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法团主义与当代中国社会   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为一个源远流长的政治思想,法团主义一直认为要关注国家与社会之间的联合与协作,这种主张与西方当代主流的多元主义大相径庭,后者提倡市民社会与国家的分立与制约。然而,在分析当代中国社会时,法团主义的视角却有着巨大的理论潜力。无论是在中国的城市社会、农村社会还是基层政府组织中,都出现了许多法团化的组织形态,这样一种社会特征通过许多具有法团主义视角的研究得以比较清晰的展现。法团主义成功应用于中国社会研究得益于它与中国社会多方面的契合性,但同时二者的差异也必须予以细致的分析。  相似文献   

吴建平 《社会学研究》2012,(1):174-198,245,246
近年来,法团主义被越来越多地用于对中国的国家与社会关系进行理论概括或预测。本文认为,这种概括或预测是不恰当的,究其原因在于,多数使用者在对法团主义的理解上缺乏总体性,从而导致判断上的偏差。本文首先尝试对法团主义进行一种总体性考察,即依次考察其问题指向、观念基础、制度特征和社会基础,在此基础上指出,法团主义作为一种模式并不适合用来对中国的国家与社会关系进行理论概括或预测,尽管二者在观念及制度上具有高度相似性,但后者缺乏前者所必需的社会组织基础。  相似文献   

法团主义被广泛用于分析中国的国家社会关系。该模型突出了国家对体制外社会组织的敌视态度,强调了国家与在不同程度上作为行政机关延伸的社会组织之间的共生关系。该体制的一般政策要求是限制公民社会的自主性,使其保持为行政机关的附属部分。自20世纪90年代以来,经济市场化和社会重构带来了中国法团主义实践的新变化。首先,多元社会和混合价值体系的出现,削弱了国家作为社会合法性的垄断拥有者的地位。同时,面对日益增  相似文献   

基于对社会服务领域中不同类型的非政府组织与政府的互动关系的比较研究,本文以法团主义和市民社会为理论视角,对四个不同类型的非政府组织与政府的互动关系进行了比较研究,并试图从中建构出一个初步的类型学。与笼统地谈论非政府组织与政府关系的做法不同,本文希望上述类型学的建构能够更加具体地展现两者互动关系的实态。  相似文献   

顾昕  王旭 《社会学研究》2005,(2):155-175
专业性社团已经成为中国公民社会的重要组成部分。根据北京大学公民社会团体研究中心的调查 ,作者发现 :由于国家的卷入 ,专业性社团的自主性尚未得到充分发展。在具有法团主义特征的社团监管体系下 ,专业性社团享有垄断地位。绝大多数专业性社团是以自上而下的方式形成的 ,也就是所谓“由组织出面组建” ;虽然国家不再为专业性社团提供财务支持 ,但业务主管单位通过领导人选择有效地控制着专业性社团的活动。为了能够继续维持其垄断性地位 ,专业性社团大多也不积极寻求社团自主性的强化。由于国家主义的遗产 ,国家与专业性团体的这种法团主义式关系 ,并不像许多人认为的那样 ,是一种过渡性形态。值得注意的问题是 ,在这样一种大的制度框架中 ,国家与社会相互增权的新理念和新模式是否能够得到发展 ,并且进一步推动中国的社团空间向社会法团主义转化 ?  相似文献   

伴随着城镇化进程和住房商品化改革,城市业主维权冲突频发。本文基于社会整合理论,运用案例分析法,探究业主整合与冲突治理的关系。研究发现:业主整合与冲突治理之间并非遵循直接的因果逻辑,还需政府作为催生性因素的介入。这深刻反映了业主维权冲突治理对权威的高度依赖。政府有其利益动机,维稳压力差异下的政府对业主维权采取区分性的策略。业主整合的核心是个人利益驱动,离开利益驱动业主整合难以持续。私利驱动的业主,自治困境中的业委会,高度依赖权威的业主维权,无法代表"公民社会的先声"。  相似文献   

我国工会是中国共产党领导下的工人阶级群众组织,是重要的社会政治团体。确保社会主义社会稳定平衡地不断发展,是我国工会具有的重要功能之一。然而,工会的社会稳衡功能却不属于它的外在职能,而是以某种形态表现出来的潜在功能。工会的外显功能,是工会职责与其直接社会效果的外在统一。工会的潜在功能则不由职责所直接要求,而是在无形中由工会的自身存在及其各项具体活动所引发的间接社会效果,是工会对更为广大的社会体系  相似文献   

