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~~Population,Reproductive Health and Poverty Alleviation in China  相似文献   

Basic Data in 2005 At the end of 2005, the whole province of Zhejiang had a total number of 11.22 million immigrants of childbearing age, of whom 4.32 million were women and 2.99 million were married women. The number of children born to the floating population totaled 17,315, of which 2,943 were out-of-plan births. The fertility rate of the married women of childbearing  相似文献   

Tibet’sPopulationandTibetanPopulationGuoDapingTheTibetannationality,oneofChina’smajorethnicgroups,hasinhabitedontheQinghaiTi...  相似文献   

TheRatiooftheElderlytotheWorking-agePopulationinJapan,SingaporeandThailandJapanSingaporeThailandOftheworking-agepopulationage...  相似文献   

I. Current Situation and Prospects of China's Population Development China is the most populous developing country in the world. A large population size, a weak economic base, and a lack of resources on a per capita basis form its basic national conditions. Many issues and difficulties encountered in the process of China's economic and social development are closely related to the population issues. Population is the principal factor and the major constraint to China's economic and soc…  相似文献   

PopulationAgingandControlofPopulationGrowthTuPingRapidpopulationagingWithabigdropinfertilityafterthe1970s,theproportionofchil...  相似文献   

SituationofPopulationAginginChinaandtheStrategy¥HeChangmeiChina'spopulationisagingatanunprecedentedspeedwhichhasneverbeenexpe...  相似文献   

Projection on China’s Population by the United Nations,World Population Estimation,1998  相似文献   

TrendofPopulationAginginChinaandthestrategyLiBaoku,ZhangWenfanⅠ.ThegeneralsituationandtrendofagingChinaisbecomingacountrywith...  相似文献   

(Continued from Page 17, Vol. 21, No. 4-5)V. Adolescent Sexual and ReproductiveHealth1. Status and ProgressThe Cairo International Conference on Population andDevelopment (ICPD) paid great attention to the sexualand reproductive health of adolescents. One of the toppriorities of the ICPD Programme of Action is to provideadolescents with necessary sexual and reproductivehealth information and services, ensure their right toreproductive health education and services, and helpthem devel…  相似文献   

ForewordThe International Conference on Population andDevelopment (ICPD) held in Cairo in 1994 marked thebeginning of a new era in the field of population anddevelopment. The Programme of Action, endorsed atthe Conference by 179 countries, placed “overalldevelopment of human beings” at the center ofsustainable development. Efforts to achieve the goal ofhuman development have to integrate human needs andaspirations with population dynamics, economicdevelopment, protection of natural reso…  相似文献   

On July 11th, hundreds of Beijing residents from all walks of life participated in a series of activities to commemorate the 13th World Population Day, which was themed 揚overty, Population and Development? China carries 21% of the world抯 population. Since the 1970s when the family planning policy was first carried out, China has effectively brought its rapid population growth under control and achieved a low fertility level. Meanwhile, poverty-stricken population also dropped from 250 mi…  相似文献   

PopulationandEconomicDevelopmentChinahasbyfarthelargestpopulationofanycountryonEarthover1.185billionpeople,orone-fifthofthewo...  相似文献   

PresidntJiangZeminonPopulation,ResourcesandEnvironment(ExcerptsfromthereportdeliveredbyJiangZemin,Gen┐eral┐SecretaryoftheChin...  相似文献   

China’sTibetanPopulationandPopulationinTibetGuoDaping(ChinaPopulationinformationandResearchCentre)TheTibet(Xizang)AutonomousR...  相似文献   

Ⅰ. The trend and characteristics of population aging in China The International Year of Senior Citizens was in 1999. Coincidentally,the Chinese population aged 60 and above exceeded 10 percent of the total population in February 20,1999  相似文献   

1. Introduction Population databases contain information about people and the conditions surrounding them. This information can be obtained from population censuses, demographic surveys, or vital registrations. Since the 1950s, we have conducted five censuses and many sampling surveys on population in China. Millions of dollars have been spent to produce data, but these data cannot be shared. Though population data abound at present, it does not necessarily mean that information is being ful…  相似文献   

Population,EnvironmentDynamics,PovertyandQualityofLifeinChina¥//BaochangGu;Ph.D.DemographicDilemmainChinaThepopulationsizeofC...  相似文献   

PopulationDistributionandInternalMigrationPOPULATIONDENSITY(PERSONS/KM2CHINA1990)Chinaaccountsforonly7%oftheworld'stotallanda...  相似文献   

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