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In this article, we consider the two-factor unbalanced nested design model without the assumption of equal error variance. For the problem of testing ‘main effects’ of both factors, we propose a parametric bootstrap (PB) approach and compare it with the existing generalized F (GF) test. The Type I error rates of the tests are evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation. Our studies show that the PB test performs better than the GF test. The PB test performs very satisfactorily even for small samples while the GF test exhibit poor Type I error properties when the number of factorial combinations or treatments goes up. It is also noted that the same tests can be used to test the significance of the random effect variance component in a two-factor mixed effects nested model under unequal error variances.  相似文献   

In this article we consider the two-way ANOVA model without interaction under heteroscedasticity. For the problem of testing equal effects of factors, we propose a parametric bootstrap (PB) approach and compare it with existing the generalized F (GF) test. The Type I error rates and powers of the tests are evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation. Our studies show that the PB test performs better than the GF test. The PB test performs very satisfactorily even for small samples while the GF test exhibits poor Type I error properties when the number of factorial combinations or treatments goes up. It is also noted that the same tests can be used to test the significance of random effect variance component in a two-way mixed-effects model under unequal error variances.  相似文献   

This article presents parametric bootstrap (PB) approaches for hypothesis testing and interval estimation for the regression coefficients and the variance components of panel data regression models with complete panels. The PB pivot variables are proposed based on sufficient statistics of the parameters. On the other hand, we also derive generalized inferences and improved generalized inferences for variance components in this article. Some simulation results are presented to compare the performance of the PB approaches with the generalized inferences. Our studies show that the PB approaches perform satisfactorily for various sample sizes and parameter configurations, and the performance of PB approaches is mostly the same as that of generalized inferences with respect to the expected lengths and powers. The PB inferences have almost exact coverage probabilities and Type I error rates. Furthermore, the PB procedure can be simply carried out by a few simulation steps, and the derivation is easier to understand and to be extended to the incomplete panels. Finally, the proposed approaches are illustrated by using a real data example.  相似文献   

In this article, the two-way error component regression model is considered. For the nonhomogenous linear hypothesis testing of regression coefficients, a parametric bootstrap (PB) approach is proposed. Simulation results indicate that the PB test, regardless of the sample sizes, maintains the Type I error rates very well and outperforms the existing generalized variable test, which may far exceed the intended significance level when the sample sizes are small or moderate. Real data examples illustrate the proposed approach work quite satisfactorily.  相似文献   

Testing equality of regression coefficients in several regression models is a common problem encountered in many applied fields. This article presents a parametric bootstrap (PB) approach and compares its performance to that of another simulation-based approach, namely, the generalized variable approach. Simulation studies indicate that the PB approach controls the Type I error rates satisfactorily regardless of the number of regression models and sample sizes whereas the generalized variable approach tends to be very liberal as the number of regression models goes up. The proposed PB approach is illustrated using a data set from stability study.  相似文献   

This paper presents parametric bootstrap (PB) approaches for hypothesis testing and interval estimation of the fixed effects and the variance component in the growth curve models with intraclass correlation structure. The PB pivot variables are proposed based on the sufficient statistics of the parameters. Some simulation results are presented to compare the performance of the proposed approaches with the generalized inferences. Our studies show that the PB approaches perform satisfactorily for various cell sizes and parameter configurations, and tends to outperform the generalized inferences with respect to the coverage probabilities and powers. The PB approaches not only have almost exact coverage probabilities and Type I error rates, but also have the shorter expected lengths and the higher powers. Furthermore, the PB procedure can be simply carried out by a few simulation steps. Finally, the proposed approaches are illustrated by using a real data example.  相似文献   

Generalized variance is a measure of dispersion of multivariate data. Comparison of dispersion of multivariate data is one of the favorite issues for multivariate quality control, generalized homogeneity of multidimensional scatter, etc. In this article, the problem of testing equality of generalized variances of k multivariate normal populations by using the Bartlett's modified likelihood ratio test (BMLRT) is proposed. Simulations to compare the Type I error rate and power of the BMLRT and the likelihood ratio test (LRT) methods are performed. These simulations show that the BMLRT method has a better chi-square approximation under the null hypothesis. Finally, a practical example is given.  相似文献   


We consider the problem of testing the equality of several inverse Gaussian means when the scale parameters and sample sizes are possibly unequal. We propose four parametric bootstrap (PB) tests based on the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimators of parameters. We also compare our proposed tests with the existing ones via an extensive simulation study in terms of controlling the Type I error rate and power performance. Simulation results show the merits of the PB tests.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of comparing several multivariate normal mean vectors when the covariance matrices are unknown and arbitrary positive definite matrices. We propose a parametric bootstrap (PB) approach and develop an approximation to the distribution of the PB pivotal quantity for comparing two mean vectors. This approximate test is shown to be the same as the invariant test given in [Krishnamoorthy and Yu, Modified Nel and Van der Merwe test for the multivariate Behrens–Fisher problem, Stat. Probab. Lett. 66 (2004), pp. 161–169] for the multivariate Behrens–Fisher problem. Furthermore, we compare the PB test with two existing invariant tests via Monte Carlo simulation. Our simulation studies show that the PB test controls Type I error rates very satisfactorily, whereas other tests are liberal especially when the number of means to be compared is moderate and/or sample sizes are small. The tests are illustrated using an example.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a parametric bootstrap (PB) test for heteroscedastic two-way multivariate analysis of variance without Interaction. For the problem of testing equal main effects of factors, we obtain a PB approach and compare it with existing modified Brown–Forsythe (MBF) test and approximate Hotelling T2 (AHT) test by an extensive simulation study. The PB test is a symmetric function in samples, and does not depend on the chosen weights used to define the parameters uniquely. Simulation results indicate that the PB test performs satisfactorily for various cell sizes and parameter configurations when the homogeneity assumption is seriously violated, and tends to outperform the AHT test for moderate or larger samples in terms of power and controlling size. The MBF test, the AHT test, and the PB test have similar robustness to violations of underlying assumptions. It is also noted that the same PB test can be used to test the significance of random effect vector in a two-way multivariate mixed effects model with unequal cell covariance matrices.  相似文献   

