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This essay argues that the understanding of leadership is not independent of the power relations within a given cultural context. These shape how ‘leadership’ comes to be ‘known’ — defined and identified. Drawing from cultural studies, it examines the interacting dynamics of power, difference and context in shaping our knowledge of leadership. So whereas we currently identify leadership in Cleopatra, this is due to shifts in the contemporary ground of knowledge that constitutes ‘leadership’. Specifically, the essay focuses on manifestations of gendered power that elicited changes in her appraisals. The analysis examines historical writing (Plutarch), literature (Shakespeare), art (Egyptian Revival) and film (Hollywood) to illustrate gendered paradoxes — criteria that had traditionally defined ‘leaders’ from ‘followers’, but which have become ambiguous. These include queen–lover (embodiment), public–domestic (sphere of work and influence), sage–child (intellect), white–black (racialized identity) and Rome–Egypt (international leadership). In closing, the essay reflects on the implications for leadership studies.  相似文献   

Organization success depends, at least in part, on a firm's ability to wisely manage what it knows in order to capitalize on technical achievements, develop new products and services, realize the benefits of innovation, achieve effective scale economies, and continuously advance and control its operations. This paper departs from familiar approaches to categorizing knowledge resources to distinguish between knowledge resources that are appropriate to replicate ‘as is’ (evidence-based knowledge resources) and those that are best suited to contribute to innovation and creative activity (tinkerable knowledge resources). A set of criteria for classifying different types of knowledge flow mechanisms is also introduced. We propose a framework for determining effective fit between knowledge resources and the mechanisms used to move and apply those resources. We discuss the benefits of achieving fit and the liabilities of misfit and illustrate these ideas with examples drawn from a variety of sources. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications for future research.  相似文献   

Government regulation of business activities is increasing rapidly, exposing firms to considerable uncertainty and requiring managers to decide on appropriate strategic postures. To help managers make informed decisions, this study compiles a comprehensive overview of strategies to cope with regulatory uncertainty and illustrates their interdependencies and how they can be combined into overall coping postures, as well as offering management guidelines on deciding which to adopt. A literature review identifies a considerable variety of coping strategies, and we apply unique data from a worldwide cross-industry survey to categorize each into one of three types - offensive, defensive or passive. We find that firms aiming to cope with the uncertainty associated with post-Kyoto regulation typically adopt one of four strategic postures, each characterized by a specific combination of these types: ‘daredevils’ rely solely on offensive strategies; ‘coordinators’ combine them with defensive ones, ‘hedgers’ pursue strategies from all three categories while ‘gamblers’ choose not to specifically cope with uncertainty at all. We exemplify the strategies characteristic of each posture, and illustrate their interdependencies by means of case studies in the European airline industry. We identify two main factors managers should consider particularly when deciding on their firm’s strategic posture: the level of regulatory uncertainty they perceive and the firm’s exposure to future regulations, and find that the higher the level of uncertainty, the broader the range of strategies applied, and the more future regulation seems likely to affect a firm, the more actively it seeks to cope with the associated uncertainty.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of innovation, knowledge brokering, that explains how some organizations are able to routinely innovate by recombining their past knowledge in new ways. While existing theories of organizational learning and innovation are useful, the links between them are crucial for understanding how existing knowledge becomes the raw materials from which individuals in organizations construct innovative solutions. This model develops these links by grounding processes of learning and innovation in the larger social context within which they occur. Using a microsociological perspective, this article draws together research spanning levels of analysis to explain innovation as the dissembling and reassembling of extant ideas, artifacts, and people. Previous research has suggested that firms spanning multiple domains may innovate by moving ideas from where they are known to where they are not, in the process creating new combinations of existing ideas. This paper more fully develops this process by linking the cognitive, social, and structural activities it comprises. Knowledge brokering involves exploiting the preconditions for innovation that reside within the larger social structure by bridging multiple domains, learning about the resources within those domains, linking that knowledge to new situations, and finally building new networks around the innovations that emerge from the process. This article also considers the origins of knowledge brokers as firms committed to this innovation strategy, the structural and cultural supports for the knowledge brokering process, and several obstacles to the process that these firms experience. Finally, I discuss the implications of this model for further research on innovation and learning, and the implications for other organizations seeking to establish their own capabilities for brokering knowledge.  相似文献   

