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IN pursuit of he strength of itswhole nation.China nas called fortalent since the founding of NewChina in 1949.During he GenevaConference in 1954,Chinese PremierZhon Enlai signed an agreement onbehalf of China with the United Stateswhich allowed Chinese scientists livingin the United States to return to China.Like a magnetic stone,the agreementattracted countless patriotic Chinesescientists to return to their homeland.By the end of 1956,this group hadgrown to more than 1,800,many of  相似文献   

攀磷笋South Afrlean wire一细isting alsoProved to be a erowd一PleaserForeign guests visiting Wu Peirong’s(Rfront)home admired her collection ot Fllane—knitted figurinesMaking Jiaoai,a delicious Chinese staple,is also a kind of handicraft Foreign arti-sans had the chance to try their hand atcrafting the dumplings It was chillv outside the China Central TelevisionStation but inside the hall of the TransmissionTower.the scene was warm with bustle andexcitement Craftsmen from across the gl…  相似文献   

FOR several years, Cheng Fangyuan has harbored a plan for introducing American musicals to the Chinese stage. In 1995, she went to the United States to study the art form; every day for half a year, she got her artistic "nourishment" from attending shows which were playing on and off-Broadway. In the end, she  相似文献   

MOTHERS contributed greatly to children's education in ancient China long before schools took shape. Behind many prominent figures lay greatmothers whose personal example and verbal instruction benefited their children throughout life. There is an old sayingabout the "stern father and compassionate mother."However, you will always  相似文献   

SINGING the praise of peace and fighting against wars of aggression is the common desire of mankind. It is also part of the theme of the UN Fourth World Conference on Women, which is "equality, development and  相似文献   

CHINESE people's earliest awakening to sexual equality occurred in the middle- and latestages of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Although still a feudal society, China had seen the relation of production with capitalist economic systems at that time. Capitalist ideology also found a space in some people's thinking. Feudal ideology, especially ethical codes discriminating against women, were being attacked then. One outstanding figure who attacked the  相似文献   

When March comes with its spring breezes, it is the time for many minority nationalities that inhabit southwestern China to hold their traditional festivities. There are two aims for these activities: to pray for a good harvest, to increase vigor fot production before the spring sowing and to develop commercial trade to improve life. These activities are usually occassions for young people to date and enjoy themselves.  相似文献   

THH performance of the Chinese version of the Italian opera Turandotbefore the imperial Ancestral Temple in the Palace of the WorkingPeople in the capital of China, Beijing, caused a great sensation. Alarge number of opera lovers came from all over the world to see thisopera, which is based on a story supposed to have taken place in China.  相似文献   

ONE of the most outstanding membersof the first women's team to navigatethe Changjiang River from its glacialsource was known affectionately as "Granny" byher teammates. A septuagenarian retired doctor,and ardent adventure-seeker, Liu Sha has criss-crossed the country by foot, bike and now boatsince her retirement from Sichuan's MianyangCenter Hospital in 1986.  相似文献   



Muscular strength is associated with functional ability in elderly, and older adults are recommended to perform muscle-strengthening exercise. Understanding how improved muscle strength and -mass influence general and specific domains of quality of life is important when planning health promotion efforts targeting older adults. The aims of the present study were to describe changes in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in older men participating in 12 weeks of systematic strength training, and to investigate whether improvements in muscle strength and muscle mass are associated with enhancements in HRQOL.


We recruited 49 men aged 60–81 years to participate in an intervention study with pre-post assessment. The participants completed a 12-week strength training program consisting of three sessions per week. Tests and measurements aimed at assessing change in HRQOL, and changes in physical performance (maximal strength) and physiological characteristics. HRQOL was measured using the 12-item short-form survey (SF-12). Muscle mass was assessed based on changes in lean mass (leg, trunk, arm, and total), and strength was measured as one-repetition maximum in leg extension, leg press, and biceps curl.


Two of the eight HRQOL SF-12 scores, role physical and general health, and the physical component summary scores, increased significantly during the intervention period. Small significant positive correlations were identified between improvements in muscle strength, and better physical and social function. Moreover, a significant increase in total muscle mass was seen during the intervention period.


The positive, findings from this study would suggest that systematic strength training seems to be a beneficial intervention to improve HRQOL, muscle strength and muscle mass in older men.

