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以哲理散文蜚声国内文坛,被称为"江淮才女、大陆三毛"的女作家王英琦,近几年突然由文入武,并在1999年"第六届国际太极拳联谊赛"上出人意料地夺得一等奖,引起文学界和武术界不小的震动,有媒体载文称其为"中国第一位有武功的作家"。  相似文献   

<正>12月11日,记者从中国儿童少年基金会获悉,第七届"全国十佳春蕾园丁"、"全国十佳春蕾女童"评选结果出炉。有2名小学生、4名初中生、4名高中生被选入了"春蕾十佳女童"。与以往几届评选以义务教育阶段的"春蕾生"为主不同,本届的评选结果反映了"春蕾计划"在资助义务教育阶  相似文献   

吴东 《女性天地》2005,(2):24-24
第五届“中国十大女杰”评选活动于近期正式拉开序幕。广西柳州市的全国知名企业家江佩珍成为35名候选人中唯一的广西人。此次活动由全国妇联等单位联合举办,在各省、自治区、直辖市  相似文献   

3月15日,十二届全国人大第三次会议举行闭幕会,全国政协十二届三次会议也已于13日闭幕。连日来,习近平等七常委密集下团组参加审议,兼顾东中西部,可谓"走遍中国"。常委们的集中发声,往往可以看出中央的发展思路和工作重心。在此,特别为您梳理了常委们两会期间的精彩话语。  相似文献   

2006年3月3日下午,中国人民政治协商会议第十届全国委员会第四次会议在北京人民大会堂开幕。全国政协会议期间,女委员积极参政议政,承担起共商国事的重任。  相似文献   

木子 《伴侣(A版)》2014,(2):12-14
正前段时间热播的电视剧《非缘勿扰》中,秦岚扮演了一个"二上加二"的"井姐",她不矫情、不做作,以犀利的态度对待男人和生活,被网友称为"女汉子"。而新戏《填四川》中,秦岚再度把"女汉子"升级,这次她饰演一个扎入男人堆里的霸气女强人,带领众多兄弟填川。虽然不会骑马,她却坚持拒用替身,并冒险练就一身骑技,连导演也被她的勇气所震撼。在生活中,她与导演陆川更有许多令人忍俊不禁的"悍"事……这个美女"很爷们儿"  相似文献   

2009年2月24日,"四川在线"论坛上出现一张"寻找艾滋女大学生"的帖子:一名女大学生在校期间与一名老板发生关系后,感染了艾滋病,已失去活下去的信心,人突然失踪!发帖是艾滋女生的好友,她急切呼吁大家帮忙寻找。此帖一出,立即引起网民们的高度紧张,成都记者和志愿者迅即开展了紧急救援行动。那么,这名神秘的"艾滋女生"最终被找到了吗?她的真实身份究竟是谁?她是否真的被感染上艾滋?这个让人匪夷所思又引人深思的故事又将告诉我们什么呢?  相似文献   

性别秩序是特定历史进程中关系网络的建构,它支配着男男女女的日常生活与社会实践。性别类型表征着文化对性别特征的调配或想象,它连带着复杂的权力关系与多变的身份认同。如果缺少这样的理论视野,就难以深刻理解作为一种文化现象的"女汉子"——从古代的"女侠"到现代的"铁姑娘"、"女特工",再到最近的"女屌丝"——何以生成及其多样的内涵。  相似文献   

正你可以否定我的才华,但不能否定我的辛苦……说起演艺圈的才女,徐静蕾当仁不让,除了做演员外,她还从事了歌手、导演、博主、主编、北京电影学院导演系老师等职业,其手写字体还入过方正字库。她也可以算是个"财女",虽然开店亏过本,但见势不妙及时调转船头,从那之后每一笔投资都精准无误。如今,才女兼财女的徐静蕾有了第三个头衔——"裁女"。因为她迷上了纯手工制作,而且做出了名堂。对于自己的新爱好,徐静蕾用一句话总结——做手艺人,很快乐!在洛杉矶布料店当小学徒  相似文献   

日前,有网帖爆料称四川宜宾市南溪区地税局为接待上级领导,安排该局女协税员"陪吃、陪唱、陪跳",发帖人甚至在帖中哀叹:"简直把我们当成‘三陪’女了"。帖中附上该局的一份《奖惩制度》,规定女协税员"24小时手机不准关机",如"怠慢领  相似文献   