From a geometric perspective, linear model theory relies on a single assumption, that (‘corrected’) data vector directions are uniformly distributed in Euclidean space. We use this perspective to explore pictorially the effects of violations of the traditional assumptions (normality, independence and homogeneity of variance) on the Type I error rate. First, for several non‐normal distributions we draw geometric pictures and carry out simulations to show how the effects of non‐normality diminish with increased parent distribution symmetry and continuity, and increased sample size. Second, we explore the effects of dependencies on Type I error rate. Third, we use simulation and geometry to investigate the effect of heterogeneity of variance on Type I error rate. We conclude, in a fresh way, that independence and homogeneity of variance are more important assumptions than normality. The practical implication is that statisticians and authors of statistical computing packages need to pay more attention to the correctness of these assumptions than to normality.  相似文献   

The inverse Gaussian distribution provides a flexible model for analyzing positive, right-skewed data. The generalized variable test for equality of several inverse Gaussian means with unknown and arbitrary variances has satisfactory Type-I error rate when the number of samples (k) is small (Tian, 2006). However, the Type-I error rate tends to be inflated when k goes up. In this article, we propose a parametric bootstrap (PB) approach for this problem. Simulation results show that the proposed test performs very satisfactorily regardless of the number of samples and sample sizes. This method is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

Most multivariate statistical techniques rely on the assumption of multivariate normality. The effects of nonnormality on multivariate tests are assumed to be negligible when variance–covariance matrices and sample sizes are equal. Therefore, in practice, investigators usually do not attempt to assess multivariate normality. In this simulation study, the effects of skewed and leptokurtic multivariate data on the Type I error and power of Hotelling's T 2 were examined by manipulating distribution, sample size, and variance–covariance matrix. The empirical Type I error rate and power of Hotelling's T 2 were calculated before and after the application of generalized Box–Cox transformation. The findings demonstrated that even when variance–covariance matrices and sample sizes are equal, small to moderate changes in power still can be observed.  相似文献   

Some nonparametric methods have been proposed to compare survival medians. Most of them are based on the asymptotic null distribution to estimate the p-value. However, for small to moderate sample sizes, those tests may have inflated Type I error rate, which makes their application limited. In this article, we proposed a new nonparametric test that uses bootstrap to estimate the sample mean and variance of the median. Through comprehensive simulation, we show that the proposed approach can control Type I error rates well. A real data application is used to illustrate the use of the new test.  相似文献   

This article studies the hypothesis testing and interval estimation for the among-group variance component in unbalanced heteroscedastic one-fold nested design. Based on the concepts of generalized p-value and generalized confidence interval, tests and confidence intervals for the among-group variance component are developed. Furthermore, some simulation results are presented to compare the performance of the proposed approach with those of existing approaches. It is found that the proposed approach and one of the existing approaches can maintain the nominal confidence level across a wide array of scenarios, and therefore are recommended to use in practical problems. Finally, a real example is illustrated.  相似文献   


The likelihood of a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) often involves high-dimensional integrals, which in general cannot be computed explicitly. When direct computation is not available, method of simulated moments (MSM) is a fairly simple way to estimate the parameters of interest. In this research, we compared parametric bootstrap (PB) and nonparametric bootstrap methods (NPB) in estimating the standard errors of MSM estimators for GLMM. Simulation results show that when the group size is large, the PB and NPB perform similarly; when group size is medium, NPB performs better than PB in estimating standard errors of the mean.  相似文献   

We introduce a multi-step variance minimization algorithm for numerical estimation of Type I and Type II error probabilities in sequential tests. The algorithm can be applied to general test statistics and easily built into general design algorithms for sequential tests. Our simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm is particularly useful for estimating tail probabilities, and may lead to significant computational efficiency gains over the crude Monte Carlo method.  相似文献   

The test of variance components of possibly correlated random effects in generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) can be used to examine if there exists heterogeneous effects. The Bayesian test with Bayes factors offers a flexible method. In this article, we focus on the performance of Bayesian tests under three reference priors and a conjugate prior: an approximate uniform shrinkage prior, modified approximate Jeffreys' prior, half-normal unit information prior and Wishart prior. To compute Bayes factors, we propose a hybrid approximation approach combining a simulated version of Laplace's method and importance sampling techniques to test the variance components in GLMMs.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider exact tests in panel data regression model with one-way and two-way error component for which no exact tests are available. Exact inferences using generalized p-values are obtained. When there are several groups of panel data, test for equal coefficients under one-way and two-way error component are derived.  相似文献   

To study the equality of regression coefficients in several heteroscedastic regression models, we propose a fiducial-based test, and theoretically examine the frequency property of the proposed test. We numerically compare the performance of the proposed approach with the parametric bootstrap (PB) approach. Simulation results indicate that the fiducial approach controls the Type I error rates satisfactorily regardless of the number of regression models and sample sizes, whereas the PB approach tends to be a little of liberal in some scenarios. Finally, the proposed approach is applied to an analysis of a real dataset for illustration.  相似文献   

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