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江苏省农村已婚女性劳动力非农就业的影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章基于对江苏省农村的问卷调查,建立Probit模型来研究影响农村已婚女性劳动力非农就业的主要因素.研究结果表明,年龄的增长降低了女性从事非农就业尤其是外出就业的可能性;文化程度越高的女性非农就业的可能性越大,且文化程度越高者更倾向于留在本地就业;拥有技能的女性通常选择外出就业;配偶从事非农就业的女性比配偶纯粹务农的女性更有可能从事非农就业;另外,相比较于经济发达的苏南农村,苏中与苏北农村非农产业部门的吸纳能力相对不足,当地女性非农就业的主要途径是外出.  相似文献   

农村外出劳动力回流迁移的影响因素和回流效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任远  施闻 《人口研究》2017,(2):71-83
文章分析农村外出劳动力回流迁移的影响因素.农村外出劳动力在城市就业、经济收入和社会保障的排斥影响他们的回流,同时回流迁移也受到家庭生活、家庭劳动力状况、家庭农业活动和农地状况等因素的影响.外出劳动力的回流迁移是“被动回流”和“主动回流”相结合的过程、是个体决策和家庭决策的综合过程.文章提出劳动力回流迁移具有“回流效应”,回流带来人力资本的补偿、促进流出地非农经济的发展和带来创业的增长.劳动力回流作为城镇化过程中内生的逆迁移流,构成乡城迁移和劳动力市场平衡的补充机制,与乡城迁移一起促进城镇化和城乡平衡发展.文章提出在城镇化过程中需要支持“迁移效应”和“回流效应”机制共同发挥作用.  相似文献   

农民工汇款与家庭收入不平等:基于反事实收入的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用来自于农村劳动力输出大省湖北省的调研数据来考察农民工汇款对输出地家庭收入不平等的影响。研究结果表明,当我们简单将农民工汇款看成外生的转移收入时,农民工汇款能改善农村家庭的收入不平等状况。不过,当考虑到农村劳动力外出务工的选择性,并通过引入工具变量来构建那些外出劳动力户的反事实收入时,我们会得到相反的结论:由于那些外出务工劳动力往往来自于经济状况较好的家庭,农民工汇款扩大了农村家庭的收入不平等状况,家庭人均收入的基尼系数从反事实收入情形下的0.3551上升至实际收入情形下的0.3774。  相似文献   

肖冬华  姚会元 《西北人口》2009,30(6):11-15,22
当前,受全球金融危机的影响,我国出现了近几十年来罕见的农民工回流现象。本文运用CES经济增长模型对新形势下农民工回流问题进行实证分析。发现城市产出水平、城市工资水平、资本价格、农村收入、农村劳动力外出打工付出的成本、城市失业劳动力总量等是影响农民工回流的主要因素,并提出解决农民工回流问题的针对性措施。  相似文献   

刘洪银 《西北人口》2011,32(1):6-10
农村劳动力非农就业对农村收入分配的影响关系到农村社会发展。借助社会调查数据,文章通过模拟参与方程和收入方程,采用直接法计算出调查地区农村劳动力非农就业的农村收入分配效应。研究表明,农村劳动力非农就业促进了农村收入分布的均等,非农就业量与农村收入均等化之间呈倒U型关系趋势。研究进一步提出了合理选择农村劳动力非农就业方式的建议。  相似文献   

利用江苏地区农户调研资料,归纳总结新生代农村劳动力的非农就业行为及主要特征,并利用结构方程模型进一步剖析资本类型对非农就业行为的影响机制和作用路径。研究结果表明,以职业规划能力和受教育程度为主的个体资本正向影响新生代农村劳动力非农就业行为,但作用程度低于其它资本。其它资本中以社会资源衡量的社会资本对非农就业行为影响尤其显著。资本类型对非农就业区域的影响远高于非农就业行业。基于上述研究结论,文章最后提出提升群体受教育水平和职业规划能力、构建多维度非农就业权益保障机制与公共就业服务体系、优化产业区域布局与发挥城市集聚效应的政策建议。  相似文献   

劳动力回流后的个人发展及影响因素研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石智雷 《西北人口》2012,33(3):79-83
迁移劳动力返乡后,利用外出务工期间积累的资本、技术从事自我经营,或者创办实业,发展新的产业,成为当前农村劳动力转移的一个新现象。国内外学术界关于迁移劳动力回流后个人发展的研究,主要关注的是回流劳动力就业行为和收入能力,分析外出务工经历对农村劳动力职业转变和创业行为的影响,并考察了迁移劳动力返乡以后,是否会促进技术的改进和新技能的传播。迁移劳动力回流后的就业选择将对回流地的就业结构、就业机会和工资结构等产生怎样的影响,有待进一步检验。  相似文献   

