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India currently is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. One sector of Indian economy that has played a critical role in transforming the Indian economy has been its banking sector. But this sector of Indian economy has also gone through a major transition that is still in progress. Many events and policies have contributed in this transition. One pivotal variable has been the growing profitability of this sector in the recent years. But profitability in banking sector is affected by numerous factors. These factors can be internal or external. In this research we shall try to examine the most important factors that may stem from both internal and external factors, which affect profitability of Indian banking sector. For this study a balanced panel data set is used that is drawn from Indian banking industry. The data is compiled for the purpose of investigating the nature of the relationship between the profitability and the factors that determine profitability of banks in India. The results of the study clearly demonstrate a close correlation between both internal and external factors and the level of profitability of banks in India.  相似文献   

During the modern phase of economic reforms directed at the establishment of market economy, many countries with transition economies face the challenge of solving the issue of formation and rational usage of internal sources of financing the real sector of the economy, as well as attracting considerable volume of direct foreign investment. In general, financial market imperfections hold back innovation and growth, and that public policy can complement financial markets. Therefore, the most relevant issue at the present time is the formation of attendant and complex supervision institutions, as well as an exigency of innovative economy governance as mainframe principles for further banking system elaboration and financial sector development in general. We have taken Armenia as a case study for transition economy as far as Armenia is currently in the stage of capital market development through integration into international financial markets.   相似文献   

Politicians and economists of transition countries fear a low-quality trap for their economies. We present a model of international trade with two countries and two qualities of goods model where high-quality production exhibits economies of scale and low-quality production does not. Depending on transaction costs, the low-quality good will be produced either in the low-wage economy (i.e., the transition country) only or it will not be traded at all. Regarding the high-quality good, we discuss three potential reasons why transition countries may be trapped in the production of low quality when economies of scale in production prevail: (a) international trade policy (i.e., GATT / WTO); (b) external economies due to quality uncertainty; (c) external economies due to demand effects (big push). All reasons favor incumbents over entrants and thus lead to a low-quality trap for transition economies due to the existence of incumbents located in industrialized countries.  相似文献   

偏离为实体经济服务的"影子银行"会创造金融泡沫;统计监管社会金融资产规模是关注"影子银行"活动的重要措施;尊重市场主体的投资和融资自主权是市场配置资源的基本要义,资金是配置资源的龙头,风险自担是尊重自主权的前提;明确法律关系、发展资产管理市场是搞活投资渠道的重点。  相似文献   

The post-socialist countries are, by the standards of the EU, poor countries. The major developmental task facing these countries is, therefore, that of catching up with their more prosperous neighbours. The scope for catch-up is defined in terms of the levels of social capability exhibited by these societies and their capacity to establish technological congruence with the leading firms from the advanced industrial economies. S&T systems in the broadest sense are shown to be key factors in relation to both social capability and technological congruence. Detailed analysis of the transition countries indicates that the catch-up process is hampered across the board by specific gaps in social capability and elements of technological incongruence. These can in turn be traced to specific structural trends, in particular in relation to foreign investment, and to specific weaknesses of institutional development, cutting across the public/private dividing line, notably in relation to R&D systems and banking systems. Consideration of all these factors suggests that there can be no assumption that the transition countries will automatically catch up with western Europe, and that some disfavoured transition countries may, indeed, continue to fall behind.  相似文献   

Usury regulations focus both on explicit recommendations, such as disclosure statements in lending acts or interest rate caps, and on incentives for the formal banking sector to reach the poor. Considerable attention is also devoted to adequate sanctions for the practice of usury. We propose a theoretical model to investigate where to direct reforms to curb usury. Our primary policy implication is the convenience of polarizing the allocation of public resources in either legal safeguards for formal lenders or sanction enforcement against usurers. Furthermore, we demonstrate that in developing countries such policy interventions may backfire when borrowers' higher wealth implies increasing inequality in its distribution. Therefore, countries undertaking reforms against predatory lending should be aware of their growth path during transition.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the foreign funding mix of globally active banks. Using BIS international banking statistics for a panel of 12 advanced economies, we detect a structural break in international bank funding at the onset of the great financial crisis. In their postbreak business model, banks rely less on cross‐border liabilities and, instead, tap funds from outside their jurisdictions by making more active use of their subsidiaries and branches, as well as interoffice accounts within the same banking group. (JEL C32, F65, G21)  相似文献   

伊斯兰银行诞生于20世纪五十年代末。目前,全球已有近80个国家开办了伊斯兰银行及相关业务,伊斯兰金融体系已颇具规模,欧美国家也相继推出了打造全球伊斯兰金融中心的战略规划,以伊斯兰银行为主体的伊斯兰金融呈现出旺盛的生命力。与此同时,由于西方经济体系在全球经济中极具威权性,占据了全球经济发展的主导地位,伊斯兰金融体系在与西方经济体系的碰撞中,也面临着一系列挑战。因此,如何实现与异质经济系统的成功衔接就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the banking system of Serbia. First, we briefly overview the institutional and legal framework of the banking system and describe the main structural features of the sector. Then we discuss the evolution in traditional banking intermediation, and outline the main features of the banking competitive environment, focusing on the transformations in ownership structure of banks, especially on the increasing importance of foreign ownership, and summarising the key characteristics of major players.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the ways in which real exchange rate changes have affected macroeconomic and structural developments in transition economies. More specifically, it deals with four issues: it analyzes the real exchange rate dynamics in transition economies; it provides a comparative evaluation of the exchange rate regimes adopted by transition countries; it focuses on the link between exchange rate movements and financial crises; and it discusses the applicability of the Balassa–Samuelson hypothesis to transition economies.  相似文献   

