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利用2018年中国老年社会追踪调查数据,基于家庭代际关系转变视角,通过对老年人从子女处获得的经济支持、照料支持、情感支持聚类分析,划分了“低-低-低”“高-低-高”“高-高-高”三种代际支持模式。多分类Logistic回归发现,“低-低-低”模式下的老年人更可能选择自己家养老和机构养老,“高-低-高”和“高-高-高”模式下的老年人更可能选择子女家养老。代际经济支持和情感支持对老年人选择子女家养老有正向促进作用,代际照料支持对老年人选择社会化养老方式具有正向促进作用,而代际情感支持对老年人选择社会化养老方式具有反向抑制作用。研究结果表明,当代中国老年人的代际支持模式的传统性与现代性并存,代际经济支持对老年人养老方式选择的影响在不断弱化,代际照料支持未对社会化养老产生替代作用,代际情感支持很大程度上制约了老年人选择社会化养老方式。构建老年人的家庭支持体系应侧重代际情感支持,同时加强社会保障体系和养老服务体系建设,补充代际经济支持和照料支持,以建立家庭养老和社会养老之间的有效衔接,从而实现居家、社区、机构的有效联动。  相似文献   

史薇 《南方人口》2014,(5):58-68
社会参与是老年人的基本需求和权利,健康长寿时代养老"时间储蓄"是老年社会参与领域出现的新实践。目前城市老年人对养老"时间储蓄"的知晓度较低,参与意愿仍有提升的空间。随着我国经济社会的发展、人口预期寿命的延长,老年社会保障制度的日臻完善,城市中低年龄老年人参与养老"时间储蓄"的需求和意愿较高,却在一定程度上受到健康、收入、文化技能以及家庭、社区环境的制约。促进养老"时间储蓄"常态化制度化是一项社会系统工程,需要动员政府和全社会的共同力量,营造我为人人、人人为我的社会风尚,加强老年教育和终身学习,引入地区差异的视角,通过完善政策和实施项目的途经,积极发挥老年人在社区和家庭中的作用。  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化的发展,老年照顾问题日益突出。社区照顾相比家庭照顾和机构照顾有其特殊的优势,越来越受欢迎,但仍需要创新。社区照顾只有结合中国实际才能真正成为解决中国养老问题的可靠之策。社区内结伴互助照顾模式是在结合中国熟人社会、老人交往特点以及参与社会的内驱力而提出来的,是社区照顾的一种表现形式。社区内结伴互助模式是指依托社区,以吸引或者信任为基础,以感情为纽带,以自愿为前提,由老年人自己根据需要在社区朋友圈中寻觅合适伙伴并结成互助合作小组以实现快乐养老的模式。社区内结伴互助模式适用于身体健康、生活能够自理且在本区内养老的老年人,是人们按照一定程序把原始互助行为推向组织化的一种尝试。社区内结伴互助模式以互助自助的自我服务为主,成本较低;注重老年人社会参与,精神充实且富有人情味;坚持自我管理为主,有利于促进社会整合和社会资本提升;强调正式支持与非正式支持相结合,可以有效推动养老服务多元化发展,完善养老服务体系。社区内结伴互助模式与国家的社会服务政策导向相吻合,符合政府关于社区治理和老龄工作发展方向,中国社会特有的重人情重关系的文化理念以及熟人社区的内在约束力又为发展社区内结伴互助模式创造了条件,近些年来国内开展的互助养老服务实践更为其提供了经验,因而发展社区内结伴互助的老年照顾模式具有可行性。  相似文献   

利用可持续生计框架和行为模型,构建体现老年人生存和发展能力的养老资本,分析养老资本对老年人机构养老意愿的影响以及子代支持对二者关系的调节作用。研究发现,城市老人的养老资本存量、子代支持和机构养老意愿都高于农村老人;综合养老资本对老年人机构养老意愿存在显著负向影响,金融资本提高老人机构养老意愿,社会资本和物质资本则反之;养老资本对老年人机构养老意愿影响存在群体差异,养老资本越丰富,农村老人和多子女老人意愿越低,城市老人和失能老人则相反;子代支持对养老资本与老年人机构养老意愿关系的调节作用显著,养老资本和子代支持在影响老人机构养老意愿中具有明显的替代关系。结果表明,城市老人和失能老人的机构养老需求更大,且丰富的养老资本尤其是金融资本和人力资本鼓励有需求的老人选择机构养老。因此,政府有关部门应联合社会团体、民间资本,推进养老机构高质量发展,满足老年人多样化照料需求。  相似文献   

以往的家庭养老研究中,主要是从支持的角度将子女视为养老的主要承担者,缺少互动的视角。从积极养老角度讲,家庭养老中,子代与父母代存在互动关系;养老的质量与代际互动关系具有相关性;其中,与子代的社会地位无关,但经济支持的满意度受到子女数量与居住距离的影响,日常照顾的满意度受到子女数量的影响,情感支持满意度受到交流频率的影响,此外家庭养老还受到老年人的养老期望、传统孝文化以及社会保障的影响。  相似文献   