政治社会学及其主要研究方向   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
政治社会学不是使用社会学“方法”处理政治现象的学科,在方法论上,它假定政治现象的本质是社会性的,同时社会现象亦具有政治性意义。它关注的主题,是权威的社会性来源,即社会势力怎样形成政治权威,以及政治权威怎样集聚和改变社会中的利益组合和势力关系。因而政治社会学是一个“混合体”,它吸取了大量传统学科(经济学、历史学、政治学、人类学及社会学等)的不同知识,其主流分析立场是结构的、宏观的、历史的、比较的及定性研究式的。本文评述了政治社会学中几个传统的研究范型:多元主义、精英主义、极权主义,以及近年有影响的几个研究方向:国家与社会、公民权责理论、新马克思主义、新制度主义和法团主义  相似文献   

陈萌 《现代妇女》2014,(2):42-43
民主监督是人民政协的第二大功能,政党合作则是人民政协的制度核心,也是我国社会主义制度的政治优势。在政党合作的同时如何加强民主监督,是一个理论难题。这首先需要析出政党合作的理论来源。本文运用法团主义,对政党合作理论进行了梳理,并提出通过多元主义要素植入的方式,完善民主监督和政党合作的功能协作。  相似文献   

本文的目的是通过介绍和分析日本战后工会制度与劳动关系的发展变迁的状况,并比较与中国工会制度的异同点.分析战后日本工会制度与劳动关系的发展变迁的意义主要有两点.第一,对于还没有与发达国家的内涵相同的工会组织的中国以及其他发展中国家,日本战后的工会制度与劳动关系的发展历程可以提供一些参考.因为与其他发达国家不同的是,日本是在二战后才制定颁布了《工会法》与《劳动关系调节法》.当时在美军占领下,联合国司令部在对日本实行民主化改革的进程中,日本的工会活动才被合法化的.这一点是战前的日本所没想到的,对于当时的日本来说,属于具有历史意义的巨大社会变革.一些学者在比较分析日本的这两部法与其他发达国家的类似的法律时,还发现,其具体内容里,日本把"团结权"和"争议权"当做宪法中的基本人权来保障,这些创新大大超越了当时的发达国家.  相似文献   

Religious communities are important sources of bridging and bonding social capital that have varying implications for perceptions of social cohesion in rural areas. In particular, as well as cultivating cohesiveness more broadly, the bridging social capital associated within mainline religious communities may represent an especially important source of support for the social integration of new immigrant groups. Although the bonding social capital associated with evangelical communities is arguably less conducive to wider social cohesion, it may prompt outreach work by those communities, which can enhance immigrant integration. This article examines these assumptions by exploring the relationship between mainline and evangelical religious communities, immigration, and residents' perceptions of social cohesion in rural areas in England. I model the separate and combined effects of religious communities and economic in‐migration on social cohesion using multivariate statistical techniques. The analysis suggests that mainline Protestant communities enhance social cohesion in rural England, while evangelical communities do not. The social integration of immigrants appears to be more likely where mainline Protestant and Catholic communities are strong, but is unaffected by the strength of evangelical ones.  相似文献   

In this article, we analyse immigrant integration against the background of German society’s social cohesion. First, we examine the integration process and policies with regard to the integration of first-generation labour migrants into the German ‘national society’ since the 1960s. Even though these ‘guest workers’ were confronted to ethnic and political exclusion owing to the so-called German integration model, they experienced socio-economic integration and, at the local level, some form of political participation. Secondly, we analyse the policies and the integration process of immigrant youth, specifically those of Turkish descent, into contemporary German society, the social cohesion of which is impeded by social exclusion and urban segregation. Our hypothesis is that – in spite of a long-standing refusal to recognise itself as an immigration country – Germany has to some extent incorporated its migrants and achieved an integration consensus, while paradoxically, national integration models in several other Western European countries are currently going through a deep crisis.  相似文献   

