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Oliver König 《Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung》2000,31(1):13-30
Like other methods in social, psychological and therapeutical work the professional identity of group dynamics trainers is directed towards freedom of will and autonomy of the clients. Nevertheless, matters of social control are already of importance in the work of Kurt Lewin, one of the founders of group dynamics, specially in his concept of reeducation. These ideas are complemented by the concepts of sociologist and groupanalysist Norbert Elias about the ambivalent effects of internalised social control. This leads to a short analysis of the changing mechanisms of social control in groups and organisations and its consequences for applied group dynamics and its professional standards. 相似文献
Bernhard Ebbinghaus 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2015,67(1):325-348
Ageing is one of the long-term challenges for old age security in Europe, in particular for the intergenerational contract of pay-as-you go public pensions. The comparative macro-sociological analysis maps the demographic trends, political constraints, and social policy reform dynamics across Europe. Due to demographic ageing all European societies face long-term sustainability problems of their pension systems. Despite many reforms, European welfare states differ in the timing of retirement and the extent of pay-as-you-go public pensions. The comparison of ten European welfare states reveals the cross-national variations in reducing early retirement and in partially shifting to prefunded pensions. In addition to financial sustainability, the contribution also discusses other sustainability issues, particularly social inequality and political feasibility, which must be overcome in addition to the demographic challenge. 相似文献
Determinanten der Sportaktivität und der Sportart im Lebenslauf 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper investigates the impact of social class, occupational and family life-course, relocation, age, generation and gender on exercise. Longitudinal, life course-oriented analysis enables identification of the (often diverse) conditions for (re-)uptake and discontinuation of exercise. The paper takes a detailed look at different types of exercise, enabling exploration of the various motivating influences and barriers involved. The database is a retrospective representative survey of the 50 to 70 year old population of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The results show that higher educational qualifications are associated with higher levels of exercise, whereas manual labor and – among women – childcare are associated with lower levels of exercise. With respect to the impact of education, cultural rather than economic capital seems to be the determining influence. Other factors – (un-)employment, partnership, relocation, age and cohort – tend to have more complex effects on exercise. Though being a member of the workforce reduces the likelihood of starting to exercise, it also reduces the likelihood of dropping out. Though partnership encourages the dissemination of exercise, initiation of a relationship is also associated with a higher incidence of discontinuation. Relocation prompts both initiation and discontinuation of exercise. Surprisingly, up to the over-50 age group, increasing age is associated with an increased prevalence of physical activity, especially among women. The results of analysis of social differences in terms of types of physical activity can be used in health programs to provide scientifically founded recommendations for the promotion of specific types of physical activity for lower educational groups, seniors, and other social groups whose lifestyle tends to be inactive. 相似文献
Aim: Psychological risk assessments at work serve to identify psychological risk factors and their relation to health and well-being outcomes. Objective of the present study is to investigate which work characteristics predict commitment and turnover intentions of employees.Design: Based on the guidelines of the GDA (Joint German Occupational Safety and Health Strategy), a questionnaire was developed that captures psychological risk factors at work. Additionally, people were asked to indicate their commitment and their turnover intentions. Based on the guidelines of the Joint German Occupational Safety and Health Strategy we assessed four domains of psychological job demands (job content, work organization, social relationships and environmental demands) as well as affective commitment and turnover intention in a sample of 453 full-time employees. Using hierarchical regression analyses, we tested the predictive power of the psychological demands for the different indicators of employee retention.Results: Work content and social relationships were found to be significant predictors for commitment and turnover intentions, whereas work organisation and work context did not predict the outcomes. A detailed analysis of the single risk factors identified autonomy as the strongest predictor for both commitment and turnover intentions.Limitations: The single predictors are not independent and the cross sectional design does not allow for causality interpretations.Practical implications: Based on the assessment of critical psychological risk factors, it is possible to take individual and structural measures to promote commitment and to reduce turnover intentions. 相似文献
Prof. Dr. John M. Steiner 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2000,52(2):329-348
This is an updated study of the research published in 1970 on authoritarianism and its complexities with additional findings based on questionnaires. The respondents were 229 former members of the Waffen-SS and other formations of the SS matched and compared with 202 former members of the German Armed Forces. The questionnaires returned between the years 1962 and 1966 have not been completely analyzed. The additionally evaluated items have now enhanced the sample of authoritarian personality traits (F-scale) and thus their understanding. The originally reported group differences were confounded with socio-demographic characteristics such as schooling, occupational standing and service rank. In the present analysis, such variables were controlled by matching subjects. The earlier findings were confirmed. The methodological limitations of this post hoc investigation with its shortcomings are obvious. However, the findings nevertheless make a significant contribution to a better understanding of the function of authoritarianism in the context of differential psychological as well as situational conditions that promote unreflected obedience and its consequences. Last but not least, the findings also reflect a high correlation between authoritarianism and susceptibility to absolutist ideology such as National Socialism. 相似文献
Ohne Zusammenfassung
Dr. phil. Bernadette Grawe ist in eigener Praxis freiberuflich t?tig als Supervisorin (DGSv), Organisationsberaterin und Trainerin
für Gruppendynamik (DAGG).
