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The life satisfaction of parents residing with dependent children varies greatly between countries. This article examines how country-level characteristics—the provision of family allowances and formal child care, and the level of working time flexibility—account for these cross-national differences, using data from the European Social Survey from 2004 and 2010 for 27 countries. Parents report greater life satisfaction in countries that offer generous financial benefits to families, high child care provision, and high working time flexibility than parents residing in counties with low levels of support. Results also show that these national contextual factors are associated with lower levels of financial strain and work–life conflicts among parents. These findings suggest that the mitigating effect of family benefits, child care provision, and working time flexibility on the psychosocial and financial burdens of parenthood is a key mechanism in the association between national contextual factors and parental life satisfaction.  相似文献   

Previous studies documented the existence of a ‘cohabitation–marriage gap’ in resource pooling among opposite-sex partners, with cohabiters being more likely to separate income and wealth than married individuals. Surprisingly, despite many non-marital cohabitations transform into marriages, we know little about income and wealth pooling of ‘spousal cohabiters’, i.e. spouses who transition to marriage after experiencing a period of non-marital cohabitation. The comparison between ‘spousal cohabiters’ and directly married spouses is particularly interesting because it offers a litmus test of theories of marriage in relation to how and why economic resources are differently distributed within married vs. cohabiting couples. This paper compares directly married couples and ‘spousal cohabiters’ in Italy, focusing on one aspect of resource pooling: the marital property regime, i.e. the choice made at the time of marriage between joint or separate ownership of wealth accumulated during marriage. Competing hypotheses are developed on the basis of the arguments that marriage yields legal protection, that selection mechanisms drive both the choice of community vs. separation of property and direct marriage vs. premarital cohabitation, and that, by inertia, ‘spousal cohabiters’ continue to separate resources upon transition to marriage. Results based on the 2016 Italian ‘Family and social subjects’ survey show that ‘spousal cohabiters’ are significantly more likely to choose separation of property compared to directly married spouses. Such differences, however, are drastically reduced once relevant confounders are controlled for, hence suggesting that existing differences between directly married and previously cohabiting couples and, more generally, differences between married and cohabiting couples are driven, above all, by selection mechanisms.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10680-022-09627-2.  相似文献   

晚清一部分思想激进的读书人批评国家和家庭都是自私自利的表现,而主张去国、去家。传统的修身、齐家、治国、平天下裂变为修身、去家、去国、平天下。在个人主义崛起的五四时代,一部分时人强调以个体直接面向社会来重构理想的人群组织,其特色便是儿童公育、父老公养、不要家庭。对于无家庭的人群如何凝聚成社会的问题,新青年期待以各式各样的主义来凝聚这个陌生人组成的社会。家庭革命的言说展现了部分读书人既反传统、又反西化的倾向,也意味着他们对人性罪恶面、人能力的有限性以及亲情的可替代性等根本问题有着突破古今中西的新认识。家庭渐渐成为各派人士最不喜欢的社会建制,这也进一步塑造了中国政治和社会的走向。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role that family planning played in the decline of fertility in Malta. In 1993 the authors carried out a survey of family planning, similar to one carried out by one the authors in 1971. The analysis of these two surveys suggests that the practice of family planning has not increased significantly in this period. However, there has been a sharp change in the type of method used. More specifically, there has been a shift away from traditional methods (such as coitus interruptus) to more efficient methods (such as the contraceptive pill). There are now a range of affordable methods of contraception available in Malta. Regression techniques are used to model the choice of contraceptive method. The main aim of the empirical analysis is to establish what characteristics are associated with the use of efficient methods of contraception.  相似文献   

通过对215名小学一年级儿童父母与教师的问卷调查,考察了父母关爱这一社会环境因素以及学龄儿童个体情绪调节能力这一认知因素对儿童社会退缩行为的影响,并分析了母亲与父亲关爱行为对子女社会退缩行为影响机制的异同。结果表明,母亲对孩子的接纳与严厉行为高于父亲,父亲对孩子的忽略高于母亲。母亲关爱不存在儿童性别差异,而父亲更容易忽视女孩的需要。结构方程分析表明母亲与父亲的教养行为对子女退缩行为的影响模式不同:母亲关爱通过子女个体情绪调节变量对社会退缩行为起作用;而父亲关爱行为则直接影响子女社会退缩行为。  相似文献   

On the basis of data collected in the 1997 fertility study in theGreater Athens area, in which a sub-sample of women previouslyinterviewed in the 1983 National Fertility Survey wereinterviewed again, the validity of aggregate and individualfertility intentions is evaluated. The main finding is thatfertility intentions slightly overestimate ultimate family size.Moreover, higher expectations are associated with higher`transition rates' towards having children and to shorter birthintervals for all parities.  相似文献   

在中国社会转型与社会变迁过程中,家庭结构与家庭职能发生了明显变化,家庭在养老服务中的作用也随之产生变化。在传统社会,家庭在养老服务提供中占主导地位,几乎提供老年人的全部养老服务,尤其是在农村。在现代社会中,社会化养老已成为必然趋势,但是,家庭的养老服务作用依然十分重要,在日常照料与精神慰藉方面发挥着不可替代的作用。家庭在提供养老服务方面面临着诸多困境,比如:家庭养老服务资源缩减,政府对家庭支持力度不足,传统的家庭孝道趋于衰落。未来需处理好家庭养老与社会养老的关系,从多个方面助力家庭,更好地发挥家庭在养老服务中的作用。  相似文献   

