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杨珍丽 《城市》2016,(11):11-14
统筹城乡发展是我国全面建设小康社会的内在要求,也是解决"三农"问题的有效途径,而统筹城乡产业发展是统筹城乡发展的前提和重要内容.望城区城乡产业发展现状为:农业产业化水平不断提升,工业辐射作用不强;经济结构不协调,第三产业发展相对滞后;产业载体建设成效显著,产业支撑能力有限.针对望城区城乡产业发展的基础和问题,提出望城区以产业推进城乡统筹发展,实现城乡经济社会一体化的路径:加快城乡产业集群化发展、 促进城乡三次产业融合发展、 提高农业产业化水平及制定城乡统筹产业政策.  相似文献   

统筹城乡发展是科学发展观的重要组成部分,是党中央为有效解决城乡发展失衡、“三农”问题和改变城乡二元经济结构体制作出的战略决策,它既是我国新时期区域发展的重要原则,也为新时期加快我国区域发展指明了方向。在统筹城乡发展的大趋势、大背景下,作为农业大省的湖北省,如何依据自身特点,明确统筹城乡发展的思路,提出更有效地发展对策,对当前加快湖北新一轮大发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着我国经济与社会的不断发展,越来越多的人开始认识到,"三农"问题是关系党和国家全局性的根本问题。而不解决好农民的医疗保障问题,就无法实现全面建设小康社会的目标,也谈不上现代化社会的完全建立。大量的理论研究和实践经验也已表明,在农村建立新型合作医疗制度势在必行。  相似文献   

正在京津冀一体化建设的大格局下,以河北省第一经济增长极定位的唐山市曹妃甸区,在新的战略机遇面前,如何推进京津冀一体化建设的进程,以实现第一经济增长极发展目标,是需要全市、全区上下共同探讨并认真加以实践的。目前唐山市在经济和社会事业发展中,客观上还存在一定的城乡差别。因此,统筹城乡发展,则成为融入京津冀一体化建设大格局的必然选择。如何统筹城乡发展?笔者认为,首要的是要解决好"三农"问题,而解决"三农"问题的当务之急是打破城乡分割体制,建立起城乡统一制度,以利于统筹城乡发展。只有把这个问题彻底解决好,在推进京津冀一体化建设的进程中逐步减少农民,推进农村富余劳动力转移,降低农业比重,工业化和城市化就有了坚实的制度基础。  相似文献   

新一届政府把“三农”问题,即农村、农民和农业问题作为未来若干年的工作重点难点来抓。没有占我国人口大多数的农村的发展和进步,我国就不可能真正实现现代化。加强农村基层文化建设,发展农村先进文化,在解决“三农”问题中意义特别重大。笔者就这个问题对文成县农村的法制建设、文化建设,提高精神文明程度提出四点看法。  相似文献   

农村城镇化是指农村人口和非农产业向农村城镇集聚的经济社会过程.这一过程不仅有利于我国解决"三农"(农村、农业、农民)问题,也有利于缓解城市的内需不足与市场制约,减轻农村人口向城市高速流动的压力.大力发展农村城镇,并依托它们促进周边地区的农业向"区域化布局、专业化生产、一体化经营"的方向发展,从根本上解决我国农村人多地少的矛盾,实现土地的规模经营,农业产业化的效率和效益得到充分发挥.因此,积极推进农村城镇化和农业产业化的协同发展,已成为我国农村经济社会发展的重大问题.  相似文献   

王维 《职业》2009,(30)
农村劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移,是建设现代农业,解决"三农"问题的重要途径,是经济和社会发展的必然要求,是我国社会进步的重要标志.改革开放给农村经济发展注入了新的活力,同时也给富余劳动力向非农产业转移提供了大量就业机会,加快了农村城镇化进程,促进了城市和农村的共同发展,农村劳动力转移已成为推动城乡经济协调发展的重要途径.  相似文献   

实现党的全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的关键,难点在农村。而城镇化作为社会生产力变化所引起的人类生产生活和居住方式改变的过程,对解决我国当前农业、农村和农民等一系列问题至关重要。因此,必须采取有效措施,加快城镇化进程,促进农业、农村、农民问题的有效解决。本文阐述了城镇化是破解"三农"问题的必由之路,提出建立推进城镇化的体制框架,合理规划城镇发展体系,是切实解决城镇化存在的问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