农村劳动力从非农部门回流到农业部门阻碍了我国经济结构转型以及城镇化战略的推进。本文基于2008年中国综合社会调查数据,通过建立Probit模型分析了导致这一现象的原因。研究发现,农村劳动力回流到农业部门主要受其人力资本和社会资本状况及地理因素的影响,具体而言,教育程度低、健康状态不佳、父亲教育程度低、农村户口、居住在西部地区以及远离城镇等增加了农村劳动力从非农部门回流到农业部门的风险。  相似文献   

中国农村地区的家庭禀赋与外出务工劳动力回流   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国农村地区家庭禀赋对个人的行为决策有着重要的影响,需要学术界予以更多的关注。为了考察外生性的家庭禀赋对劳动力就业流动的影响,文章通过构建新生代外出务工劳动力和户主子女的回流决策两个计量模型来进行经验论证。分析结果表明,农村劳动力的迁移选择是综合考虑家庭禀赋状况的理性决策,尤其是对于年轻一代的外出劳动力。家庭经济资本的增加会阻碍家庭外出务工成员的回流。外出劳动力回流的概率起初随着家庭人力资本和家庭自然资本的增长而上升,达到一定程度后开始下降。家庭成员只有拥有较为丰富的人力资本,外出务工劳动力才能对家庭社会资本加以充分利用。另外,分析显示年轻一代劳动力和第一代劳动力对家庭社会资本和自然资本的利用是有差异的。  相似文献   

外出农民工作为中国流动人口的重要组成部分,其流向涉及农民工市民化和城乡一体化的整体布局,对城乡资源分配格局的谋划具有重要的参考意义。在不同的研究视角中,对外出群体不恰当的统计方式会误导对农民工市民化成本和劳动力流出地发展方向的判断。文章从现有外出农民工统计方式的历史发展出发,讨论其中存在的逻辑惯性,指出这一惯性与现实发展之间的矛盾,并利用CLDS2016年数据识别出被忽视的“在家异地就业”群体。据此,文章将外出农民工话题分为“从流入地看外出的流动性”和“从流出地看外出的非农性”两种视角。文章建议,在关注流动性时,以离家为样本筛选的逻辑起点,以县域作为外出的空间边界;在关注非农性时,可以忽略其是否离家,而考虑以镇(乡)域作为外出的空间边界。  相似文献   

农村劳动力回流与劳动力密集型产业的开发   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
不同于以往农村劳动力的外流,近年来出现的“逆潮回归”现象是农村劳动力流动的一大转变。通过对农村劳动力流出及回流的“推-拉” 因素的比较分析,不难看出回流现象存在的可能性与现实性。回流者通过自己的才识展现,为回流地输入资金、技术和人力资本,带动当地新型的劳动力密集型产业的开发,表现为发展农业产业一体化,促使传统产业的梯度转移,以及在城乡之间、先进和落后地区之间建立全新的要素分配机制。  相似文献   

对90年代回流农村劳动力创业行为的实证研究   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
本文以 90年代安徽省农村劳动力由城市打工后返回本地创业的 193个个案调查为基础 ,对农村劳动力从外出打工到回乡创业的—般规律进行了实证分析 ,从动机、资源、资本等多角度阐明了外出打工与回乡创业之间的内在联系 ,探讨了回流农村劳动力的创业“机理” ,提出不发达地区政府应鼓励和支持有—定打工积累的外出农民回乡创业 ,以推动本地区的经济发展  相似文献   

Individual level differentials between migrants and nonmigrants are examined to ascertain the likelihood of return migration to a prior residence based on characteristics at the time of departure from place of origin. Analysis focuses on comparisons of Hispanics, blacks and whites, examining the odds of return migration by education, employment status, marital status, home ownership, length of residence, gender, age, and migration interval. The 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79) is utilized to identify 13,798 preliminary migrations that may be followed by at least one return migration. Findings indicate a sharp decline in propensity to return migrate as length of absence from origin increases. Regardless of length of time since the preliminary migration, both blacks and Hispanics are more likely to return migrate than are whites. Individuals who resided at place of origin for longer periods before leaving had strikingly higher odds for return migration.  相似文献   

