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This article explores population long-term balanced development for national defense according to the strategic goals set at the 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Three major issues are discussed. Firstly, the concept and connotation of the long-term equilibrium development of national defense population are defi ned, in which population long-term equilibrium is equal to population "longterm safety"including quality balance, quantity balance and population structure equilibrium. And "quantity equilibrium"needs to be considered in both absolute and relative terms. Secondly, the"non-equilibrium"situation of national defense population is examined from the perspective of quality and quantity. Thirdly, policy suggestions in promoting the national defense population equilibrium are proposed with regard to population regulation, human resource development and social security.  相似文献   

Current Situation and Challenges Family planning among the floating population is critical to stabilizing the current low fertility level in China. The majority of the floating population is farmer workers who are sexually active. According to the 2004 sampling survey conducted by the National Statistical Bureau, the number of  相似文献   

The main characters of today’s floating population have changed. Following the progress of urbanization,China is experiencing the greatest migration of floating population in history. By 2010,the floating population had reached 221 million,and the Post- 80s generation became the majority.How to promote social integration for the floating population turned to be an issue needed to be considered. On 28 Februaryist March,National Population and Family Planning Commission held the meeting of"strengthening and innovating in service ma-  相似文献   

China’s urban population exceeded rural population for the first time in Chinese history,reaching 51.27% in 2011.However,the level of urbanization has been exaggerated.If deducting the landless peasants under forced urbanization and migrant workers being not treated equally in the cities,China’ s actual urbanization level stood at 41.6% .There are challenges ahead.For example,an urban social value system has not been established in our society; we don’ t have a clear understanding of the role of cities and how to develop a city; urban management has not prepared well for urbanization development; and there is a long way to go in achieving equal treatment for all of the Urban residents.To cope with the challenges of urbanization,we need to improve the quality of urbanization,correctly understand the role of urbanization and its substance,follow the law of the urban development,and to explore building of an urban culture system.  相似文献   

This paper systematically studies the impact of fertility, mortality, initial age structure and rural-urban migration on population aging in rural and urban China from 2000 to 2010. The results show that urbanisation plays a crucial role in population aging in both rural and urban areas and its inf luence is closely linked to the age pattern of the migrants. One third of young rural population transformed into urban population during that period. The contribution of rural-urban migration to population aging in rural areas is 43.4 percent, which is higher than any inf luences from population’s natural changes, and is dominant in population aging in the countryside. Rural-urban migration contributes-118.0 percent to population aging in urban areas by reducing the proportion of aged population and its influence was only lower than that of the initial age structure. The impact of urbanisation on population aging in towns is relatively limited. Among factors from population’s natural changes, the inf luence of the initial age structure is higher than those from changes of mortality and fertility. The paper discusses the causes and developmental trends of impact of urbanisation on population aging between rural and urban areas, and addresses some policy recommendations to deal with socio-economic challenges.  相似文献   

Using data collected by Center for Population and Development Studies of Renmin University of China in 2009 in Chaoyang district of Beijing, Dongguan city of Guangdong province and Zhuji city of Zhejiang province, this paper does an empirical study on the laddering migration of China’s floating population. The findings indicate that floating population’s geographical laddering migration, occupational laddering migration and family laddering migration exist in the process of migration. Geographical laddering migration is influenced by demographic characteristics, migration experience and pathfinder effect of parents. Occupational laddering migration is influenced by migration experience, stability of occupation and social interaction with local residents in destination. Family laddering migration is influenced by family member’s characteristics, area of arable land, migration experience and the number of relatives in destination.  相似文献   

china's rural economic reform has been ongoing for nearly two decades. As a result, thousands of rural laborers have been freed from land and migrated to cities to seek jobs. This huge migrant population has helped promote economic development in the host cities while increasing their own income. Furthermore, working in cities is really an eye-opening experience for them, exposing them to advanced technologies and more colorful lifestyles. Among the many impacts on the migrant population cau…  相似文献   

This Plan lays out the guidelines, objectives, main tasks and policy measures for ensuring adequate employment, improving social security while controlling the population growth during the 10th five-year plan (2001-2005) period. Challenges Population growth: The issue of population has been a major factor constraining the socio-economic development of China. the country抯 population is expected to increase by 56 million during the next five years, peaking at 1.5 billion by the 2040s. For a …  相似文献   

Notes: 1.All figures in the Communique are preliminary results. 2.Resident population of a given town/street include: people living in the current town/street where their household registration is located or with their household registration to be settled;people living in the current town/street and leaving the town/street of their household registration for over 6 months;people leaving the town/street of their household registration for less than 6 months or working or studying overseas,with their household registration located in the current town/ street. 3.National total in this table do not include po- pulation of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,Macao Special Administrative Region or Taiwan Area. 4.Refers to the proportion of resident population of all provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities to the national total(including servicemen and population with permanent residence difficult to define).  相似文献   