The author analyzes and compares the trade situation in the European Community (EC) with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). He finds that "while both the EC and NAFTA are designed to provide trade preferences to the member countries, the two groupings differ markedly in other respects. The Treaty of Rome, establishing what is now the EC, consciously used economic means to foster political cohesion in Western Europe; whereas, the NAFTA negotiations seek free trade rather than more comprehensive economic integration precisely to minimize political content. The EC contains many social provisions absent from the NAFTA discussions, the most important of which is the right of migration from one EC country to another." The effects of NAFTA on the economy of Mexico and on Mexican migration to the United States are also assessed.  相似文献   

In this contribution organizational spontaneity and pro-social organizational behaviour are put into correlation with team work. Müller and Bierhoff (1994) have devised a model which starts out from a one-dimensional influence of the work group — obvious by a positive mood at work — on organizational spontaneity. This model is supplemented by a reciprocal model which also postulates a re-correlation between organizational spontaneity and team work with its components of effectiveness, cohesion, diversity and trust.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》2002,24(1):77-91
The origins of motivations for network behavior are found in modern theories of early childhood development. There are two types of early motivations: safety on the one hand and efficacy on the other. Safety corresponds to and is generated by networks of cohesion, while efficacy comes about from separation and corresponds to networks with structural holes and is typical of brokerage situations. Both cohesion and brokerage are necessarily involved in any network situation as a matter of fundamental theoretical necessity, but they occur under different circumstances in individual and organizational action. Studies are reviewed that show that effective relations both within and between organizations require both cohesive bases and brokerage between otherwise not well connected units.  相似文献   

Salamon argues strongly in favor of a public–nonprofit partnership model expressing the European flavor of corporatism. Germany provides a textbook example of corporatist arrangements, particularly in the fields of health care and social services. Whereas American nonprofit organizations are suffering from a crisis of legitimacy caused by marketization, German nonprofit organizations have been confronted with a crisis of legitimacy and identity caused by corporatism since the early 1980s. This particular scenario, however, is not covered by Salmon's analysis.  相似文献   

Organizational rituals pose a paradox. They are ubiquitous in business and other organizations; however, they do not fulfill an obvious organizational purpose. Psychological research on ritual suggests that group rituals fulfill important social functions and thereby solve the adaptive problems associated with living in large groups. Prior research on organizational ritual is dominated by case studies that often neglect the ritual participants’ perspective. Thus, in this article we aim at investigating which effects organizational members attribute to organizational rituals and at tapping into the implicit theories concerning the evolution of these effects. Based on qualitative interviews conducted with employees of different organizations from different sectors, holding different positions and employment contracts, the effects of organizational rituals on the individual as well as on the group level will be presented. Results suggest that organizational group rituals are linked above all with positive effects, whereby fostering and establishing group cohesion is the most frequently mentioned effect. The article will conclude with practical implications derived from the study results.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the volume of slave traffic as well as the geographic origin and ethnicity of slaves introduced into peripheral areas of the Americas, such as the former Spanish colony of Puerto Rico, is limited. Information contained in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century parish baptismal, marriage, and death registers enables us to locate and identify Africans in a number of island communities, including San Juan. Drawing upon data culled from parish registers this study seeks to broaden our understanding of the slave trade to Puerto Rico in the years 1672 to 1810. Few slaves were brought in either from Africa or from elsewhere in the Americas to Puerto Rico, and the supply of these was erratic and limited. Although they were small in number, there was considerable diversity in the geographic origins and ethnicity of African arrivals, with individuals from West and West Central Africa predominating. For the most part, these shared a relatively homogenous culture and a greater similarity insofar as the language(s) they spoke. Such commonalities facilitated integration and promoted social cohesion among the newly arrived Africans as well as those already present in the host population. It also facilitated their integration into what was emerging as a unified Afro-Puerto Rican slave community.  相似文献   


The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between authentic leadership, group cohesion, organizational identification and the potential effect of organizational justice as a mediating variable. Partial Least Squares (PLS) modelling was used to analyse the data from 210 employees at several Spanish companies. The results showed that organizational justice as a mediator in the proposed model and positive relationships among the variables studied. These findings are discussed taking into account the importance of the authentic leadership model in the study of group processes in organizations and the development of policies and behaviours that promote ethics, transparency and justice in companies.  相似文献   

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