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由于内地与香港在政治、文化等方面存在一些差异,导致内地人士在融入香港社会的过程中出现一些不适应性,对香港廉政体系的不适应就是其中一个重要表现。对927名内地在港青年问卷发现,大多数内地在港青年认识到内地与香港廉政体系存在差异,总体上比较适应香港廉政体系,对腐败行为违法情况的判断与香港市民存在差异。但也有内地在港青年不了解廉政公署的举报途径、对腐败行为的容忍度较高、对腐败行为的举报意愿不强烈等。内地在港青年尽快适应香港廉政体系非常重要,需香港政府、内地在港青年、内地政府三个主体形成推进合力。 相似文献
Lam Wai-Fung Perry James L. 《Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations》2000,11(4):355-373
The recent handover of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China (PRC) brought Hong Kong worldwide attention and scrutiny. In the run up to the handover, the international media prominently featured stories about Hong Kong's freewheeling capitalism and the stability created by its administrative institutions. Lost in the media attention was the role of nonprofit organizations and the voluntary sector in Hong Kong's political and economic development. Although Hong Kong has a vibrant civil society, it has received little attention from scholars. This paper reviews the role of the third sector in Hong Kong's development. Among the issues the paper addresses are the legal codes that govern the creation and operation of nonprofit organizations in Hong Kong, the evidence regarding the role of the nonprofit sector in Hong Kong's development, particularly its relationship to the government and market sectors, and the implications of the 1997 transition for the nonprofit sector's role. 相似文献
JAY MARLOWE 《全球网;跨国事务杂志》2020,20(2):274-291
Social media platforms allow refugees separated by distance to share information, provide support and exchange resources across borders. This connection has the potential to transform resettlement experiences as people maintain significant and ongoing relationships with transnational networks. Yet, since refugee resettlement programmes generally only scale up to the national imagination, integration remains a normative framework in most policy spheres. This article presents a 12‐month digital ethnography of 15 refugees settled in New Zealand with a view to examining their transnational practices of social media and its influence on integration and belonging. Drawing on a conceptual framework based on the social organization of difference, it contains a discussion on how online global networks increasingly inform the domains of encounters, representations and configurations. The role of social media for refugee resettlement futures and its implications for integration at times of rapid political, technological and social change concludes the article. 相似文献
A Slippery Road to Equality: Hong Kong's experience of unplanned integrated education 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
This article examines the issue of children with a disability who are 'informally integrated' into mainstream school. Its main purpose is to reflect the views and experiences of parents, and to identify the major difficulties that arise and their suggestions for ameliorating the situation. The data is based on a series of interviews and focus groups of parents. In order to provide a balanced perspective, responses of schools to a questionnaire were also included. Teachers were asked to express their views about integrated education. These responses were then categorised. It was found that lack of resources and training predominated. 相似文献
John Nguyet Erni 《Chinese Journal of Communication》2015,8(4):412-419
This article considers the legal validity of citizens' actions in civil disobedience as it pertains to the umbrella movement in Hong Kong. It introduces the critical approach of “legal realism” in order to reconsider normative law, such as police enforcement and court interventions, in relation to political struggle. It has been argued that the legal precepts of rights, responsibility, and the rule of law are capable of contingent and contextually appropriate interpretations by different legal actors, including citizens who participate in civil disobedience. In politics, justice, and most importantly law, civil disobedience offers an alternative legal normativity to consider the citizen's right, and even duty, to express dissent. Furthermore, this right or duty is legally persuasive and conducive to guarding democratic principles. 相似文献
This paper explores the relationship among threesocial dilemmas faced by organizations wishing to attainand maintain workforce diversity: the dilemmas oforganizational participation, managerial participation, and individual participation. Functional andsocial category diversity offer benefits fororganizations (creativity, adaptation and innovation,and access to external networks), but there are costswhich deter organizations from pursuing thesebenefits. The costs associated with organizationalparticipation in diversity initiatives arise becausemanagers and their employees perceive organizationalconflicts and organize their interactions along socialidentity lines, so that temporal traps and collectivefences surround diversity. Resolving the subordinatedilemmas of managerial and individual participation provides the key to resolving the dilemma oforganizational participation. Social identity theory isused to understand the dilemmas and to develop possibleresolutions, which should make the benefits of diversity more immediately accessible toorganizations and society. 相似文献
In this article, elements from different stress models are embedded in a phenomenological framework for work and organization stress based on practical insights on the one hand and ideas and methods from ethology, microsociology, and cultural anthropology on the other. The framework is compatible with most of the existing research and theoretical views, and pays attention to some lacunas in these views. The central concept is integrity, i.e., the ways in which the process of situated individual functioning is organized in a niche, consisting of a limited set of situations. Integrity refers to the internal integration of individual functioning and the integration of the individual in his or her niche (and thereby in an organization and society at large). Integrity is a multileveled process with considerable individual variation, characterized by signification, morality, and individual experiences, which, with the help of four auxiliary verbs, can be analyzed in terms of individual options for action. Inadequate integrity may result from underdevelopment, decay, change, and intrusions by external events or an ongoing stress process. These can be described as (overlapping, and often coinciding) stress sources. In this respect, the framework makes a distinction between stressors that primarily affect the task itself and stressors that disturb the immediate environment of the task. All these stressors can be described as a matter of too much or too little on a great number of variables, of which usually only the medium range is conducive to adequate integrity. Lastly, attention is paid to stress reactions, which can act as stressors in their own right. 相似文献
