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在现实身份缺场的自媒体场域中,当代大学生享受信息交互传递所带来的便捷与畅快的同时,自我认同也面临凌空蹈虚的乌托邦险境。自媒体为大学生提供了平等自由表达的平台,又使其难逃表演型自我呈现下片面性、虚假性自我认知的掣肘;为大学生打开了认知社会的新窗口,又以纷繁杂陈的网络乱象使其陷入价值选择的迷思;为大学生开辟了人际交往的新天地,又因其先天弱范性特质引发大学生交际模式的错位。对于自媒体时代大学生自我认同问题的化解,要紧密结合自媒体及当代大学生本身的特点,从培养大学生网络主体意识,以社会主义核心价值观对其进行思想引领及提高大学生自媒体交往资质等方面展开。  相似文献   

大学生是实现"中国梦"的重要后备力量,大学生对"中国梦"的认同状况将深刻影响中华民族伟大复兴的进程。对781名大学生的实证调查发现:"中国梦"得到大学生的广泛认同,但仍有少部分大学生持不赞同态度,高校"中国梦"教育有待加强。大学生对"中国梦"认同指数正影响最大的是命运自我掌控感和亲社会倾向,而负影响最大的是命运受掌控感和个体化程度,因此,加强正向引导非常重要。  相似文献   

大学生是创新型创业的主流群体,鼓励大学生自主创业成为发展创业型经济的关键,而大学生创业意愿是创业行为发生的最佳预测变量。从分析影响创业意愿的主要驱动因素出发,将社会认同应用于计划行为理论,构建不同社会认同背景下的创业意愿模型具有必要性和可行性。同时,意识、感知能力的不同使大学生感知到的社会认同存在差异。从高社会认同与低社会认同视角分析大学生创业意愿的提升与实现路径。有研究表明,创业环境、个人特质、创业教育等共同作用于大学生创业意愿的形成与发展。  相似文献   

自我认同直接关涉大学生精神上何以"安身立命"。当自媒体已然成为青年大学生"器官的延伸"、自媒体生活日益成为大学生日常的最强黏合场,探求大学生在自媒体舞台上的自由表达图景背后,透视出其人际交往上越表达越孤单、自我"造魅"与"游离"上越表达越世俗以及价值生态上越表达越虚无的深层问题,深刻认识"表而不达"的认同困境对于科学矫正大学生的认识误区意义重大。  相似文献   

主流价值观认同危机是当前世界范围内的一个重要议题。大学生群体的主流价值观认同危机展现为淡漠、迷茫和逆反。淡漠意味着对主流价值无所谓、不关心的态度和情感;迷茫则是在多元价值背景下的茫然失措;逆反是对主流价值体系心理甚至行为上的抵触和否定。大学生主流价值观认同危机的机制有必要从三个方面作出考量:课堂习得机制下社会濡化造成的负向迁移作用、社会事实和社会态度投射引发的价值重塑、群体特点造成的价值认同危机深化。挖掘主流价值的个体价值,改善认同环境,增益认同教育,改变当前"生存问题"与"价值问题"、"多元思潮"与"主流认同"二元对立的思维模式,构建更加合理的安全阀机制,是解决问题的有效路径。  相似文献   

消费主义作为一种"去意识形态"的意识形态,通过形而下的生活方式和消费内容,不同程度地影响和削弱当代大学生的国家、民族认同与政治认同,降低民族凝聚力、向心力、整合力,并进而影响到国家统一、民族团结和政治安定。因此,必须从意识形态安全、国家软实力等方面考虑,重视消费主义对大学生的国家认同、民族认同和政治认同方面的影响,从学校教育、家庭教育、社会教育和自我教育四个方面完善和提高大学生的国家认同、民族认同与政治认同,抵御消费主义文化的消极影响。  相似文献   

从2011年起,江苏省试行高校注册入学制度。但从目前的反响看,这一举措并没有引起社会应有的重视和认可。而通过注册入学的大学生又是如何看待"注册入学大学生"这个群体?他们是否从内心认同、接受这一角色身份?研究就此进行操作化尝试,考察注册入学大学生群体的自我身份认同情况,通过对调查结果加以分析并提出思考。  相似文献   

当代大学生的自我认同状况呈现出比较严重的趋低性态势,在心理、学业、生活上都有比较明显的体现。大学生是社会的未来,其自我认同的趋低性应得到高校各方面的重视,并探寻有效的方式改进这种状况。  相似文献   

不同于代际研究方法对青年群体的整体政治认知,基于社会结构理论下的"90后"大学生政治认同研究发现,经济因素主要影响贫困大学生入党积极性,和"90后"大学生政治效能感不存在正相关关系;农村户籍的"90后"大学生政治认同高于城市户籍大学生;文科背景"90后"大学生政治认同高于理科生。政治认同是大学生政治社会化的重要途径,也是政治制度得以巩固的基础,需要建立培养大学生政治认同机制。  相似文献   