城镇化是经济社会发展的必然结果。经过半个多世纪的发展,中国城镇化取得了令世人瞩目的成就,进入了高速发展的阶段,但仍然存在很多问题,我国城镇化有很明显的政府烙印;农村经济社会发展滞后;农民的总体素质与农民市民化的要求不相适应;"城市病"问题突出。为解决这些问题,我们必须提高城镇化质量;统筹城乡发展;构建进城农民素质教育大平台;有序推进农业转移人口市民化,将生态文明理念和原则融入城镇化的全过程。  相似文献   

城镇化视角下农村社会管理创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈庆立 《城市观察》2013,23(1):65-75,49
农村社会是中国社会的基础,加强社会管理的重点应该在农村、在基层。当前我国要实现城乡统筹发展,必须开展农村社会管理创新,提高农村社会管理科学化水平。本文以分析具体案例为重点,以解决实际问题为目标,重点研究我国农村社会管理中存在的问题和矛盾,同时借鉴国内外先进的社区管理理念和管理模式,旨在提出新的适合我国农村社会管理实际的模式,以期对我国加快新农村建设有所启示。  相似文献   

Although the changing nature of rural society has received considerable attention over the last two decades, there is a sense in which the importance of class conflict in rural areas has yet to be fully explored. There has been a preoccupation with matters of local authenticity in these communities, and the portrayal of social relations has been founded on a theatre of ‘locals vs newcomers’. Thus, class conflict has been accepted as the staging of a play-off between middle class in-migrants and the indigenous working class element of the community.In this paper we attempt to deal with the problem of class conflict from a rather different perspective. Specifically, we are less interested in inter-class conflict, and more interested in intra-class conflict. We argue that intra-class conflict can be a significant motive force in the economic, social and cultural constitution of rural areas.  相似文献   

Utility value of services in rural areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

杨玲 《城市》2009,(5):25-28
房屋作为农民最主要的财产.无法像城市居民的房屋一样成为财产性收入.更无法实现增值。如何实现城乡统筹发展.形成城乡经济发展一体化.宅基地流转成为一个亟待破解的问题。中共十七届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于推进农村改革发展若干重大问题的决定》打破了非农建设用地必须征为国有的现有格局.提出要逐步建立城乡统一的建设用地市场.农村集体土地被赋予与国有土地同等重要的地位。  相似文献   

《Journal of Rural Studies》1994,10(4):387-394
This paper is an attempt to look into the future of the rural areas of Europe, on the basis of a set of assumptions regarding community enlargement, continued gradual integration and a relatively stable European and global political environment. In the agricultural sphere continued reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), environmental issues, the intensification and new uses for surplus land are discussed. The complexities of recent rural population and employment trends are recognised and it is suggested that in many areas diversification has already taken place, often without support from deliberate diversification policies. The paper concludes by noting the current rise in interest in rural development policy throughout Europe, and highlighting some of the conflicts between alternative visions of the way forward.  相似文献   

A sample of 1,004 eighth and tenth grade students in twenty-three small Central/East Texas communities was assessed to determine 1) their perception of the number of their friends who use drugs, 2) the amount of information they received about drugs from their friends, and 3) the connection between those perceptions and drug use. A multiple regression model which included grade, gender, the degree to which friends are perceived to use drugs and the amount of information about drugs received from friends explained 39 percent of the variance in the degree to which rural adolescents were involved in drug use. An item specific analysis of the subcomponents of these composite variables explained 44 percent of the variance in the degree to which rural adolescents were involved in drug use. This same four-factor model accurately classified over 81 percent of non-drug-users and 67 percent of users using discriminant analysis. Students who perceived a higher degree of drug use among their friends and who received more information about drugs from their friends used drugs more frequently. Lower marijuana use in these rural areas as compared to the nation, both as a peer perception and as a fact, may protect these students to a degree from broader patterns of drug use. The findings of this study support the theory that peer pressure is related to drug abuse, even in rural areas.  相似文献   

