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This article draws on substantial ethnographic data among Ugandans in Britain and Uganda. It takes a migrant-centred approach to its discussion to reflect the relationship between assumptions of integration and institutional, socio-cultural and socio-economic dimensions. This highlights colonial transnational practices that continue to inform migrants' everyday lives. The article shows how migrants' understanding of education as a vital component of social mobility and status is attributed to the legacy of British colonial administration. This means that, for Ugandans, the process of adaptation in the UK comes with a different set of connotations, as this heritage remains of key significance to migrants' expectations. Important dimensions to the interfaces between transnationalism and integration are shown to be labour-market participation and immigration status. Place and identity emerge as points of intersectionality where the negotiated nature of transnationalism and integration processes is revealed.  相似文献   

While there is no blatantly racist discourse among the French political class per se, the modern politics of citizenship in France is rooted in France's racialized colonial legacy. Upon critical examination, contemporary French political discourse and policy implementations indeed speak to France's colonial past. The concept of ‘otherness’ is situated at the centre of French political discourse, and is manifested in constructions of whiteness. ‘Otherness’ has created a double standard for legal non-European immigrants compared with French and European citizens. The politics of integration and assimilation are founded on the ideological backdrop of universality, which falsely represents French society in colour-blind terms. This is evident in both moderate and extremist political party rhetoric in regards to new policies of immigration, citizenship and nationality. We contend that the contemporary political discourses in France closely resemble the colonial period in spite of (and precisely because of) France's historical amnesia. In this article, we explore the redefinition of French citizenship as an expansion of whiteness as rooted in the concept of ‘otherness’. In so doing, we contextualize the contemporary discourse of inclusion, exclusion, citizenship, and whiteness on the backdrop of France's colonial legacy.  相似文献   

戴裔煊是我国民族学界和史学界久负盛名的学者.通过述评他的一段人生经历和相关著述,本文认为学有所宗是他学有所成的前提,从事编译是他独特的成才道路,他给西方民族学的画像,他对中国民族学的研究,以及他的治学方法是留给后人的遗产.今天我们纪念戴裔煊,就是要继承他的优良品格和学术遗产.  相似文献   

At the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair, 1100 Filipino ‘natives’ were used as human displays to argue for the colonial enterprise in the Philippines. Seventy years later, the Marcos regime staged Kasaysayan ng Lahi (History of the Race), a mass ceremony that reworked the visual, performative and commercial dynamics of the 1904 colonial exposition to promote heritage tourism in the Philippines. While the use of human displays in colonial expositions has been well documented and analyzed as a constitutive element of a Eurocentric ‘exhibitionary complex’, its uptake in developing nations seeking entry into an emergent cultural economy has yet to be explored. This article places critical analyses of colonial expositions, human displays and heritage tourism in productive dialogue, and examines the continuities and discontinuities between the Philippine exhibit at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair and the 1974 staging of Kasaysayan ng Lahi by the Marcos regime. Against established views of ‘staged authenticities’ as either exploitative or socially empowering, this case study advances a more complex framework for critical histories of the exhibitionary complex, and foregrounds the internal contradictions that inhere within the staging of indigenous heritage for purposes of cultural revitalization and economic development.  相似文献   

文化景观遗产及构成要素探析——以广西龙脊梯田为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
和谐的人文景观其实质就是文化遗产.景观遗产最大的不同在于它是"人类活动的历史遗留",是稀缺的、独特的和不可再生的.梯田文化景观遗产包括山地自然要素、梯田文化景观遗产、古村落物质文化遗产以及梯田--古聚落非物质文化遗产四个维度,每个维度又有各自的分级指标.本文以广西龙脊梯田为例,分析对比了东道主和游客双方对龙脊梯田遗产的感知差异,提出了龙胜梯田文化景观遗产要素,以求达到景观遗产的活态保护与有效开发的目的.  相似文献   

马啸 《青海民族研究》2007,18(2):133-138
清代前期对蒙藏民族地区的成功施治,堪称历代中央政府处理这一地区政治统辖关系的典范,素为后人所称道,也为研究者所重视。20年来,史学界对这一领域的研究取得了新进展,成果主要体现在治理的指导思想、基本政策、具体措施、管理机构、统治效果等各个层面。对之进行必要的总结,尤其进行以治理西北蒙藏地区为重点的梳理与评析,指出不足,不仅从整体上对于深化治理蒙藏地区的研究十分必要,也对西北民族史、边疆史、区域史的研究大有助益。  相似文献   

