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2003年6月29日,《内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系安排》(以下简称CEPA)成功签署。CEPA的出台促使内地与香港之间的经贸关系更加密切。CEPA协议主要涵盖了货物贸易、服务贸易、贸易投资便利化三大内容。其中,原产地规则作为一项重要的贸易规则,在CEPA协议中规定得最为详细。本文以CEPA原产地规则为基础,对CEPA原产地规则的认定标准以及与之相关的争端解决机制问题进行了详细分析,并在此基础上就如何完善提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

本文认为,发展市场经济是实现经济现代化的必由之路。在看到香港问题是由中英之间三个不平等条约所造成的同时,充分认识香港发展市场经济的历程,对于贯彻执行“一国两制”和发展中国内地的市场经济都有积极的意义。英国在强占香港以后,着手在香港建立市场经济制度,使香港在政治上脱离中国的同时,也走上了资本主义式的市场经济道路。本世纪下半叶,香港凭借着市场经济的制度和全体港人的努力奋斗,实现了经济起飞,成为新兴工业化经济、国际贸易中心、金融中心和航运中心。由此,香港不仅对中国内地的经济发展具有积极作用,而且在对内地市场经济制度的建立上也具有借鉴作用  相似文献   

香港人 周迅     
周迅要做香港人的事情去年就已经开始传了,这次总算尘埃落定,周迅在一月底已经成功拿到了香港身份证。纵观整个娱乐圈,好多内地当红的明星纷纷走向别处,胡军刘璇等明星也通过"优秀人才入境计划"成为香港人,而他们的工作重心仍旧内地,毕竟他们在香港不如内地出名,要赚钱要捞金还是要在内地发展。既然是这样,为何这些明星还是纷纷的去争当香港人呢?周迅前者还有汤唯。  相似文献   

知识产权制度是促进人类经济发展、社会进步、科技创新、文化繁荣的基本法律制度。在知识经济时代,中国内地应与香港特区加强各方面包括法律及其相关制度的横向交流。通过对香港与内地知识产权立法的有关问题进行比较、借鉴,完善中国内地惩治知识产权犯罪的路径,切实保护知识产权,实现刑事正义,服务于经济社会发展。  相似文献   

“九七”后香港在中国经济发展中的地位与作用封小云“九七”之后,香港经济将与内地经济更为密切地结合在一起。香港将在今后中国经济的发展中,发挥作为从海外向中国内地转移资金和投资的中心;为中国对外经贸提供服务基地;华南地区出口导向加工业的利润中心;中国建立...  相似文献   

根据对香港社联这一个案——“点”的研究,和香港社会服务发展的优质社会生态环境——“面”的分析,本文认为香港发达的社会服务体系在很多方面值得内地借鉴。在考量香港经验与内地自身特色的基础上,内地的社会服务构建需要关注以下三个方面:一是社会服务供给的路径选择——政府与非政府组织的伙伴关系;二是社会服务供给的专业保障——社会工作的有效介入;三是社会服务供给的机制设计——服务使用者的积极参与。  相似文献   

华语文化语境下的香港社会工作实践,对内地有颇多的借鉴。为深层次解读香港社会工作的发展脉络,我们特别邀请了香港理工大学副研究员温颖娜,就"教育与注册"、"服务类型与内容"、"服务评估与问责"、"人力资源管理"、"财政与资源"以及"社会政策"等六方面分别作一阐述。  相似文献   

马楠楠 《唐都学刊》2012,28(3):115-119
CEPA之后,港产合拍片中的内地人形象较之以往发生了很大变化,主要表现为以下两类:时尚与现代的都市"新移民"以及传统伦理价值观的守护者。某种程度上而言,这两种形象都是对内地人的美化和天使化,究其原因在于回归后港人国族认同意识的日益增强以及香港电影对广大内地市场的依赖与迎合。合拍片中内地人形象的凸显对于促进两地演技人才交流以及加强两岸同胞的文化认同起到了重要的作用,但同时也存在一些问题,值得我们关注和反思。  相似文献   

