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徐美清 《社会工作》2008,(23):36-36
江西省定南县原有乡镇敬老院13所,其中集中供养107人,每个院平均供养不到8.5人,人均月供养经费56元。通过改革敬老院办院管理体制,五保集中供养规模显著扩大,集中供养水平显著提高,目前,该县社会敬老院在院五保人员已增加到683人,实现了五保人员在自愿基础上的100%集中供养,供养经费每人每年达1800元以上。  相似文献   

中国目前基本的制度框架包括三个层次:宪法层次、法律层次、行政法规和规章层次。从制度本身的性质来说,对一个国家的稳定和发展具有决定意义的是政治行政制度和经济制度。中国的政治行政体制改革是一个长期的、与社会主义发展过程相始终的渐进过程,但在30多年的改革过程中所暴露出来的一些制度性问题,特别是社会转轨时期容易产生的"制度漏洞"问题则亟待通过制度安排认真解决。中国政治行政体制改革必须依据宪法和社会发展现状有计划、有步骤和渐进式地进行。从整体上来看,中国的政治行政体制改革基本上分为三个层面:价值理念、政治制度和行政制度。中国社会主义公共行政体制改革和发展的基本方向是建立"人民政府模式",强调"规模适度化政府",这是由中国社会现实的特殊性所决定的,是提高政府效率的基本因素。我国社会主义公共机构的民主化制度建设将是实现"中国梦"的关键所在。  相似文献   

Land Finance and the Tax-sharing System: An Empirical Interpretation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方政府的区域竞争推动了中国经济的迅速增长,其中的作用机制有待发掘。地方政府行为受中央与地方关系的影响,尤其受分税制以来财税体制改革的影响。分税制集中财权使地方政府逐渐走向以土地征用、开发和出让为主的发展模式,从而形成了土地财政;利用省级的年度数据验证了两者之间的密切关系。无论如何评价以土地财政为代表的发展模式,与财政包干制相比,分税制都是一个理性化的制度变革,其建立了中央与地方之间关系的稳定互动框架,而以土地为中心的城市扩张模式是这次改革的意外后果。  相似文献   

对于“省管县”财政体制改革的认识,不能仅定位于压缩财政层级或县域政区财政脱困的权宜之计,必须将其提升至地方行政管理体制变革的高度。中国的财政管理体制改革必须在行政管理体制改革的大背景中找到自己的位置。本文认为,应逐步通过解除市领导县的管理体制,重新整合县域行政辖区,以及必要的省级行政区划的调整,在形成了一个相对合理地地方行政管理层级架构之后,方能营造出构建相对合理的地方政府间财政关系的可能性,进而使得“省管县”财政管理体制成为一种常态化的模式。  相似文献   

小政府发挥大作用的机制与条件中国社会科学院日本研究所舍妤一、问题的提起一般而言,衡量政府规模大小的可比指标是财政规模。对于政府作用的大小,则很难用简单的指标来衡量。因为,政府在经济中发挥作用的大小,一般是就政府对经济的干预能力强弱而言。虽然这种能力是...  相似文献   

财政作为政府参与市场经济活动的重要手段,在政府与市场的有机结合中承担着责任与风险的双重属性。财政风险根源于不断深化的社会分工、政府干预市场的强度、民主化程度与经济全球化,必然产生社会福利水平下降、收入分配差距扩大、公共产品数量和质量缺失、财政制度效率弱化等负面影响。在中国公共财政转型中,只有借鉴其他国家化解财政风险的做法,确定合理的财政规模、优化财政收支结构、建立合理的制度约束和评估机制等,才能提高财政抵御风险能力和财政安全水平。  相似文献   

从政府职能看中国政府适度规模的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张玉 《学术交流》2008,(1):40-43
政府规模包括内在规模和外在规模.政府的内在规模是指政府职能和行政权力的范围及权限,即职能规模和权力规模.政府的外在规模是指政府机构设置,人员配置的数量、结构以及行政成本消耗的数量,即机构规模,人员规模和费用规模.当代中国政府适度规模的构建,既不是"大政府"也不是"小政府",而是"与政府内在职能规模相匹配"的公共服务型政府.因而,当代中国政府适度规模的构建,既不是一味地精简机构,缩减人员,也不是实现政府规模的增量性扩张,而是以政府的内在职能规模为依据,以构建公共服务型政府为取向,对政府规模进行结构性调整,打破中央政府、地方政府与基层政府机构设置"职责同构"的特点,解决条块分割的矛盾.  相似文献   