每年3月,全国人民代表大会和中国人民政治协商会议在北京召开全体会议,来自全国各地、各行各业的代表委员们齐聚首部,共商国是,简称为“两会”。  相似文献   

Disability-related legislation in the People's Republic of China has gone largely unrecognised in the North, with the exception of the Maternal and Infant Health Care Law. Failure to contextualise the law has resulted in a simplistic presentation of the Chinese government's response to disability and impairment. This paper takes a first step towards redressing that imbalance. Recent disability legislation is outlined. The emergence of eugenicstyle policies in China is then reconsidered, with reference to the history of Chinese eugenics, the national interests of the current Chinese government and the internationalisation of disability. The complexity of the Chinese government's response re-opens the debate on the place of prevention within a politics of disablement.  相似文献   

全国人大常委会副委员长、全国妇联主席陈至立谈中国妇女事业发展。  相似文献   

“友谊勋章”获得者伊莎白·柯鲁克是新中国英语教学的拓荒者,为中国教育事业和对外友好交流、促进中国与加拿大民间友好交往做出了杰出贡献。她说:“我非常幸运,见证了这个伟大的时代。相信我深受的中国越来越好,祝福中国人民越来越幸福。”  相似文献   

Background An age-related decline in growth hormone (GH) level has been established, and this decline is associated with changes in body composition as well as a general increase in susceptibility to illness and a reduced sense of well-being. The current study, a first in Asia, sought to examine the effects of GH therapy on body composition and other endocrine and metabolic functions in a group of healthy elderly Chinese men.

Methods A total of 23 healthy elderly Chinese men, aged between 60 and 69 years, were injected subcutaneously, three times weekly, with 0.08 U/kg of recombinant GH for 6 months. Various hormones and biochemical parameters, together with percentage lean body mass and body fat, were measured before, 3 and 6 months after the start and 3 months after the cessation of GH therapy.

Results A significant increase in lean body mass, up to 9.1% over baseline values at 3 months post-therapy, and a significant decrease in body fat, up to 3.1%, were noted. GH therapy also induced variable and significant increases in levels of insulin growth factor (IGF-I), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), insulin, triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and triglyceride and significant reductions in glucose and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels. No changes in testosterone, free androgen index and cholesterol were noted. A significant and independent correlation was noted between IGF-I and insulin, TSH, DHEAS, glucose and triglyceride levels.

Conclusions GH augmentation therapy was effective in improving the body composition of a group of elderly Chinese men. GH-induced positive changes in body composition in the elderly were probably a result of the direct effect of the GH. It is also possible that some of the changes were mediated through GH-induced changes in thyroid hormones, insulin, glucose, triglyceride and DHEAS. However, the mechanism of GH- induced changes in body composition remains to be defined.  相似文献   

This study provides a quantitative perspective on the Chinese American migratory system of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including the magnitude of various means for evading the U.S. embargo on Chinese immigration. Three sources are explored, including federal immigration summaries, census microdata, and a sample of person‐voyage records for steamship arrivals at the port of San Francisco (n = 5,707). Whereas parameter estimates vary among the sources from nearly twofold (gross migration) up to fourfold (net migration), all results are consistent with a revolving‐door system in which young male workers arrived as replacements for departing older male workers.  相似文献   

太极拳是中国传统武术中的一种,它的每一个动作圆柔连贯,每一式都是绵绵不断,犹如太极图一样。这种融健身与修身养生于一本的运动蕴含着丰富的中国传统哲学思想和伦理观念。太极拳不仅仅是一种拳术,它更是一种文化,是力与美的艺术结合。  相似文献   

2021年3月,春暖花开,万物勃发,全国两会如期召开。在万人大礼堂内,气氛庄重而热烈。中国人民向着幸福美好的生活又迈出了坚实的一步。过去这一年,在极不平凡的路途中,党中央凝心聚力,万众一心,越是艰难越向前。疫情防控、脱贫攻坚,保增长、稳大局,各项事业取得新的历史性成就。  相似文献   

Promises and policies in ensuring employment opportunities for disabled people are stipulated in the State Laws and local regulations of the People's Republic of China. It is assumed that having a job implies better integration in society. However, the experience of young adults with learning disability in finding jobs tells a very different story. This article analyses the experience, perceptions and worries of parents of such young adults who are employed or have striven hard to obtain a job, comparing the ideal with a very different reality.  相似文献   

孙雷 《科学发展》2011,(11):87-94
2011年中央1号文件作出全国加快水利改革发展的决定。上海应抓住机遇,建设配套齐全、灌排通畅、安全高效的农田水利体系,为农业现代化发展夯实基础。通过系统分析"十一五"期间上海农田水利建设取得的成效以及存在的薄弱环节,剖析发达国家和地区的发展趋势及其经验借鉴,研究提出上海农田水利"十二五"期间发展目标任务和保障措施。  相似文献   

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