Ingrid Stahmer ist Sozialarbeiterin (seit 1965) und Trainerin für Gruppendynamik im DAGG (seit 1974). Nach ihrem (freiwilligen)
Ausstieg aus der Politik ist sie wieder freiberuflich als Trainerin und im Coaching für Führungskr?fte t?tig. 相似文献
In this article we introduce the concept of the firm’s organizational logic and how it influences organizational change processes. Characteristics and the essence of the organizational logic are explained and then illustrated by mean of a real-world case. Depending on the level of organizational change – whether it leads to single-loop, double-loop or deutero learning – we provide different implications for change agents to make use of the organizational logic to steer organizational change successfully. 相似文献
PD Dr. Rolf Becker 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2001,53(3):575-579
In his critical appreciation of my article about the correlation of social class, educational choice and inequality of education Haller seeks to discuss critical aspects of the applied Rational Choice theories. It is delineated that his objections are based on theoretical, methodological and statistical misunderstandings. 相似文献
Manfred Mai 《Poiesis & praxis》2003,1(3):197-209
The concept of technology assessment emerged at the end of the 1960s. It was based on the consideration that state agents,
and parliaments in particular, dispose of information on the risks of new technologies and large-scale technical systems in
order to be able to arrive at well-founded decisions. Today, the idea of technology assessment, which not by coincidence arose
in the phase of control optimism, appears to be off the political agenda, to a large extent, as an expression of instrumentally-rational
action in the domain of technology. However, the dominant role of technology in social transformation, as described by many
sociological classics, has by no means diminished. The following paper outlines the connections between the instrument of
technology assessment and the question of controllability. It is shown that the idea of technology assessment relies on largely
obsolete assumptions about the ability of states to exercise control. Technology assessment adapted to modern conditions cannot
be an exclusive function of the state, but must be devolved to and institutionalized with all agents concerned with the shaping
of new technologies.
Zusammenfassung. Das Konzept der Technikbewertung ("technology assessment") ist Ende der 60er-Jahre entstanden. Ihm lag die überlegung zugrunde,
dass staatliche Akteure – v. a. das Parlament – frühzeitig über die Risiken neuer Technologien und gro?technischer Systeme
informiert sind, um begründete Entscheidungen treffen zu k?nnen. Heute scheint die Idee der Technikbewertung, die nicht zuf?llig
in der Phase des Steuerungsoptimismus entstand, als Ausdruck zweckrationalen Handelns im Bereich Technik von der politischen
Agenda weit gehend verdr?ngt zu sein. Die von vielen sozialwissenschaftlichen Klassikern beschriebene dominante Rolle der
Technik für den sozialen Wandel ist jedoch heute keineswegs geringer geworden. Der folgende Beitrag skizziert die Zusammenh?nge
zwischen dem Instrument "Technikbewertung" mit der Frage nach der Steuerbarkeit moderner Gesellschaften. Es zeigt sich, dass
der Idee der Technikbewertung Annahmen über die Steuerungsf?higkeit des Staates zugrunde liegen, die heute kaum noch zutreffen.
Eine den Bedingungen der Moderne angepasste Technikbewertung darf nicht nur beim Staat, sondern muss dezentral bei allen Akteuren,
die mit der Gestaltung neuer Technologien befasst sind, institutionalisiert werden.
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Résumé. C'est à la fin des années soixante que s'est développée la conception visant à l'évaluation des choix technologiques (technology assessment). Cette conception reposait sur les considérations que, afin d'être à même de prendre des décisions bien fondées, les acteurs publics – et avant tout les Parlements – devaient être informés à temps des risques liés à de nouvelles technologies ou de ceux qui pouvaient venir des systèmes agissant à l'échelon industriel. Aujourd'hui, il semble bien que l'idée de l'évaluation des choix technologiques a été en grande partie évincée de l'agenda politique, cette idée dont la naissance au moment où l'optimisme de la théorie du contr?le battait son plein, n'était pas un hasard, exprimait dans le domaine de la technique l'expression d'actions s'orientant vers une rationalité au niveau du choix des buts. Le r?le prépondérant joué par la technique dans le changement social, r?le déjà décrit par la plupart des scientifiques classiques sociaux, n'a aujourd'hui nullement perdu de son importance. L'article suivant donne un aper?u sur les corrélations existant entre l'instrument "évaluation des choix technologiques" et la question de la gouvernabilité des sociétés modernes. Nous montrerons que l'idée de l'évaluation des choix technologiques repose sur des hypothèses concernant la capacité de contr?le de l'état, hypothèses dont la validité est aujourd'hui presque inexistante. L'une des conditions pour une évaluation des choix technologiques pouvant s'adapter aux temps modernes est que cette évaluation ne doit pas rester aux seules mains de l'état mais doit au contraire être décentralisée afin de pouvoir être institutionnalisée chez tous les acteurs participant à la conception de nouvelles technologies.
Electronic Publication 相似文献