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从上世纪70年代建校至今,跟随着爱尔兰经济腾飞的脚步,阿斯隆理工学院迅速成长起来,目前已成为爱尔兰最强理工学院之一。学院提供国际公认的全日制本科、硕士、博士以及特许专业会计(ACCA,CIMA)等学位课程。本着“创新引导卓越”的校训,学院所有课程的设置都充分体现了爱尔兰政  相似文献   

The sharp increase in Dutch mothers’ labour market participation in recent decades has led to remarkable heterogeneous working patterns. This variation makes the Netherlands an interesting case with which to explore how mothers differ in their ‘narratives of choice’ and (early adult and present) attitudes towards work, gender and motherhood. This was conducted through 39 semi-structured interviews with mothers living in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The study builds further on the scientific work on relationships between attitudes and personal preferences on the one hand, and employment behaviour on the other (e.g. Hakim, in Br J Sociol 54(3):339–345, 2003; Hakim, in Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hants, 2003; Halrynjo and Lyng, in Br J Sociol 60(2):321–343, 2009; Hoffnung, in Sex Roles 50(9–10):711–723, 2004; Sanders and Beekes, in Wolters-Noordhoff, Groningen, 1993; Thompson, in J Sci Study Relig, 30(4):381–394, 1991). Most of these studies are based on large surveys which lack the details of behavioural steps, preferences and attitudes that mothers themselves underline as relevant while describing their employment decisions. This qualitative study reveals a typology of Dutch mothers, based on the variety of their narratives of choice and considerations regarding the ideal gender division of labour, work and motherhood. The study also reveals a ‘narrative of acceptance’ among all interviewees regarding their spouses’ contribution to the unpaid work, accompanied by a disappearance of gender concerns.  相似文献   

This article describes the annual evolution of nuptiality in Spain from the beginning of the last century up to the present day. The analysis is based on data on first marriages from population registration data (Movimiento Natural de Población) after various adjustment and estimation operations. This source has an advantage with respect to census data, since it allows us to follow the annual nuptiality fluctuations that are very sensitive to prevailing social and economic conditions. Over the long term, the phases of nuptiality in Spain are comparable to those observed in Western Europe. However, leaving aside the period disturbed by the Civil War (1936–1939), Spain does exhibit some particular features: a long interlude from 1940 to 1959 marked by late marriage, rooted in the long depression of the Spanish economy; a prolonged rise in nuptiality which lasted until the end of the 1970s, corresponding to the late arrival of the first oil shock in Spain; and finally, a certain delay in the decline of marriage, accompanied—since the early 2000s only—by a parallel diffusion of cohabitation. Last, Spain is converging with Europe in another aspect that is seldom taken into account. While, from 1950 to 1980, it was one of the few European countries to register a first marriage rate unfavourable to women, the reversal of this trend since the 1980s has brought Spain closer to the majority of its neighbours.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionHumans have the ability (or competence) to think logically, and this is an undeniable fact. However,what this ability consists in is a difficult question. It might be said that logical ability consists in theknowledge of a set of logic rules. But what are those logic rules? For centuries logicians have devel-  相似文献   

While voluminous research exists on managerial successions and the decline of female head coaches, limited research has evaluated the impact of the coach’s gender on a team’s performance. Therefore, this study focused on gendered coaching successions to determine if the gender of the head coach influenced the team’s performance when controlling extraneous variables (e.g., revenues, expenses, and team statistics). Utilizing the theoretical foundations of relational demography (Tsui et al. in Productivity and interpersonal relations in work teams characterized by diversity, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, pp 97–130, 1995) , similar-attraction paradigm (Byrne in The attraction paradigm. Academic Press, New York, 1971) and social identity theory of leadership (SITL; Hogg in Pers Social Psychol Rev 5:184–200, 2001), we hypothesized coaching successions to similar demographic leader-member dyad relationships would positively impact team performance. Data from the National Collegiate Athletic Association and Equity in Athletic Data Analysis websites were collected on all Division I women’s basketball head coaching successions from 2003 to 2010. Coaching predecessors and successors were coded by gender, win-loss ratios, and performance statistics. Analysis of variance and repeated measures analysis of covariance were used to analyze the data. Results indicated demographic similarities in leader-member dyadic relationships do not advance team performance.  相似文献   

