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Data from field operations of a system is often used to estimate the reliability of components. Under ideal circumstances, this system field data contains the time to failure along with information on the exact component responsible for the system failure. However, in many cases, the exact component causing the failure of the system cannot be identified, and is considered to be masked. Previously developed models for estimation of component reliability from masked system life data have been based upon the assumption that masking occurs independently of the true cause of system failure. In this paper we develop a Bayesian methodology for estimating component reliabilities from masked system life data when the probability of masking is dependent upon the true cause of system failure. The Bayesian approach is illustrated for the case of a two-component system of exponentially distributed components.  相似文献   

This article considers the constant stress accelerated life test for series system products, where independent log-normal distributed lifetimes are assumed for the components. Based on Type-I progressive hybrid censored and masked data, the expectation-maximization algorithm is applied to obtain the estimation for the unknown parameters, and the parametric bootstrap method is used for the standard deviation estimation. In addition, Bayesian approach combining latent variable with Gibbs sampling is developed. Further, the reliability functions of the system and components are estimated at use stress level. The proposed method is illustrated through a numerical example under different masking probabilities and censoring schemes.  相似文献   


This paper considers the statistical analysis of masked data in a parallel system with inverse Weibull distributed components under type II censoring. Based on Gamma conjugate prior, the Bayesian estimation as well as the hierarchical Bayesian estimation for the parameters and the reliability function of system are obtained by using the Bayesian theory and the hierarchical Bayesian method. Finally, Monte Carlo simulations are provided to compare the performances of the estimates under different masking probabilities and effective sample sizes.  相似文献   

This article considers a k level step-stress accelerated life testing (ALT) on series system products, where independent Weibull-distributed lifetimes are assumed for the components. Due to cost considerations or environmental restrictions, causes of system failures are masked and type-I censored observations might occur in the collected data. Bayesian approach combined with auxiliary variables is developed for estimating the parameters of the model. Further, the reliability and hazard rate functions of the system and components are estimated at a specified time at use stress level. The proposed method is illustrated through a numerical example based on two priors and various masking probabilities.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a binary, monotone system whose component states are dependent through the possible occurrence of independent common shocks, i.e. shocks that destroy several components at once. The individual failure of a component is also thought of as a shock. Such systems can be used to model common cause failures in reliability analysis. The system may be a technological one, or a human being. It is observed until it fails or dies. At this instant, the set of failed components and the failure time of the system are noted. The failure times of the components are not known. These are the so-called autopsy data of the system. For the case of independent components, i.e. no common shocks, Meilijson (1981), Nowik (1990), Antoine et al . (1993) and GTsemyr (1998) discuss the corresponding identifiability problem, i.e. whether the component life distributions can be determined from the distribution of the observed data. Assuming a model where autopsy data is known to be enough for identifia bility, Meilijson (1994) goes beyond the identifiability question and into maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the component lifetime distributions based on empirical autopsy data from a sample of several systems. He also considers life-monitoring of some components and conditional life-monitoring of some other. Here a corresponding Bayesian approach is presented for the shock model. Due to prior information one advantage of this approach is that the identifiability problem represents no obstacle. The motivation for introducing the shock model is that the autopsy model is of special importance when components can not be tested separately because it is difficult to reproduce the conditions prevailing in the functioning system. In Gåsemyr & Natvig (1997) we treat the Bayesian approach to life-monitoring and conditional life- monitoring of components  相似文献   

This paper considers the statistical analysis of masked data in a series system with Burr-XII distributed components. Based on progressively Type-I interval censored sample, the maximum likelihood estimators for the parameters are obtained by using the expectation maximization algorithm, and the associated approximate confidence intervals are also derived. In addition, Gibbs sampling procedure using important sampling is applied for obtaining the Bayesian estimates of the parameters, and Monte Carlo method is employed to construct the credible intervals. Finally, a simulation study is proposed to illustrate the efficiency of the methods under different removal schemes and masking probabilities.  相似文献   

The problem of analyzing series system lifetime data with masked or partial information on cause of failure is recent, compared to that of the standard competing risks model. A generic Gibbs sampling scheme is developed in this article towards a Bayesian analysis for a general parametric competing risks model with masked cause of failure data. The masking probabilities are not subjected to the symmetry assumption and independent Dirichlet priors are used to marginalize these nuisance parameters. The developed methodology is illustrated for the case where the components of a series system have independent log-Normal life distributions by employing independent Normal-Gamma priors for these component lifetime parameters. The Gibbs sampling scheme developed for the required analysis can also be used to provide a Bayesian analysis of data arising from the conventional competing risks model of independent log-Normals, which interestingly has so far remained by and large neglected in the literature. The developed methodology is deployed to analyze a masked lifetime data of PS/2 computer systems.  相似文献   

