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随着今年1月1日CEPA的正式实施,全国各省市纷纷制定一些具体的应对措施,抢抓机遇,希望能借此机会进一步加快本地区的发展。与此同时,CEPA实施四个月后,香港与内地各省市的合作也出现了一些新的动态。本刊编辑部对相关资料进行了搜集、梳理并罗列出来,以供决策者参考借鉴。  相似文献   

王金山 《决策》2004,(5):1-1
内地与香港签署的CEPA协议,意义重大,影响深远,为两地间经贸合作创造了新契机、带来了新机遇。对安徽来说,这一机遇尤显珍贵。我国已加入WT0,但在过渡期内,与沿海一些地区相比,安徽某些领域的对外开放,尤其是在服务业方面,仍受到一定的限制。而根据CEPA协议,除在内地居民个人赴港旅游以及极个别的条款中有地域限制外,其他条款对内地各省市一视同仁。  相似文献   

CEPA对安徽的影响与实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王亚非 《决策》2004,(5):40-42
CEPA[即《内地与香港(澳门)关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排》]是一项以政府为主要推动力,在法律和制度的层面,及在货物贸易、服务贸易、贸易投资便利化的广泛领域,推进内地与香港、澳门贸易自由化进程的协议。CEPA的实施对于加强安徽与香港、澳门的经贸联系和发展,具有多方面的影响与促进作用。安徽应积极应对,发掘和把握这一机遇。  相似文献   

文海英 《决策》2004,(5):4-5
去年6月29日和10月17日,中央与香港、澳门特别行政区分别签署了内地与香港、内地与澳门建立更紧密经贸关系的安排。这是为保持港澳繁荣,推动内地与港澳进一步合作的一项战略性决策,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。CEPA签署后,我省高度关注,迅速作出反应,先后派出多个小组赴港开展经贸活动,觅寻合作商机。  相似文献   

CEPA是“内地与香港建立更紧密经贸关系安排”的英文简称。它有点类似当今世界流行的自由贸易区,从其涉及的范围看,甚至比自由贸易区还要广泛。  相似文献   

CEPA的第一个基本目标是,逐步减少或取消双方之间所有货物的关税和非关税壁垒。按规定,从2004年起,内地对273个税目的原产香港商品取消关税和非关税壁垒,对其他原产香港商品不迟于2006年1月1日实施零关税。  相似文献   

谢鹏飞 《决策》2004,(5):12-15
自去年中央政府与香港、澳门签署CEPA以来,广东省委、省政府敏锐地察觉到这是广东又一次发展的良好机遇。CEPA的签署,香港人认为是中央送给香港的一个大礼,而我们认为CEPA不仅是给香港的一个大礼,也是给广东的一个大礼,因为CEPA的签署最大的意义在于它为香港和内地的进一步密切合作奠定了一个最好的制度平台,原来很多没有办法解决的问题现在有了这个制度的安排,就可以使广东的开放在这个制度平台上更加波澜壮阔。  相似文献   

去年10月中旬,安徽省政府发展研究中心成立调研组,由吴克明主任带队,先后在东莞、佛山、广州、深圳、珠海等地开展调研,就CEPA框架下皖粤合作这一主题与广东省政界、学界、企业界人士进行广泛的交流和探讨。今年2月,在CEPA正式实施后,调研组又赴香港,与香港的官员、学都和商业界人士进行座谈,感受“大珠三角”的脉动,寻找皖港合作的商机,研究落实CEPA的对策。以下是课题组实地考察的部分谈话记录。编辑仅在标题和文字上略作修改,意欲保持“原汁原味”。  相似文献   

CEPA中服务贸易的开放最为突出,涉及的领域有18个。包括管理咨询、会议展览、广告、法律、会计、医疗、房地产、建筑工程服务、运输、分销、物流运输、旅游、视听、银行、证券、保险、电信等行业。此外,部分行业还对港资企业取消股权比例限制,降低注册资本和资质条件等门槛,放宽地域和经营范围限制。  相似文献   

内地的会展业这些年虽然发展很快,但是,大部分的会展,特别是有一定影响的会展,都是由政府主导的。从运作机制上看,即使展览业比较发达的上海、北京、广东,也有相当部分的展览运作是计划经济的延伸,即所谓“政府搭台,企业唱戏”,使得会展企业对政府有着很强的依赖性。而香港的会展业是完全按照市场化规则运作的,市场成熟度很高,政府与企业的基本关系是“政府服务,企业做生意”。  相似文献   