研究西北地区的基督教史,具有重大意义。因为基督教在西北地区的历史源远流长,可上溯至唐元。该地区交通不便,环境相对恶劣,而且信仰状况复杂,民族语言多样。基督教在西北地区的活动,充分体现了中西交流的丰富历史图景。不过,目前西北地区基督教研究仍显得不足,主要表现在研究队伍薄弱,对中西文史料缺乏深入挖掘上。鉴于此,本文着意梳理20世纪80年代以来西北地区基督教史研究状况(不涉及唐元两代的景教研究),整理西北地区基督教史档案史料的分布情况,并对西北地区基督教史的未来走向提出一些粗浅看法。  相似文献   

明代对西北藏区实行的僧纲制度是其管理藏区事务的一部分,也是明代对汉传佛教采取的僧官制度在西北地区的扩延,明把西北地区看作是经营整个藏区的示范区,不少政策首先是在这里推行后才向藏地纵深地带延伸的,因此,研究它在安多地区实行的僧纲制度对研究明代藏族史有一定特殊作用。  相似文献   

Travel visa requirements are generally recognised as the result of a trade-off between preventing irregular migration, ensuring security and allowing potential economic benefits to countries. The role of history has been overlooked. This article focuses on the Caribbean, a region heavily influenced by colonialism, which experienced important changes in political status and migration policies over the twentieth century. Using bilateral travel visa requirement data, we examine the importance of two travel visa determinants: post-colonial ties and the migration regimes established by the former colonial state after independence. We show that post-colonial ties explain patterns of travel visa requirements for France, the Netherlands and the US, but less for Britain and British-sphere Caribbean countries, revealing the less uniform and changing role of post-colonial ties. Travel visa requirements largely reinforce migration regimes types, so that Caribbean citizens from countries with a closed migration regime also experienced reduced travel opportunities. This reveals a perception that when the former colonial state limits migration opportunities, it might lead to travel, and potential overstaying, in other destinations. These findings provide new evidence of the relevance of colonial history and migration policies with the former colonial state in shaping travel opportunities of citizens of former colonies.  相似文献   

把口述史研究的理论和方法引入非物质文化遗产的研究,可以使研究者充分收集口述史料,并对其进行整理、归纳、分析、判断、评价,同时将口述史料与可得到的其他文献资料结合起来使用。通过这些史料,研究者不仅可以得到原始的宝贵资料,而且能够填补文献资料中遗产事项真实性、细节性的缺陷。通过对非物质文化遗产传承人口述史访谈这种方式,能更好地把握文化遗产研究的脉络,从而为遗产学的发展提供新思路。  相似文献   

西部大开发与小民族文化遗产的弘扬保护   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文主要针对西北人数较少民族文化遗产在西部大开发中所面临的保护与发展问题阐述了自己的观点.作者认为,西北各少数民族在西部地区这一广阔的时间和空间里,共同创造了光辉灿烂的人文资源,这些宝贵的资源不仅可以保护,而且可以开发和利用,在新的历史条件下,还可以有所发展,有所作为.  相似文献   

国外民族文化遗产旅游原真性问题研究述评   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
原真性是民族文化遗产旅游英文文献中的热点与难点问题。本文一方面梳理其概念、主要流派及观点,另一方面重点探讨了原真性与商品化、民族文化遗产与旅游的关系问题。  相似文献   

