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对虚拟社区管理的透视分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何保建 《学术交流》2005,(10):136-140
如今在互联网上出现了虚拟社区,也随之出现了虚拟社区的管理问题。通过对虚拟社区的透视分析,从一定意义上讲,虚拟社区是现实社区在互联网上的延伸,因此不能放弃管理。根据“网络社会”的特点,对虚拟社区的管理要以网络为主渠道,以网络技术为手段,以社区网站为中心,以优化网络环境为目标,以网民生活得更美好为目的。  相似文献   

网络技术在不断发展的同时,亦使得人们产生了诸多质疑的声音。在网络技术的发展进程中,虚拟社区是其发展出的重要载体。虚拟社区尽管还存在着种种问题,但是虚拟社区已经是一个现实,只要管理得当,虚拟社区就能够为社会和谐做出贡献。管理虚拟社区的两个重要原则是要真正地实现信息公平与信息公开。  相似文献   

虚拟社区是网络经济中消费者决策过程展开的社会经济空间,也是网络销售商用于提升电子商务信任的工具.虚拟社区可以划分为社会行动、规章制度、社区认同和技术系统等四个结构要素.电子商务虚拟社区的规章制度和技术系统是消费者决策过程的基础,通过简化复杂性和推敲可能性两种机制影响制度信任,通过社区认同影响情感信任,通过安全性、易用性和社会性影响认知信任.  相似文献   

虚拟社区知识共享运作机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟社区知识共享水平是解释虚拟社区动力的一个重要因素。基于网络技术的虚拟社区的知识共享体系能够很好的满足人们知识共享和知识创新的需求。本文从虚拟社区知识共享的前提、组成要素、协同机制及目的四个方面探讨了虚拟社区知识共享的运作机制,最后提出了企业建立知识共享系统的几点借鉴意见。  相似文献   

网络虚拟社区是依托移动互联网等信息技术建立的推动大学生创新创业的互联网平台,与创新创业教育机构相结合可以形成线上线下共同推动高校创新创业教育实践的工作格局。该文以构建创新创业教育生态系统为基础,通过建设创新创业项目库、人才库、导师库,搭建创新创业教学平台、实践平台、孵化平台、资源对接和成果转化平台,从角色管理、项目成长、信息共享、评估反馈机制等方面寻找创新创业网络虚拟社区建设策略,搭建“沉浸式”“一站式”创新创业网络教育生态圈,使网络虚拟社区成为拓展创新创业教育边际、丰富创新创业教育机构内涵、构建创新创业教育生态系统的有效载体。  相似文献   

虚拟社区是基于BBS发展而来的虚拟生活共同体.虚拟社区同现实社会一样具有权力结构.通过研究发现,显性和隐性的虚拟社区权力同时存在于虚拟社区.前者属于正式权力,由虚拟社区建设者设立;后者属于非正式权力,由社区成员发帖与回帖的互动而产生.显性虚拟社区权力协调与规范隐性虚拟社区权力,前者设置于后者之上.虚拟社区权力具有话题依赖性、易转移性、自致性、有限性等特征,并在一定程度上影响现实生活.  相似文献   

虚拟社区的自组织特征及其规则生成问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着互联网技术的飞速发展和深入应用,与现实世界相对独立存在的虚拟世界逐渐建立起来.在构建和谐社会的时代主题下,虚拟和谐的建构引起了学术界的广泛关注.虚拟和谐的表现是网络秩序的形成,突出表现在虚拟社区规则的生成和作用.如果说规则是否生成并发挥作用是衡量系统自组织程度高低的标志之一,那么系统是否具有自组织特征也是规则能否产生的条件之一.因此,检验自组织理论对虚拟社区的适用性、探寻虚拟社区的组织特征、发掘虚拟社区规则的衍生模式,创造性地将系统自组织的理念从自然科学移植到社会科学,从现实社区延展到虚拟社区,为进一步研究与现实社会具有相似结构的虚拟社会系统中的自组织规律提供了理论依据,从而帮助人们在实践中完善虚拟社区的管理体制.  相似文献   

陈伟军 《浙江学刊》2013,(1):183-193
网络空间结合虚拟实在技术,为社会思潮发生、传播提供了新平台,任何一种思潮都可以在网络中找到自己寄居的地盘.虚拟社区中的社会思潮很难被凝固为特定时间及空间中的思想符码,它们随着交流语境、运作策略及传播意图的变化而呈现为各式各样的形式.网络思潮与现实世界互动,形成舆论声势,有时可能成为少数极端思潮或特殊利益群体的“宣言书”,导致网络话语权的失衡.在多样化社会思潮自由传播的虚拟社区中,必须形塑核心价值观,防止过度利益化、政治化及反社会倾向的思潮在互联网上恶性膨胀.  相似文献   