By combining the progressive hybrid censoring with the step-stress partially accelerated lifetime test, we propose an adaptive step-stress partially accelerated lifetime test, which allows random changing of the number of step-stress levels according to the pre-fixed censoring number and time points. Thus, the time expenditure and economic cost of the test will be reduced greatly. Based on the Lindley-distributed tampered failure rate (TFR) model with masked system lifetime data, the BFGS method is introduced in the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm to obtain the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), which overcomes the difficulties of the vague maximization procedure in the M-step. Asymptotic confidence intervals of components' distribution parameters are also investigated according to the missing information principle. As comparison, the Bayesian estimation and the highest probability density (HPD) credible intervals are obtained by using adaptive rejection sampling. Furthermore, the reliability of the system and components are estimated at a specified time under usual and severe operating conditions. Finally, a numerical simulation example is presented to illustrate the performance of our proposed method.  相似文献   

The Bayesian analysis based on the partial likelihood for Cox's proportional hazards model is frequently used because of its simplicity. The Bayesian partial likelihood approach is often justified by showing that it approximates the full Bayesian posterior of the regression coefficients with a diffuse prior on the baseline hazard function. This, however, may not be appropriate when ties exist among uncensored observations. In that case, the full Bayesian and Bayesian partial likelihood posteriors can be much different. In this paper, we propose a new Bayesian partial likelihood approach for many tied observations and justify its use.  相似文献   

This article deals with the Bayesian and non Bayesian estimation of multicomponent stress–strength reliability by assuming the Kumaraswamy distribution. Both stress and strength are assumed to have a Kumaraswamy distribution with common and known shape parameter. The reliability of such a system is obtained by the methods of maximum likelihood and Bayesian approach and the results are compared using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique for both small and large samples. Finally, two data sets are analyzed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

This paper develops Bayesian analysis in the context of progressively Type II censored data from the compound Rayleigh distribution. The maximum likelihood and Bayes estimates along with associated posterior risks are derived for reliability performances under balanced loss functions by assuming continuous priors for parameters of the distribution. A practical example is used to illustrate the estimation methods. A simulation study has been carried out to compare the performance of estimates. The study indicates that Bayesian estimation should be preferred over maximum likelihood estimation. In Bayesian estimation, the balance general entropy loss function can be effectively employed for optimal decision-making.  相似文献   

Summary. Bayesian analysis of system failure data from engineering applications under a competing risks framework is considered when the cause of failure may not have been exactly identified but has only been narrowed down to a subset of all potential risks. In statistical literature, such data are termed masked failure data. In addition to masking, failure times could be right censored owing to the removal of prototypes at a prespecified time or could be interval censored in the case of periodically acquired readings. In this setting, a general Bayesian formulation is investigated that includes most commonly used parametric lifetime distributions and that is sufficiently flexible to handle complex forms of censoring. The methodology is illustrated in two engineering applications with a special focus on model comparison issues.  相似文献   

The four-parameter Exponentiated Modified Weibull (EMW) is considered as an important lifetime distribution. Based on progressive Type-II censored sample, maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimators of the parameters, reliability function, and hazard rate function are derived. Two cases are considered: first, the case of one unknown exponent parameter of EMW and second, the case when two parameters of the EMW are both unknown. The Bayes estimators are studied under squared error and LINEX loss functions. The standard Bayes and importance sampling are considered for the estimation. Monte Carlo simulations are performed under different samples sizes and different censoring schemes for investigating and comparing the methods of estimation.  相似文献   

The Power Law Process is often used to analyse failure data of repairable systems undergoing development testing where the system failure intensity decreases as a result of repeated application of corrective actions. At the end of the development program, the system failure intensity is assumed to remain constant and the current system lifetime is assumed to be exponentially distributed. In this paper, prediction limits on the current system lifetime have been derived both in the maximum likelihood and Bayesian context. Exact values and a closed form approximation of percentage points of the pivotal quantity used in the classical approach are given in the case of failure truncated testing. For both failure and time truncated testing, the Bayesian approach is developed both when no prior knowledge is available and when information on the reliability growth rate can be given. A numerical example is also given.  相似文献   

