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许茨的主体间性理论初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何林 《求是学刊》2005,32(3):26-32
许茨是现象学社会学创始人,也是著名的现象学哲学家。他在批判胡塞尔的先验主体间性理论的基础上,对世俗主体间性、特别是主体间的理解进行了独特的系统探讨。许茨的研究虽然有诸多局限,但他在主体间性问题上试图超越意识哲学的努力是值得肯定的,他研究的结论对我们丰富和发展马克思的交往理论也有一定的借鉴意义  相似文献   

主体间性理论与日常思想政治教育实效性探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主体间性思想政治教育理论突破了主体性思想政治教育的困窘和局限性,是对主体性思想政治教育的现代修正和超越.研究、探讨主体间思想政治教育理论,实现单一式的主体性思想政治教育向主体间性思想政治教育模式的转变,是当前高校思想政治教育实践发展的客观要求,更是解决大学生日常思想政治教育实效性的迫切需要.  相似文献   

潘丹 《社会》2015,35(2):58-80
自由与专政是法国革命的两个面向,法国革命的政治文化亦随之打上激进性的烙印,但在法国的政治理论脉络中,不乏有尝试在各个极端倾向之间寻求平衡点的思想传统:孟德斯鸠、贡斯当、斯塔尔夫人、托克维尔等堪称其代表,他们的共通之处在于探讨政治问题时都十分关注对社会维度的考量。在孟德斯鸠关于政体的性质与本原之间关系的讨论中,呈现出政制与民情间的互动模式;贡斯当承袭了孟德斯鸠古今社会形态差异的议题,以古今自由之变为视角,提出在一个幅员广阔、奉行人民主权原则的共和国中探讨现代自由内涵的问题;作为他的知己与战友,斯塔尔夫人努力探索构建一个能够保障现代人自由的共和政体:“制度的专政”;托克维尔则进一步从民情角度切入,努力探索完善民主社会并使共和制最终摆脱帝制幽灵的良方。  相似文献   

陈士部 《阅江学刊》2011,(2):101-105
阿多诺的审美主体观是对工业文明所造成的严重异化社会现实的积极回应,这种审美主体观有着自身特定的美学内涵:1.诉求审美主体的批判否定功能;2.强调中介,自明审美主体的功能限度;3.偏重审美生产主体。阿多诺的审美主体观念提醒我们:当代美学建构不能迷恋“主体性关学”、“现象学本体论”或“主体间性关学”,尽管这种审美主体观仍是一种语言本身的虚构,它提供的只是抽象的主体,但它带给我们的理论想象是不能漠视的。  相似文献   

比较政治研究方法的两次浪潮都在一定程度上凸显了质性方法在比较政治研究中的特殊地位。在个案研究和经典方法之外,近20年来质性研究方法的新进展主要集中在原因分析、比较历史分析和分析性叙述等方面。特别需要提及的是,目前质性比较研究出现了明显的定量化趋势。这一点集中体现在布尔代数和模糊集合在比较政治研究中的运用上。传统研究强调质性研究和定量研究的区别,而质性比较研究的这些新进展却恰恰说明,沟通二者可能会带来方法论的革命。从目前的情况来看,质性比较方法的新发展可能会对整个社会科学的研究产生非常深远的影响。  相似文献   

李燕 《创新》2017,11(2)
产学研在促进科技成果向现实生产力转化、高校人才培养模式变革等方面取得了丰硕的成果,产学研一体化已逐渐成为一种新的社会发展理念和社会发展战略.但产学研尚未形成全面成熟的社会发展机制,缺乏长远性、制度性战略建设.文章从马克思主义主体间性理论思考产学研,意图在方法论上有所突破,科学解读产学研一体化战略,指出产学研已经处于有机融合的一体化发展阶段,要在马克思主义生产和交往的具体实践中深入理解产学研,在实施过程中要始终坚持以人为本,同时注意处理好以人为本与经济建设的辩证关系,要意识到产学研是复杂系统性工程,需要动员社会整体力量参与.  相似文献   

马琰 《社科纵横》2014,(5):172-175
以主体间性为基础理论对英语学困生教学展开研究,通过对师生主体性及主体间性的特点和关系进行分析,提出建立"主体间性"视阈下英语学困生互动教学模式,指导和优化英语学困生教学实践,改善英语学困生学习现状,促进英语学困生转化和发展。  相似文献   

张锦智 《社科纵横》2010,25(11):164-166
传统社会塑造的以"顺从""听话"为特征的大学生道德人格已经不适应现代社会的需求,也不符合现代大学生的特点。这就需要重视大学生主体的作用,但是如果只强调单独主体性,可能又会走向一些人极度张扬自己的个性以及不惜利用任何手段来满足自己的私利的恶果。所以,我们需要寻觅一种新的观念和方式来进行大学生道德人格的塑造,那就是主体间性。这种视角既是对传统主体性视角中合理因素的发扬,又是对传统视角中容易出现弊端的规避,同时也更有利于主体性的真正实现。  相似文献   