社会学视野中的网络社区   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
“网络社区”或“虚拟社区”的提法最近越来越多了 ,在我看来 ,虚拟只是假象或表象 ,网络赋予社会或社会成员的很多东西其实是再真实不过的了。“社区”这一概念在社会学领域本来就有很多不同的界定。中文的“社区”是从英文的“community”翻译过来 ,原意是共同的东西和亲密的伙伴关系。通常我们在社区研究中 ,指的是一种区域性社会。从这样的意义上讲 ,网络社区只能是虚拟存在 ,因为它不具备物理空间上的地域特征。基于此 ,从人文区位意义上 ,讨论人口的空间分布(区位)也十分勉强。但一定的人口及其互动关系 ,以及由此带来的情…  相似文献   

他们身后的城市是巨大的鸟巢式建筑,在巨大的让人惊恐的城市构造中,他们匆忙成长。"多事"新一代生活在在最能学到东西的年纪里,见证web2.0的发展,他们每天游荡在各种IM和虚拟社区,"忙碌"是核心。中国年轻的"鸟巢新一代"正在经历"多任务处理时代"以及网络社会sns(Social Networking Service社会网络服务)。他们每个人脑后连着一个插口,他们是"多任务处理一代"(Multitasking Generation).简称"M一代",整天沉溺在网络游戏、iTunes、Myspace以及MSN、雅虎通等即时网络通讯工具中。《时代》周刊这样描述经历全球化的中国年轻人:他们一年四季喝着星巴克、夏天穿着洞洞鞋、漫不经心地写着博客、拼命上传自拍数码照片。对他们来说,一台游戏机远比理财重要得多。有时他们相当务实,很看重"现金流"。他们二十几岁没有上班就想失业,理想退休年龄是40岁前,上岗下岗对于他们来说遥遥无期。转转你的头,"多事"新一代在你身边比比皆是,你也不知不觉成为其中一员。他们穿原宿街头的"人猿星球",他们玩"sns(网络社交)".但他们将成为未来社会的主人!  相似文献   

This article seeks to provide a new insight into the debate about participation through a comprehensive analysis of the mechanisms at play behind community participation. The combined use of the concepts of social exclusion and of game theory is explored as a dynamic and innovative analytical tool to understand participatory processes in community development projects. The framework is tested against the analysis of participation in an NGO‐led community project in Senegal. Policy implications point to a need to unravel the complexity of participation to design more effective and sustainable community development projects.  相似文献   

虚拟世界的出场使人们进入一个全新的生活世界,由网络所支撑的虚拟世界已然成为国际社会诸多领域和行业发展所依托的重要平台。但网络中虚假信息、欺诈等非诚信现象屡屡出现,严重影响了人们的日常生活和社会的文明进步,其主要原因在于功利主义思潮的网络蔓延及网络的虚拟性使一些网民诚信缺失、相关法律法规滞后、网络技术自身缺陷及管理机制的不健全等。基于制度伦理学的视域,从根本上治理网络非诚信问题,必须既注重网络诚信伦理规范的践履,又注重网络诚信伦理的制度化,使诚信的内指形式和外指形式相统一,以构建互联网诚信公德。  相似文献   


The study employed a quantitative approach to measure the social function of the older people. From a questionnaire survey in a Shanghai community, we found that participants’ party affiliation, education, age group, functional capacity (IADL) and occupational status were the major factors affecting older people’s social function. The older people participated more actively, tended to trust others more and enjoyed better social function in the community. These findings lead to implications for social work practices and policymaking procedures on active ageing.  相似文献   

Amartya Sen has developed the so-called capability approach to meet the criticism that income alone may be insufficient as a measure of economic inequality. This is because knowledge about people’s income does not tell us what they are able to acquire with that income. For example, people with the same income may not have the same access to health and transportation services, schools and opportunities in the labor market. Recently, there has been growing interest in empirical studies based on the capability approach. Most of these, however, are only loosely related to quantitative behavioral theory, at least in a concrete and empirically operational way. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the theory of random scale (utility) models offers a powerful theoretical and empirical framework for representing and accounting for key aspects of Sen’s theory.  相似文献   