Editorial Note     

The issue of acculturation is an important one in the history and historiography of Dutch colonialism in the Indies. In so far as there is any substantial orthodoxy, it is that the orientalisation of Java's Dutch communities had become very marked by the late seventeenth century and remained so for the next two hundred years. It was only with the changed global circumstances of the late colonial era, c. 1880 onwards, that Western modes began to assert themselves effectively against those of the East. In turn, the profound acculturation prior to that date of the Dutch colonial communities in the Indies, and in Java in particular, came to be associated with the notion of a Tempo Doeloe [lit: 'time past'], which provided a salient contrast to the markers of a subsequent, late-colonial 'modernity' This paper questions some of the basic assumptions of this orthodoxy, from a postcolonial standpoint that challenges its inherent colonial-era binaries. The nineteenth century family histories of a number of men and women - Suikerlords [Sugar Lords] and their Ladies - from the elite strata of Dutch colonial society in the Indies demonstrates that the cultural and social nexus between The Netherlands and the Indies throughout the nineteenth century was a good deal more intimate, and colonial identity significantly more ambivalent, than enduring stereotypes might allow.  相似文献   

雍际春 《西北民族研究》2012,(2):181-192,101
关陇地区以老官台和大地湾为代表的前仰韶时代文化,共同催生了陕甘地区的仰韶文化,这一文化就是炎帝西羌集团的遗存。从距今6000年前后起,炎帝西羌集团一些支族开始向四方迁徙。其中,一支向东北迁往山西汾河与晋冀桑干河流域,与黄帝部族融合后又返回中原,形成炎黄集团;一支迁往西北甘青地区,与当地土著融合,产生了马家窑文化。炎帝部族留在关中故地的又与此后回流的部分炎黄族民构成姜炎部族。本文结合考古材料和文献记载,对夏商时代关中的姜炎文化和先周文化、陇右的姜羌文化和羌戎文化的来源、演化,及其与关陇部族的分合流变进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文对近20年来西北回族教育史的研究现状和成果进行归纳梳理,目的在于从史学的角度来审视西北回族教育的发展历程,从而为西北回族社会史的研究提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on different heritage centers established by individuals and groups of activists from the Palestinian community in Israel to independently record, preserve and organize their history and cultural heritage through educational and cultural activity. It reviews the historical developments that have occurred in this challenging voluntary work, pointing up a significant awakening that has occurred since the 1990s and proposing new directions and a framework for the expansion and deepening of the preservation of Palestinian Arab heritage in Israel. Consequently, the paper discusses projects of academic researchers that aim to preserve Palestinian Arab heritage in Israel, leading naturally and substantially to a genuine and egalitarian collaboration between Jews and Arabs. This collaborative effort in academic projects creates a firm foundation for the development of mutual respect and recognition concerning the unique historical and cultural roots of each side and could enrich civil coexistence in Israel.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Mental Health Improvements for Nations Development of the World Health Organization (WHO), or what it refers to as its MIND project, as it produces versions of human and human suffering. Arising at approximately the same time as decolonization began to occur, the WHO can be read as reflective of colonial history as well as a colonizing force in postcolonial times. Through an analysis of the WHO's publicly available material, we shall show how the MIND project is not only a product of, but also helps to produce the power of coloniality. In the WHO MIND project, professional disability knowledge is used to identify an emergent mental health crisis in need of Western medical intervention. Guided by Fanon's call to notice how assistance makes a subject ‘thoroughly fit into a social environment of the colonial type,’ we examine the role of disability knowledge in the production of people ‘fit’ to survive in environments that reproduce coloniality. We show how the WHO MIND project can be read so as to reveal the restrictive and exclusive versions of the human that have arisen from the colonial past as our way to attempt to disrupt the developmental trajectory of the coloniality of the present.  相似文献   

本文论述了工业遗产保护与城市发展之间的关系.沈阳市铁西区工人村始建于1952年,这里居住着三代工人,他们都是老工业基地的缔造者.他们经历了工人阶级的辉煌、改革的阵痛、反思后的腾飞,他们的生活就是东北老工业基地发展历程的缩影,他们的“工人精神”更是这座老城发展的精神内核.工业遗产的保护不仅仅是将冷冰冰的机器、厂矿封存起来,而是将一座工业城市发展的历史展现出来,是将使这些冰冷机器喷发火光的工人阶级的生活展现出来.这才是这座城市发展的历史,同时也是这座城市发展的动力.  相似文献   