社区服务型居家养老的社会支持系统研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
我国是一个农业大国,农村老年人口占总人口的比例较高。随着我国人口老龄化趋势的加剧,农村养老问题日益突出。社区服务型居家养老符合农村实际情况,是解决农村养老问题的有效途径。居家养老需要来自社区、政府、社会等诸多方面的、比较完备的社会支持。目前,我国正在积极倡导新农村建设,在这一有利契机下,我们要将社区服务型居家养老与新农村建设有效结合,通过新农村建设要为农村居家养老提供相关的社会支持,并逐步建立农村居家养老的社会支持系统,促进农村居家养老的实现。  相似文献   

邱红  魏雅鑫 《人口学刊》2020,42(5):73-82
在积极老龄化的社会背景下,了解老年人参与社会活动状况及其影响因素可以加深人们对人口老龄化社会问题的认识,探索如何创造更为舒适的社会参与环境进而促进老年人积极参与社会活动。为此,本文运用2015年中国健康与养老追踪调查(GHARLS)数据,采用Heckman两阶段模型的分析方法,实证分析年龄、性别、受教育程度、健康状况、婚姻状况、退休前职业的社会声望等因素对老年人是否参与社会活动及参与频次的影响。研究发现城乡老年人的自评健康状况、养老金(退休金)和医疗保险等保障性政策对老年人是否参与社会活动有正向积极影响;有配偶对老年人是否参与社会活动有负向影响;年龄增长使老年人精力体力均有下降,相应地降低了社会活动的参与频次;男性老年人在参与社会活动及参与频次上不及女性;退休前职业的社会声望和受教育水平对提高老年人参与社会活动及参与频次均有显著正效应。为促进老年人更多地参与社会活动,家庭层面应秉持鼓励支持的态度,社区层面应开展多种多样的适合老年人参加的社会活动;同时,整个社会要在多方面支持老年人参与社会活动,如社区医疗卫生机构为老年人提供健康指导,动员社会力量开展老年人喜欢的各种学习培训,发展托幼事业...  相似文献   

文章基于我国1998~2002年老年人口健康状况调查,考察了机构养老老人与居家养老老人两群体间的健康状况和死亡风险差异。研究显示机构养老老人具有总体健康状况差、死亡风险相对大,但生活满意度高的特点。研究还显示家庭或社会支持不仅可以降低死亡率,而且可缩小两群体间的健康和死亡风险差异,说明家庭或社会支持在提高晚年生活质量中的重要性。基于以上研究结果,在此提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

宗教参与对我国高龄老人死亡风险的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据中国高龄老人健康长寿跟踪调查数据(1998~2005年),利用Cox比例风险模型考察宗教参与对高龄老人死亡风险的影响机制,深入分析人口学特征、肌体健康、心理健康、健康行为及社会经济支持这五类因素在宗教参与和死亡风险关系中的交互作用,以此对西方文献中相关的4种理论模型进行实证检验。结果表明,宗教参与对死亡风险存在一定程度的影响,但是控制其他因素则会削弱这种影响,其中肌体健康因素所代表的"替代性机制"能够将两者关系的显著作用完全消除。  相似文献   

唐美玲 《南方人口》2005,20(3):57-64
家庭养老是中国传统的养老方式,随着我国经济和社会的发展,传统的养老模式发生了变化,现在到底是怎样的状况?通过分析城市家庭中子女在父辈养老过程中对父辈的经济支持、生活照料和情感支持状况,可以发现,居家养老是现阶段城市老年人养老的主要形式,子女在父辈的养老过程中主要发挥了情感支持和生活照料的作用,经济支持方面则表现为社会保障(退休金)支持下的老年人的自养.  相似文献   

The old issue of religion and fertility is examined in relation to women s level of education. In-depth interviews exploring influences on parity for Adelaide parents in 2003–04 suggest that more frequent attendance at religious services in childhood, and affiliation with particular religious denominations, are related to both higher preferred and higher achieved parity, even for women with university education. For some university-educated women, their religious upbringing appears to play a part in negating the traditional relationship between higher education and lower fertility. Quantitative data on religion, fertility and educational level from the 1996 Census for women aged 40–44 in South Australia show that women with No Religion had lower fertility than those With a religion, while university-educated women in New Protestan-New Christian groups had higher fertility than university-educated women in other denominations. The findings provide an understanding of some social conditions that support higher fertility in a low-fertility population. Future fertility research in developed countries should include consideration of the influence of religious affiliation and religiosity at disaggregated levels of inquiry.  相似文献   

At least three kinds of hypothesis may be invoked to interpret religious differentials in mortality. They are (i) hypotheses that refer to characteristics, (ii) those that refer to lifestyle, and (iii) those that refer to the social isolation of minorities. This paper tests all three kinds of hypothesis using data on urban child mortality from The Hague just before and during the demographic transition. A hazard analysis suggests that economic and demographic characteristics do not account for much of the variation by religion. An analysis of seasonal mortality suggests that some of the variation may be explained by differences in lifestyle. The third kind of hypothesis is presented here for the first time. We suggest that the social isolation of small religious groups lowered their exposure to certain kinds of infectious disease. We use a simulation study to show that this hypothesis could account for part of the variation.  相似文献   