This article seeks to make a constructive advance in jurisprudential theory by employing the unified analytical framework of modern social science. We first outline the main ideas of individual rational decision-making and game theory and of social choice and mechanism design, before offering a preliminary discussion of their application to legal issues. The core thesis is that the law in combination with other social norms provides institutional incentives to all actors in society. Legislators’ social justice objectives can be reasonably enforced only as a result of behavioral equilibrium in the social game.  相似文献   

Befriending services may address loneliness and social isolation amongst older people. However social diversity is rarely reported in investigations of befriending services. The views of non-users are also rarely explored. In this research, we explored older adults’ experiences of, and attitudes towards, a befriending service, among service users and non-service users, drawing on interviews and focus groups with 76 older adults, 10 volunteer visitors, and 20 service providers. Participants agreed that the befriending service helped alleviate social isolation and loneliness and that supportive services to foster connection are needed. Barriers to engagement included lack of knowledge, appropriateness of services and feeling undeserving. The befriending service was most successful when a match went beyond a transactional ‘professional-client’ relationship to resemble genuine friendship, underpinned by mutual interests and norms of reciprocity and reliability. We also identified five clear ideas about what characterizes an ideal supportive service; supported opportunities for getting out, genuine and reciprocal relationships, reliability, visitor characteristics, and connecting people to their culture. Befriending adds to social networks, and enhances connectedness to the community. Loneliness is alleviated when mutually beneficial and genuinely reciprocal relationships develop. However, group interventions or connections to community groups may be more appropriate for some.  相似文献   

社区选举:在政治冷漠与高投票率之间   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熊易寒 《社会》2008,28(3):180-204
本文试图回答这样一个问题:为什么在选民普遍冷漠的情况下,居委会换届选举依然实现了非常高的投票率?通过对上海市2006年社区选举的考察,我们发现高投票率与一人多票是分不开的。一方面,家庭而非个人是最基本的投票单位,通常一个家庭只有一名成员亲自投票;另一方面,无限制的委托投票赋予了社区积极分子事实上的“复票权”。这种局面实际上是政府、党总支/居委会、积极分子和选民共谋的结果。与村民自治相比,城市社区选举之所以缺乏活力,关键在于村委会选举以分配性利益为基础,需要选出“当家人”;而居委会选举以维持性利益为基础,只要选出“守夜人”。居民的政治冷漠实际上是由社区的利益结构所决定的,而社区选举的制度安排又进一步强化了人们的冷漠。  相似文献   

This article aims to explore how young adults (18–23) who have a history of self-harm experienced involvement in self-harm content online during adolescence. The qualitative data analysis follows the steps of Interpretative phenomenological analysis and resulted in four meta-themes: (1) ‘Solitude during adolescence—finally found a place to fit in’, (2) ‘Tempting but dangerous—a game that never should end’, (3) ‘Searching for self—it was like an online diary’ and (4) ‘No one in charge’. Each superordinate theme characterizes essential features of subjective reasons for becoming involved in and their way out of self-harm content online. Digital involvement is discussed in light of developmental challenges during adolescence—such as exploration of borders, autonomy and self-identity formation. For lonely people, online involvement with self-harm content may enable ‘a potential space’ in between reality and fiction sufficient for relational and personal exploration. Involvement in self-harm content online may cover a need to belong, to express and share problems, and for support. This knowledge should inform clinicians to ask patients about involvement in risk content online and motivate decision-makers to develop ways to detect and support vulnerable adolescents online and offline.  相似文献   

There is growing recognition of the experience of non-death-related loss and grief. One unexplored area of non-death-related loss and grief is associated with older people’s transition from home to residential aged care (RAC). This paper reports findings from a qualitative study that explored the experiences of people living in RAC, carer-relatives of people living in RAC and RAC staff. Using theories of loss and grief, the paper identifies features of the transition to RAC that are associated with unresolved loss and maladaptation to changed circumstances, and the types of support that would mitigate these. Using a series of focus groups with both residents and carer-relatives, as well as staff, the study found that residents and their families need more support to negotiate the multiple, often necessarily hasty decisions and bureaucratic requirements associated with transitioning to RAC, while simultaneously experiencing loss and grief. The types of support that families would welcome from service providers include facilitating shared decision making, valuing family and community carer expertise and providing practical information and assistance to fulfil administrative obligations.  相似文献   

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