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A significant amount of research has been conducted on exploring the determinants of protest participation in the 1960s. There have been few quantitative studies, however, that explore the determinants of more recent protest participation. Utilizing multivariate analysis on data from the 1990 American Citizen Participation Study, this research note explores whether the determinants of more recent protest participation are comparable to the determinants of protest participation in the 1960s. Socialization and biographical availability are a primary focus of interest. Findings show that demographic predictors of more recent protest involvement differ from factors that predicted protest involvement in the 1960s. Parental socialization is not as influential today as it was in the 1960s while biographical availability continues to be an important determinant of protest participation.  相似文献   

Information on participation with kin, with friends, and in voluntary associations was used to test two competing hypothescs of the effects of social mobility on social relations. The dissociative hypothesis maintains that mobility leads to social isolation, while the socialization hypothesis predicts an adptive outcome to mobility. The relationship is more complex than either position would suggest. Social mobility is associated with isolation from kin and friends, but only for the upwardly mobile. The findings obtained with voluntary associations support the socialization hypothesis in that the level of membership of the socially mobile is intermediate between the two stable groups. Social mobility has maladaptive consequences for more intimate and personal social relations, but it is integrative as far as participation in voluntary associations is concerned.  相似文献   


Nurses, functioning in expanded roles, have created uneasiness in some circles, particularly medicine. Will these new roles for nurses be competitive or collaborative? It is the thesis of the author that the nurse's new expanded role, which is fast becoming the norm, will be collaborative if there is 1) adequate understanding between the disciplines of nursing and medicine of their respective characteristics and range of activities, and if there is clarification of organizational, financial and certification issues; 2) adequate differentiation between the definitions of health and medical needs; 3) adequate attention and resources are given to prevention of disease and disability and promotion of health in a world dominated by medicine and episodic care; 4) organization and financing of health services that accommodate the utilization of nurses in expanded roles; 5) nurses who prepare themselves scientifically, humanistically, and politically for the type and kind of practitioner that society needs; and if 6) certification of individuals and accreditation of educational programs are controlled by the respective professional group.

However, if the expansion of nursing practice is not recognized, reimbursed, and rewarded appropriately, there will be interprofessional competition for patients or clients, for funds, and for political power.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to outline and assess the utility of a model capable of accounting for several consequences of confinement. Toward that end an attempt is made to integrate several variables emphasized by the two basic paradigms which have been advanced to account for patterns of assimilation into the inmate society, the “deprivation model” and the “importation model,” into a model that draws heavily on the logic of Etzioni's compliance theory.

The findings, which are based on an analysis of data obtained from a sample of 276 inmates confined in a maximum security penitentiary, provide substantial support for the theoretical expectations. Specifically, two measures of assimilation into the inmate society, degree of prisonization and type of social role adaptation, are shown to be related to several indicators of preprison experience, prison-specific influences, and the quality of post-release expectations. These two assimilation variables, in turn, are shown to be strongly associated with variables which imply that coercive organizations of the type represented by prisons are most unlikely to attain any rehabilitative goals. To the contrary, they seem far more likely to stimulate changes that are predictive of postrelease reinvolvement in criminality.  相似文献   

Mass Communication and Political Socialization: Specifying the Effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey investigation of teenagers examined differential socializationeffects of four news media on four types of political knowledgeand behavior among several categories of youth on the basisof abilities and predispositions. Regression analyses of questionnaireresponses from 280 seventh and tenth grade students show thatTV news exposure is the strongest predictor variable. The broadcastmedia have a greater impact on current events knowledge thanfundamental political knowledge, while a slight reversal occursfor the print media. Newspaper reading has the greatest effecton participation. There are predominantly uniform relationshipsacross subgroups, providing little evidence that the news mediaproduce knowledge or behavior gaps.  相似文献   

青年一代应当在乡村社会治理中发挥更大作用,有关青年如何参与乡村社会治理并实现有效参与成为研究热点。对青年参与乡村社会治理的实证研究发现,年龄问题束缚了青年参与乡村社会治理的行为动力;青年对社会保障水平、公民间信任水平、社会公平公正水平的评价会对青年参与乡村社会治理的行为动力产生赋能效应;接受过高等教育是当代青年的优势之一,对其参与乡村社会治理的行为动力具有一定的促进意义,但若受到生活方面问题的干扰,参与动力则会大幅减弱。要建构青年有效参与乡村社会治理的动力系统,各类社会组织应形成扎根乡村的宣传合力、创新线上+线下融合化参与方式、完善青年人才引进及配套机制、确保青年社保及公共服务的人性化与持续化供给。  相似文献   

Many analysts of civil society argue that the path from activity in voluntary associations to political participation is largely mediated—membership leads to unintentional political socialization through discussion and/or cognitive engagement, which then leads to participation. Others, however, have noted that groups are often effective in the direct mobilization of their members. This article tests these competing claims, while also considering the extent to which the mediation process relies on negative social capital (targeted requests for activity). Employing a series of structural equation models, I find strong support for the mediation argument, as well as for the perspective that negative social capital is a significant mediator in the pathway from social joiner to political activist.  相似文献   

大众传媒暴露出越来越多的问题,如对性题材的滥用,对暴力的崇拜,对超自然力量的渲染,对美的另类化等,这些问题对青少年产生诸多负面影响.因此,传媒应当有更多的自律和改进,包括加强政府的示范和导向,提升媒体形象的定位,提高创作者的素养等.  相似文献   

