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The maximum of k functions defined on R n , n ≥ 1, by f max (x) = max{f 1 (x),…, f k (x)}, ? x ? R n , can have important roles in Statistics, particularly in Classification. Through its relation with the Bayes error, which is the reference error in classification, it can serve to compute numerical bounds for errors in other classification schemes. It can also serve to define the joint L1-distance between more than two densities, which, in turn, will serve as a useful tool in Classification and Cluster Analyses. It has a vast potential application in digital image processing too. Finally, its versatile role can be seen in several numerical examples, related to the analysis of Fisher's classical iris data in multidimensional spaces.  相似文献   

In the paper the problem of testing of two-sided hypotheses for variance components in mixed linear models is considered. When the uniformly most powerful invariant test does not exist (see e.g. Das and Sinha, in Proceedings of the second international Tampere conference in statistics, 1987; Gnot and Michalski, in Statistics 25:213–223, 1994; Michalski and Zmyślony, in Statistics 27:297–310, 1996) then to conduct the optimal statistical inference on model parameters a construction of a test with locally best properties is desirable, cf. Michalski (in Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 26:1–21, 2003). The main goal of this article is the construction of the locally best invariant unbiased test for a single variance component (or for a ratio of variance components). The result has been obtained utilizing Andersson’s and Wijsman’s approach connected with a representation of density function of maximal invariant (Andersson, in Ann Stat 10:955–961, 1982; Wijsman, in Proceedings of fifth Berk Symp Math Statist Prob 1:389–400, 1967; Wijsman, in Sankhyā A 48:1–42, 1986; Khuri et al., in Statistical tests for mixed linear models, 1998) and from generalized Neyman–Pearson Lemma (Dantzig and Wald, in Ann Math Stat 22:87–93, 1951; Rao, in Linear statistical inference and its applications, 1973). One selected real example of an unbalanced mixed linear model is given, for which the power functions of the LBIU test and Wald’s test (the F-test in ANOVA model) are computed, and compared with the attainable upper bound of power obtained by using Neyman–Pearson Lemma.  相似文献   

Sequential order statistics is an extension of ordinary order statistics. They model the successive failure times in sequential k-out-of-n systems, where the failures of components possibly affect the residual lifetimes of the remaining ones. In this paper, we consider the residual lifetime of the components after the kth failure in the sequential (nk + 1)-out-of-n system. We extend some results on the joint distribution of the residual lifetimes of the remaining components in an ordinary (nk + 1)-out-of-n system presented in Bairamov and Arnold (Stat Probab Lett 78(8):945–952, 2008) to the case of the sequential (nk + 1)-out-of-n system.  相似文献   

In an informal way, some dilemmas in connection with hypothesis testing in contingency tables are discussed. The body of the article concerns the numerical evaluation of Cochran's Rule about the minimum expected value in r × c contingency tables with fixed margins when testing independence with Pearson's X2 statistic using the χ2 distribution.  相似文献   

We investigate an empirical Bayes testing problem in a positive exponential family having pdf f{x/θ)=c(θ)u(x) exp(?x/θ), x>0, θ>0. It is assumed that θ is in some known compact interval [C1, C2]. The value C1 is used in the construction of the proposed empirical Bayes test δ* n. The asymptotic optimality and rate of convergence of its associated Bayes risk is studied. It is shown that under the assumption that θ is in [C1, C2] δ* n is asymptotically optimal at a rate of convergence of order O(n?1/n n). Also, δ* n is robust in the sense that δ* n still possesses the asymptotic optimality even the assumption that "C1≦θ≦C2 may not hold.  相似文献   

The problem addressed is that of smoothing parameter selection in kernel nonparametric regression in the fixed design regression model with dependent noise. An asymptotic expression of the optimum bandwidth parameter has been obtained in recent studies, where this takes the form h = C 0 n ?1/5. This paper proposes to use a plug-in methodology, in order to obtain an optimum estimation of the bandwidth parameter, through preliminary estimation of the unknown value of C 0.  相似文献   