家庭体育在全民健身运动中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着现代社会经济的迅速发展,人们生活水平和文化素质的提高,体育运动已成为社会发展和人们生活所不可缺少的文化内容。论述了家庭体育在全民健身运动中的意义及作用,指出家庭体育将成为现代家庭生活的重要标志,而且还为全民健身运动的顺利开展起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

青少年犯罪在我国已成为一个严重的社会问题,引起各方面的关注。导致青少年犯罪的因素很多,其中家庭影响是第一位的,家庭教育的好与坏,将会影响孩子的终生。使用科学的家教方式,建立良好的家庭环境能够取得较好的家教结果,使青少年能全面、健康地成长,为防止青少年犯罪打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

中世纪的欧洲普遍被认为是历史的黑暗时期,此时的基督教及其教会也被视为一种落后的、禁锢人们思想、阻碍科学发展和进步的顽固势力,但世界的大学教育恰恰诞生在这一时期。因此,从西欧大学教育体制的形成和建立两方面客观地分析它的成长历程,以及观察基督教在大学教育演变过程中的作用和影响,可以发现基督教及其教会为大学的创建和普及,特别在大学教育兴办时期所发挥的奠基作用是不可低估的。  相似文献   

European Journal of Population - Considering soaring wealth inequalities in older age, this research addresses the relationship between family life courses and widening wealth differences between...  相似文献   

家庭法是中国法学版图的重要组成部分,但已有研究未能正确认识个体、家庭与国家的结构性关系,故未能就其变迁提供具有充分解释力的结论。新中国成立以来,国家整合便是一以贯之的任务。在新中国成立初期,国家试图依靠家庭法的政治化运作,从家庭入手改造个体,实现同质国家。改革开放打破了这一局面,市场经济促使法律中的家庭成为自我发展、自我服务的角色。与此同时,经济理性对家庭伦理的削弱,也暴露出现代化进程中价值共识虚无的困境。后来法治国家的建设促成了依宪整合的转型,社会主义核心价值观成为新时代的宪法价值共识。在宪法精神的引领下,《民法典·婚姻家庭编》构建了作为公民美德教化者的家庭角色,多维度促进了价值凝聚力,回应了新时代国家整合的价值需求。  相似文献   

天下之本在国,国之本在家.国家的正常运作需要家族来支撑和维系,国法的推行需要家法的补充和协助.通过检视鲁南地区庄氏家族的族谱、家训史料,可以发现家训的作用不仅限于对族人的教化约束,还体现出一种助力基层政府统治的“准法律”作用.这种“准法律”作用在族内、乡邻、家国三个层面均有所体现.其根源则可归于家训和朝廷律令背后的传统礼法观念.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent research on family dynamics among immigrants and their descendants in Europe. While there is a large body of literature on various aspects of immigrant lives in Europe, research on family dynamics has emerged only in the last decade. Studies based on individual-level longitudinal data and disaggregated measures of partnership and fertility behaviour have significantly advanced our understanding of the factors shaping family patterns among immigrants and their descendants and have contributed to research on immigrant integration. By drawing on recent research, this paper proposes several ways of further developing research on ethnic minority families. We emphasise the need to study family changes among immigrants and their descendants over their life courses, investigate various modes of family behaviour and conduct more truly comparative research to deepen our understanding of how ethnic minorities structure their family lives in different institutional and policy settings.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed a resurgence in the interest in family size intentions and ideals in developed societies, partially stemming from the idea that realized fertility in these societies is lower than intended fertility. This paper addresses the question of the stability of family size intentions. Based on Heckhausen’s life-span theory of control, it is hypothesized that young adults’ family size intentions are likely to change as a result of their experiences in the family and occupational life domains. To study this issue, data are used from a Dutch panel survey in which respondents are questioned on their family size intentions six times over the course of 18 years. The results show that family size intentions are not stable, but are adjusted as people age. On average, the adjustment is downward, but some people do not adjust their intentions or even adjust them upwards. Much of this difference in age patterns can be explained by changes in the partner, educational, and occupational careers of young adults. Not finding a suitable partner and pursuing a career—for women—are important factors. But also the timing of the fertility career itself is of major importance. If respondents postpone having children until their thirties, they are much more likely to adjust their intentions downwards than if they start their childbearing career earlier.  相似文献   

本文阐述了目前我国家庭规模和结构的状况与发展趋势.同时对其产生4的原因和所造成的社会与人口效应作了一定的分析.  相似文献   

《颜氏家训·音辞篇》在音韵学史上有重要的地位 :一、它是汉语语音变异学说的滥觞 ;二、是编撰《切韵》一书的理论依据 ;三、《音辞篇》辨析声韵、精于审音 ,开一代韵书分韵正音之先河。  相似文献   

当代中国女性普遍面临家庭角色与社会角色、家庭角色内部之间的多重角色冲突,加强家庭美德修养,承担家庭角色伦理责任,是调节其角色冲突的有效途径之一。当代中国女性家庭美德修养应基于对家庭角色关系的正确定位和自觉关怀,修好为妻、为女(媳)、为母之德和持家之道、亲邻之善。  相似文献   

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