The peasantry is probably the last social category that researchers of technology and society readily associate with the use of high technologies such as the Internet. But in China recently, tens of thousands of peasant entrepreneurs, engaged in a unique form of rural tourism popularly called nongjiale (delights in farm guesthouses), have adopted the Internet as a medium for advertising their farm guesthouses. This paper is an anthropological study of how Chinese peasant entrepreneurs’ adoption of the Internet is engrained in the broader material and symbolic orders of contemporary Chinese society. By exploring the way in which the Chinese peasants are idiosyncratically involved with the Internet, it also questions whether STS (Science, Technology, and Society) concepts such as users and non-users, developed essentially within Euro-American contexts, are adequate to explain the symbolic appropriations of high-tech in pursuit of modernity in China today.
Choong-Hwan ParkEmail:

This article studies the impact of educational attainment and labour force participation on the timing of entering a union, marriage, and parenthood, using data from Flemish and Dutch young adults born between 1961 and 1965. This impact is hypothesized to be contingent on sex, the event under consideration, the societal context in which family formation occurs, and the age of young adults. As expected, educational attainment has a stronger negative effect on women's entry into parenthood than on their entry into a union, a stronger negative effect on women's entry into marriage and parenthood in the Netherlands than in Flanders, and a stronger effect during the early stages of young adulthood than later on. Men's educational attainment did not show the expected positive effect on family formation. Enrollment in full-time education delays family formation, but more so in Flanders than in the Netherlands. Unemployment delays family formation among men, but only in Flanders.  相似文献   

马尔库塞是较早地明确使用"消费社会"这一称谓的西方马克思主义者。他认为,消费社会是富裕的,但同时也是病态的。第一,技术理性利用对消遣、娱乐、休闲等的控制,成为消费社会新的意识形态和统治形式;第二,不断发展的技术以及强大的商品和消费逻辑,彻底破坏了文化的传统形式和基础,使其丧失了颠覆和反抗功能,沦为单向度的文化;第三,消费社会不断地制造和满足各种虚假需求,这是所有异化现象的根源。基于对现代性的反思,马尔库塞构建了独特的消费社会批判理论。  相似文献   

In this article we investigate the propensities to have the second child in Italy for foreign women from Albania, Morocco, and Romania. Our study contributes to the international debate on migrant fertility by testing the main competing hypotheses present in literature, using the Italian case as an illustration. Italy is an important case study because it has been a country of immigration for only a few decades and because the literature on this topic was limited in Italy by the difficulties in obtaining proper longitudinal data. An important component of our work was therefore to build a new data set, using record linkage procedures that allow us to improve the information from Survey on Birth and Resident Permit Registers and to study the individual childbearing trajectories. Our results confirm the importance of the mother??s citizenship. The impact remains strong after controlling for the main demographic and migratory characteristics. We found that older cohorts experience a disruption effect but that a native Italian partner can promote an adaptation process such as a convergence in fertility behavior toward that of native Italian women.  相似文献   

A pre-industrial population crisis caused by a war is examined using Finnish historical records. During the War of Finland (1808–09) the Swedish military deployed on the Åland Islands helped spread infectious diseases among the civilian population. The result was a short but intense period of high mortality. This article focuses on the short-term demographic impact of this crisis. Changes in age-specific and sex-specific mortality, fertility, and nuptiality are explored. Mortality increase was notable in all age groups, although older and very young people were more severely affected. A catch-up period in fertility followed a significant decrease in the number of births. Nuptiality decreased only slightly during the war, but a marriage boom owing to frequent remarriages ensued. A projection, assuming that the crisis did not occur, indicates that Åland's population losses were never compensated.L'utilisation des actes d'état civil finlandais permet d'étudier une crise liée à la guerre dans une population pré-industrielle. Les militaires suédois, déployés sur les îles Åland pendant la guerre de 1808–1809, ont propagé dans la population civile des maladies contagieuses. Le résultat en a été une courte mais intense période de forte mortalité. Cet article est centré sur l'effet démographique à court terme de cette crise. Il explore les changements dans la mortalité selon l'âge et le sexe, la fécondité et la nuptialité. L'accroissement de la mortalité a été important dans tous les groupes d'âges, bien que les personnes très âgées et celles très jeunes aient été plus sévèrement frappées. Après une chute significative du nombre de naissances on voit apparaître une période de rattrapage de la fécondité. Quant à la nuptialité elle ne diminua que légèrement durant la guerre, qui fut suivie d'un fort accroissement des mariages dû à de nombreux remariages. Enfin une projection de la population, qui élimine l'effet de la crise, montre que les pertes d'Åland ne furent jamais compensées à l'avenir.  相似文献   

