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Features of the current strategic environment Qin Yaqing: Peace and development are the two main themes of the international system in the present era. The features of the current era are in sharp contrast with those of the era of "war and revolution." In the latter, the most striking expression of international relations was war between states. Survival was the first item on a state's agenda,  相似文献   

The War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression was a war by the Chinese people to resist the Japanese imperialist attempts to destroy China, to preserve the integrity of China's independence and sovereignty and to fight for the survival of the Chinese nation, and was thus a completely just war. But, as Chinese and world history has proved, a just  相似文献   

<正>Both the CPC and its leaders have attached much importance to history.This was an especially distinctive trait in Mao Zedong. President Xi Jinping carries on this tradition, and develops it in the new historical period.The 22nd International Congress of Historical Science was opened in Jinan in August 2015,to which President Xi Jinping wrote a congratulatory letter. It was a very unusual event in the history of the CPC. By referring to the inseparable connection between history and real...  相似文献   

Each of the three departments responsible for formulating British policies on Tibet within the British government, the British India Office, the British Foreign Office and the Government of British India, often stuck to its own views and pursued a line representing its own interests during the Second World War. Especially in 1945 when the war was coming to an end, changes in the international situation rapidly intensified their disputes and contradictions over the policy on Tibet.  相似文献   

Sino-US relations are a well-studied andfruitful field in the study of foreign relationsof the People's Republic of China,partly dueto the frequent exchanges between the re-searchers of the two countries-which havehad immeasurable effects to China's acade-  相似文献   

Direct Japanese investment in China during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression meant frenzied predation. In the initial stage of the war, the Japanese government focused on bringing Northeast China into its wartime economic system and on the creation of "an integrated Japanese  相似文献   

"Human literature" and "free literature" are two basic ideas advocated repeatedly by liberal Chinese writers from Hu Shi to Zhu Guangqian. They are also two key propositions in Chinese liberal literature. In the chaotic and complex environment of the 1930s and 1940s, in joint efforts with Hu Shi and Zhou Zuoren from the 1920s on, with the Crescent School, the Beijing School and the Analects School in this period, and with Zhu Guangqian and Xiao Qian in the 1940s, Liang Shiqiu spared no efforts to defend and deepen these two basic propositions.  相似文献   

Studies on the history of international relations during the Cold War and on the history of external relations of People's Republic of China (PRC) have been two new hot topics in Chinese historiographic circles in the last decade. For a long time, studies in  相似文献   

In the West human rights do not remainonly at the level of appeals and cries fromsome thinkers but are embodied in basic be-lief and the values of the general public. Theconcept of human rights is intrinsically re-lated to the whole intellectual tradition, espe-cially to religion and culture. It serves notonly as a utilitarian rationality but also as valuerationality. However, in their absorption andintroduction of the Western concept of hu-man rights in the 19th and early 20th centuries,the …  相似文献   

Interviews with 80 old married people in the area of Beijing show that the emancipation of urban women in China in the 1950s was multi-layered and limited. In the wake of national liberation the broad masses of laboring women achieved, to some extent, class emancipation and cast off, in part, the domination of the authority of the husband and the yoke of traditional gender-based roles. They were inspired by a sense of being masters of the country and marched a step further along the road of individual freedom and development. However, like the women's liberation movement in modern times the emancipation of urban women in  相似文献   

China is and will remain for a long time to come in the primary stageof socialism. This is a scientific conclusion drawn by the CommunistParty of China (CPC) based on China's present economic and socialdevelopment, and after summing up historical experiences and lessons.This conclusion is a true reflection of the basic Chinese conditions andserves as an objective basis and starting point for the determination of theobjectives in the socialist modernization drive, and the formulation ofvario…  相似文献   

During the Ming and Qing dynasties there were numerous socialrelief and charitable activities in China's cities. Although little researchhas been conducted in this field in China, fruitful work has been carriedout in Japan, and Fuba Susumi's studies on charitable houses (shan tang)and charitable societies (shan hui ) in communities south of the YangtzeRiver (Jiangnan) have laid a solid foundation for such research.Social relief was provided by both government and non-governmentorganization…  相似文献   