This paper seeks to contribute toward anintegrated approach to social movement mobilization. Itdoes so through considering how a social psychologicalaccount of the determination of collective behavior (selfcategorization theory) may be applied tothe mobilization rhetoric of social movements. Morespecifically it argues that as people may definethemselves and act in terms of social categories, we may usefully conceive of social movement rhetoricas being organized so as to construct social categorydefinitions which allow the activists preferred courseof action to be taken on by others as their own. Our theoretical argument is illustrated throughthe detailed analysis of category construction incontemporary U.K. anti-abortion argumentation. 相似文献
Predicting Psychological Empowerment Among Service Workers: The Effect of Support-Based Relationships 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Data from 292 service workers in 21 privateclubs show that supportive peer and customerrelationships are predictive of higher levels ofemployee experienced empowerment. Both organizationaland employee customer relationships accounted forsignificant variation in the dimensions of empowerment:meaningfulness, influence, and self-efficacy. Peerhelping and supportive customer relationships were thetwo most influential predictors of all threeempowerment dimensions. Implications for future researchand for management practice are discussed. 相似文献
Processes of control remain central tomanagerial and critical theories of organization, buttheir inherently emotional form has been largelyneglected. The experience and expression of emotions aremore than simply objects and outcomes of control,they also shape its context, processes, andconsequences. Drawing upon observations of interpersonalencounters between environmental regulatory inspectorsand industrial managers in the U.K., an emotionalframing of the dynamics of control is developed. Thispresents emotion as a condition and consequence ofinteracting socioeconomic roles and power structures such as those associated with occupations,gender, and capitalism. It also provides a way ofanalyzing control that is sensitive to its emotionalcharacteristics and may be applied to other, moreconventional control contexts.Requests for reprints should be addressed to either author at School of Management, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, United Kingdom. 相似文献
Impacts of Class on Hong Kong People's Well-Being 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Chau-Kiu Cheung 《Human Relations》1998,51(1):89-119
Whereas class theory and research have offered evidence showing the significant effect of class on the individual's well-being, some researchers think that class has no impact on people in modern society because of reduced inequality in education and profession. In such a modern society as Hong Kong,further arguments suggest that people have vague images of class. This controversy may arise because of the failure to operationalize class. To amend this shortcoming, this study operationalized class by using Wright's (1985) definition. With data from 138 marital couples, it tested a causal model predicting the husband's and wife's well-being by class, through the mediation of problem-solving confidence, received social support, work alienation, pleasant and stressful life events, and income. Analysis via structural equation modeling indicated that well-being was significantly associated with a higher class position. That work alienation mediated the relationship between class and received social support, problem-solving confidence, and well-being supports the significance of class theory. 相似文献
This paper seeks to contribute toward anintegrated approach to social movement mobilization. Itdoes so through considering how a social psychologicalaccount of the determination of collective behavior (self-categorization theory) may be applied tothe mobilization rhetoric of social movements. Morespecifically it argues that as people may definethemselves and act in terms of social categy usefully conceive of social movement rhetoricas being organized so as to construct social categorydefinitions which allow the activists preferred courseof action to be taken on by others. Our theoretical argument is illustrated throughthe detailed analysis of category construction incontemporary U.K. anti-abortion argumentation. 相似文献
Data from 666 employees of a large midwesterntelephone company were analyzed to identifycommunication pattern differences between: (a) males andfemales; (b) exempt and nonexempt employees; and (c)employees using rich and lean communication media. MANOVAand discriminant function analyses results indicatedfemales sent less information to supervisors andexperienced less information overload than males. Exempt employees interacted more with department headsand sent less information to peers than nonexemptemployees. Those using the richest media communicatedmore with supervisors while those using the leanest media received most of their information fromdepartment heads. Additionally, interaction effects weredetected. Discussion is advanced on how these findingsmight be used to improve intraorganizational communication. 相似文献
Kin Wai Michael Siu Zhao Tianjiao 《Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment》2013,23(5):675-688
Subways have experienced a tremendous variety of development, securing their positions within cities and producing unique spaces whose characteristics have influenced human relations. This study focuses on the relationships between subways and the cities, spaces, and human relationships that surround them. It explores the connections between subways and the aforementioned elements (city, space, and human relations) to provide insight into how best to pursue improvements. The Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway's fame as a representational subway on a global scale makes it the ideal choice for a case study. 相似文献
