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圣彼得堡的建筑是具有内涵的建筑古迹之一,运用绘画与摄影手法构建而成。尤其是它的历史中心,是首都建筑群中最杰出、新奇的城市建筑之一,其建造于18—20世纪。圣彼得堡为了保护历史建筑和人文环境做了许多努力,有许多成功经验,对我国古建筑保护有指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

在园林美术当中,色彩对比与调和是其中最关键的设计原则,合理设计园林美术建筑物质载体,最终获取色彩配置方案。然而,要想合理掌握园林美术色彩设计的技巧具有较大的难度,但是,最终的目的就是确保园林整体色彩更加协调与统一,并获取最理想的视觉美感,而这也同样具备固定的规律。为此,文章对园林美术当中的建筑色彩规划设计意义进行了分析与研究,同时阐述了园林规划设计的建筑色彩原则。  相似文献   

自50年代起,阿拉伯湾的地下石油喷涌而出,海湾国家经济随之日益繁荣,掀起了城市建设的热潮。如今,城市逐渐向沙漠、农田延伸,摩天大楼拔地而起,新落成的城市覆盖了1/4的沙漠。旧城区按最先进的标准改建,但城市建筑多仿照欧洲的式样和风格,未能充分体现阿拉伯建筑艺术。  相似文献   

郭喜东 《城市》2007,(3):41-44
2006年8月,国务院批准的<天津城市总体规划(2006~2020年)>明确提出:到2020年把天津建成国际港口城市、北方经济中心和生态城市.这个战略决策是以构建城市生态安全为基础,进而实现天津经济社会的可持续发展的目标.因此,建设生态城市既是对天津城市化前景的前瞻性思维,也是一项充满艰巨挑战的生态建设工程,一项造福天津和子孙后代的浩大工程.  相似文献   

桂离宫作为日式经典园林的代表,其室内部空间的可塑性较强,室内外环境衔接自然,室外景观成为室内的一部分。  相似文献   

在风水学的研究中,学者们认为自然界的超微离子和磁场会对人体产生明显的正负影响,并认为在自然界中任何物质都会产生作用于人体的超微离子和磁场,这些能量随着环境不断改变,也随着人体自身场态信息的改变而改变.这些信息能量可以使我们心情愉悦、思维敏捷、健康长寿,也可以使人思维迟钝、神经恍惚、多病早逝!而风水就是在地基、居所布局等基础上增加某种信息符号,以满足人们避凶趋吉的心理要求!  相似文献   

一、建筑和园林文化的现状当代的城市建设、园林打造,有科技、功能、设施等行业规范标准,比如《风景园林图例6图示标准》CJJ 67-95、《城市道路绿化规划与设计规范》建标【1997】259号等等,规定了如园林植物乔木、灌木、草坪的比例,叶色、花色、四季植物的搭配,  相似文献   

王明浩 《城市》2008,(12):76-77
最近,认真阅读了任致远先生的新作《解析城市与城市科学》,顿觉眼前一亮,收获匪浅。也许我读书不多,但可以说,这是一本近几年来我所读到的城市科学领域内难得的好书。读后,体会颇多,现就以我浅薄的知识把该书的精彩之处概括如下:  相似文献   

在风水学的研究中,学者们认为自然界的超微离子和磁场会对人体产生明显的正负影响,并认为在自然界中任何物质都会产生作用于人体的超微离子和磁场,这些能量随着环境不断改变,也随着人体自身场态信息的改变而改变。这些信息能量可以使我们心情愉悦、思维敏捷、健康长寿,也可以使人思维迟钝、神经恍惚、多病早逝!而风水就是在地基、居所布局等基础上增加某种信息符号,以满足人们避凶趋吉的心理要求! 在人的一生中,人体不断与外界进行物质能量和信息的交换,对自然电磁波的变化的反映,必然伴有一些物理和化学现象。人体在外界影响下发生一系列生理、生物化学现象,为风水学的作用机能提供了依据!  相似文献   

自城市科学概念提出以来,在一批致力于城市科学研究的专家、学者和实际工作者的不懈努力下,经过20多年的迅速发展,城市科学为振兴城市经济、促进城市建设、繁荣民族文化作出了突出的贡献,指导和推动着城市的发展.  相似文献   

王文元 《城市》2003,(2):57-58
一、旧城改造20世纪是世界大城市旧城改造的高峰期。第二次世界大战的结束是旧城改造的第一个契机与转折点,信息数字化浪潮则是旧城改造的第二个契机与转折点。首先考察第一个转折点。第二次世界大战之前,旧城改造已经是迫在眉睫的事情了,只是缺少一个契机把这个耗资巨大的事业启动起来。“二战”在客观上担当了启动者的角色。当今世界最发达的城市恰恰多是被战争毁坏最甚的城市(当然也有一些诸如美国等未直接遭受到战争破坏的国家),如英国的伦敦、法国的巴黎、德国的柏林、匈牙利的布达佩斯、日本的东京以及新加坡、香港等,都遭受到战争毁…  相似文献   

