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How should we define “organizability?” I identify here four factors that contribute to a group’s organizability: organizers’ expectations, labor market structures, employers’ actions, and workers’ union sentiments. I briefly discuss how the first three factors correspond with workers’ union sentiments in comparing two divergent occupations: teaching assistants (TAs) and web designers. Workers must choose between conflicting identities in constructing themselves as “organizable” workers. While TAs ultimately framed their identities primarily as employees, web designers still consider themselves unorganizable. I explore similarities and differences between these cases and propose some steps union organizers and web designers could take in unionizing.  相似文献   


The outcome of social work intervention is often some rearrangement of valuable resources—money, services, power, status—in a family, neighborhood, or community. However, this redistributional effect of social work intervention and the related ethical implications have been largely unexplicated. This paper discusses the nature of distributional questions, examines three alternative approaches to the ethics of distribution—1) classical utilitarianism, 2) intuitionism, and 3) Rawls' “Theory of Justice”—and reviews the criticisms of each. The paper concludes that elements of each of these approaches can apply to social work education and practice and can help guide practitioners to higher levels of ethical consciousness.  相似文献   

“Supportive” psychotherapy: A contemporary view   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a brief review of social work literature regarding the technique of psychotherapy serves as a bridge to introduce the way in which self-psychology and the systematic use of empathy as a mode of listening and responding, had effected the conduct of psychoanalytic psychotherapy. A clinical sample, taken from the treatment of a patient who was diagnosed as having a Borderline Condition, is being used to demonstrate that feeling understood firms up the self in a way that enhances introspection and permits the use of interpretations as the therapist's primary mode of communication. The clinical example also demonstrates that when the therapist maintains an empathic position, the patient, even in once weekly therapy, is likely to develop one of the selfobject transferences. Further, that when empathic interpretations are used as the therapist's primary interventions, structural changes are likely to occur in such a way that treatment results in true healing rather than in the fostering of a life-long dependency on the therapist. Only a brief reference is made to the usefulness of self-psychology to the treatment of patients with higher level psychic organization and the important part that anger plays in the process of psychoanalytic psychotherapy.The Shirley Greenberg Memorial Lecture, Delivered at Simmons College, School of Social Work, Boston, Massachusetts on June 9, 1983.  相似文献   

小雨 《公关世界》2008,(3):42-43
办公室里的万人迷就像一个苹果,鲜活,健康,自然,永远衣着光鲜地在不吝忽视的每个地方。她们总是精力充沛、光鲜轻松,面带微笑,用一切尽在掌握中的自信辐射着每一个同事,鲜亮形成的磁场,也总是将她带到目光聚集的地方。这些苹果女人容易被重用,容易被推到台前,是不可或缺的A角。与苹果女人形成鲜明对照的是另一群人——饼干女人。她们总是跟加班、自我虐待的办公室生存方式联系在一起,她们工作努力,但不修边幅。  相似文献   

While the results of research by sociologists and psychologists indicate that sexual mate-swapping is not a pathological behavior, psychodynamic considerations suggest that mate-swappers may have had difficulty adequately completing the developmental tasks of adolescence. Large scale surveys support this speculation in that mateswappers recall more unhappy childhood experiences and extremes of either parental overprotectiveness or neglect than do matched populations of non-mate-swappers. The researcher hypothesized that mate-swapping may represent an attempted solution to long standing individual and/or marital problems resulting from these earlier difficulties. An exploratory study of six mate-swapping couples in marital therapy supported the researcher's speculation that mate-swapping among a client population should be viewed from both a sociological and psychodynamic perspective. Further studies are needed to ascertain to what extent individual personality factors influence the choice of mate-swapping among the general, non-client population.  相似文献   

杨杨A,中国女子短道速滑队的运动员,今年盐湖城冬奥会两枚金牌的得主,在这里为我们讲述她自己的故事。  相似文献   

A survey of “racial” attitudes on a deep‐South university campus indicates that both “black” and “white” students strongly support desegregation—equality of political and economic rights including access to public facilities. Although “blacks” are receptive to integration also, the majority of “whites” reject “blacks” socially.  相似文献   