新时期我国政府社会管理若干问题理论思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
改革开放以来我国政府实现从经济建设型政府向公共服务型政府的转型,发展市场经济、构建和谐社会,突出政府的社会管理与公共服务职能,政府社会管理体制改革总体目标是建设公共服务型政府。这就要求我国政府的社会管理体制改革从国家主导包办向社会、企业、个人多元参与转变;由管办不分、政事不分向管办分离、政事分开转变。为此,政府需要实现从经济目标优先向社会目标优先的转变,建设型财政体制需要向公共服务型财政体制转变,实现依法行政,充分发挥社会中介组织的作用,建构适合国情的公共服务体系与多样化的公共服务模式。  相似文献   

邢岗 《社会福利》2010,(8):25-26
2010年元月,内蒙古自治区党委胡春华书记和自治区政府刘卓志副主席亲自听取民政厅关于孤儿供养和最低生活保障以及五保供养的专题汇报。2月10日,自治区党委、政府召开联席会议,专题研究改善民生、提高孤儿供养标准等有关问题。会议议定:从2010年起,全面提高孤儿集中供养和分散供养标准等6项民生指标,使之达到或略高于全国平均水平。  相似文献   

顾昕  降薇 《社会福利》2003,(12):29-32
制约五保供养工作的瓶颈一制度约束 五保供养困难重重,其根本原因在于经费不足。事实上,五保户供养仅仅是中国农村诸多社会项目(social programs)的一种,而且以支出额度来衡量也是相对花费较少的一个项目。五保户供养经费不足,体现了中国农村在大规模市场化和城市化浪潮的双重夹击下社会保护事业面临的困境。这一困境的核心在于社  相似文献   


关键词: 财政供养?机构改革?政府规模

Government‐financed persons (GFPs) form the basis of government administration and the number of the GFPs has a direct bearing on government efficiency and social harmony. Government restructuring since 1998 has effectively curbed inflation in the number of the GFPs, which at present remains at a safe overall level and under control. However, optimizing the structure and functions of GFPs still poses a huge challenge to the central government. The issue of GFPs is by no means an isolated one, but is closely related to government restructuring at a deeper level. In a real sense, the issue of GFPs is a microcosm of China's government restructuring and many of the underlying problems in the government system find a concentrated reflection in the question of GFPs. Conversely, many of the real problems in GFPs can only be thoroughly resolved by government restructuring.  相似文献   

The government, the market, and the problem of catastrophic loss   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article addresses the comparative advantage of the government to the private property/casualty insurance industry for the provision of insurance coverage for catastrophic losses. That the government can play an important role as an insurer of societal losses has been a central public policy principle since at least the New Deal. In addition, our government typically automatically provides forms of specific relief following unusually severe or unexpected disasters, which itself can be viewed as a form of ex post insurance. This article argues that, for systemic reasons, the government is much less effective than the private property/casualty insurance market in providing coverage of losses generally, but especially of losses in contexts of catastrophes.  相似文献   

政府与市场关系理论及其发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
桁林 《求是学刊》2003,30(2):44-49
政府与市场关系经历了三个历史阶段,第一阶段政府从市场外部进入到市场内部,第二阶段政府从辅助功能转变为主导功能,用以弥补市场功能的不足,第三阶段政府的职能从微观层次上升到宏观层次.不同国家的市场发育程度不同,政府在不同发展阶段进入市场,因而政府与市场关系会形成不同模式.后发国家事先缺乏成熟的市场经济,政府进入市场所采取的不同的发展路径,必然形成不同的结果.确立政府与市场关系无疑重要,高风险需要分散化市场投资,而高技术研究与开发需要政府支持.  相似文献   

公民有序政治参与对服务型政府构建的价值及实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐海丽 《创新》2010,4(3):30-33
秩序是政治生活基本的价值,供给秩序是服务型政府的职能定位。服务型政府是公民本位的政府,公民与政府的良性互动是服务型政府建设的基础。但是,惟有有序的公民政治参与才能发挥正向功能,有序的公民政治参与对服务型政府构建具有多层价值。为了充分发挥这种价值和效用,就需要政府、社会组织和公民共同努力推进公民有序政治参与。  相似文献   