王永全 《社科纵横》2013,(3):170-172
从主体间性学习理论入手分析我国英语媒体的教学现状,论述了媒体英语教学的主体间性原则和途径,提出了一些对策,在一定程度上揭示了媒体英语教学的规律和对英语教学的推动作用。  相似文献   

在数据结构、智能系统、信息网络等新技术的影响下,社会和文化发生了变化。在文化艺术领域,作为艺术作品创作者的艺术主体虚拟化、虚拟主体间性的形成,展示了艺术生态的转型:数字化挑战了传统艺术形式,让艺术作品创作者的身份不再依附于特定的地点,不同的“语境”近在咫尺,每个人都能够参与到创造和重置“语境”的过程中,艺术作品变得具有“非物质性”和“交互性”,从而改变了艺术作品创作者与欣赏者之间的关系;艺术作品创作者与欣赏者之间不再是“施动”和“受动”的关系,而是“交互”和“对话”的互动关系,此时的艺术主体不再是孤立封闭的形象,而是动态开放的形象,艺术主体间与欣赏者之间成为艺术共生平权的关系。  相似文献   

Critical realism has been an important advance in social science methodology because it develops a qualitative theory of causality which avoids some of the pitfalls of empiricist theories of causality. But while there has been ample work exploring the relationship between critical realism and qualitative research methods there has been noticeably less work exploring the relationship between dialectical critical realism and qualitative research methods. This seems strange especially since the founder of the philosophy of critical realism, Roy Bhaskar, employs and develops a range of dialectical concepts in his later work in order to extend the main tenets of critical realism. The aim of this paper is to draw on Bhaskar's later work, as well as Marxism, to reorient a critical realist methodology towards a dialectical approach for qualitative research. In particular, the paper demonstrates how dialectical critical realism can begin to provide answers to three common criticisms made against original critical realist methodology: that the qualitative theory of causal powers and structures developed by critical realists is problematic; that critical realist methodology contains values which prove damaging to empirical research; and that critical realists often have difficulties in researching everyday qualitative dilemmas that people face in their daily lives.  相似文献   

罗祎楠 《社会》2019,39(1):98-128
本文尝试从思想史视角反思质性研究方法,以揭示被结构视角遮蔽的研究过程,从而探讨一种直面内心的反思性社会科学研究方式。思想史视角强调回到文本去阐释书写者赋予研究方法以意涵的思想过程。本文以“推论”“充分必要性”与“意义”等三种方法论立场中的方法意涵构建过程为例展现这样的思想过程:方法论如何引导了对特定研究方法的选择;当方法论与现实情况存在差距时,书写者如何在原有方法论立场中发展对质性方法新的理解以捍卫方法论的合理性;书写者如何在强调与其他立场的区分中发展对方法的理解。本文由此揭示了看似相同的方法背后所蕴含的巨大意涵和实践差异。一种围绕“意涵”展开的方法知识系统将有可能被建立起来。思想史视角为反思性的质性方法知识构建提供了可以付诸实践的路径。  相似文献   

Although qualitative research offers some unique advantages over quantitative research, qualitative methods are rarely employed in the evaluation of ethics education programs and are often criticized for a lack of rigor. This systematic review investigated the use of qualitative methods in studies of ethics education. Following a review of the literature in which 24 studies were identified, each study was coded based on 16 best practices characteristics in qualitative research. General thematic analysis and grounded theory were found to be the dominant approaches used. Researchers are effectively executing a number of best practices, such as using direct data sources, structured data collection instruments, non-leading questioning, and expert raters. However, other best practices were rarely present in the courses reviewed, such as collecting data using multiple sources, methods, raters, and timepoints, evaluating reliability, and employing triangulation analyses to assess convergence. Recommendations are presented for improving future qualitative research studies in ethics education.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, an academic debate has developed surrounding qualitative data preservation and sharing in the social sciences, and has been characterised as one between supporters and opponents of this movement. We reframe the debate by suggesting that so‐called ‘opponents’ are not resistant to the principle of data preservation and sharing, but ambivalent about how this principle is being put into practice. Specifically, qualitative researchers are uneasy about the foundational assumptions underpinning current data preservation and sharing policies and practices. Efforts to address these concerns argue that the inclusion of the ‘contexts’ of data generation, preservation and reuse will adequately resolve the epistemological concerns held by the qualitative research community. However, these ‘solutions’ reproduce foundational assumptions by treating ‘context’ as ontologically separate from, rather than constitutive of, data. The future of qualitative data preservation and sharing in the social sciences is dependent on shedding its implicit unitary foundational model of qualitative research, and embracing ‘epistemic pluralism’ and the diversity of philosophical perspectives representing the qualitative researcher community.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine which social media tools are mostly used by private hospitals in Ankara and to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of social media tools at an institutional level. Based on the purposive sampling method, it was decided to reach only the people within the scope of the research and hence qualitative interviews was performed with 15 people. The interviewed people consisted of managers responsible for social media activities at the corporate level hospitals. The data obtained from in-depth interviews were analyzed by content analysis. Accordingly, it was found that the social media tools most commonly used by the surveyed participants was Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram respectively, primarily for sharing health-related information and the purpose of advertisement. It was concluded that 26.6% of social media activities at the corporate level are being conducted by the communication department and the social media is mostly being used to share health related information by the hospitals. The survey also found that hospitals had increased recognition as an advantage of social media, but difficulty in deleting comments related to the hospital was found to be a disadvantage. In this research, only the social media activities of the hospitals were discussed with the managers at the institutional level Thus, future studies that evaluate the views of managers, service providers, and service users about social media are required. But the results from this study are expected to provide hospital managers with important clues for planning social media activities.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to attempt to move beyond the impasse of ethical objections to reusing qualitative data. In doing so, there is no intention of dismissing the importance of ethical debates, in fact, quite the opposite. The debate about ethical reuse needs to be deepened and broadened. First, the current terrain of research ethics will be summarised and situated in the context of broader philosophical ethical frameworks. In contrast, the debates around ethics of archiving have often been narrowly focused on participants' rights. The framework of debate should be broadened first by recognising other entities traditionally deemed within the scope of research ethics, namely the scholarly community and the public. The second useful broadening of the framework is provided by a deontological ethical stance with its focus on duties. In the final section, this expanded framework will be used to rebut several common ethical arguments against archiving qualitative data: archiving violates confidentiality; informed consent for reusing data is impossible; reusing data violates trust between researcher and participant; and, archiving creates an unacceptably high risk of data misrepresentation. If a more general philosophical debate on ethics has something to contribute, the central message must be that no single ethical claim is incontestable. The conclusion will position these debates in a wider context by asking what is at stake when the boundaries of ethical discourse about sharing data are drawn too narrowly.  相似文献   