As the movie capital of the world for many decades, Hollywood has achieved an almost legendary status the world over. As a geographical location within southern California, however, it is also home to the many people who work within its film industry. The following interview with David Hanna (1917-1993) explores just what day-to-day life was like for the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender (GLBT) population who called Hollywood home during the Golden Age of the movie studio system: 1935 to the early 1950s. As a reporter on several Hollywood papers and a movie publicist, Hanna had a journalist's eye view of the legal and social problems confronting a group of people whose sexual orientation relegated them to a largely pariah status. As a gay man, he had a first-hand knowledge of the strategies of survival developed by Hollywood's GLBT population during those years. The article lays the groundwork for a more systematic study of GLBT Hollywood. In that regard, its introduction contains a short discussion of the methodological problems confronting researchers into that history.  相似文献   

For many years, intercountry adoption (ICA) in the United Kingdom was an unregulated, “tolerated” practice which was neither scrutinized nor supported to the degree of domestic adoption. Since 1999, legislative changes have sought to place ICA on equal footing with domestic adoption. This article addresses the extent to which this objective has been achieved through an examination of post-placement support practices and parents’ experiences, preferences, and expectations of support services. The findings of this study indicate that a less proactive, inclusive approach, limitations of professional knowledge and experience, the lack of appropriate services, and families’ support preferences contribute to the persistence of a “two-tier service.”  相似文献   

古正  雅商 《金色年华》2014,(12):42-43
在常人的印象中,战争、军火、权势这些关键词是应该与男人紧密联系在一起的。当一个美丽的女性30多年来与这些硬邦邦的词汇紧密联系在一起时,你一定会感到十分诧异。玛丽莲·A·休森这位样貌娟秀的职场艾性,却用自己的半生经历,颠覆着人们的传统观念。  相似文献   

本文通过"HSK动态作文语料库"中"又A又B"格式的语料收集与分析,对留学生"又A又B"格式使用偏误进行归类和数据分析,最后总结留学生"又A又B"格式偏误的总体情况。  相似文献   

The study tested two hypotheses: that in a walkable neighborhood, residents will exercise more, eat healthier, and suffer from less obesity and that relation between environment and health outcomes will be stronger for the elderly. Health was measured by physical activity, the number of portions of fruits and vegetables eaten daily, and body mass index. Walkability was measured by three distinct environmental factors—distress, amenities, and residential. The three health outcomes were related to the three environmental factors. Age was not a significant predictor of health outcomes. Although the environment does contribute to health outcomes, the ways that contribution is expressed and its relation to age is complex.  相似文献   

1947年7月29日,刚刚指挥完著名鲁西南战役的晋冀鲁豫野战军司令员刘伯承、政委邓小平,便收到一份非同寻常的电报。  相似文献   

The “melting pot” policy intends to create a new generation of migrants that will assimilate with the native population. The instruments used by the policy makers are fiscal and educational policies, which are intended to eliminate disparities between the migrants and the native population. The aim of this paper is to examine the success of this policy among second generation Israelis. In other words, the question of interest is whether the second generation is more similar to the natives, or to their own parents. The methodology used is ANOGI – ANalysis Of GIni – which is similar to ANOVA except that it offers an additional parameter – stratification between groups. We compare two classifications: in the first, the second-generation Israelis were classified as Israelis, while in the second they were classified as belonging to the country of origin (of their parents). We find that the latter classification is more stratified than the former. This suggests that the melting pot policy did not achieve its declared targets.  相似文献   

This brief article takes a critical look at Joseph W. Scott's article Black Polygamous Family Formation. While Scott's research is seen as helpful, several problems in his treatment of plural mating and marriage arrangements among Black Americans are discussed. Major conceptual problems are created by Scott's use (or misuse) of the concept polygyny. Significant methodological problems are also posed by his sampling approach, operationalization of concepts, and analytic strategies. Studies such as Scott's are of optimal value when their exploratory nature, and consequent limitation, are clearly acknowledged. Authors' Note: Please address inquiries or requests for reprints to: Walter R. Allen, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109  相似文献   

This commentary expands on Kellner’s article by discussing clinical practice with Asian and Euro-American couples. Differences in Western and traditional Asian cultural expectations around intimacy and styles of emotional expression can often lead to misunderstanding among couples. Therapy can also be a challenge for couples when they do not share the same first language. A therapist who only speaks English can inadvertently create an alliance with the partner whose first language is English. On the other hand, bilingual therapists who use both English and an Asian language in the session can face challenges differentiating their roles as a therapist versus a translator. Case illustrations are presented to illustrate these challenges.
Tazuko ShibusawaEmail:

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