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中国已婚育龄人口避孕行为的转变:1988~2001年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章利用中国1988年和2001年生殖/节育调查数据,运用多元Logit模型,深入分析了此期间已婚育龄人口避孕选择模式的变化、区域差异及其决定因素。结果表明,在1988~2001年间,避孕选择始终是以男女性绝育和宫内节育器为主,已婚育龄人口文化程度越高,选择宫内节育器的可能性越大,反之选择男女性绝育的可能性大;农村选择男女性绝育的可能性增大,城镇选择宫内节育器的可能性增大;选择避孕套的可能性增大;东、中、西部的变化趋势一致,但幅度差异显著。这与中国育龄人口的避孕节育意愿有较大的趋同性和稳定性,其差异很可能与计划生育服务质量有关。  相似文献   

江苏省的避孕节育全程服务和生育保健服务杨立舫为保护广大育龄群众的身心健康,提高生育节育服务水平.提高群众自觉参与计划生育的积极性和计划生育的内涵质量,促进计划生育工作的持续健康发展,近年来江苏省在避孕节育全程服务和生育保健服务方面进行了一些探索,现作...  相似文献   

湖南省永兴县通过推进"四大工程",积极构建人口计生服务体系。目前,全县人口技生公共服务体系已经建成,并实现全覆盖。一是推进生殖保健工程。永兴县充分利用计生管理服务网络,为育龄群众提供生育、避孕节育、生殖健康和随访服务。接受生殖健康宣传教育服务的育龄群众达7万多人次,避孕药具使用随访在90%以上,已婚育龄妇女参加妇科常见病的普查10万多人次。二是推进幸福之园工程。目前全县所有村(366个村)都建成早期教育、生育关怀、  相似文献   

为探讨当前育龄妇女对避孕方式、避孕措施的认知、选择情况和影响因素,广东省江门市人口计生局组织了入户调查、召开座谈会等,共发放问卷1300份,回收有效问卷1266份。调查结果表明,育龄妇女节育措施的认识和选择受人口计生政策、文化程度、地域差别、避孕知识等多方面因素的影响,人口计生工作必须由单一的行政管理为主向服务与管理并重的模式转变,才能赢得育龄群众对此项工作的支持与合作,从而提高育龄群众的生殖健康水平。  相似文献   

避孕是中国实行计划生育控制人口增长最主要和最有效的措施,因而深入了解中国已婚妇女使用各种避孕方法的历史和现状,了解妇女选择避孕方法的趋势,寻找出使用的规律,将对今后采取有效的避孕措施,提高避孕有效率,指导计划生育工作提供可靠的科学依据。 本文根据1988年全国生育节育抽样调查数据,主要介绍中国已婚妇女目前正在使用和以  相似文献   

避孕是控制人口增长的重要技术措施。1992年国家计生委组织了全国计划生育管理信息系统首次调查(以下简称首次调查),河北省被抽中114个样本点(村、居委会),分布在全省11个市、地,42个县、区,总人口19194人。首次调查,为研究全省已婚育龄妇女的避孕现状提供了较为全面的资料。本文拟就此现状结合1982年1贿。人口生育率调查及1988年2‰生育节育调查,对全省已婚育龄妇女的避孕现状  相似文献   

高校学生生殖健康、性行为及避孕节育的调查研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
深化研究高校学生生殖健康、性行为及避孕节育具有非常重要的战略意义,通过对北京等七城市各类院校、各年级学生进行调查,分析研究高校学生生殖健康、性行为及避孕节育状况。调查研究内容主要涵盖了三个方面:高校学生生殖健康知识掌握及态度状况;高校学生避孕药具及避孕服务的利用情况;避孕节育服务需求情况。在此基础上,确立和探究了高校学生生殖健康、性行为及避孕节育的导向原则、服务模式及推进措施。  相似文献   

《中共中央国务院关于加强人口与计划生育工作稳定低生育水平的决定》提出“要开发、推广避孕节育、优生优育、生殖健康的新技术、新产品,发展生殖健康产业”。为了落实中央决定,国家计生委提出了发展计划生育/生殖健康产业,以事业带动产业,以产业促进事业的战略构想。过去几十年,人们对计划生育药具和技术的需求主要依赖国家的计划供应和免费服务,这对保证广大已婚育龄群众的基本需求,做好人口与计划生育工作,确保人口计划的完成起到了至关重要的作用,同时也为今后进一步做好人口与计划生育工作积累了丰富的经验。虽然国家向实行…  相似文献   

本文根据1982年1‰人口生育率抽样调查和1988年全国生育节育抽样调查资料,着重对中国已婚妇女未避孕原因进行分析。文中分析所借用的主要指标是已婚育龄妇女的未避孕率(下面简称妇女的未避孕率)。它是指在调查时点未采取任何避孕措施的育龄妇女(包含离婚、丧偶)在已婚育龄妇女中所占的比例(用百分比表示)。 一、中国妇女未避孕率状况  相似文献   

