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Statistical Methods & Applications - Economic insecurity has increased in importance in the understanding of economic and socio-demographic household behaviour. The present paper aims to...  相似文献   

Independent factor analysis (IFA) has recently been proposed in the signal processing literature as a way to model a set of observed variables through linear combinations of latent independent variables and a noise term. A peculiarity of the method is that it defines a probability density function for the latent variables by mixtures of Gaussians. The aim of this paper is to cast the method into a more rigorous statistical framework and to propose some developments. In the first part, we present the IFA model in its population version, address identifiability issues and draw some parallels between the IFA model and the ordinary factor analysis (FA) one. Then we show that the IFA model may be reinterpreted as an independent component analysis-based rotation of an ordinary FA solution. We also give evidence that the IFA model represents a special case of mixture of factor analysers. In the second part, we address inferential issues, also deriving the standard errors for the model parameter estimates and providing model selection criteria. Finally, we present some empirical results on real data sets.  相似文献   

The spatial variation of the value-added per hour worked across Italian NUTS3 areas is decomposed into a productivity effect and an occupational composition effect. By analysing patterns of spatial association of those different (but related) economic variables and by using different interaction schemes between locations, it is possible to identify local differences in economic outcomes and to draw some conclusions about their determinants. Geographical proximity is measured by travel time. The results signal the presence of intra-regional differences as significant as those between the major regions. Such differences may differ in terms of their underlying causes, even within regions.   相似文献   

Statistical Methods & Applications - This paper examines the complex dependence between peak district heating demand and outdoor temperature. Our aim is to provide the probability law of heat...  相似文献   


In this paper we propose a multivariate approach for forecasting pairwise mortality rates of related populations. The need for joint modelling of mortality rates is analysed using a causality test. We show that for the datasets considered, the inclusion of national mortality information enhances predictions on its subpopulations. The investigated approach links national population mortality to that of a subset population, using an econometric model that captures a long-term relationship between the two mortality dynamics. This model does not focus on the correlation between the mortality rates of the two populations, but rather their long-term behaviour, which suggests that the two times series cannot wander off in opposite directions for long before mean reverting, which is consistent with biological reasoning. The model can additionally capture short-term adjustments in the mortality dynamics of the two populations. An empirical comparison of the forecast of one-year death probabilities for policyholders is performed using both a classical factor-based model and the proposed approach. The robustness of the model is tested on mortality rate data for England and Wales, alongside the Continuous Mortality Investigation assured lives dataset, representing the subpopulation.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new approach to the treatment of item non-response in attitude scales. It combines the ideas of latent variable identification with the issues of non-response adjustment in sample surveys. The latent variable approach allows missing values to be included in the analysis and, equally importantly, allows information about attitude to be inferred from non-response. We present a symmetric pattern methodology for handling item non-response in attitude scales. The methodology is symmetric in that all the variables are given equivalent status in the analysis (none is designated a 'dependent' variable) and is pattern based in that the pattern of responses and non-responses across individuals is a key element in the analysis. Our approach to the problem is through a latent variable model with two latent dimensions: one to summarize response propensity and the other to summarize attitude, ability or belief. The methodology presented here can handle binary, metric and mixed (binary and metric) manifest items with missing values. Examples using both artificial data sets and two real data sets are used to illustrate the mechanism and the advantages of the methodology proposed.  相似文献   

We propose a novel semiparametric version of the widely used proportional hazards survival model. Features include an arbitrarily rich class of continuous base-line hazards, an attractive epidemiological interpretation of the hazard as a latent competing risk model and trivial handling of censoring. Models are fitted by using a data augmentation scheme. The methodology is applied to a data set recording times to first hospitalization following clinical diagnosis of acquired immune deficiency syndrome for a sample of 169 patients.  相似文献   

The growth rate of the gross domestic product (GDP) usually carries heteroscedasticity, asymmetry and fat-tails. In this study three important and significantly heteroscedastic GDP series are examined. A Normal, normal-mixture, normal-asymmetric Laplace distribution and a Student's t-Asymmetric Laplace (TAL) distribution mixture are considered for distributional fit comparison of GDP growth series after removing heteroscedasticity. The parameters of the distributions have been estimated using maximum likelihood method. Based on the results of different accuracy measures, goodness-of-fit tests and plots, we find out that in the case of asymmetric, heteroscedastic and highly leptokurtic data the TAL-distribution fits better than the alternatives. In the case of asymmetric, heteroscedastic but less leptokurtic data the NM fit is superior. Furthermore, a simulation study has been carried out to obtain standard errors for the estimated parameters. The results of this study might be used in e.g. density forecasting of GDP growth series or to compare different economies.  相似文献   