This research focuses on dual residences (living in two places) on Chinese married couples, a phenomenon with a unique Chinese social background, based on the analysis of 15 cases sampled in the form of interviews, exploring the influence of having dual residences on husband-wife relations and then further exploring its influence of the norm of love and how it works in China. There are three main conclusions. First, compulsory dual residence is closely connected to the rigorous systems of household registration and job allocation during the planned economy period. Voluntary dual residence is related to utilitarian values, including the pursuit of social status and income, against the background of the market economy. Second, at a time when to be working was the first and foremost goal for both men and women, compulsory dual residence was influenced by mainstream social norms that gave priority to work over relationships. Such recognition weakens the influence of dual residences on husband-wife relations. The influence of voluntarily having dual residences on husband-wife relations is mainly connected with how this situation comes to an end. Third, in China, the norm of love in coexistence with multiple values has not been shown to have a decisive influence no matter how the spouses were selected selection or how husband-wife relations are maintained.  相似文献   

WOMEN, a powerful force accounting for some 50 percent of world's total population, are deeply involved in social development and are actively joining their male counterparts in promoting the progress of mankind. Nonetheless, people seem to be paying increasingly less attention to the aforementioned facts. Therefore, the following question is meant to call people's attention to the matter. What would happen if women withdraw from economic, political, cultural and family activities? In terms of the economy, it would mean that about one billion people would go on strike due to the fact that some 897 million women across the world are engaged in paid economic activities. The worldwide grain output  相似文献   

This paper examines how businessmen and educators in Hawai'i have semiotically ‘translated’ sustainability to promote sustainability practices. Using data gathered from an educational institute that was co-founded by a corporation and a college, I analyse how the source discourse was, using Silverstein's term, ‘transformed’ so that the target discourse (or the signs used in the target discourse) invokes Hawaiian imageries rather than imageries of capitalism. Analyses reveal that changes to keywords of sustainability occur in a way that shifts possible local interpretations of them as cultural heritage, that is, as something ‘of Hawaiian’ and not ‘of white capitalists’. I argue that this translation effort assisted the concept's transmission by making ‘sustainability’ an inhabitable category of identity and by providing a model of a future in which locals can participate because it is now interpretable as having been modelled on the narrated past.  相似文献   

FOR over 2,000-year Chinese feudal society excluded women from political life. Women had their feet bound. This very real restraint also symbolized the way women were oppressed by political power, clan power, religious authority and the authority of the husband. Because of their long history of subjection women could hardly comprehend the profound meaning of the equal political rights stipulated in the first constitution after  相似文献   

The past five years are an important period during which China's special economic zones developed rapidly, and the economic strength of these zones entered upon a new stage. The Pudong New Region, Shanghai, is greeting its second, upsurge of developing both construction and function.  相似文献   

NOT too long ago, a stranger made a special trip to Dongzhaotong Village in Laiyang City, Shandong Province to enquire about Wu Lanhua, the former head of the village's women affairs; in 1979 Wu had been honored as a National March 8th Pacesetter and the stranger intended to pay 1,000 yuan to buy the medal for his collection. With a trembling hand, 85-year old Wu Lanhua picked up a medal from a pile of medallions and replied firmly, "You could offer me 1,000 yuan, even 10,000 or 100,000 yuan, and I still wouldn't sell  相似文献   

THE action of the ShanghaiExpatriate Wives CharityAssociation (SEA) is touching. Themembers of the association cometogether to do works of charity.  相似文献   

Ⅰ THE long-standing Chinese traditionalculture embodies numerous excellencieswhich have survived the test of time andbeen carried on generation by generation.However, there is no need for reticence inobserving that some obsolete elements have alsosurvived which fetter people's mind and hindersocial progress. For a long time, distorted gendervalues such as "Man is superior to woman","Three-obedience and four virtues" and"Husband sets the guide for wife", hadcontributed to the weakness and inferioritycomplex in local women's mentality. Not untilthe democratic movement of contemporaryChina was the progress of women's liberationwitnessed. The values fettering women's mindswere shaken and the spiritual shackles shattered.Women's roles in China's social developmenthave become prominent.  相似文献   

哭翔g孟‘乍召湖奋月翩百等刃翻召瑙种象泳挤纂题鳞深甲掌润登拮恙并r朴淤者沙黔努侧听嗯彝盈衬件范奄巍)洛鹜藻蒙蒸纂蕉肇节救擎象嘴绘季耸菜轰留衬灌慈芬之敏轰珊珍黔畏了J七脸蹿an唧djellfingied粥删caIc幸s b砷n{tJ呻s~acics:sugary deep-fried ● , 踟ma删rke讪t.柏uen‘脚州lflebf耐 lShoppingforfolk crafts in the old lanesBonnie Seyfer in the Hutongs of Beijing  相似文献   

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