随着我国工业化、城市化、现代化进程的日益加快,大量农村剩余劳动力进城务工就业,对农村青少年的健康成长造成了一定的影响.笔者在对苏南苏州和苏北盐城两地实地调研的基础上,结合其他学者的研究资料,用生命历程理论对农村青少年社会化问题进行了剖析,并提出相应的解决对策,以期对农村青少年的健康成长有所裨益.  相似文献   

This paper conceptualizes and estimates a model of welfare participation that tests for community effects. Theoretically, the model is consistent with Fischer's (1984) notion of urban life, and a welfare participation model developed by Rank and Hirschl (1993). The empirical analysis includes aggregate and multivariate tests, and an identification of these effects in terms of household knowledge and behavior. We find strong evidence that community structure influences the decision to get food stamps, and one notable difference with the Rank and Hirschl findings: community poverty level is a more powerful and global predictor of participation than is population density. The findings suggest emendations to Wilson's notion of the truly disadvantaged insofar as residence in high poverty areas afford opportunities for information exchange and the development of specialized networks.  相似文献   

We investigate the widely held premise that welfare participation causes women to refrain from marriage. Using data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing study (N = 3,219), we employ an event history approach to study transitions to marriage among mothers who have had a non-marital birth. We find that welfare participation reduces the likelihood of transitioning to marriage (hazard ratio is .67, p < .01), but only while the mother is receiving benefits. Once the mother leaves welfare, past receipt has little effect on marriage. We infer that the negative association between welfare participation and subsequent marriage reflects temporary economic disincentives rather than an erosion of values.  相似文献   

在新型农村社区建设中,社区建设吸引青年返乡回流,青年成为新型农村社区建设的突击队和生力军,两者之间形成良性的互动关系。从实践来看,青年参与新型农村社区建设,主要表现为思想带动型、就业促进型、项目带头型和社会管理型4种介入方式。共青团组织依托新型农村社区建设的契机,通过组织格局创新、终端阵地建设和活动品牌融入,实现对农村青年的再组织化,成为新型农村社区建设的一支重要力量。  相似文献   


The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the social networks of Appalachian adolescents to understand socialization strategies and goals. A total of 46 interviews were conducted with five families (mothers, fathers, and adolescents) and 11 socialization agents the families identified as exerting significant influence in the lives of the adolescents. Interviews were transcribed and then analyzed using principles of grounded theory. Five themes developed from the interviews: the importance of community to the socialization process, adult involvement and support, adolescent monitoring, teaching respect and responsibility, and adolescent autonomy. Results suggest the need for in-depth investigation of adolescent development within a variety of cultural and social contexts to more fully understand these processes.  相似文献   

Effects of Anonymity and Social Setting on Survey Responses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anonymity was tested by placing an identifying number on halfof the questionnaires on a mail survey designed to elicit reactionsfrom teachers concerning teacher unions. Bias due to socialsetting was tested by mailing half the questionnaires to teachersat their home addresses, the other half to teachers at theirschool addresses. In a two-by-two factorial design, anonymityand social setting had no appreciable effect on response orspeed of return, although social setting did have an effecton return rate. Respondents receiving the questionnaire at theirschool address had a higher return rate than those receivingit at home  相似文献   

Abstract The objective of this study is to examine female labor force participation and its determinants in rural and urban China. The sociological literature has demonstrated that participation tends to increase in urban and industrialized places where women have higher levels of education and fewer children, where more workers are engaged in service pursuits, and where family structure is less traditional. With the use of data on counties and cities (N = 2,377) from the I-percent sample of the 1982 census of the People's Republic of China, it was found that female labor force participation is likely to rise in areas with increased agricultural employment, educational levels, proportion of female-headed households, and higher male-to-female sex ratios. Both the size of the service sector and the fertility rate had negligible effects on female labor force participation. Although, on average, rural places have slightly higher levels of female labor force participation, when other variables are controlled, urban places have a higher rate of female participation. In addition, the findings suggest that market factors (i.e., education) are more likely to determine the rate of female labor force participation in urban areas; whereas demographic and social factors (i.e., sex ratio and household structure) play a more important role in explaining the female labor force participation in rural counties.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - Informal volunteering is seen as an important indicator of social relations and community life. We therefore investigate...  相似文献   

Abstract As they examine the complex issues currently facing rural America, rural sociologists draw increasingly on studies of community attachment. Because this research tradition has established the superiority of the systemic model, recent studies in rural and urban settings have focused on the conceptualization and operationalization of its components. We introduce four operational refinements to this model, and we test our refined model with data from one geographic area in south-west Louisiana. We find that, although our operational refinements improve our understanding of community attachment, additional refinements are necessary. We conclude by exploring the implications of community attachment studies for attempts to revitalize community in rural settings.  相似文献   

城市与乡村作为两种不同的人类生活环境,存在着许多差异.在世界城市化浪潮中,一些已实现城市化的国家城乡之间的差距正在逐渐缩小,甚至出现了逆城市化趋势,严格意义上的城乡差别已变得模糊.我国也正在向城市化方向迈进,但由于长期的城乡二元社会、经济结构的存在,市场经济条件下城乡面临不同的发展机遇而发展不同步等原因,目前中国的城乡差别依然是不容忽视的.  相似文献   

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