开展知情选择服务中几个值得思考的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
避孕方法知情选择是国际社会广泛关注的生殖健康核心问题之一。已婚育龄夫妇在掌握常用避孕方法必备知识的基础上,经计划生育工作人员的指导帮助,自愿选择适合自身安全、有效、方便的避孕方法,做到有计划地生育与节育。实践证明,知情选择服务克服了“一环二扎”避孕模式所产生的弊端,是计划生育工作实现“两个转变”的有效切入。 浙江省作为全国计划生育工作先进省份之一,知情选择服务自开始试点以来已有5年时间,为及时总结经验、发现问题、解决问题,使这项服务能有效稳妥地进行,1999年初浙江大学人口研究所与浙江省计生委合…  相似文献   

Shanghai has had the lowest fertility rate in China for many years. Shanghai had a negative rate of natural growth during 1990-95. During 1980-93, fertility dropped continuously. In 1982, contraceptive use among married women included 29.47% using IUDs, 29.33% using oral pills, 23.44% using female sterilization, and 10.48% using condoms. Contraceptive prevalence declined slightly from 98.6% in 1982 to 92.29% in 1993. By 1993, method use changed. Oral pill and female sterilization use declined to 8.04% and 7.22%, respectively, among married women of reproductive age. IUD use increased dramatically to 72.2% in 1993. Condom use declined to 8.83% of total users. Despite reduced contraceptive prevalence, the birth rate declined from 18.51/1000 population in 1982 to 6.50/1000 population in 1993. The proportion of women accepting the one-child certificate increased from 53.32% of all married women of reproductive age in 1984 to 70.13% in 1993. The shift use of contraceptive methods means reliance on long-term reversible methods.  相似文献   

Due to the high population growth rate in the mid-20th century, the government of Ghana introduced population policies to reduce the growth rate. Encouraging girls’ education and increasing contraceptive use were the two main policy measures to reduce population growth. In order to get a clear picture of the childbearing dynamics of Ghanaian women in response to the population policy of 1994, we analyzed individual reproductive histories from 1969 to 2003 using 2003 Ghana Demographic Health survey data to disentangle patterns by parity, calendar period, and educational groups. Exponential hazard regression models were used to estimate the relative risk of births. We find some evidence of a critical juncture in fertility trends, particularly for the fifth child. In addition, higher parity transition rates continuously declined for women with secondary or higher education and these educational levels were achieved by a higher share of the population after the policy was implemented. The 1994 population policy was successful if only by virtue of the increasing number of women with secondary or higher education. Belonging to this group is not only associated with lower fertility, but this suppressing effect strengthened in the years following the policy implementation. We also suspect that the increasing similarity between women with no education and with primary education reflects the diffusion of contraceptive knowledge and norms related to childbearing. The educational reform and contraceptive initiatives did result in increased education and contraceptive awareness and are therefore beneficial programs.  相似文献   

G Xong 《人口研究》1989,(5):59-61
Since 1986, China has experienced another baby boom which is expected to last till 1997. If no effective measure is implemented to check population growth, the population target of around 1.2 billion will not be achieved. The author proposed four population regulation mechanisms that need to be strengthened. First, ideological education needs to be used to change people's perceptions about family size, so that couples would willingly accept small families. Second, financial incentives and penalties need to be used to direct people to regulate their fertility. The incentive and penalty technique directly affect the interests of the family and is likely to produce rapid results. Third, legislation can be used to regulate reproductive behavior, the laws and legislation which restrict social behavior should be utilized for population control purposes. Once legislation on fertility regulation is passed, those who violate the law can be penalized. Furthermore, legislation gives family planning (FP) workers legitimacy in implementing the program and can help avoid disputes in the process of FP program implementation. Fourth, provision of contraception and abortion services is an important mechanism to ensure the realization of the objectives of population growth control. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of contraceptive methods and the acceptance of abortion depends on the research and development of contraceptive technology and on abortion techniques. These fertility regulatory mechanisms have not be adequately established, and their functions have not been fully utilized. The current FP program is hampered by simplistic ideological education, abusive use of incentives and penalties, lack of legislation, and unmet needs in contraceptive development. To achieve the population targets, these mechanisms need to be strengthened.  相似文献   

Spousal communication and contraceptive use among the Yoruba of Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A noted feature of many less developed societies is that marital partnershardly discuss reproductive issues with the result that decisions on theseissues are usually taken by men and their kinsmen. Because of lack ofspousal communication, negotiation for individual reproductive preferenceshas been limited. Thus, the reproductive preferences of men who desirelarger family sizes and oppose contraceptive use have usually been foundto prevail. The need to encourage husband-wife communication aboutreproductive issues cannot be overemphasized. The present study examinesthe level of spousal communication and its impact on contraceptive useamong Yoruba couples in southwest Nigeria. Data for the study are obtainedfrom a survey on the Role of Men in Family Planning conducted in one of thestates inhabited by the Yoruba of Nigeria – Ondo. The sample for this study consists of 381 monogamously married couples. Multivariate analyses were used to determine the impact of background variables on dependent variables. The study shows that fairly high percentages of men and women perceive that decisions on reproductive issues are taken jointly by both partners. The significantly high proportion of women who perceive that they participate in decision making is particularly worth noting and is an indication that women's voices are heard in the study society. Although the impact decreases on controlling for other variables, spousal communication was found to affect contraceptive use: contraceptive is higher among marital partners who discuss and take joint decisions on contraception. The study also reveals that family planning counseling has a significant impact on contraceptive use.  相似文献   

