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空巢青年的兴起与城市化息息相关.空巢青年,是城市化过程中的一种必然现象,是家庭核心化后家庭资源聚集的可行性产物,是青年个性发展和主体选择的结果.在城市化进程中助推空巢青年的健康成长与发展,需要我们打破标签,树立对空巢青年的理性认知和正确态度,正视空巢青年面临的困难及潜在的风险,构建城市共同体,推动空巢青年向筑巢青年转变. 相似文献
孤独是个体在与他人或社会时空阻隔下的负面情绪体验。青年群体性孤独是孤独在网络社交时代的新样态,反映的是人们在一起的“独处”。它有深刻的技术渊源,当代青年的技术化生存是其产生的前提条件,但单纯依靠技术的工具理性无法从根本上解决人的情感需求问题。破解青年群体性孤独的有效路径不能建立在屏蔽网络社交这一不切实际的幻想中,只能正视技术的客观存在,合理规制其负面效应,基于见面交流的真诚对话重构人际关系以及基于技术理性的主体建构重视人机关系。 相似文献
逆商——青年通向成功的大智慧 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
逆商即挫折商,指人面对挫折、摆脱困境和超越困难的能力与智慧。逆商是继智商、情商之后心理学家提出的又一个决定人能否成功的重要商数。逆商在青年初期就已初步形成,但是可以通过后天的继续培养不断提高。培养高逆商,是青年一代适应社会、战胜困难和挫折、走向成功的必然选择。 相似文献
随着老龄化社会的到来、人们生活水平的提高、生活观念的转变,家庭规模日趋小型化,“空巢”家庭越来越多。据2000年全国第五次人口普查显示,65岁以上老年人家庭占全国家庭总数的20.09%,其中“空巢”家庭则占老年人家庭的22,83%,有部分地区比例已超过30%,全国大约有2340万“空巢老人”需要照料。 相似文献
2014年以来,台湾地区发生的"太阳花学运"与"反课纲运动"等青年社会运动对台湾政治格局、社会秩序与民主思想带来强烈的冲击与影响,运动中的"青年反叛"现象反映了相当部分的台湾青年在当前两岸关系与社会发展态势下的思想价值倾向与行动主张,一方面从群体特质与现实困境来探究"青年反叛"的主客观基础因素,另一方面从青年社会运动发展演化的六个阶段,即导火索事件、网络舆论"发酵"及网络从众蔓延、集体动员规模壮大、行动升级并达到高潮、多次博弈谈判及运动转折点产生、运动退潮及行动终止来分析台湾青年社会运动所折射出的社会心理与集体行动特质。 相似文献
我们常说的“空巢”家庭多是子女离家的独居老人,随着子女异地上学、异地工作,越来越多的中年家庭出现“空巢”,这些新型的“空巢”家庭中出现更多的则是“情感空巢”。 相似文献
随着我国老龄化进程的日益加快,子女不在身边的农村“空巢老人”的养老问题引起全社会的关注。他们中的高龄老人是农村晟困难的群体,其中一些人的生活质量往往低于没有子女的老人。农村“空巢老人”的晚景凄凉,已是构建社会主义和谐社会进程的障碍,需要引起政府和社会各界的重视。 相似文献
屌丝一词反映了当代青年对于社会现实和自身改变的一种无力的心理状态。作为2012年度最热的网络流行语之一,屌丝一词被当代青年争相认领,是认识当代青年心理状态和心理诉求的媒介。屌丝社会心态的具体表现为财富拥有的自嘲心态、追求爱情的无奈心态和改变现状的无力心态,这是受多元思潮、网络媒体、社会矛盾凸显的消极后果以及草根时代的自我认同焦虑的影响所致,因此,加强对青年的引导十分必要。 相似文献
高校隐含的群体性事件的可能性主要表现在:近年来,高校发生的小规模群体性事件已经说明高校存在发生群体性事件的可能性;当前高校蕴含了一定的社会矛盾,这极有可能成为诱发群体性事件的因素;大学生的生理特征决定了,这一群体参与群体性事件具有较强的可能性。高校大学生一旦发动群体性事件,将产生巨大的影响。其原因在于:高校大学生掌握较高的科学文化知识,在群体性事件中往往善于利用其掌握的科学文化知识;大学生发动的群体性事件更容易博取更多人的同情和支持;从历史上看,高校学生发动的群体性事件其带来的社会影响往往是深远而广泛的。 相似文献
M. Alex Wagaman 《Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal》2016,33(5):395-405
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer-identified (LGBTQ) youth are a population with a unique set of service needs. Existing research on effective service methods with LGBTQ youth is limited. Youth empowerment holds potential as an approach that can impact well-being among youth who face discrimination. The current study explores the relationship between the social justice youth development framework (Ginwright and James, New Directions Youth Dev 96:27–46, 2002) and youth empowerment in a sample of LGBTQ youth. Multiple regression analysis of data collected through a community-based youth program identified critical consciousness and community engagement as significant predictors of empowerment. Findings suggest that programs that promote these factors among LGBTQ youth using the social justice youth development framework may enhance empowerment thereby increasing other aspects of well-being. 相似文献
This is a timely and well-conceived collection, published ata time when transport and its attendant constellation of concernsare a major preoccupation of governments and citizens acrossthe world. We are living in a time when mobility, for some atleast, has increased beyond what anyone could have imagineda generation or so ago. At the same time, we are facing potentiallycatastrophic and certainly very far-reaching consequences bothat the micro level of local environmental damage and at themacro level of climate change. This book attempts to synthesizea wide range of issues into a coherent and productive argument,structured 相似文献
Bianca Denny Susana Gavidia-Payne Kate Davis Andrew Francis Mervyn Jackson 《Australian Social Work》2013,66(3):438-450