新中国成立后,北京市对农业政策进行了多项改革。土地政策方面考虑首都土地的长远发展,没收地主、富农土地收归国有,并在一定程度上保护了富农的利益;建立了互助组,出现了土地不分红的高级社;在爱国增产、生产救灾以及农业税收、农业贸易等方面均制定了卓有成效的政策。在各项政策的支持下,北京市的农业生产逐渐恢复。  相似文献   

李朔严 《社会》2018,38(1):160-185
本文旨在探讨转型时期党对于草根NGO的独特影响机制。在整合前人相关研究的基础上,通过对Z省H市两个草根环保NGO的多案例比较,本文发现党对于NGO的影响存在一条与政府不同的独特机制。与传统资源视角和合法性视角所认为的不同,本文认为,党在拓宽资源渠道、增强政治合法性方面对于NGO的影响与政府相比并不存在显著优势,然而唯独党可以通过统合手段,从制度层面给予NGO领导人以政治身份,从而增强其政治资本、扩展其社会网络,为NGO的发展提供更加宽松的制度环境。这一点单一的政府部门难以企及。本文不仅深化了学术界对于国家-社会关系层面更加细致的理解,而且在更广泛层面暗示了与国家的紧密联系并不必然意味着NGO自主性的缺失。未来的研究应当将关注点放在这种关系对于公共治理所造成的实际影响,而非NGO的独立性和自主性本身。  相似文献   

The increasingly precarious and vulnerable position of the private, nonprofit social service agency in an environment of government contracting and declining funding has been the subject of a number of articles over the past few years. Nonprofit agencies have been characterized as being controlled by powerful government agencies that dictate the terms and conditions of contracts, the types of services to be provided, the methods of delivery, and the price to be paid for services. One would expect to find nonprofits anxious to terminate their relationships with various units of government, and return to a more independent status. That is not happening. If anything, purchase of service contracting (POSC) with nonprofit agencies is increasing. This national study of nonprofit agencies explores the impact of declining funding from all sources (including POSC), and seeks to determine its impact on clients, staff, and organization.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evolution of penal policy in Canada in recent years. In many respects, Canada occupies a unique position with respect to criminal justice. The principal influence on penal policy development has been the United States, yet at the same time developments in the United Kingdom have also been important. One result is that policy development in recent years has tended to follow a middle path between the more extreme and radical American route (that has given rise to policies such as "three strikes" legislation) and the more conservative European reforms. Canada's policies with respect to punishment have been affected by a number of influences, including: the presence of advocacy groups; the reporting by the news media of high-profile tragedies such as the Montreal massacre of fourteen young women; the restrictions of budgetary constraints; and the intervention of several federal elections in which crime became an important electoral issue. In this respect, penal policy development in Canada echoes trends in other jurisdictions. The federal government, which is responsible for policy development (but not the administration of those policies) has attempted to pursue a dual-track policy. One branch of this policy has sought to reduce the use of imprisonment and thereby cut criminal justice expenditures. The other track has sought to placate public and political pressure on the government by introducing more repressive penal policies, including severe minimum penalties and higher maximum penalties for young offenders. This paper reviews recent developments in the critical areas of sentencing and parole, and draws some general conclusions about criminal justice policy development in this country.  相似文献   

本文通过对朝阳区的实证研究,表明我国现阶段社区共同体的生成路径是政府培育主导。它的出现是历史发展的必然结果:在建国初期的单位共同体下,人们不仅缺乏结社传统,而且形成了对政府的依赖心理,致使我国社区共同体生成的主导方式一直是政府生成路径。但在现阶段,政府生成路径已经发生转变,变成了政府培育主导,而不是单位共同体下的政府控制主导,这体现了社区建设的发展方向是社区自治而不是社区控制。  相似文献   

This article examines the influence of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) on the legal culture of litigants and judges in Northern Ireland. The results show that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of judicial review cases based upon the ECHR in the years immediately following implementation of the treaty through the Human Rights Act. However, while there has been an increase in the number of ECHR claims by litigants, judges in Northern Ireland have thus far been reluctant to issue declarations of incompatibility pursuant to the Human Rights Act. Furthermore, a multivariate analysis of the likelihood of Northern Irish judges to rule against the government shows that, controlling for other factors, judges are not more willing to rule against the government when the ECHR is invoked. Overall, it appears that the early influence of the ECHR on Northern Irish law has been greatest in the willingness of litigants to bring judicial review cases based upon the treaty—a development that may portend larger changes in UK jurisprudence in the future.  相似文献   

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