孟子是先秦儒家的重要代表人物,他的人性善思想对中国后世影响深远。从先秦人性论的发展,到孟子明确提出性善论是一个发展过程,孟子性善论的提出是这个历史发展过程中的必然。殷周之际人文精神的反省,孔子仁的学说,中庸的天命之谓性都包含在这一历史过程中,都是其中不可缺少的一环。孟子明确提出性善论,并对性善做了种种深入的论证。他通过人禽之辨,与告子的仁义之辨等深入论证了人性善观点。人性善思想的提出后成为了中国文化人性思想的主流,对中国文化很多方面都产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

Perhaps the most significant shift in the history of Korean medicine was the popularization of medicine that started during the latter half of the seventeenth century and continued in the nineteenth century. As a result of this process, a Korea equipped with a naturalistic and rational medical system was, for the first time in Korean history, no longer monopolized by a minority of the ruling class. The use of medicine in this period expanded nationwide, even to the level of small towns in terms of geography and even to the general populace in terms of socioeconomic class. In what follows, I examine changes in medical practices and explore the process of and factors behind the popularization of medicine. Given the sources, it is not possible to compile time series data to show at a glance the great changes that took place in medical practices during the latter half of the Chosŏn Dynasty by era, region, gender, and class. The closest we can get to such data comes from a comparison of diaries. However, it is impossible to understand the mechanisms of development and change for each period solely based on such a comparison of diaries. To overcome this drawback, I make use of a different form of example. The case concerns the long-lasting Kangnŭng medical mutual aid society 江陵藥契, which was initiated in 1603 and lasted until 1842.  相似文献   

y,and breakover occurs at the end point of titration.Based on the fact,a novel measurement method for Cu~(2 ) content has been found,that is conductometric titration by using PEI.The effects of various factors on the analysis method were examined,and the analysis conditions were optimized.This me  相似文献   

I.TheDefinitionsofTextandContextPeopleusuallythinkthattextisthelanguagerealizedbyasetofsentenceswhichformaunity .Intranslation ,theword“text”isusedtorefertoanarticle ,orthemainbodyofabook ,whichrefertotheoriginaltextorthetranslatedtext.Andatextisnotisolat…  相似文献   

This paper “maps” a number of trajectories through which the conceptual contours of sex could be traced in the bioscientific discourse of Republican China. Focusing on the writings of the embryologist Zhu Xi (1899–1962), I analyze the epistemic functionality of such biological terms as ci (“biological femaleness”) and xiong (“biological maleness”) that acquired an unprecedented scope of cultural discursiveness in China only alongside the arrival of Western biology, which replaced classical learning and natural studies as the authoritative field of inquiry about life. I first show that when Chinese scientists used these terms to describe the sex of biological species, they relied on an epistemological framework of visual knowledge that granted some foundational operative power to a signifying order in which one could know by seeing the differences between ci and xiong (and, ultimately, sexual differences). These two terms’ lexicality and indexicality thus mutually reinforced one another in the production of their semiotic possibilities and epistemo-logicality. I then show that while they adopted ci and xiong as the bioscientific synonyms of the more culturally anthropocentric words such as (woman) and nan (man), Chinese biologists also incorporated sophisticated biological theories of sex from Europe and North America, including the theories of “gynandromorphism” and “intersexuality.” The implicit and explicit figurations of hermaphroditism reveal the ways in which at the heart of the entire bioscientific discourse of ci and xiong resides its key conceptual anchor: the human–non-human divide.
Howard Hsueh-Hao ChiangEmail:

DiscussionoftheConnotationofEnglishTermsbyLiuShuyingIt’sessentialforustoknownotonlythedenotationofEnglishtermsbutalsotheconno...  相似文献   

Ⅰ.In troductionDuring the past three decades or so,research de-velopment in the field of psycholinguistics has led to ashift in understand ing and describing the process ofread ing.A large amount of research has been devotedto investigating d ifferent su…  相似文献   

(1) 章句:根据呈现语言过程的表达实体,章句与话语相对,指采用书写形式的一段话,而话语则采用语音形式。某些语言学家,如雅各布森(R.Jakobson)认为,口头表现形式(因而话语)是第一性的,书面形式从口语派生  相似文献   

<正>一元复始,万象更新。伴随着2008年第一轮朝阳的喷薄而出,对我国企业管理界具有划时代意义的《劳动合同法》正式实施了。这部里程碑式的法律,使这个元旦成为我国广大劳动者欢欣鼓舞的特殊节日。  相似文献   

天上的星星数不清,老师的故事也数不清。老师的故事很多也很平凡,但就是这些很多也很平凡的故事,却可以让一个学生记忆一辈子,珍惜一辈子,感激一辈子……那时候,贺老师刚调到新落成的沈阳市泰山路小学当校长。在面临的诸多难题中有一个难题就是:六年级的8个班中,每班都有几名差生,各班的班主任坚决不要!  相似文献   

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