黄彩文  梁锐 《民族学刊》2014,5(1):16-22,-100-101
近年来,云南人口较少民族经济发展与文化保护的矛盾日益凸显,民族地区的文化生境不断遭受破坏;加上人口较少民族的价值观念逐渐发生变化,非物质文化遗产传承人出现断层等问题,人口较少民族文化保护形势严峻。云南布朗族在应用信息化手段保护民族文化方面有很好的实践。布朗文化遗产可数字化资源划分为实体和物质文化遗产与口头和非物质文化遗产两大类。按照三级指标评价模型,结合可数字化文化资源的特点,首先聘请专家依据"可数字化资源评价赋分标准"对布朗族民族文化资源进行打分,并采用微积分运算公式计算出三级指标的综合评价值,根据最终评价得分来评判布朗族民族文化资源是否具有可数字化的价值。然后,对文化资源进行数字化采集,综合采用静态数字化技术、动态数字化技术和三维数字技术,按照文本数字化、图像数字化、三维图像建立、虚拟物品制作四个数字化级别来进行信息化处理。  相似文献   

加白晋/著 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):28-35,101-103
This article explores the promotion of tea culture at Wudang Mountain, a Daoist tem-ple complex in Hubei Province that is a popular tourist destination. At shops in temples and market areas, vendors brand their tea as Wudang Daoist tea, emphasizing its health benefits and connecting their teas to the Daoist discourse of life-nourishing ( yang sheng) practices. In their marketing materi-als and on their websites, the management of the Eight Immortal Temple Tea Plantation further cites folklore and mythic history to claim profound local roots for Wudang tea culture. In so doing, this company echoes the memory narratives of more fa-mous Chinese teas like Iron Guanyin and Dahong-pao. In China as elsewhere, convenient travel now puts people in contact with areas and peoples that a few decades earlier only a few non-locals explored. As a consequence of a global trend towards com-modification, members of local groups, including distinctive ethnocultural groups, now seek to create distinctive local brands for a tourist market. Corpo-rations now regularly mine local traditions to find i-tems that they can transform into commodities for a wider market ( Comaroff and Comaroff 2009 ) . One of Hubei’s richest tourism assets is the Daoist temple complex at Wudang Moutain, which draws pilgrims and tourists from China and Greater China. China’s State Council identified Wudang Moutain as a National Key Scenic Area in 1982 , and UNESCO added its ancient temples to its World Heritage list in 1994 . The Chinese govern-ment has worked with the Daoist Federation to de-velop Wudang’s temples and pavilions, which are spread over 400 square kilometers of mountainous terrain, into a major tourist destination. The gov-ernment tourist office promotes Wudang Mountain for its scenic beauty, its deep historical heritage, its religious culture, and famous martial arts. Al-though its tea culture is less renowned, local tea sellers claim that Wudang tea has a deep history and Daoist qualities. At Wudang Mountain, the Eight Immortal Temple Tea Plantation markets their tea as Wudang Daoist Tea, using history, legend, ritual, and sa-cred location to distinguish its green, black, and oolong teas from those produced elsewhere. They seek to valorize their teas through claims about the excellence of their growing environment ( not un-like the terroir of a fine wine ) and the historical depth of their tea history. They further use legend and mythic history to position their products, and associate their teas with Daoist traditions of health preservation, including martial arts. Finally, they use modern marketing techniques to promote their teas, including a promotional video directed by a In Ethnicity Inc, John and Jean Comaroff pro-pose that “commerce has been instrumental either in crystallizing or in reproducing the sociological entities (‘people’, ‘nation’, ‘community’ ) in which cultural identity is presumed to inhere”( Comaroff and Comaroff 2009:114 ) . In particu-lar, they conclude that people use identity-laden objects as a vehicle through which “ethnic con-sciousness is materialized” ( 33 ) . They focus on the modern discourse of intellectual property rights, including competing national claims to trademark signature products (122). Wudang tea vendors have used story, packa-ging, and performance to promote teas that evoke Wudang’s history, local traditions, and landscape. Hubei officials pay premium prices for the Eight Immortal Temple Plantation’s highest quality teas, but outside China Wudang tea is not well known. As global awareness of this world heritage site grows, Hubei’s Wudang Daoist tea series may find a place among the specialty teas now sold on the world market. But for now, Wudang Daoist Tea is an innovative brand that symbolizes a heritage that is simultaneously imperial, national, Daoist, and deeply local.  相似文献   

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