic characteristics. Government policies affected the three populations differentially; this was evident at both aggregate and individual levels. The Great Leap Forward and subsequent famine created higher birth deficits and mortality among the largely rural populations of Hebei and Shaanxi than the more urban Shanghai. In contrast, the Cultural Revolution and family planning resulted in lower fertility levels for women in Shanghai. The population history of China during the second half of last century thus reflects strong state interventions in the lives of its citizens. Government policies, along with regional variations in geographic, social, and economic conditions, strongly influence individual access to resources in China. Variations in timing and intensity of women's reproductive patterns reflect differential access to resources and subsequent trade-offs.  相似文献   

Many studies have used Richins and Dawson’s (J Consum Res 19: 303–316, 1992) Material Values Scale (MVS), applying it to different types of populations that exhibit a particular psychometric behavior, and showing little stability in their factorial structure. In the present study, 1,070 pedagogy students from the northern, central and southern regions of Chile answered the MVS. This sample was randomly divided in two. Using the first sub-sample (N = 539), an exploratory factorial analysis was carried out, from which a structure of nine items was grouped into two factors called “Social Success” and “Personal Happiness”, which presented adequate reliability. Later, with the second sub-sample (N = 531), the factorial structure indicated above was put to the test through a confirmatory factorial analysis. The data from the model show that the scale contains 8 items in total, grouped into two dimensions. The factorial loads are significant at the level of 1 %, which indicates that the 2-factor structure can be confirmed. Finally—using the proposed structure—the presence of the students’ material values was evaluated.  相似文献   

本文在对近20年来我国城市发展进行回顾与反思的基础上,提出了西部制定城市发展战略和选择城市发展道路的基本原则以及若干城市发展对策措施.  相似文献   

Objectives: This paper describes anddiscusses trends in life expectancy inwellbeing between 1989 and 1998.Methods: Data on wellbeing by theBradburn Affect Balance Scale is obtained fromthe Netherlands Continuous Health InterviewSurveys for the calendar years from 1989 to1998. Using Sullivan's method, life expectancyin wellbeing is calculated.Results: For males at the age of 16, lifeexpectancy in wellbeing increases significantlyfrom 52.7 years in 1989 (90.1% of the totallife expectancy) to 54.4 years in 1998(90.8%). This increase is almost completelycaused by the increase in total lifeexpectancy. For females at the age of 16, lifeexpectancy in wellbeing raises significant from54.4 years in 1989 (84.1%) to 56.2 years in1998 (86.3%). This increase is almostcompletely caused by a decrease in the numberof years in a state of distress.For both males and females at the age of 65,the significant increase of life expectancy inwellbeing exceeds the increase in total lifeexpectancy and is mainly caused by the decreasein number of years in distress.Conclusion: Contrary to life expectancyin good perceived health and to disability freelife expectancy – which show a decreasing trend– the overall wellbeing of the population isincreasing. It seems that aspects in human lifethat contribute to wellbeing or quality of lifeother than physical health are gaining inimportance. This makes life expectancy inwellbeing a less appropriate instrument tomonitor changes in population health, but auseful instrument to measure population qualityof life.  相似文献   

在2003年抗击非典的关键时期,国家人口和计划生育委员会进行了全国农村地区跨省流入人口的调查.本文着重分析这项调查所获得的数据,并对数据的一致性做出说明.既揭示了我国农村流动人口的基本特征和非典时期农村人口流动的规模和流向特点,又反映了非典对这一时期全国人口的流动所产生的影响,同时展示了我国抗击非典工作在农村地区所取得的成绩.  相似文献   

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