Statistical Methods & Applications - The use of network analysis to investigate social structures has recently seen a rise due to the high availability of data and the numerous insights it can...  相似文献   

Summary.  The association of poor education and poor health has been consistently observed in many studies and in various countries. Thus far, studies examining the mechanisms underlying this association have looked at only a limited set of potential pathways. This study simultaneously examines six distinctive pathways, which have been hypothesized to link education and health and found support from previous studies. A causal analysis of education and health was performed using structural equation models. Data were used from six phases of the National Child Development Study, which is based on following up an initial sample of 17416 children who were born in 1958. The association between education and health appears to be explained by a combination of mechanisms: adolescent health and adult health behaviours for men and women, adult social class among men and parental social class among women. We conclude that improvements in population educational attainment may not automatically lead to improvements in population health, and that health policies for improving health and reducing health inequalities need to target specific causal pathways.  相似文献   

Time series modelling of childhood diseases: a dynamical systems approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A key issue in the dynamical modelling of epidemics is the synthesis of complex mathematical models and data by means of time series analysis. We report such an approach, focusing on the particularly well-documented case of measles. We propose the use of a discrete time epidemic model comprising the infected and susceptible class as state variables. The model uses a discrete time version of the susceptible–exposed–infected–recovered type epidemic models, which can be fitted to observed disease incidence time series. We describe a method for reconstructing the dynamics of the susceptible class, which is an unobserved state variable of the dynamical system. The model provides a remarkable fit to the data on case reports of measles in England and Wales from 1944 to 1964. Morever, its systematic part explains the well-documented predominant biennial cyclic pattern. We study the dynamic behaviour of the time series model and show that episodes of annual cyclicity, which have not previously been explained quantitatively, arise as a response to a quicker replenishment of the susceptible class during the baby boom, around 1947.  相似文献   

In modern quality engineering, dual response surface methodology is a powerful tool to model an industrial process by using both the mean and the standard deviation of the measurements as the responses. The least squares method in regression is often used to estimate the coefficients in the mean and standard deviation models, and various decision criteria are proposed by researchers to find the optimal conditions. Based on the inherent hierarchical structure of the dual response problems, we propose a Bayesian hierarchical approach to model dual response surfaces. Such an approach is compared with two frequentist least squares methods by using two real data sets and simulated data.  相似文献   


We introduce a score-type statistic to test for a non-zero regression coefficient when the relevant term involves a nuisance parameter present only under the alternative. Despite the non-regularity and complexity of the problem and unlike the previous approaches, the proposed test statistic does not require the nuisance to be estimated. It is simple to implement by relying on the conventional distributions, such as Normal or t, and it justified in the setting of probabilistic coherence. We focus on testing for the existence of a breakpoint in segmented regression, and illustrate the methodology with an analysis on data of DNA copy number aberrations and gene expression profiles from 97 breast cancer patients; moreover some simulations reveal that the proposed test is more powerful than its competitors previously discussed in literature.  相似文献   

Summary. The paper demonstrates how cost-effectiveness decision analysis may be implemented from a Bayesian perspective, using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation methods for both the synthesis of relevant evidence input into the model and the evaluation of the model itself. The desirable aspects of a Bayesian approach for this type of analysis include the incorporation of full parameter uncertainty, the ability to perform all the analysis, including each meta-analysis, in a single coherent model and the incorporation of expert opinion either directly or regarding the relative credibility of different data sources. The method is described, and its ease of implementation demonstrated, through a practical example to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of using taxanes for the second-line treatment of advanced breast cancer compared with conventional treatment. For completeness, the results from the Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation model are compared and contrasted with those from a classical Monte Carlo simulation model.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyse the performances of a novel approach to modelling non-linear conditionally heteroscedastic time series characterised by asymmetries in both the conditional mean and variance. This is based on the combination of a TAR model for the conditional mean with a Constrained Changing Parameters Volatility (CPV-C) model for the conditional variance. Empirical results are given for the daily returns of the S&P 500, NASDAQ composite and FTSE 100 stock market indexes.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to characterize the factors that determine the transition from university to work as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of universities and course programmes with respect to the labour market outcomes of their graduates. The study is focused on the analysis of the time to obtain the first job, taking into account the graduates' characteristics and the effects pertaining to course programmes and universities. For this a three-level discrete time survival model is used, where the logit of the hazard—conditionally on the random effects at course programme and university level—is a linear function of the covariates. The analysis is accomplished by using a large data set from a survey on job opportunities for the 1992 Italian graduates.  相似文献   

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