The EC White Paper — The Future of Rural Society — identifies three “standard problems” of rural areas, but the first, which characterises areas associated with “the pressures of modern development”, receives little attention in the remainder of the document. This paper explains why it is particularly important that the peri-urban areas are not ignored in the development of rural policy. In the first place, the problems of these areas are inextricably linked to those of areas of rural decline and if such links are ignored the resulting partial analysis of rural problems may cause some important policy-options to be overlooked. Second, there continue to be pockets of disadvantage within the peri-urban areas where deprivation is likely to be increased by close proximity to an affluent majority. Finally, the paper analyses the Rural Community Strategy for Berkshire, a nonstatutory document prepared by a group drawn from governmental, quasi-governmental and non-governmental organisations in one peri-urban area of southern England. This shows that while the broad agenda of rural policy issues (covering employment, housing and services), may be very similar to that found in areas of rural decline the rationale for intervention is somewhat different, and transport issues may lie at the heart of the “standard problem” of these areas.  相似文献   

Measuring the determinants of relative economic performance of rural areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the determinants of economic performance of 149 English rural Local Authority Districts (LADs). A Three Stage Least Square (3SLS) estimation procedure was employed to jointly determine the influence of a wide range of indicators representing economic, human, cultural and environmental capital, as well as less tangible or ‘soft’ factors on three distinct components of economic performance: productivity, employment and labor market participation. The results reveal that a range of facets of economic and human capital, including the three key drivers of productivity (skills, investment and enterprise), spatial factors (peripherality and accessibility), and other key factors (economic structure, government infrastructure, road infrastructure, and occupational health), are significant determinants of economic performance in rural areas. This study is of value since it proposes a method for modelling the determinants of economic performance which is transferable to other environments in the UK and beyond. In addition, it proposes a set of benchmarks of economic performance using readily available data, and highlights some implications for rural policy and several avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Australians live in diverse areas, city and country, coast and hinterland, desert and rainforest, urban and remote areas. While much social work practice is located in large population centres, the problem of providing a social work service in rural and remote areas is a challenging one. This article examines some of the issues for rural social workers practicing where networks are small and multilayered, anonymity, privacy and safety for the social worker cannot be guaranteed, and a broad range of knowledge and skills are demanded. As a profession, it is important to acknowledge the complexity of delivering an ethical, responsive and appropriate service in rural areas. For rural social workers, this challenge impacts in both their professional and personal roles.  相似文献   

The completion of the Single European Market, the availability to regions of EC assistance and the growing volume of EC legislation to be implemented at the local level have begun to lead to important changes in the roles and responsibilities of many U.K. local authorities. The power of sub-national government in most EC states is likely to be enhanced by the move towards a ‘Europe of the Regions’. However, there are constraints on British local authorities which may render them less able to respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by closer European integration than their counterparts in other parts of the Community. Authorities in rural areas face particular problems, not shared by metropolitan areas. However, some of the recent approaches which have been taken by rural authorities in the U.K. demonstrate ways of overcoming the difficulties they face in responding to Europeanisation. Similar strategies might usefully be adopted by other authorities which have not as yet been closely involved with EC initiatives and programmes.  相似文献   

The western United States offers a case study on the importance of access to large population centers and their markets, via road and air travel, for economic development. The vast distances between towns and cities in the American West can be a detriment to business, yet they also serve to attract technology and knowledge-based workers seeking to live in a picturesque setting. In spite of the increasing importance of amenities to migration and business location, also needed is access to markets, particularly via commercial air service. We test a new county classification system for the western United States to reflect differing degrees of access to population centers and account for the increasing importance of airports. Past classifications are based on population size and cross-county commuting. We examine the validity of this new classification and test for differences in economic performance among the three county types. Our findings show that there are three distinct Wests that can be classified using economic performance measures and socioeconomic characteristics. The results show that “metro” and “isolated” counties are clearly distinct, but “connected” counties, those that are rural in nature but have ready access to metropolitan areas via air travel, can be difficult to distinguish from “metro” and “isolated” counties. Much of the variation is explained by travel distance to airports. The findings illustrate the importance of airports in rural development, and the limitations facing those communities that are isolated from markets and population centers. The results apply to other parts of the world with similar characteristics that include large expanses of open space, natural amenities that attract migrants and stimulate new business, and different degrees of access to large population centers via road or air travel, and therefore different rates of economic growth.  相似文献   

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