In comparison with other helping professions, social work claimsto embrace a very distinctive mission: to oppose the roots andeffects of social oppression. This article examines social workresearch from an anti-oppressive social work perspective. Itargues that in order to match the liberating mission of theprofession, social work research should defy the dominant traditionsof social science research. The paper first outlines a definitionof anti-oppressive research in social work and then suggestsa relevant set of criteria for assessing it. A case study isdescribed and analysed according to these criteria, followedby a discussion of some ethical and methodological issues involvedin the development of a more inclusive inquiry in social work.  相似文献   

石丹理  韩晓燕  邓敏如 《社会》2005,25(3):70-100
在社会科学的历史中,定量和定性研究的争论持续了差不多半个世纪。随着研究者对实证主义的质疑,质性研究的数目逐渐增加。根据布瑞曼(Bryman,1988)的看法,质性研究有以下特点:(1)透过被访者的眼睛看世界;(2)描述日常生活情境的细节;(3)了解在不同社会范畴的背景中的行为及意义;(4)强调过程;(5)倾向采用文字及结构灵活的研究设计;(6)尽量避免在研究初期确立理论和观念。邓泽和林肯(Denzin & Lincoln,1998)也指出,质性研究有以下元素:(1)采用多元的研究手法;(2)涉及自然和诠译的角度;(3)在自然的情况下作出研究;(4)尝试理解和分析不同现象的…  相似文献   

The sexual health problems experienced by homeless youth bring into question their use of available sexual health services. Using a qualitative typological analysis, this study aims to identify sexual health services utilization profiles for homeless youth, and to understand the role of the homeless experience on the utilization of sexual health services. Individual interviews were conducted with 33 homeless youth (17 men, 16 women) between 18 and 25?years of age. Typological analysis identified four profiles: (1) a targeted use of sexual health services to determine one’s serological status following a relational change during the homeless experience; (2) a limited use of sexual health services to manage sexual emergencies that arise during the homeless experience; (3) a regular use of sexual health services to avoid the risks associated with the homeless experience; (4) a frequent use of sexual health services to obtain support when engaging in prostitution during the homeless experience. This study shows that the precarious and unstable conditions within the homeless experience incite youth to utilize sexual health services in different ways. These findings point to the importance of rethinking sexual health services to better adapt them to the different utilization profiles of homeless youth.  相似文献   

In this article it is argued that epistemological concerns about the archiving of qualitative data are mis‐directed. Almost all interpretive data makes either an implicit or explicit claim to knowledge in a broader context than the research project on which it is based. The ability to re‐interpret these data in the light of changing broader contexts is entirely consistent with the project of interpretive and constructivist epistemologies which frame reality as socially constructed and contextually contingent. The increasing reflexivity of qualitative research can only assist the future researcher, providing it serves its aims of articulating and deepening the understanding of the original research environment and the motives of researcher and participant. The decision to re‐interpret data should be one based on professional skill rather than epistemological barriers. Qualitative researchers should view the project as one for the long term, rather than as a short‐term threat to the validity of their primary analysis. These arguments are made separately from ongoing debates about the ethical and confidentiality concerns of qualitative archiving.  相似文献   

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