This paper tests three hypotheses on who getsmore support from his or her work organization: (1) Thevalidation hypothesis predicts that employees withgreater social support from their co-workers and supervisors receive more organizationalsupport, because their support validates or legitimizesorganizational support; (2) the positive affectivityhypothesis predicts that employees high on positiveaffect receive more organizational support, becausethey are more likable; and (3) the moderation hypothesispredicts that positive affect and social support do notgenerate organizational support independently, but each acts on the other to affectorganizational support. An assessment of the hypothesesover a sample of 1882 hospital employees in Koreaprovided strong support for the validation hypothesisand partial support for the moderation hypothesis. Contraryto the positive affectivity hypothesis, employees' gooddisposition in itself works against the bringing forthof relevant organizational support, net of support from their supervisors and co-workers.Additional findings related to the unique features ofthe current hospital employees in Korea are alsoreported. Finally, we discuss cross-cultural research implications of the study in moredetail. 相似文献
This paper develops the construct oforganizational hope as a methodological imperative forstudying and strengthening organizations. It calls onorganizational scholars and practitioners to move beyond the critical impulse by advancing texturedvocabularies of hope that affirm the best and mostpromising dimensions of social and organizational lifeand provide a moral image of the future to guidecollective action. This can be accomplished by defininghopeful research agendas and choosing methods of inquirythat explore and illuminate the hopes and aspirations ofa broad range of organizational members. After clarifying the concept of textured vocabulariesof hope, this paper undertakes a thorough analysis ofhope by tracing the construct throughout the Westernintellectual tradition, highlighting four of hope'senduring qualities, and offering a set of propositionsthat extends the implications of organizational hope toour task as scholars and practitioners. 相似文献
A Study of the Determinants and of the Impact of Flexibility on Employee Benefit Satisfaction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of individual characteristics and organizational justice on employee benefit satisfaction, and to explore the role of flexible benefit plans. Employees from three Canadian organizations were surveyed. A total of 285 usuable questionnaires were returned, for a response rate of 42%. The variables in the model accounted for more than 40% of the variance in benefit satisfaction. The findings showed that while distributive and procedural justice were useful in predicting benefit satisfaction, the concept of process justice had the greatest effect on satisfaction. Among the variables, communication had the greatest impact. The effect of flexibility, although significant, was ambiguous. Sociodemographic factors had a very limited effect when perceptual variables were introduced into the equation. The paper also sets out the limitations of the study and its practical implications, and makes some suggestions for future research. 相似文献
RUBEN GIELIS 《全球网;跨国事务杂志》2009,9(2):271-287
Contemporary transnational migrants have complex social lives in that they live in a number of different cross‐border social networks at the same time. Most transmigration scholars try to grasp this social complexity of migrant transnationalism by using a network lens. In this article, I argue in favour of adding a place lens to the analytical tool kit of transmigration scholars. Although a network lens works well for studying the internal complexity of cross‐border social networks, a place lens is more useful for gaining an understanding of their external complexity, in other words the ways these networks interrelate. By drawing on geographical and anthropological literature on open and relational understandings of place, and especially on the work of Doreen Massey and Arjun Appadurai, I shall show that interrelating migrant networks are visible in place in two ways. On the one hand, migrant places are meeting places of social networks, and on the other hand they are sites (translocalities) where transmigrants can reach out to people in other places. 相似文献
Social upgrading and cooperative corporate social responsibility in global value chains: the case of Fairphone in China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this article, we explore how a lead firm's strategy for corporate social responsibility influences the social upgrading of a supplier in a global value chain. Based on a single case study approach, we investigate the interaction between Dutch smartphone producer Fairphone and its Chinese supplier Guohong. On the one hand, the case illustrates how a cooperative approach to corporate social responsibility can lead to progress in suppliers' social upgrading. In particular, we highlight the role of a so‐called workers' welfare fund as a mechanism not only for improving measurable labour standards but also for enabling rights. On the other hand, the case demonstrates how the limited production and technological capabilities of the suppliers, a competitive market environment and lead firms' limited strategic access to the supply chain might constrain the extent of social upgrading through a cooperative approach towards corporate social responsibility in a global value chain. 相似文献
Ian Parker 《Human Relations》1997,50(2):183-196
This paper locates contemporary socialpsychological conceptions of group identity in thecontext of crises in forms of knowledge, and in the waysresearchers have responded to crises in disciplinaryidentity. Forms of group social psychology that emergedwithin the European tradition of research promised afully social account of human activity and experience,but recent trends of research in the discipline, even within group identity frameworks, havereturned to the individual as a focus of study. The workof Bion is used to draw attention to the ways in whichcrises in group identity often provoke particular varieties of response which serve to defend thegroup, varieties of response which look to theindividual as an escape from the threat or as a solutionto the problem. 相似文献