At least three kinds of hypothesis may be invoked to interpret religious differentials in mortality. They are (i) hypotheses that refer to characteristics, (ii) those that refer to lifestyle, and (iii) those that refer to the social isolation of minorities. This paper tests all three kinds of hypothesis using data on urban child mortality from the Hague just before and during the demographic transition. A hazard analysis suggests that economic and demographic characteristics do not account for much of the variation by religion. An analysis of seasonal mortality suggests that some of the variation may be explained by differences in lifestyle. The third kind of hypothesis is presented here for the first time. We suggest that the social isolation of small religious groups lowered their exposure to certain kinds of infectious disease. We use a simulation study to show that this hypothesis could account for part of the variation.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of religion and of the quantity and quality of social support on self-esteem and depression among the suddenly bereaved. Data are collected from medical examiner records and mail-back surveys from family members of victims of suicides and accidental deaths in a large metropolitan area of the United States. Recursive models of church attendance and social support on well-being are estimated using generalized least squares. We find that religious participation significantly increases self-esteem, but has no significant effect on depression. The findings also indicate that frequency of contact with friends and relatives, confiding with friends and relatives, and quality of recieved expressive support independently predict both self-esteem and depression.  相似文献   

Religion and Public Perceptions of Gays and Lesbians in South Korea   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Public support for gay and lesbian rights has increased in Western democracies, yet less is known regarding views in South Korea, or East Asia more broadly. Rather than broad cultural claims, this analysis asks to what extent religious identification explains perceptions of gays and lesbians. Public opinion survey data from South Korea finds that Protestants were consistently less supportive of homosexual issues compared to Catholics, Buddhists, and those without a religious identification. Furthermore, after controlling for religion, identification with the largest conservative party associated with less support.  相似文献   

Longitudinal data from a large .sample of Wisconsin men and women are used to examine the effects on fertility of religious and secular socialization, including farm upbringing. Analyses of children ever born (CEB) and of parity progression show that current religious choice is more important in explaining fertility than is religion of orientation or denomination of secondary school. The effects of current and background religion are additive, and the effect of current religion is the same for men as for women at each parity progression. Catholic religious background affects fertility primarily by increasing the likelihood of having a third or fourth child; its indirect effects on fertility operate through religious schooling and current religious affiliation. Unlike religious background, the positive influence of farm background on fertility persists among men and women, even when current farm employment is controlled.  相似文献   

What are the effects of civil religion on American society and culture? As a phenomena which presumably serves to integrate the political with the religious sectors of the national culture in the minds of citizens, it would seem that civil religion should have political consequences. Limited work has shown that civil religious beliefs help predict one's preference among presidential candidates. However, there have been no tests of civil religion as an indicator of public policy preferences. This investigation explores such relationships. While civil religion significantly related to stands on various public policies, these relationships are weak except in comparison to many other types of social indicators. Furthermore, civil religion's political impact on public policy orientations would appear less than its impact on the selection of presidential candidates.  相似文献   

为救助困难家庭的老人、提升老人的养老质量,政府已为部分困难老人购买社会养老服务。然而受制于各地经济社会发展水平,在广大的农村地区、甚至部分城镇地区,社会化服务发展水平较低、服务人员和队伍不足,绝大多数家庭尚未享受到政府购买服务,困难老人仍然依靠传统的家庭养老服务。基于与政府购买社会养老服务政策相匹配的理念,文章通过梳理国内外家庭养老服务相关实践发现对提供服务的家庭予以部分经济补贴是可行之路,实际调研中也发现当下农村地区困难老人面临的养老责任扯皮推诿、服务水平低等问题多为经济不足诱发。针对农村地区为老人提供家庭养老服务的困难家庭,本文从目标、原则、管理体制等几个方面为其构建农村家庭养老服务津贴政策。  相似文献   

Using the secularization theory and the Marxistnotion of religion as masking class conscienceone would expect the importance of religion andreligious involvement today to wane and belimited to lower class members. To challenge thisexpectation, using a representative nationaltelephone survey of 2004 youth (ages 11–18) andtheir parents, we attempt to answer thefollowing two questions: How religious areteenagers, and what may explain variation inreligious perception and involvement amongteens. Findings suggest that religion remainsperceived as very important by most teenagersand parents report that about two-thirds ofteenagers attended a place of worship at leastmonthly and that two out of five attended asocial group sponsored by a religiousorganization. These findings do not support thesecularization theory. As expected, parentalattendance of religious worship, teen's age,and teen's ethnicity and gender weresignificantly associated with three variablesof religious behavior and attendance. Incontrast to the Marxist notion of religion,measures of socio-economic status indicatethat, in the contemporary United States,religious participation, but not beliefs, islargely the domain of the middle-upper classes.  相似文献   

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