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Welfare reform in the United States restricted non‐citizens' eligibility for public assistance programs and strengthened economic benefits from naturalization. We examine the impact of these policy changes on elderly immigrants' naturalization, considering their level of need for public benefits. Using individual data from the Current Population Survey as well as state‐level data, we employ a differences‐in‐differences approach to consider variations in time, state policy, and probability of Medicaid participation. Results show that naturalization significantly increased among elderly immigrants who were likely to participate in Medicaid, suggesting that elderly immigrants in need of Medicaid became naturalized to maintain their eligibility for public benefits after welfare reform.  相似文献   

We examined the association of joint trajectories of ethnic identity and criminal offending to psychosocial maturity, gang membership, and Mexican American affiliation among 300 Mexican American male juvenile offenders from ages 14 to 22. There were two low‐offending groups: one was the highest in ethnic identity and changing slightly with age and the other was the lowest in ethnic identity and stable with age. A third group displayed moderately declining offending and moderately stable ethnic identity. A fourth group displayed high‐offending individuals with moderate, but increasing, levels of ethnic identity, who were initially lower in psychosocial maturity and more likely to be gang members. The findings highlight the need to contextualize theories of ethnic identity development.  相似文献   

This paper was part of qualitative research that sought to explore motivations of Masters-level students (n = 53) in taking an elective course in international social work at a large public university in the Southeastern US. A review of the literature includes the foundational aspects of globalization and its relationship with social work education. Through content analysis, results show comportment of students' stated motivations for taking the course and the contemporaneous literature on globalization. Themes expressed are the historical context of globalization, concern about global inequalities, and the varying impacts of globalization around the world. Discussion is directed towards exploring ways of effectively infusing globalization content in the social work curricula.  相似文献   

现有国际货币体制的不稳定性主要体现在现代版的“特里芬难题”,即经济多极化和美元储备单极化之间的矛盾.国际社会对储备资产的需求无法单由美国的金融体系来提供.现行国际货币体系的问题表现在以国家为主体的利益诉求和公共产品缺乏的矛盾.美元周期性的贬值,导致全球资产的波动,资本流动的波动.尤其是目前,发达国家过度使用货币政策,导致了资产的泡沫.  相似文献   

In the study, a model of the relationship between mass media depictions of gambling and subsequent gambling attitudes and behavioral intentions of college students was developed. A survey was conducted with 229 undergraduate students (79.5% female, mean age = 20.5, SD = 2.04) enrolled in three different communication courses at a large southeastern university. Through structural equation analysis, the six hypotheses of this study were analyzed using the method of maximum likelihood with AMOS 6. The model was consistent with the hypotheses that media exposure impacts gambling attitudes and behavioral intentions both positively and negatively, depending on the valence of the gambling depiction. Theoretical and practical implications of mass media exposure and gambling behaviors are discussed, and future research directions are outlined.  相似文献   

Walter Benjamin famously portrayed the shock sensation as the cause of a "heightening of consciousness" in modernity, a process which in turn causes the disintegration of the "aura" and the suffocation of "experience" under the "protective shield" of consciousness. When applied to the cultural space of Murakami Haruki's novels a discrepancy comes into view that calls for sociological elucidation. Here modernity is a "naturalized" space characterized by tranquillity and stillness, a low consciousness, and a fusion of reification with re-enchantment. This naturalization is made possible by a process of privatization whereby libidinal energy becomes transferred from objective human relations to the interior of the self. Murakami struggles with the dilemma of how to affirm naturalization while counteracting privatization. While the prime cultural contradiction according to Benjamin was the conflict between "the aura" and the heightening of consciousness, in the naturalized modernity portrayed by Murakami another contradiction emerges which revolves around the conflict between painless solitude and the struggle to regain auratic human relations.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the public opinion on the naturalization policy for Syrians in Turkey. It analyses news media coverage in the religious, far‐right newspaper (Yeni Akit), a centre‐right newspaper (Hürriyet), a social democrat newspaper (Cumhuriyet), and a socialist‐left news portal (Solportal). The research question is: What are the metaphors, arguments, and omissions produced by media of different ideologies about the possible citizenship of Syrians in Turkey? The results show that metaphors and arguments differ according to ideological stance, suggesting that the current political polarization in Turkey affects the public's acceptance of Syrians and challenges Turkey's established migration policy. Each ideological stance accepts Syrians on a selective basis, implying that universal naturalization of Syrians is not welcome; instead, there seems to be consensus favouring naturalization according to socio‐economic criteria. These results indicate a need for a change in migration policy, especially concerning disadvantaged Syrians.  相似文献   

Psychotherapists are forced to face the troubling fact of their ineffectiveness. Part of the sense of uselessness arises out of going face-to- face with family systems. Another part is based in the therapist's theoretical orientation. Two methods for breaking out of this double paralysis are described. Both methods are illustrated with clinical examples.  相似文献   

This article surveys the practice of dual nationality in the Western Hemisphere, particularly as it impacts the naturalization rates of immigrants in the United States. The article begins by looking at the extent and spread of dual nationality provisions and the pathways for its implementation. Next, the article turns to a discussion of the multiple (and at times conflicting) interests – of immigrants, sending states and receiving states – in dual nationality. While immigrants and sending countries are in general agreement on the positive benefits of dual nationality, commentators in receiving countries like the United States continue to express deep unease at the spread of dual nationality and its consequences for American citizenship. Are these concerns justified? Not according to U.S. naturalization rates. Data from 1965 to 1997 indicate that immigrants from countries recognizing dual nationality average higher naturalization rates in the United States than countries that do not.  相似文献   