Under the traditional assumptions, any entry in ANOVA interpreted to include all Linear model analyses] is equivalent in disiributien to a quadratic form Q=[μ11Z1]2+…+ [μννZν]2]wherein Z1..Zν are independent standard normal variables. Test statisics in ANOVE are distributed as ratio R of two depenbent such quadretic forms. The non-null distribution of R is a mixture of null distributions; the mixing variable is an easy generalitatlon of the Poisson variable. Fast algorithms yield the power function in both fixed and random effects models in AVOVA to user-specified accuracy.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a dynamic regression model yt = αyt−1 + βzt + ut, where zt is an integrated process of order one abbreviated as ztI(1). Generally speaking, nonstandard asymptotic theory is required to investigate asymptotic properties of statistics related to an integrated process and the asymptotic results are very different from standard ones. There are two distinctive properties in nonstandard asymptotics: the so-called ‘super-consistency’ or T-consistency (where T is a sample size) and the weak convergence to a functional of the Wiener process. In spite of zt being involved in our model, however, it is shown that our asymptotic results are the same as in the standard asymptotics in classical dynamic regression models, or if the disturbance ut is serially correlated the OLS estimators of α and β have √T-inconsistency. This is due to the cointegration between yt−1 and zt. Although this point was clarified by Park and Phillips (1989) in a general context, we examine this explicitly through our specific model and connect the standard asymptotic theory with the nonstandard one in our case. Furthermore we investigate the limiting properties of other statistics such as t-ratio, the Durbin-Watson test and h-test. We also propose a consistent estimator of α and β by making use of Durbin's 2-step method. Finally, we carry out simulation studies which support our theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper we will show how recent advances in the combinatorics of lattice paths can be applied to solve interesting and nontrivial problems in the theory of queues. The problems we discuss range from classical ones like Ma/Mb/1Ma/Mb/1 systems to open tandem systems with and without global blocking and to queueing models that are related to random walks in a quarter plane like the Flatto–Hahn model or systems with preemptive priorities.  相似文献   


Studies in Jewish Statistics: Studies in Jewish Statistics, social, vital, and anthropometric. By Joseph Jacobs. London, 1891. Pp. 59, lxix 13. Reviewed by Charles F. A. Currier.

The Wool Book: A Statistical Manual Containing the Latest Official Data of the Production, Movement, and Consumption of Wool in all Countries. Compiled for the National Association of Wool Manufacturers, by S. N. D. North, Secretary, Boston, 1892.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Die Entwickelung der Briteschen Landwirthschaft unter dem Druck ausländischer Konkurrenz. By Prof. Dr. Paasche. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: JahrbüUcher füUr NationalsöUkonomie und Statistik. February, 1892.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Schmoller's Jahrbnch. XVI. No. 1. Der Wiener Weltpost Kongress. By J. Jung. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv. II. No. 1. Die Jahresschwankungen in der Häufigkeit verschiedener bevölkerungs und moralstatistischer Erscheinungen. By Dr. K. Becker. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Zeitschrift für Schweizerische Statistik. XXVII. No. 3. Zehn Basler Arbeiterhaushaltungen. By Carl Landolt. Reviewed by Victor Rosewater.

Statistical Articles in German Periodicals and Journals: Vierteljahrshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs. Herausgegeben vom Kaiserlichen Statistischen Amt. Erster Jahrgang, 1892. Erster Heft. Berlin, 1892. Reviewed by C. F. A. Currier.

Statistische Monatschrift. Vienna, January, 1892. Die überseeische österreichische Auswanderung, insbesondere in den Jahren 1889 und 1890. By Dr. Friedrich ProbSt.

Die gewerbliche Genossenschaften in Oesterreich zu Ende des Jahres 1891. By Dr. Schmid.  相似文献   

A traffic accident can be considered as an example of the attribute events, and the number of the injured in each accident is called the event size. Some control charts have been developed for monitoring either the time interval (T) between the occurrences of an event or the event size (C) in each occurrence. This article studies the statistical monitoring of the attribute events in which T and C are monitored simultaneously and C is an integer. Essentially, it integrates a T chart and a C chart, and is therefore referred to as a T&C scheme. Our studies show that the new chart is more effective than an individual T chart or C chart for detecting the out-of-control status of the event, in particular for detecting downward shifts (sparse occurrence and/or small size). Another desirable feature of the T&C scheme is that its detection effectiveness is more invariable against different types of shifts (i.e. T shift, C shift and joint shift in T&C) compared with an individual T or C chart. The improvement in performance is achieved due to the simultaneous monitoring of T and C. The T&C scheme can be applied in manufacturing systems and especially in non-manufacturing sectors (e.g. supply chain management, health care industry, disaster management and security control).  相似文献   