AbstractSocial connectedness has been promoted as one factor that may facilitate optimal functioning for families experiencing economic adversity. Using data from 218 Australian families, the current study explored the relative importance of social connectedness to the functioning of economically diverse families. Overall, results indicated similar levels of social connectedness and family functioning across low- and high-income groups. However, important differences were identified with regards to the relative contribution of social connectedness to the functioning of families across the economic spectrum. Clinical implications arising from these findings include the potential benefit of exploring social connectedness as a routine part of clinical assessment and ongoing intervention for families experiencing economic vulnerability. 相似文献
Rich Furman Robert L. Jackson Eleanor Pepi Downey Jeffery Shears 《Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal》2003,20(4):263-275
Social constructivism is an important and creative perspective for helping social workers in their work with adolescents. This paper demonstrates how theoretical orientations and clinical techniques that adhere to a social constructivist perspective can be integrated with the developmental realities of adolescence to provide effective social work interventions. Fundamental assumptions are discussed and are related to problems of practice. Case studies are utilized to demonstrate social constructivist principles in clinical work with adolescents. 相似文献
青年志愿者服务的社会意义 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
青年志愿者的社会定位和社会构建,并不依赖于行政措施的力度,而是取决于有什么样的共同情感和精神追求及其相应的公众认可性。青年志愿者的动员程度和影响力越深入越广泛,则表明以青年一代为主体的、以权利责任意识与科学理性精神为核心的公民意识成为这个社会的主要的价值取向,更是表明了这个社会的组织架构已不再是以权力为中心,以管制为手段,而是视全体公民的相互合作为最为可靠也是最为稳定的社会组织基因。青年志愿者活动的社会价值应当具有促进和完善所有社会成员都享有共同参与机制的公正意义。 相似文献
This article reviews the literature on social problems work concerned with children and young people. Social problems work involves assessing particular people, events and circumstances as instances of social problems. We focus on how social problems work is organized within discourses of childhood and youth, how it is a site for holding children and young people accountable, and how normalization is an aspect of social problems work. Our review brings together analytic themes in the literature on social problems and that on children and young people. We also point to topics that might be elaborated upon in future research on social problems work concerned with children and young people. 相似文献
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal - Literature within social work on African-centered frameworks that can be used to inform research and social work practice has remained limited. Often... 相似文献
Mary Chayko 《Sociology Compass》2014,8(7):976-991
This essay explores what it means to be socially connected in a techno‐social world. It describes how a “triple revolution” in social connectedness has been catalyzed by the ever‐increasing use of the Internet, mobile communication, and social media networking (Rainie and Wellman 2012). It argues for the usefulness of the concepts of the community and the network in understanding how social connectedness is created and experienced in the use of digital (computerized) communication technology. It examines some of the consequences – both benefits and hazards – of being near‐continuously available to one another via the Internet, mobile phones, and social media. And it describes how digital (online) and face‐to‐face (offline) spaces become fully integrated and experienced as a single, enmeshed reality. The article concludes that people's use of digital communication technology tends to strengthen social connectedness and prompt, not deter, face‐to‐face interaction and local community ties. 相似文献
社会文化环境与未成年人成长 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
社会学的社会系统理论提供了未成年人健康成长的独特分析视角。社会文化环境包含了文化符号系统、角色系统和角色转化系统,成为影响未成年人成长的核心变量。本文分析了社会文化环境的内涵和主要内容,揭示了当前社会文化环境中存在的假恶丑等不良因素对未成年人健康成长的严重影响,提出了净化社会文化环境与维护未成年人健康成长应该正确处理的几个关系。 相似文献