Bivariate exponential models have often been used for the analysis of competing risks data involving two correlated risk components. Competing risks data consist only of the time to failure and cause of failure. In situations where there is positive probability of simultaneous failure, possibly the most widely used model is the Marshall–Olkin (J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 62 (1967) 30) bivariate lifetime model. This distribution is not absolutely continuous as it involves a singularity component. However, the likelihood function based on the competing risks data is then identifiable, and any inference, Bayesian or frequentist, can be carried out in a straightforward manner. For the analysis of absolutely continuous bivariate exponential models, standard approaches often run into difficulty due to the lack of a fully identifiable likelihood (Basu and Ghosh; Commun. Statist. Theory Methods 9 (1980) 1515). To overcome the nonidentifiability, the usual frequentist approach is based on an integrated likelihood. Such an approach is implicit in Wada et al. (Calcutta Statist. Assoc. Bull. 46 (1996) 197) who proved some related asymptotic results. We offer in this paper an alternative Bayesian approach. Since systematic prior elicitation is often difficult, the present study focuses on Bayesian analysis with noninformative priors. It turns out that with an appropriate reparameterization, standard noninformative priors such as Jeffreys’ prior and its variants can be applied directly even though the likelihood is not fully identifiable. Two noninformative priors are developed that consist of Laplace's prior for nonidentifiable parameters and Laplace's and Jeffreys's priors for identifiable parameters. The resulting Bayesian procedures possess some frequentist optimality properties as well. Finally, these Bayesian methods are illustrated with analyses of a data set originating out of a lung cancer clinical trial conducted by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group.  相似文献   

In this paper, inference for a multicomponent stress–strength model is studied. When latent strength and stress random variables follow a bathtub-shaped distribution and the failure times are Type-II censored, the maximum likelihood estimate of the multicomponent stress–strength reliability (MSR) is established when there are common strength and stress parameters. Approximate confidence interval is also constructed by using the asymptotic distribution theory and delta method. Furthermore, another alternative generalized point and confidence interval estimators for the MSR are constructed based on pivotal quantities. Moreover, the likelihood and the pivotal quantities-based estimates for the MSR are also provided under unequal strength and stress parameter case. To compare the equivalence of the stress and strength parameters, the likelihood ratio test for hypothesis of interest is also provided. Finally, simulation studies and a real data example are given for illustration.  相似文献   

This paper develops a Bayesian control chart for the percentiles of the Weibull distribution, when both its in‐control and out‐of‐control parameters are unknown. The Bayesian approach enhances parameter estimates for small sample sizes that occur when monitoring rare events such as in high‐reliability applications. The chart monitors the parameters of the Weibull distribution directly, instead of transforming the data as most Weibull‐based charts do in order to meet normality assumption. The chart uses accumulated knowledge resulting from the likelihood of the current sample combined with the information given by both the initial prior knowledge and all the past samples. The chart is adapting because its control limits change (e.g. narrow) during Phase I. An example is presented and good average run length properties are demonstrated.  相似文献   

A Bayesian analysis is presented of a time series which is the sum of a stationary component with a smooth spectral density and a deterministic component consisting of a linear combination of a trend and periodic terms. The periodic terms may have known or unknown frequencies. The advantage of our approach is that different features of the data—such as the regression parameters, the spectral density, unknown frequencies and missing observations—are combined in a hierarchical Bayesian framework and estimated simultaneously. A Bayesian test to detect deterministic components in the data is also constructed. By using an asymptotic approximation to the likelihood, the computation is carried out efficiently using the Markov chain Monte Carlo method in O ( Mn ) operations, where n is the sample size and M is the number of iterations. We show empirically that our approach works well on real and simulated samples.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the classical and Bayesian analysis of a k-components load-sharing parallel system in which components have time-dependent failure rates. In the classical set up, the maximum likelihood estimates of the load-share parameters with their standard errors (SEs) are obtained. (1?γ) 100% simultaneous and two bootstrap confidence intervals for the parameters and system reliability and hazard functions have been constructed. Further, on recognizing the fact that life-testing experiments are very time consuming, the parameters involved in the failure time distribution of the system are expected to follow some random variations. Therefore, Bayes estimates along with their posterior SEs of the parameters and system reliability and hazard functions are obtained by assuming gamma and Jeffrey's priors of the unknown parameters. Markov chain Monte Carlo technique such as Gibbs sampler has been used to obtain Bayes estimates and highest posterior density credible intervals.  相似文献   

In most software reliability models which utilize the nonhomogeneous Poisson process (NHPP), the intensity function for the counting process is usually assumed to be continuous and monotone. However, on account of various practical reasons, there may exist some change points in the intensity function and thus the assumption of continuous and monotone intensity function may be unrealistic in many real situations. In this article, the Bayesian change-point approach using beta-mixtures for modeling the intensity function with possible change points is proposed. The hidden Markov model with non constant transition probabilities is applied to the beta-mixture for detecting the change points of the parameters. The estimation and interpretation of the model is illustrated using the Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS) data. The proposed change point model will be also compared with the competing models via marginal likelihood. It can be seen that the proposed model has the highest marginal likelihood and outperforms the competing models.  相似文献   

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