香港社会保障经验对我们的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从本世纪70年代开始,香港逐步建立起了一套适合自身特点,高效、科学的社会保障体制。这一体制是以政府供款的综合援助金为主体,以公屋制和雇主责任制为两翼,在保障市民安居乐业,保证香港社会的繁荣、稳定等方面发挥了和正在发挥着举世公认的重要作用。目前,中国的改革已进入攻坚阶段,能否建立起一套适合中国国情的社会保障体制,已成为制约改革成败的关键。固然,内地。与香港社会制度不同,经济与社会发展水平也有一定差距,内地也不可能照搬香港的社会保障模式。但是,我们毕竟可以从香港社会保障的经验中得到一些有益的启示。一、…  相似文献   

内地刑法与香港刑法都是中华人民共和国刑法体系中重要的组成部分.本文通过分析比较内地刑法与香港刑法中的缓刑制度,试图对内地刑法中的缓刑制度从体系到理念能够有新的认识.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the dynamics of frontline organisational practice and examines how non-governmental organisations (NGOs) act as an intermediary between people and the state. It explores how workers in NGOs in the Pearl River Delta are responding to the needs of local migrant populations including rural-to-urban migrants and foreigners within mainland China, cross-border ‘new arrival’ Chinese and ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. We examine how government policy imperatives that relate to (im)migrants within the wider region are operationalised in strategic and direct practice, drawing on the theory of street-level bureaucracy to guide the analysis of primary data collected in two cities (Hong Kong and Guangzhou) during 2014. Key findings provide evidence of discretionary agency in both locations although the broader scope for an agency is evident in Hong Kong than Guangzhou. Implications for future practice are discussed within the context of increasingly restrictive political and social environment within the region.  相似文献   

香港文学和大陆文学 ,历史上本就关系密切 ,大陆改革开放后则交流愈加。其间 ,两地小说创作的交流 ,小说读者的接受情形和审美反响 ,尤其引人注目。大陆的当代小说创作和研究 ,对香港文学界和大众读者一直颇有影响 ;反之 ,当代香港的武侠小说和言情小说等 ,在大陆亦有很大读者市场 ,并为评论界高度重视。由于同一母体文化 ,加上两地各种联系密切 ,因此两地小说创作在题材选择、严肃小说领域、通俗小说领域、作家心态等方面 ,便有不少共同点。但因为社会制度毕竟不同 ,文化消费毕竟有异 ,两地小说的作家创作与读者接受便又存在不少差异。这些异同处 ,都有不少耐人寻味的地方。对它们进行比较研究 ,可以更清楚地发现当代大陆小说和香港小说各自的创作特点和审美短长。但长期以来这种富有意义的比较性研究却又很缺乏 ,确实需要加强  相似文献   

On 1st July 1997 Hong Kong will be transformed from a British colony into a Special Administration Region (SAR) of the People's Republic of China. Although the Basic Law, a mini-constitution for the future SAR government, states that “Hong Kong's capitalist system and lifestyle will remain unchanged for 50 years after the establishment of the SAR”, changes are perceived to be inevitable, not least in respect of the welfare policies to be implemented by the future SAR government. Indeed, since the signing of the Joint Declaration in 1984 between the British and Chinese Governments on the future of Hong Kong, the existing Colonial Government has been enlarging its role in the social services and making relevant policies more responsive to the needs of the people. These reforms have largely been carried out in line with the democratization process which Hong Kong has been undergoing in recent years. To what extent will these changes in welfare policies continue after 1997? It is argued here that with the enlargement of democracy, and especially the establishment of political parties claiming to represent the interests of the people, it would no longer be possible for Hong Kong to return to residual-type welfare programmes. While it would be unlikely for Hong Kong to develop into a “welfare state”, the future development of social services in Hong Kong would probably command widest acceptance if policies keep in line with the prevalent welfare ideology which stresses, on the one hand, the self-reliance of the people and, on the other, the responsibility of government to look after weaker members.  相似文献   