While there is a tendency that family members of migrants reunite in receiving societies, a good proportion of family members lives apart in the process of large-scale internal migration in China. This paper, by focusing on nuclear families of married migrants, explores the latest status, patterns and associates of living apart by making reference to the constraints of public policies and structural constraints in receiving societies. Findings from nationally representative data reveal that, Hukou institution and structural barriers in receiving cities prevent migrants from being reunited. Exclusion is more salient among migrants with their Hukou outside receiving province, moving to coastal or western cities. These suggest that, whilst economic development(e.g., east area) does not necessarily bring about more inclusive public policies, low development level(e.g., west area) is less attractive to migrants and their family. Although the crosssectional character of the data does not enable us to draw definite conclusion that the effect on living apart of institutional and structural factors overweighs that of economic rationality, this paper directly illustrates the way their importance could be assessed.  相似文献   

The population in China抯 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will increase from 6.72 million at present to 8.72 million in 2032 at an annual growth rate of 0.9%, according to Hong Kong SAR statistics. Ninety-three percent of the net increase of two million will be new immigrants and 7% natural growth. Of the new immigrants, 82% will come from mainland China. At present, 150 mainlanders come to Hong Kong for settlement every day, or 54,000 a year. About 40% of them are children. Th…  相似文献   

Do an increase in ageing in developed countries and "getting old before getting rich" in developing countries indicate that fluctuations in the population age structure have produced a qualitative change? What is a qualitative change and what is a quantitative change'? Here we propose a new concept of Shadow Population,then establish a new standard for evaluating population age structure,finally present a typical five stage population age structure type transition model. The model simulation shows that all world regions are still in the adult stage and that population ageing belongs to the category of quantitative change. However, sustained low fertility will lead to a qualitative change in the ageing population. The current pressure of population aging in the adult stage placed on the pension security system shows that this system is truly not retirement age and Long-term stability in a sustainable system,Gradually raising the replacement fertility is the key to solving the socioeconomic development dilemma presented by future population ageing in low fertility regions or cotlntries,but the latter is more urgent.  相似文献   

With drastic changes in both the international and domestic environment for population and family planning development, China faces nine major challenges in its efforts to further its population and family planning program, said Zhang Weiqing, Minister of the National Population and Family Planning Commission, in an article in Qiushi (seeking truth), a journal published by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The challenges include: 1. Unstable low fertility level. Th…  相似文献   

Using the survey data collected by Center for Population and Development of Renmin University of China in 2009 at Chaoyang district of Beijing, Dongguan city of Guangdong province and Zhuji city of Zhejiang province, this paper analyzes the impact of family floating on employment status of floating population and their family members. This paper finds that family floating not only affects men but also women, and family floating has a greater impact on women. The likelyhood of employment and work time of men are affected by family floating, so do the likelyhood of employment and income of women.  相似文献   

Basic Data in 2005 At the end of 2005, the whole province of Zhejiang had a total number of 11.22 million immigrants of childbearing age, of whom 4.32 million were women and 2.99 million were married women. The number of children born to the floating population totaled 17,315, of which 2,943 were out-of-plan births. The fertility rate of the married women of childbearing  相似文献   

To scientifically understand the size, structure, distribution and the trends of changes in the floating population and pay close attention to the survival and development situation of the floating population, the family planning departments make full use of the advantages of the network to speed up the formulation and improvement of the statistical and monitoring system for the whole floating population. The system is featured by "timely data collection, dynamic monitoring, comprehensive analysis and scientific decision-making".  相似文献   

The newly revised Law on Protection of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly will beeffective starting from July 1, 2013. It states that family members should care for and look after the elderly spiritually, and any neglect is forbidden. Family members who live apart from their elderly should regularly visit and greet them. It is also interpreted by media as "writing 'visiting home often' into the law". It will become illegal if children do not visit their elderly ot~en. The new law also requires employers to guarantee their employees' rights to home leave in accordance with relevant regulations of the country.  相似文献   

A recent survey showed that the occupancy rate in the old-age care institutions in Beijing was only 46.1%. The capital city has 329 homes for the aged with 21,268 beds. However, 11,465 beds remain vacant. The leading reason for the high vacancy rate is that most facilities are located in suburban areas, while elderly people and their children prefer care centers close to downtown and their homes because of transportation constraints. Other reasons include high charges, poor servi…  相似文献   

Based on the national 1% population sample survey in 2005, together with CGSS2006 and CHNS2006,the author explored what effect the movement of rural laborers has had on their family welfare. The results are shown as follows: due to the migrant workers long-term vacancy of their role in the family,their left-behind parents could not get enough emotional relief,nor adequate daily care,whereas they had to bear heavy housework,and suffer mental and manual damnification; their left-behind children are also affected negatively concerning their enrollment in schooling,their building of interests,and their participation in learning.Hence the government should take actions to reduce the loss in their family welfare and to ease their worries.  相似文献   

Since the establishment of the new Chinese,family planning policy in our country has experienced the development course of wave type.We found that changes in fertility policy along with the continuous adjustment of social mechanism,from the 1950s mainly by administrative plan and control mode,gradually to the 1990s mainly by guide-service and security mode.The current fertility policy,leap the limitations of pure administrative orders,under the care of social mechanism,soften the institutional power single implied in the whole social framework,through the power system of multi level,reconcile the gap between national population awareness and individual reproductive behavior,provide the harmonious strength for population development.  相似文献   

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