人口流动家庭化及其影响因素——以北京市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章基于2006年北京市1‰流动人口抽样调查,考察北京市流动人口的家庭模式及其流动家庭化的影响因素。调查结果显示,北京市流动人口的家庭化率已达到60%。流动人口家庭模式是以一对夫妻户和一对夫妻加孩子户为主的核心家庭为主导,以一代户和二代户为主。3/4的已婚流动人口携带了配偶,有孩子的流动人口中有一半携带了孩子,这些孩子中有近20%是在北京出生的。流动人口的平均家庭规模为2人,明显小于全国农村的平均家庭规模(3.4人)。流动人口的个人特征及在京居住地显著影响人口流动家庭化,同时还发现非经济因素成为比经济因素更为重要的人口流动家庭化影响因素。  相似文献   


Tourism and recreational second-home development has increased rapidly in peripheral and lower tier cities of China in recent years. While tourism-led real estate development has been widely accepted as an effective investment opportunity, it can increase urban segregation and stratification. This pattern is seen in the resort city of Sanya on Hainan Island, China. Sanya’s recreational second homes vary in form and can be categorized into (1) elite-vacation second homes (short stay, private homes), (2) lifestyle-migration second homes (short stay, commercial homes), and (3) retirement-migration second homes (longer term, seasonal homes). Unlike the segregated cities formed by displaced labor migrants in many of China’s cities, seasonal recreational migrants are both economically better-off and are emerging as a dominant political force. The segregated residential spaces created by Sanya’s second-home development landscape further limits interaction and social network building between indigenous local residents and part-time recreational migrants. The perceived home space and feelings of place attachment towards Sanya is under drastic change, with locals feeling increasingly displaced. The new mosaic of consumption-led amenity cities in developing economies is one where traditional models of migration-based segregation are reversed. Wealthier second-home migrants have the capacity for more political power than local residents, as well as relying more on non-localized social networks and multi-nodal home spaces. Consumption-led mobility is an important determinant in building explanations of socio-spatial segregation and stratification in global cities that are undergoing dramatic development change.  相似文献   

We examined migration in China using the 2005 inter-census population survey, in which migrants were registered at both their place of original (hukou) residence and at their destination. We find evidence that the estimated number of internal migrants in China is extremely sensitive to the enumeration method. We estimate that the traditional destination-based survey method fails to account for more than a third of migrants found using comparable origin-based methods. The ‘missing’ migrants are disproportionately young, male, and holders of rural hukou. We find that origin-based methods are more effective at capturing migrants who travel short distances for short periods, whereas destination-based methods are more effective when entire households have migrated and no remaining family members are located at the hukou location. We conclude with a set of policy recommendations for the design of population surveys in countries with large migrant populations.  相似文献   

黄颖 《南方人口》2013,(6):44-53
本文使用原国家人口和计划生育委员会2010年“流动人口动态监测”调查原始数据,对不同类型移民子女的家庭发展环境和状况进行考察.具体分析了我国移民子女全部随迁、全部留守和部分随迁家庭的规模、结构及迁移特点,各类家庭的收入与消费特征,从安居乐业的角度研究移民子女家庭的稳定性.最后针对移民子女家庭的主要发展问题与发展需求,文章提出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

Many migrants have non-labour motives to migrate, and they differ substantially from labour migrants in their migration behaviour. For family migrants, the decision to return is highly influenced by changes in their marital status. Using administrative panel data on the entire population of recent family immigrants to the Netherlands, we estimate the effect of a divorce and remarriage on the hazard of leaving the Netherlands using a ‘timing of events’ model. The model allows for correlated unobserved heterogeneity across the migration, the divorce and remarriage processes. The family migrants are divided into five groups based on the Human Development Index (HDI) of their country of birth. We find that both divorce and remarriage increase return of family migrants from less-developed countries. Remarriage of family migrants from developed countries makes them more prone to stay. Young migrants are influenced most by a divorce. The impact of the timing of a divorce and remarriage on return is quantified graphically.  相似文献   

Data from the nationally representative 1993 Migration and Urbanization Survey of Nigeria are used to simultaneously examine the patterns of rural-rural and rural-urban migration in Nigeria. A multinomial logistic regression model predicts the independent and collective association between individual, household, and regional variables and migration from rural areas to rural and urban destinations. Associations between education, religion and ethnicity and migration propensities exist at the national level. The Kanuri-Shua Arabs are generally non-migrants, the Hausa-Fulani and Yoruba are predominantly rural-rural migrants and the Igbo-Ibibio and Urhobo-Isoko-Edo are predominantly ruralurban migrants. Christians are significantly more mobile than Muslims. While the highly educated are most likely to choose an urban destination, a significant proportion migrate to other rural areas. Concern over population concentration is not supported, as rural migrants move to all regions and to urban and rural areas.  相似文献   

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