This study seeks to extend the body of knowledge of pro-social behavior in comparative market settings by reporting on a high-stakes ultimatum game and revelation game experiments in two transition economies: Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. While controlling for cultural differences and framing effects, we find statistically significant differences in fairness and honesty behavior between the two countries. Specifically, subjects in Uzbekistan (in an earlier stage of transition to a market economy) are fairer and more honest than their later-stage Kazakh counterparts. Our experimental findings have implications for the literature on pro-social behavior and market economies, and more generally, on the transmission process between formal and informal institutions.  相似文献   

We discuss the main tendencies and forms of international financial integration in both developing and developed economies. Integration of financial markets is a topic of economic debates especially for developed and transition economies, particularly Armenia, because it is the most effective way of overcoming the main problems of financial-sector development of transition economies. But there are many problems on the way of financial integration, which are summarized into four groups: institutional problems, legislative problems, macroeconomic instability, and technical problems. All of these problems are analyzed in the article for Armenia, though they are quite relevant for most transition countries.   相似文献   

Ergonomics and accessibility in banking has been the subject of numerous discussions, and in this work proposed by the partnership of companies and NR TN Mobile Work Safety and Occupational Medicine, aimed to analyze the service box and propose the development of a project to the teller accessible account of both the legal aspects regarding the factors inherent in banking, focusing primarily on the interface of the worker and the client user.  相似文献   

Taking into consideration the importance of having a strong banking system, the issue of bank performance evaluation and analysis becomes essential for the bank regulation process in the countries with an emerging economy. For banking performance evaluation and analysis various methods are used in international practice. These methods have many disadvantages and are unusable for the banking systems in the countries with transition economy. In this article a new and complex system of analysis and evaluation of bank performance is described. This is a multidimensional system of bank performance indicators. This system enables to analyze bank performance through integrated indicators, viewing them in corresponding surfaces. Implementation of this system will allow to efficiently analyze bank performance by different directions, to reveal existing problems in the bank, to make corresponding regulation decisions for each bank, and to and group banks according to different criteria.  相似文献   

It is generally agreed that privatization of state-owned enterprises improves economic efficiency, but it is also widely feared that it exacerbates unemployment especially in transition and developing economies. This paper proposes a theoretical model of the macroeconomic relationships between privatization, efficiency, output, and employment. The model explains how privatization affects employment in transition and developing economies through different, and often opposing, channels. As a result, job losses at firms being privatized may result in overall job gains or losses in the economy, depending on the macroeconomic conditions. We apply this model to China and find that the model provides an intuitively appealing explanation for the job gains and losses caused by privatization in China during its transition. The model further suggests policies to maximize the gains and minimize the costs of privatization.  相似文献   

We analysed the relation between foreign direct investment and the quality of the institutional environment in transition economies. The analysis confirmed a significant impact of various institutional aspects on the inflow of foreign capital. To isolate the importance of the institutional environment from the impact of other factors, a panel data analysis was performed using the data of 24 transition economies in the period 1995–2002. The results showed that in the observed period the quality of the institutional environment significantly influenced the level of foreign direct investment in transition economies. Other variables that proved to have a statistically significant influence were budget deficit, insider privatization, and labour cost per hour.  相似文献   

Certain types of laws and institutions shape economic behavior in market economies. In Eastern Europe these general rules and market institutions are often nonexistent, and a major problem is to create market economies while simultaneously building the supporting institutions. We describe the type of institutions inherited from Soviet-style economies and show institutional reforms and macroeconomic policies may have limited effects due to the interdependence and lack of complementary market institutions. Without a "critical mass" of market institutions, the benefits of markets are slow in realization. The advantages of reforming existing but distorted institutions over building new ones is stressed.  相似文献   

当法官(法律)面对村民及其关系密切群体时,对方无结构洞,而自己周边有法律洞,处于不利的网络位置。为此,法官(法律)采取将村长、习惯法和调解嵌入的策略,填补法律洞以提高结构自主性。当法官(法律)面对陌生人群体时,可利用对方存在结构洞以提高结构自主性,但这时的法官(法律)还未处于自己无法律洞而对方有结构洞的最佳网络位置。因此,中国法治最紧迫的任务是实现国家制定法与中国因素的有机融合以填补法律洞。  相似文献   

In Mexico, the nongovernmental organization Sevisio, Desarrollo y Paz, A.C. (SEDEPAC) is helping poor women acquire legal knowledge in an economic climate characterized by the increased feminization of poverty brought about by the Structural Adjustment Program. The Mexican legal system is grounded in a patriarchal tradition, and the codified laws continue to favor men. Women were not granted full citizenship until 1953, and discrimination against women was not addressed in Mexican law until 1974 as the country prepared to host the First UN International Women's Conference. However, legal advances are not being applied in the family or in larger society where men remain in power. Mexico also distinguishes between private law and public law. Because domestic violence falls in the realm of private law, authorities are loathe to follow-up on women's complaints in this area. Since its founding in 1983, SEDEPAC has applied a gender perspective to its activities and programs. SEDEPAC held its first women's legal workshop in 1987 and realized that most poor women have no knowledge of existing laws or their rights, that alternative legal services for women are scarce, that existing laws must be changed, and that the authoritarian and conservative legal system helps maintain cultural stereotypes. Since then, SEDEPAC has held annual workshops, follow-up meetings, and training sessions and has provided counseling. The main topics addressed are women's social conditions; violence and the penal code; civil rights, power, and dependency; women's bodies and reproductive rights; and women's organization and leadership. The workshops use techniques of popular education such as group participation and use of gossip as a communication tool. The workshops have changed participants' lives and led to the formation of an independent Popular Defenders' Coordination.  相似文献   

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