<正>山水画是我国独一无二的艺术表现形式。画家以书面形式重新描绘了自然景观,使美丽的山水出现在图画中。在现代环境设计中,山水描绘的景象对建筑设计、结构、元素等产生了重大影响。中国山水图画是一种传统形式,使用笔墨纸砚,它以实用和艺术的形式描绘了著名人物、山水和花鸟。中国山水画资料丰富,经过了数千年的发展,对世界绘画艺术产生了重大影响。在环境艺术设计方面,它是艺术的一个重要分支,但近年来,中国的环境艺术设计呈现出高度的同质性,创新不足,艺术水平低下,阻碍了环境艺术的发展。事实上,中国山水画艺术在环境设计上具有更大的独创性和深刻的影响力,许多设计师在设计环境艺术时使用了中国绘画的某些元素,从而使设计更清晰、更具创新性,极大地促进了人类与自然的和谐发展以及环境设计中的和谐发展,并凸显了环境艺术的中国特色,以构建更深层次的中国形象。从而,本文分析了中国山水画意境对环境艺术设计的影响。  相似文献   

Research highlights lasting cognitive and academic challenges in youth internationally adopted from institutional care. However, there is a lack of research examining internationally adopted students' sense of membership at school and associated academic and psychological outcomes. The current study measured sense of school membership and academic and psychological outcomes in post-institutionalized internationally adopted high school students (n = 29) compared to adolescents internationally adopted from foster care (n = 28) and non-adopted adolescents (n = 32). Post-institutionalized males had a lower sense of school membership than males adopted from foster care or non-adopted males. Group differences in school membership were mediated by academic achievement and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

Global governance organizations (GGOs) are frequently malignedas both illegitimate and ineffective. With the growing prominenceof entities that promulgate global rules governing trade, communications,finance, and transport, these shortcomings take on greater importance.This essay presents a theoretical framework to understand thechallenge of legitimacy for GGOs. It argues that GGOs tend toface trade-offs between legitimacy and authority, but that widespreadusages of these important terms conflate or confuse them andthus obscure critical issues in GGO politics. Once these termsare more clearly defined, we see more easily that GGOs mustsometimes violate democratic norms, sacrificing equality andbureaucratic neutrality, to satisfy key constituencies and thusretain power. The argument lays the foundation for an empiricalstudy that demonstrates how the structure and processes adoptedby GGOs are intended to satisfy the conflicting demands of legitimacyand authority.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the nature of self‐reported attachment change (avoidance and anxiety) in the context of six sessions of couple therapy designed to emphasize both therapist‐centered and couple‐centered (i.e., enactment‐based) clinical process during the beginning stages of therapy. A total of 48 couples with at least one partner who reported clinically significant relationship dissatisfaction participated in this study. Findings confirmed that some couples experience positive attachment‐related change (anxiety or avoidance), while also identifying a subset of individuals who may not experience optimal levels of attachment‐related change. In addition, findings point toward both differences and similarities between change trajectories for avoidance and anxiety. Finally, there was evidence that socio‐demographic factors may be associated with attachment change.  相似文献   

Despite the passage of the Immigration and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) the United States Border Patrol arrested about 1 million illegal aliens crossing the border in 1990. This phenomenon suggests that the IRCA has failed to control illegal immigration to the United States. Structural analysis of its implementation by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) was analyzed. Under an agreement with the INS to process illegal workers, community-based organizations in Arizona and New York became certified Qualified Designated Entities (QDEs). In 1988 the INS carried out a study to measure the impact of IRCA and solicited data from 9 QDEs. Data were obtained from 308 illegal aliens who failed to apply for amnesty and another 286 temporary legal residents. In the New York study information was collected from the QDEs between 1987 and 1989, and also in the summer of 1989 a group of 171 amnesty applicants were surveyed. All QDEs stated that implementation was hampered by excessive documentation, lack of strong family unification provisions, the financial cost of seeking legalization, and a fear of the INS. The Arizona and New York studies indicated that excessive documentation, fear of the INS (46% in New York), and fear of family separation (47% in New York) were the major factors why the targeted people did not come forward. Instead of seeking a proper balance between the written words of IRCA and the intent of Congress, INS developed guidelines that ignored the relevant facts presented by respected QDEs and Latino groups. In reality, INS sought to prevent illegal entry through amnesty offices throughout the United States. The eligibility requirements issued by the INS for amnesty served to limit and constrain participation in that program.  相似文献   

This study tests a hypothesis that Mexican foreign‐born immigrants who came to the United States for economic reasons naturalize less often than Cubans who immigrate for political reasons. It uses information from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, Latino Sample, a national sample of 7,453 respondents from the 1989 Latino National Political Survey (LNPS) and the 1990 Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). Ordinal logistic regression is used to examine the hypothesis. The results indicate that while more Mexicans plan to apply or have applied for naturalization, proportionately more Cubans than Mexicans have naturalized. Cuban political immigrants who came to the United States during the first half of the 1960s naturalize more often than their Mexican counterparts. However, the effect of ethnic identity on naturalization is mediated by a number of other predictors of naturalization such as gender, race, urban residence, socioeconomic status and acculturation.  相似文献   

潘春月 《职业时空》2013,(10):89-91
通过企业调研与职业岗位分析,提出了电子信息工程技术专业“双层次多方向”人才培养方案的设计思路,建立起技术型和技能型两个层次,产品设计方向、产品生产工艺与管理方向等多方向的人才培养方案,主要介绍人才培养方案的设计方法和实施成效.  相似文献   

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