Let (X1,…,Xk) be a multinomial vector with unknown cell probabilities (p1,?,pk). A subset of the cells is to be selected in a way so that the cell associated with the smallest cell probability is included in the selected subset with a preassigned probability, P1. Suppose the loss is measured by the size of the selected subset, S. Using linear programming techniques, selection rules can be constructed which are minimax with respect to S in the class of rules which satisfy the P1-condition. In some situations, the rule constructed by this method is the rule proposed by Nagel (1970). Similar techniques also work for selection in terms of the largest cell probability.  相似文献   

A new statistic, (p), is developed for variable selection in a system-of-equations model. The standardized total mean square error in the (p)statistic is weighted by the covariance matrix of dependent variables instead of the error covariance matrix of the true model as in the original definition. The new statistic can be also used for model selection in the non-nested models. The estimate of (p), SC(p), is derived and shown to become SCε(p) in the similar form of Cp in a single-equation model when the covariance matrix of sampled dependent variables is replaced by the error covariance matrix under the full model.  相似文献   


Optimal main effects plans (MEPs) and optimal foldover designs can often be performed as a series of nested optimal designs. Then, if the experiment cannot be completed due to time or budget constraints, the fraction already performed may still be an optimal design. We show that the optimal MEP for 4t factors in 4t + 4 points does not contain the optimal MEP for 4t factors in 4t + 2 points nested within it. In general, the optimal MEP for 4t factors in 4t + 4 points does not contain the optimal MEPs for 4t factors in 4t + 1, 4t + 2, or 4t + 3 points and the optimal MEP for 4t + 1 factors in 4t + 4 points does not contain the optimal MEPs for 4t + 1 factors in 4t + 2 or 4t + 3 points. We also show that the runs in an orthogonal design for 4t factors in 4t + 4 points, and the optimal foldover designs obtained by folding, should be performed in a certain sequence in order to avoid the possibility of a singular X'X matrix.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider experimental situations in which a regular fractional factorial design is to be used to study the effects of m two-level factors using n=2mk experimental units arranged in 2p blocks of size 2mkp. In such situations, two-factor interactions are often confounded with blocks and complete information is lost on these two-factor interactions. Here we consider the use of the foldover technique in conjunction with combining designs having different blocking schemes to produce alternative partially confounded blocked fractional factorial designs that have more estimable two-factor interactions or a higher estimation capacity or both than their traditional counterparts.  相似文献   

An analysis of the performance of five major review periodicals showed that School Library Journal and Booklist were most likely to have reviewed both a large percentage of total juvenile publication and those books singled out by the 1972–1974 and 1978–1980 Notable Children's Books Committees; the New York Times Book Review was least likely to have done so. There was a decline in coverage of the selected titles by the Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books. Even so, Bulletin and Horn Book, as well as Booklist and SLJ, continued to do a good job of calling attention to better books.

Recent reviews appeared closer to the publication date of the book in question, with the time lag reduced in all but the New York Times, where it increased. Booklist's record of little more than a month was relatively impressive, with all other periodicals taking over two months or more, on the average. Each periodical showed tremendous internal inconsistency in promptness, however.

The longest reviews, on the average, were published in NYTBR, the shortest in Bulletin. Recent reviews in SLJ and Booklist were longer than those found for the earlier sample.

All but Horn Book reviews reflected increased critical attention in general. The practice of referring to other books and authors continued on a limited but definite scale for 1978–1980 titles. Attempts to predict readership were somewhat more likely to appear in the more recent issues of Booklist and Bulletin than earlier.

The use of volunteer reviewers by School Library Journal resulted in a multiplicity of reviewers (25 people). Horn Book and NYTBR utilized eight people each. Booklist and Bulletin relied on reviews prepared by fulltime staffers.

Opinions on general quality of the books examined continued to be basically consistent.  相似文献   

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