自我认同与大学生身体消费现象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
消费与认同的联系是十分明显的事实,消费在社会学意义上的重要性之一在于它既是用于建构认同的原材料,又是认同的体现和表达。身体消费越来越成为人们“自我表达”的主要形式和“自我认同”的主要来源。大学生对身体消费的关注程度正说明了他们对身体外在表现的关注正通过消费来建构自我认同。  相似文献   

Achievement of a vocational identity is an important developmental task for individuals entering adulthood. The present study examined relationships between vocational identity statuses and time perspective in a sample of 165 emerging adults. Results of a canonical correlation analysis identified 2 interpretable variates. The 1st variate indicated that diffuse vocational identity status is associated with negative views of the past and lower orientation toward the future. The 2nd variate indicated that achieved vocational identity is associated with a largely hedonic view of the present, along with being mindful and less inclined to be fatalistic. These results suggest that differing views on time perspective accounts for some of the variation in different vocational identity statuses. Interventions based on time perspective may prove useful in helping individuals attain an achieved vocational identity. Future research should examine how time perspective relates to vocational identity status in individuals at later stages of career development.  相似文献   

This article discusses a sociocultural approach to processes of identity that has implications for how we understand learning and identity formation in education. Focusing on the socially constructed and culturally figured nature of language, tools, and interactions in learning contexts, this approach assists in the appreciation of how students navigate through and develop an understanding of themselves in different educational contexts. To this end, reference is made to Wortham's work on interactional positioning in narratives and the work of Holland and colleagues on figured worlds. Wortham provides the tools for a systematic analysis of how individuals construct their identities by positioning themselves in discursive interaction. Holland and colleagues alert us to the cultural shaping of such positioning in cultural worlds and the artifacts mediating identity formation. To explore the potential of combining these lenses, a case study is described involving a series of interviews with medical students about their self-perceptions in two contexts of clinical training. The case study highlights how different worlds and identities are formed in these educational contexts.  相似文献   

Supervision has evolved from managing anddirecting workers to supporting workers. Supervisors arekey people that workers go to for assistance withpersonal problems. This article reviews thecontributions of various theoretical models to ourunderstanding of supervisor intervention with troubledworkers and identifies factors that have been leftunexplored in the research. From this analysis, Iexplain how social identity theory may provide a frameworkthat overcomes many of the limitations of the existingknowledge in this area. Social identity theory has thepotential to capture the more personal aspects of the helping process between supervisors andworkers that go beyond workers job performance andproductivity, including supervisors beliefs andattitudes, personal experiences, and socialidentification with the organization and the workgroup.  相似文献   

2014年发生在台湾地区的太阳花学运中,台湾青年由政治冷漠群体走上台湾政治舞台,他们的运动诉求具有明显的"反中"倾向,出现"中国认同"危机。从世代政治视角分析发现,"趋左"的青年政治生命阶段、历史上特殊的群体成长经历和经验以及现实中两岸和平发展的利益分配问题等三方面导致了学运中台湾青年国家认同的异化。后太阳花时代,应以包容的态度对待台湾青年、务实的方式与他们分享发展利益、用中华文化软实力引导他们认同中国的提升路径。  相似文献   

This study (a) assesses whether employed young people, unemployed school-leavers, and unemployed young people who have working experience differ in their psychological well-being, that is stress, depression, and general feelings of happiness; (b) examines the effects of these three work conditions on development and structure of identity; and (c) investigates the effects of identity structure on psychological well-being. The favorability hypothesis of social comparison theory seems fit to explain the relation between identity structure and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

This paper is a microsociological study of a group of people who have undergone a threat experience. Within the combined theoretical frameworks of symbolic interactionism and phenomenology, the event is seen as a "reality shock" for its participants, involving cognitive crises in group and individual definitions of the situation. The after period is one in which procedures toward making the threat experience meaningful on both group and individual levels are instituted within group networks. These procedures on a group level involve the construction of a "real" event by the objectification of time and experience and through the emergence and attribution of post-hoc norms. Strategies toward the maintenance and continuity of identity include reconstruction of the threat situation, of other participants' behavior, of post-hoc norms, or of individual behavior, and the negotiation of identity on these various bases.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship among threesocial dilemmas faced by organizations wishing to attainand maintain workforce diversity: the dilemmas oforganizational participation, managerial participation, and individual participation. Functional andsocial category diversity offer benefits fororganizations (creativity, adaptation and innovation,and access to external networks), but there are costswhich deter organizations from pursuing thesebenefits. The costs associated with organizationalparticipation in diversity initiatives arise becausemanagers and their employees perceive organizationalconflicts and organize their interactions along socialidentity lines, so that temporal traps and collectivefences surround diversity. Resolving the subordinatedilemmas of managerial and individual participation provides the key to resolving the dilemma oforganizational participation. Social identity theory isused to understand the dilemmas and to develop possibleresolutions, which should make the benefits of diversity more immediately accessible toorganizations and society.  相似文献   

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