The term "community" bears totally different meanings at different times in China.
In the era of the planned economy, social welfare, social services, and even political mobilization and social control, were largely the responsibilities of the danwei (work units) that were subordinate to the government in China. Every danwei, whether economic in nature (e.g., factories, shops and people's communes) or a public institution (e.g., schools, hospitals and nursing homes) had to provide its members with an economic livelihood, medical care, education, and an old-age pension, in addition to undertaking its designated business. This extended to members' dependent children, for whose medical insurance and other benefits the danwei was responsible. A danwei was even responsible for matters in its members' private life such as marriage and funerals and mediating family disputes, in addition to ideological control and political education. Such being the case, all members of society were directly and closely bound to their danwei in terms of interests. In other words, every member of society was a typical "'danwei man." It was very hard for neighborhoods to play any social, cultural, political or economic role and form any "community" in the real sense of the word. Therefore, the economic, political and social institutions of that era are now called "danwei-based institutions."  相似文献   

The Wusong-Shanghai Railway was thefirst railway officially put into operation inmodern China and therefore its constructionand abandonment have gone down in rail-way history both in China and abroad as afamous event. Over a long period of time,the intellectual community has generally be-lieved that the populace opposed the con-struction of the railroad because of their ideasabout feng-shui, or geomantic configuration,and their national consciousness. Actually,the populace adopted a variety …  相似文献   

Phillip Melanchthon (originally, P.Schwartzerd, 1497-1560) was an eminentfigure in the 16th century European move-ment of religious reform, whose historicalposition in the Reformation was only next toMartin Luther (1483-1546) and John Calvin(1509-1564). From his teens, he had beengroomed by humanist Johannes Rauchlin(1455-1522) and had come under the influ-ence of Desiderius Erasmus (1469-1536), sothat he grew up to be a humanistic scholar.He was active in the movement, doing hisutmost to…  相似文献   

Establishing a dialogue with the Enlightenment spirit has been a constant challenge confronting the intellectual community. A review of human history reveals that whenever social progress comes to a turning point, the topic of Enlightenment will inevitably be raised, giving rise to a new round of heated discussions triggered by doubts, reflections and criticisms in relation to Enlightenment. Today, although Enlightenment and the modem rule of law have not yet been accepted as general social practices, the'modernization that embodies the Enlightenment spirit and the appeal of the rule of law has actually transcended purely academic boundaries. In a sense, it could be said, "modemization" has taken root in the minds of the majority of Chinese, epitomizing almost all their expectations and imaginations about life in the future. In the final analysis, re-opening the discussion of enlightenment represents a new attempt to unravel the complex of contradictions within the dual tensions between ancient times and modemity and between China and the West, identify the causes of intemal and external conflicts, explore the humanistic foundation of modem states ruled by law and the true values inherent in the Enlightenment, and discover the significance of these values for contemporary China in theory and practice, in an attempt to pursue a realistic path and find the intellectual and cultural resources for the establishment of a modem state ruled by law.  相似文献   

Jesuit Johann Adam Schall von Bell(Tang Ruowang, 1591-1666) was a cel-ebrated Catholic missionary who came toChina to preach the gospel at the period ofthe transition between the Ming and the Qingdynasties. He was an eminent figure in thehistory of cultural exchange between the Eastand West, the history of Chinese science andtechnology, and even the official historicalbooks of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Re-nowned as one of the two great Jesuits incompany with Matteo Ricci (1552-1610),…  相似文献   

Sanxia or the Three Gorges refers to the final section of the upperreaches of the Yangtze River, an area covering seven counties inChongqing and Hubei,namely, Fengjie, Wushan, Wuxi (Daning in theQing dynasty), Badong, Zigui (Guizhou in the Qing dynasty), Xingshanand Yichang. The first three counties belonged to Kuizhou Prefecture inSichuan (the capital of which was today's Fengjie in Chongqing), whilethe last four belonged to Yichang Prefecture in Hubei (the capital ofwhich was today'…  相似文献   

This paper attempts to provide a basisfor analysis of the most private relationshipsbetween individuals’sex behavior andsociety,the economy,institutions and cul-ture through an investigation of the commer-cial sex trade behavior of both sexes.Thestudy is based on a sample from two deten-tion and education centers in Shanghai.Therewere250effective responses from the malegroup and760effective responses from thefemale group.Thirty were interviewed.Thefindings follow:a.The general prevalence of …  相似文献   

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