The relationship between information technology investments and firm value as an area of inquiry has sustained interest among IS researchers over the past decade. More recently, some have challenged the notion differential value among firms through Information Technology (IT) as it evolves into a ubiquitous utility-like set of technologies. This study examines the relationship between IT and business value from a process-oriented perspective, and also helps to identify the underlying links between IT and its differential business value to firms. By drawing upon economic and organizational theories, this paper develops a process framework to assess the intermediate organizational process capabilities and overall performance of firms that effectively deploy and use IT. Using data from over 80 firms, the study finds empirical support for the differential business value created by IT along a number of process oriented dimensions. These findings are discussed as these results set an optimistic tone for IT as a major causal driver of differentiation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore managerial perceptions of ISO 9000 standards. Previous surveys found general agreement that ISO 9000 registration influenced supplier selection, improved customer satisfaction, and enhanced operating efficiency. The present survey of production managers in 212 U.S. locations gathered data related to the perceived impact of registration on their businesses. Data analysis suggests strong agreement with benefits provided by improved documentation, the use of ISO 9000 as a marketing tool and greater export potential as a result of implementing these standards. Respondents did not agree that ISO 9000 provides positive benefits in product development or reduces production time. Annual sales were included to determine if there is a difference in perceived impacts based on firm size. Managers of smaller firms held a stronger belief that ISO 9000 registration results in cost reduction and increases export potential than did large firm managers. Small firms with less well developed export connections may find ISO 9000 registration useful in helping to establish a reputation that will help make the necessary connections in the export markets. The improvements in documentation of products and process may highlight areas of potential production efficiencies and possible cost reductions.  相似文献   

《The Leadership Quarterly》1999,10(2):145-179
Over the last decade and a half, the topic areas of charismatic and transformational leadership in organizational settings have undergone a significant evolution in terms of both theory development and empirical investigations. As a result, our knowledge about these leadership forms has deepened, and there are several dominant theories that are now established paradigms in the leadership field. At the same time, despite advances, there are numerous dimensions of these leadership forms about which we still know very little. Given this moment in the field's evolution, it is only appropriate that we take stock of where we have been and where we need to go into the future. We therefore provide an overview of the evolution of charismatic and transformational leadership in organizations. We examine progress along the following dimensions: 1) leader behaviors and their effects; 2) follower dispositions and dependency dynamics; 3) contextual factors; 4) institutionalization and succession forces; and 5) the liabilities of charismatic and transformational leaders.  相似文献   

To help evaluate the risk of process reengineering failure and enhance the prospect of its success, three potential sources of influence on BPR initiatives and success are examined in this study. These include the innovative capacity of the organization, IS maturity and strategy-IS interface. It was found that while factors related to IT maturity and influence such as experience in mainframe and client/server computing may facilitate the decision to reengineer, they are not critical in the later stages of the initiative. On the other hand, factors having significant relationships beyond the initial decision include variables pertaining to innovative capacity of the organization and strategy-IS interface. These findings suggest that technical IT competence as a critical enabler is necessary but not sufficient for reengineering success. Based on study findings regarding the innovative capacity of the organization, guidelines for reengineering risk assessment are proposed. In addition, implications of the findings, limitations of the study and opportunities for further research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Managers are regrettably ignorant of the fact that their business organisations are ‘designable’. But recently, concepts such as business re-engineering and systems thinking, coupled with advances in methods of quantifying business systems, have enabled managers to scrutinise their business systems afresh.Ann van Ackere, Erik Reimer Larsen and John Morecroft use a well-known logistical system — the ‘beer game’ — to illustrate these re-engineering concepts and tools in a multi-stage production and distribution system involving a single brand of beer. This business game raises the fundamental question of why it is so difficult to match shipments and factory production to consumer demand.The authors conclude that such re-design concepts and tools can be applied successfully to full-scale business problems. Systems thinking, modelling and continuous time simulation can provide the framework for carrying the design process from mapping all the way through to redesign. The most effective CEOs of the future will be those who are competent to create corporate design in which employees are allowed to succeed.  相似文献   

This article looks at the history of business schools and identifies specific characteristics that are common to European management schools. On the basis of these characteristics, European management is subsequently defined as a cross-cultural, societal management approach based on interdisciplinary principles. In a final step, a closer look is taken at how European business schools should prepare their students for the unique European management context. It is suggested that such schools should provide courses on cross-cultural management and courses explaining the interdependencies between the private and public sector, offer students opportunities to experience other cultures over the course of their studies, and teach management from an interdisciplinary and practically-oriented perspective.  相似文献   

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