学校社会工作的本土化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在西方国家以及我国港台地区,教育界和社会福利部门均要求政府加强学校社会工作的服务,学校社会工作已在预防、补救和遏止青少年问题上起到了不可替代的作用。而在内地,学校社会工作的实务及研究尚处于开拓阶段,迫切需要探讨出一种切合实际的本土化的发展模式。  相似文献   

Objective. This study gauged the impact of government‐led educational expansion on Hong Kong's social stratification over a 30‐year period. The historically close state control over school supply in Hong Kong allows us to test the effectiveness of public policy in changing the transmission of advantages across generations. Methods. I analyzed household‐level census data from 1971, 1981, 1991, and 2001. Interviews and documents were also used to illuminate reasons for trends during this period. Results. There was a diminishing role of family resources and gender on access to all levels of schooling until 1991. From 1991 through 2001, however, there was a reversal of this trend at the postsecondary level, as access to university education became more dependent on family resources. In addition, new immigrants from mainland China were at an increased disadvantage. Conclusions. Hong Kong's current plan to create a second tier of self‐supporting postsecondary institutions will exacerbate the tendency toward unequal university access, and is also likely to segregate new arrivals from mainland China.  相似文献   

Chan CK. Hong Kong: workfare in the world's freest economy Int J Soc Welfare 2011: 20: 22–32 © 2009 The Author(s), Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. Workfare was introduced in many countries to suppress welfare dependency and reduce social security expenditures. However, workfare was launched in Hong Kong when there was only a relatively small social security budget and its citizens still strongly adhered to the ideologies of self‐reliance. It was found that workfare has performed several functions in Hong Kong. First, by forcing unemployed claimants to give up benefits, Hong Kong has been able to save on social security expenditures. Second, workfare has combined with Hong Kong's semi‐democratic polity so that extremely stigmatising welfare measures have been implemented. Third, it has pushed poor citizens into the labour market without having any protection over wages and working hours. Thus, the combination of workfare and a semi‐democratic polity has successfully suppressed Hong Kong's welfare demands and strengthened its self‐help spirit. As a result, Hong Kong's minimal social security scheme and its low tax policy have been maintained.  相似文献   

夏循祥  陈健民 《社会》2014,34(1):27-51
香港利东街的反拆迁运动是香港近年来抗争历史最长、反响最大和最有影响力的居民运动。作为“无权者”的组织,“H15关注组”凝聚和动员外部多元化的行动者和网络,开展文明而具有建设性的抗争行动,成为一个非常有影响力的社会组织,展示了普通人在城市规划与重建方面也具备强大的生产性力量。政府部门也因此在具体施政和治理理念方面做出了一定的努力和改进。“无权者之权力”的生成和增长过程在一定意义上可以改变具体情境下的原有权力关系结构,推动社会变迁。  相似文献   


In Hong Kong, juvenile justice embraces mainly disciplinary welfare and rehabilitative philosophies. Various statutory measures are applied to juvenile offenders, including police cautioning, community-based treatment programmes and custodial sentencing options. However, no statutory restorative measure has yet been incorporated into the mainstream criminal justice system in Hong Kong. Several non-governmental organisations are developing innovative strategies to prevent problematic adolescents from slipping into delinquency and are willing to apply restorative practices to help delinquents desist from engaging in criminal careers. This study begins with main features of restorative justice, and it highlights the preventive and correctional services for delinquents in Hong Kong. The study also questions the explanations offered by the government for not implementing restorative justice. By comparing restorative options for juveniles in some Asian jurisdictions, the study advocates for an earlier introduction of restorative justice for the benefits of juvenile offenders.  相似文献   

昊丹 《社会工作》2008,(8):37-39
虽然港台社会工作的发展进程较为一致,但由于二者在历史背景、渊源及社会发展情况等方面存在差异,导致二者在发展路径上存在着“自上而下”与“自下而上”的分殊。大陆应注意两种路径的结合,发挥政府与社会工作界的各自优势,共同推进中国社会工作的进程。  相似文献   

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