An examination of 202 innovation projects in 42 firms revealed two approaches in how firms manage employees to explore new knowledge for radical innovations and to exploit existing knowledge for incremental innovations. The first is the system of organization-level management practices, whereby employees are recruited based primarily on prior work experience in other companies and developed interdepartmentally, and compensation is based primarily on joint performance without a specific innovation project in mind. The second is the system of team-level management practices, whereby employees are selected based mainly on overlapping knowledge with team members, and are trained and rewarded for a specific innovation project. Although both systems offer employees the necessary psychological safety for attaining radical innovations and the perspective-taking capability helpful for incremental innovations, each system is better for achieving one type of innovation than the other. The system of organization-level management practices better achieves radical innovations because it provides greater psychological safety, while the system of team-level management practices better achieves incremental innovations because it develops superior perspective-taking capability. Using both systems assists in incremental innovations but not radical innovations, because contradictory expectations are placed on the employees, diminishing psychological safety. The main implication of these findings is that companies should manage their employees differently depending on the type of innovation they wish to achieve.  相似文献   

Doing business in the face of constant change requires a shift from a ‘make-and-sell’ to a ‘sense-and-respond’ framework. This in turn requires four new competencies which require intense attention to what would have been considered the periphery of the traditional make-and-sell company—the customers and environment. The paper concludes by saying it is important to invest in expanding an organisation’s peripheral vision because it will make meaning out of apparent noise; it will extend the number and types of signals that can be sensed; it will drive the development of an ability to transform new signals into meaning; and it enables role-specific management.  相似文献   

Most SMEs do not try to engage in co-operative purchasing arrangements, and even those that do don’t handle them very well. Examining a sample of SME engineering firms from the UK Midlands for signs of more advanced practice, the authors identify three types of behaviour: firms with deliberate strategies (where co-operative purchasing is a consciously-designed and long-term part of management policy); firms with close ties with their suppliers but which still operate fundamentally adversarial policies (where, despite some development of practice, defensive, short-term and ‘low-trust’ attitudes still predominate) and those whose strategies, maybe of long standing, ‘just happened’ and are described as still emergent. The article analyses these positions to yield lessons for managers, recognising that, as firms grow, emergent strategies will need replacing with something more codified.  相似文献   

This article explores how mature SMEs which lack internal resources access external knowledge to facilitate strategic renewal. Organizational learning, in contrast to entrepreneurial learning, recognizes that owner-managers must distribute knowledge throughout the firm to achieve competitive benefits. Three case studies demonstrate how external ‘knowledge providers’ (customers, suppliers and educational institutions) help institutionalize ‘new’ knowledge. Initially, learning from inter-organizational relationships requires owner-managers to be proactive in accessing and extending appropriate inter-organizational relationships. Second, external organizations can play an active role by ‘intertwining’ knowledge to support the development of processes, systems and routines that distribute and institutionalize learning throughout the organization. The three cases have practical implications for owner-managers and add to academic knowledge via the extension of Crossan et al's 4I model of organizational learning.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates tacit knowledge’s relevance in environmental management and explores how organisations can manage this knowledge. Through case studies it reveals how taking the tacit knowledge of employees into account can be particularly useful in three key areas of environmental management: the identification of pollution sources, the management of emergency situations and the development of preventive solutions. In order to take tacit environmental knowledge into account, firms must challenge the predominance of formal knowledge in the management of environmental problems and promote a climate of learning that encourages the recognition and sharing of employees’ experiences. The paper also presents a framework for the analysis of the creation, transfer and retention of tacit knowledge that is not limited to environmental knowledge management.  相似文献   

Innovation is often thought of as an outcome. In this chapter, we review the literatures on innovation processes pertaining to the invention, development, and implementation of ideas. In particular, we explore how these processes unfold within firms, across multi-party networks, and within communities. Moreover, we identify four different kinds of complexities associated with innovation processes that we label as evolutionary, relational, temporal, and cultural complexities. While one approach is to manage or control such complexities, we draw attention to literatures that suggest that it is far more productive to harness these complexities for sustaining ongoing innovation. We conclude the chapter by highlighting some areas for future research.  相似文献   