Reproductive health in Australia is assessed using the parameters outlined in the UN 1994 Cairo conference; some limitations of that approach are noted and further aspects of reproductive health identified and discussed. While many of the basic goals of reproductive health, for example low maternal mortality and widespread contraceptive use, have been largely achieved in Australia, the gains have not been uniform and certain groups such as indigenous Australians, those in rural and remote areas, young people and men remain disadvantaged. The remaining challenges cannot be met within the health system alone but require broader systemic interventions.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that after decades of population decline, indigenous populations of the lowland tropics of Latin America are now experiencing rapid growth. At the same time, conservationists have pronounced indigenous lands as a key to the future of Amazon forests. As such, conservationists should have a good understanding of indigenous demography and impacts on conservation and development. Yet, there is little depth to understanding of these demographic changes and a dearth of quantitative research on the reproductive practices of indigenous populations. This study addresses these gaps through analyses of a household survey of 648 women of reproductive age from five distinct ethnic populations in the Ecuadorian Amazon. We estimate fertility, analyze reproductive intentions and contraceptive use, and determine the unmet need for reproductive health services. The analyses confirm high fertility rates and high levels of unmet need for contraception. With regard to program and policy implications, we conclude by arguing that isolation and cultural barriers present unique challenges to meet the reproductive health needs of these populations. Innovative approaches, such as those merging population–health–environment topics, may be most relevant for meeting these challenges.
Jason BremnerEmail:

Researchers asked 1945 women of reproductive age living in East Java, Indonesia what contraceptive method they preferred during the women's 1st visit to a government family planning clinic. Soon after field workers introduced them to a method, the researchers asked the women what method the field workers suggested and what method the women planned to use. They again spoke to them 1 year later to determine contraception continuation. The field workers granted 86.3% of the women their method choice. Only 9% of these women had stopped using their chosen method while 72% of the women who were not allowed to use their chosen method stopped using the method assigned to them. Thus choice was a key factor in sustained use of contraceptives. Further if family planning workers stick to a mutual participation of both themselves and their clients, they respect clients' method choices and, by informing clients about the chosen method, they strengthen clients' decision making. In the early 1990s, another researcher had developed a system to determine contraceptive needs at various stages of the reproductive period (before 1st marriage, after 1st marriage but prior to 1st birth, after 1st birth but prior to last birth, and after last birth). She applied observed contraceptive preferences for women using contraception within each life cycle stage to the age specific contraception need, derived from data from the 1987 Contraceptive Prevalence Survey for Indonesia, to determine the ideal contraceptive mix. Her calculations demonstrated that oral contraceptive use was high, IUD use was low, particularly among older women, and too few sterilizations had occurred, particularly among older women. Thus Indonesia needed to broaden the contraceptive mix to encourage methods that better meet women's reproductive life cycle needs.  相似文献   

社会性别平等是实现人口与发展的有效途径,相关政府部门管理者的社会性别意识对于推进人口与生殖健康领域的性别平等具有重要意义。对30个省、市、自治区人口和计划生育委员会与卫生厅项目管理者的调查显示,大多数项目管理者能够正视传统性别文化对妇女的影响,从不平等的性别关系分析人口与生殖健康领域的突出问题,对于推进性别平等具有一定的社会责任感。但同时也反映出:一部分项目管理者对中国的性别平等发展形势缺乏了解,对现实生活中两性不平等的权责关系缺乏辨析,对女性参与项目决策的必要性认识不足,这容易造成公共政策与项目管理中的性别缺失。为此,应提升项目管理者的社会性别分析能力,建立性别平等咨询机制和监督机制,以促进人口与生殖健康领域的社会性别主流化。  相似文献   

This paper explores answers to the following two questions: first, did individuals' socioeconomic characteristics play any role in the rapid fertility decline that occurred in China during the 1970's? Secondly, if the rapid fertility decline during the 1970s is mostly a result of the government policy, as many have perceived, to what extent was the government policy effective? Using the 1982 Chinese 1/1000 fertility survey data for Hebei province of China, this paper examines variation in fertility among women of two age cohorts by linking their fertility outcome with their socioeconomic background and earlier reproductive experiences. In addition, this paper assesses the effect of government policy by comparing the determinants of fertility outcome between two cohorts of women and by studying the factors affecting their current contraceptive use. The findings reveal that the individual's socioeconomic background was important in explaining earlier fertility variation. Government policy, although powerful enough to override most of the effect of socioeconomic factors on fertility, was not able to eliminate differences in contraceptive behavior among Chinese women.  相似文献   

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