张帆 《城市》2009,(11):26-29
发展休闲产业、打造“休闲城市”正在成为一个城市在新一轮发展竞争中的战略举措。  相似文献   

Ebru Ozer 《Urban Ecosystems》2014,17(1):195-204
The quest for sustainability in the design and development of buildings and cities has expressed itself predominantly as a pursuit of ever-greater efficiency. Urban systems have been developed to achieve energy and resource savings in an attempt to eliminate their environmentally negative impacts. The end goal would seem to be to make buildings and cities virtually invisible within the context of the natural environment and to extract humanity from that which is natural. This approach could be termed as a hyper-efficiency sustainability model. In this approach, the impacts of human beings and their functional systems are seen as contaminants that need reduction or removal. Although driven by a desire to preserve the Earth’s natural systems, such an approach ultimately creates greater division between humanity and nature and may not bring sustainability. As an alternative to a hyper-efficiency model of sustainability, a model should be pursued that focuses more on developing an integrative relationship between civilization and environment akin to mutualism in biology. Such an approach, which could be termed as a mutualistic sustainability model, incorporates natural systems and elements into the structures and functions of buildings and cities, with the goal of achieving cooperative and positive interaction between humanity and nature. Such integration can create opportunities to support living organisms and biological systems in an ecologically contributive manner, while fulfilling human infrastructural needs. It offers a more positive alternative to efficiency based strategies and has the potential to establish a healthier and more productive relationship between humanity and the Earth’s natural systems. This paper elaborates on these two distinct approaches to sustainability and presents an examination of recent green building projects and green infrastructure projects. It analyses specific strategies and methods to contrast and compare manifestations of both approaches, providing valuable lessons and insights for designing sustainable buildings and cities.  相似文献   

Van Long  Nguyen  Cheng  Yuning  Le  Tu Dam Ngoc 《Urban Ecosystems》2020,23(3):675-687
Urban Ecosystems - Natural conditions and indigenous culture are fundamental factors creating the hydrological landscape system of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. A study of the indigenous landscape...  相似文献   

Shaped by European influences, the Brazilian urban landscape was marked by the predominant use of exotic species in planted areas. In the 19th century along the city streets of Rio de Janeiro, trees were planted at a standard distance from each other. With time, native species began to be used in the urban landscape. Our purpose was to evaluate the utilization of exotic plant species in the urban landscape of Rio de Janeiro, evaluate the city’s arboreal deficit, and relate its neighborhood arboreal density to its economic index. Arboreal deficit represents the negative difference between the total number of expected trees and the observed number in the streets based in the standard distance used in the past. Twenty native and 40 exotic species were found in the 1701 streets sampled. A high percent of streets did not have any planted trees and the number of trees was greater in wealthier neighborhoods. The strong prevalence of exotic species is indicative of the negative impact of human activity on the biota. Since the municipality of Rio de Janeiro harbors forested areas, the risk for dissemination of exotic species is high.  相似文献   

王旭东 《城市》2004,(3):11-12
进入20世纪80年代以来,受到经济增长和科技进步的有力驱动,我国建筑材料生产规模不断扩大、品种不断增多,到2000年,水泥、平板玻璃、建筑卫生陶瓷和部分非金属矿产品的产量已位居世界第一,经历了"由大变强、靠新出强"的转变.建材行业成为一个十分广阔的工业领域,确立了其在国民经济体系中的支柱产业地位.  相似文献   

傅崇兰 《城市》2010,(6):3-11
一、前言北京市委十届七次全会指出,首都已经进人了全面建设现代化国际大都市的新阶段,强调要从建设世界城市的高度,审视首都的发展建设,提高科学发展的水平、规划建设的档次和服务管理的水准。围绕“人文北京、科技北京、绿色北京”建设,北京市委、市政府作出了实施南城发展行动计划、打造永定河绿色生态发展带、加快生态涵养区发展、做大做强高端功能区、大力发展实体经济等一系列决策部署。  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean, long-term land-use changes have resulted into landscape mosaics composed of very few ancient woodland remnants scattered across extended post-agricultural woodlands. Patches of ancient woodlands are now suffering rapid urban growth that reduces their area and impact their associated biodiversity. Here we use the case study of Montpellier, one of the most dynamic cities in France, to 1) characterize temporal changes in land covers (between 1860 and 2006) in its area, and 2) using two guilds of fungal bioindicators (i.e., polypores and lichens), to compare biodiversity stakes between ancient and secondary Mediterranean woodlands. We used a combination of historical maps, archives, fungal collections and field survey in eight Quercus ilex patches (4 ancient versus 4 recent replicates) to reconstruct landscapes dynamics and assess biodiversity changes. From the 19th to the 21st century, over half (52.4%) of the ancient woodlands within Montpellier were replaced by other land covers, mainly by urban equipment, while secondary patches (16.8% of the total area) were naturally established. Remaining ancient woodlands show multi-layered vegetation made of multi-secular Pinus halepensis dominating a dynamic understorey made of Quercus ilex and various Mediterranean shrubs. Polypores, but not macrolichens, tended to differ in community composition between ancient and recent woodland patches, with the highest diversity found in ancient woodlands. This study highlights that urban woodland patches of contrasted histories harbour distinct biodiversity stakes to be included in urban planning and provide valuable areas to evaluate biodiversity patterns and dynamics.  相似文献   

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