Sumantra Ghoshal discusses the main features of his and Christopher Bartlett's new book, The Individualized Corporation, leading on to some of his current thinking on management issues in multinational corporations.Much of the book is devoted to describing the new corporate model, and to suggesting how such a company can be built and managed. Ghoshal points out that the major challenge to an individualized corporation is to manage people. A successful firm has a ‘smell of the place’ which motivates and invigorates its people. It also is capable of joint learning and a transformation process that progressively involves rationalization, revitalization and continuous self-renewal: the last of these is called in the book ‘cooking sweet and sour’.Reflecting Ghoshal's evolving thinking, the book moves well beyond managerial specifics to the realm of corporate philosophy. Management doctrine is changing from the old model of strategy, structure and systems to one built on purpose, process and people - a doctrine which embodies a new moral contact with employees.Looking at the future, Ghoshal insists we need an institutional theory of the firm, which recognizes their role as social institutions and also the role of management in distinguishing the visible hand of companies from the invisible hand of markets. This, and an inquiry into the management of the process of change - at a managerial, micro-level of analysis - is his new personal intellectual challenge.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model representing the university research funding problem under a performance based research funding (PBRF) scheme during the ‘lead-up period’ using a mixed-mode modelling approach (involving soft and hard models) and suggests a solution heuristic. The resultant model facilitates the development of ‘best practice’ strategies to assist in raising the level of research quality and participation, thus placing the university (or academic unit) in the best possible position for facing the final hurdle, the formal research assessment process. This assessment process constitutes the ‘positioning problem’, for which models already exist to assist individual universities to adopt the most favourable strategy. However, the ultimate position of the university depends on the results from the lead-up period. The suggested model facilitates ‘research enhancement’ strategy formulation, evaluation and revision and actively involves the researchers themselves. Benchmarking, an Expert Panel (operating on panel consensus) and subjective strategy impact evaluation are the key tools used. The suggested methodology relies on the knowledge, wisdom and experience of the researchers themselves and will hopefully facilitate the achievement of an academic unit's research goals over the lead-up period preparing them for the ‘positioning problem’. The paper also offers some suggestions as to how to establish and obtain maximum usefulness from the expert panel. Lastly, the suggested solution to the suggested model is user friendly, requiring no more than the use of a spreadsheet.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider staffing decisions in branches of a large Canadian bank. The bank has well-developed staffing models and the branches work in a highly competitive environment. One would therefore expect limited ‘inefficiency’ in the sense of wasted resources and over-staffing. Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) we nevertheless find considerable ‘inefficiency’ which raises the question whether this is best interpreted as waste or if the apparent inefficiency may serve other purposes. To investigate this, we invoke the theoretical framework of rational inefficiency (Bogetoft and Hougaard [8]).  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper considers the integration problems associated with incorporating production planning and control (PP&C) systems within CIM; these problems are typically not differentiated from functionally related problems, and have in the past received relatively little attention. The on-going emergence of a number of standards relevant to manufacturing software systems provides an opportunity to assess the current situation with regard to proprietary PP&C systems and to suggest ways forward towards ‘seamless’ integration of PP&C within the CIM environment. The problems arising from conventional integration approaches are briefly described, and the concept of a simplifying ‘integration platform’ is introduced; the three-schema information architecture is presented as part of this ‘integration simplification’ approach. Current and developing PP&C systems are assessed against a number of information system integration criteria, and the results of a small survey of proprietary packages are presented. The paper concludes that information must be regarded as an enterprise-wide asset, rather than belonging to individual software applications, and that the adoption of relevant standards will enable seamless integration within a three-schema architecture. An increasing number of proprietary packages are adopting standards and methodologies which ease the integration problem significantly.  相似文献   

This paper draws on comparisons between organisations and organisms to illustrate how peripheral vision can influence behaviour. Like biological organisms, organisations have sensors to inform them of threats and opportunities. The process by which these sensors are developed is ‘selection, adaptation and learning’, or SAL. While SAL’s influence is helpful, it is not always on the side of the organisation. However there are systems that can help an organisation detect oncoming challenges. These include: leveraging the peripheral vision of the CEO; improving general purpose sensors; a better reading of specialised sensors; and installing new specialised or routine sensors in areas where none presently exists.  相似文献   

High‐tech organizations often struggle to manage different types of R&D projects. Evidence from research and practice suggests that managers frequently categorize and manage projects based on the extent of change triggered in product, process, technology, and market dimensions. However, this can create challenges in high‐tech organizations. This study investigates how high‐tech organizations manage R&D projects based on their learning goals. First, we argue for the benefits of categorizing R&D projects based on the degree of exploration and exploitation learning goals. A qualitative case study from four high‐tech business units involving 10 R&D projects helps understand the different types of projects based on their learning goals. The case study shows that R&D projects in high‐tech organizations typically fall into three categories based on their learning goals: Radical innovation projects, Incremental innovation projects, and Hybrid projects. Second, we iterate between literature and evidence from our qualitative data to theorize how project context and organizational context affect project performance depending on the type of project. The data for the empirical analysis come from a multilevel survey of 110 R&D projects across 34 high‐tech business units. Results show the importance of designing project and organizational context differently for the three types of R&D projects. Collectively, this study offers a new perspective on how to manage high‐tech R&D projects.  相似文献   

This paper describes how established companies can create strategic business communities in order to usher in innovation. The paper focuses on the case of NTT DoCoMo, Japan’s largest mobile telecommunications carrier, which has utilised strategic community management principles in its efforts to cultivate and expand the mobile Internet market in Japan. In doing so, new markets were created, in turn leading to further opportunities for NTT DoCoMo. The paper distinguishes between strategic communities and other organisational forms such as projects and communities of practice and discusses the advantages of each. It concludes with the assertion that strategic community management is an effective methodology aimed at strategic innovation by major enterprises.  相似文献   

Increasingly complicated tools known as financial derivatives have been introduced in recent times to manage the market risk arising from floating exchange rates. The rapid development of the derivatives markets has in turn introduced new risks into the business of finance - witness the highly-publicised trading losses at Metallgesellschaft and Procter and Gamble. A principal method for measuring and reporting market risk in the portfolios of banks and their clients is ‘value at risk’ (VaR).Fred Stambaugh explains the concept of ‘value at risk’ and describes three principal approaches to calculating it - correlation matrix, historical simulation and Monte Carlo simulation; they are alternatives, not competitors. As well as setting out their uses, he considers those situations that go beyond ‘value at risk’, i.e. dire events that lie beyond the confidence level of VaR. Techniques for portfolio stress testing are discussed.  相似文献   

Although project portfolio management has been an active research area over the past 50 years, budget allocation models that consider competition are sparse. Faced with the competition, firms contemplating budget allocation for their project portfolio cannot limit their attention to the returns from their projects' target markets, as is the case for monopoly firms, but must also anticipate the competitive effects on these returns. Assuming firms allocate their budgets between projects offering incremental innovation targeting a mature market and projects offering radical innovation targeting an emerging market, we show that while the monopoly firm bases its budget allocation decision solely on the marginal returns of the markets, competing firms—as they take into account their counterparts' investment decisions—need to also consider the projects' average returns from their respective markets. This drives competing firms into incrementalism: faced with competition, firms invest larger portions of their budgets into projects targeting mature markets. This effect is amplified as the number of competing firms increases and firms allocate an even greater share of their budget into projects targeting a mature market. We further demonstrate the effects that changes to firms' individual budgets, as well as to market characteristics, have on firms' budget allocation decision.  相似文献   

Coopetition (collaboration between competitors) among young firms (i.e. start-ups) and larger, more established firms (i.e. corporates) may be beneficial for both partners as each party typically has something to offer that is missing in the other. Start-ups often develop innovative ideas, are flexible and agile, willing to take risks, and aspire to achieve high growth, but they tend to lack the required resources, capabilities, and knowledge due to their newness and smallness. Corporates have resources, routines, and experience that enable them to work efficiently but lack a certain innovation capability. Research has suggested that coopetition represents an opportunity for start-ups facing restrictions in resources, while corporates benefit from start-ups’ innovative ideas. However, it is yet unknown whether start-ups and corporates engage in coopetition with each other and, if so, how and why they do this. This study seeks to fill this void by exploring the motives of coopeting start-ups and corporates, how they manage their coopetitive relationship, and what implications occur including potential benefits and risks. We present a multiple case study based on qualitative data collected through 70 interviews with Austrian-based start-ups and corporates representing 35 coopetitive partnerships. Discussing the findings based on our data, we propose relationships concerning coopetition and its role to enlarge resource- and technology-bases as well as its role in the development of dynamic capabilities.  相似文献   

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