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赵文 《职业》2005,(8):46
四大领域人才需求量大 中国经济的快速发展使在华直接投资的日资企业取得了丰厚回报,日本80%以上的在华投资企业已经获利.有一些日资企业在中国获得的利润已经成为母公司的主要利润来源.日企在快速消费品、制造业金融和贸易商社等领域对人才的需求量较大.另外,IT企业对软件人员需求量也很大,懂日语的软件工程师尤其难觅,很多公司不得不委托培训机构代为培养.  相似文献   

徐泽 《现代交际》2014,(8):225-225
随着日资企业在我国投资规模及数量的不断扩大,我国对日语专业人才的需求量不断攀升,日资企业用人需求与日语专业人才培养模式中的契合度显得尤其重要。日语人才就业比例中,日资企业所占比例最大,但在日语专业培养模块中,诸多高校仍然将日语语言学、日本文学等类专业课程作为教学重点的培养模式。  相似文献   

日企实力雄厚但融入度不足 进入中国的日资企业在整体上实力雄厚,在世界500强公司中排名32位的索尼公司是世界上民用电子、工业电子、信息技术产业及娱乐业等领域的先导之一:松下公司在全世界设有230多家公司,为世界制造业500强的第34位.作为日本第二大汽车公司的本田在世界500强公司中排名2 8位.这些日资企业很早就进入了中国,其产品在中国市场销售得很好,但日资企业在中国的品牌宣传多侧重于其产品品质,而忽视了塑造谦和、友善的企业形象.恐怕要在中国吸引优秀人才,除了展现实力之外,日企还应更努力地融入中国社会.  相似文献   

2006年,中日贸易总额超过了日美贸易,中国已为日本贸易的第一大国。日立专务董事、中国总代表冢田实说:"日立在中国的销售额已经有80亿美元,我们的目标是在2010年做到130亿美元。"三菱商事原中国总代表武田胜年说:"我们在中国做生意时,首先考虑的是要能长久地在这里做下去,成为这里的企业市民。"看好中国市场,要长期在这里与这里的企业、消费者共存下去的理念,是日资企业公关时的最基本的出发点。  相似文献   

正城市商业地产(办公楼和商业营业用房)产业具有投资大、建设周期长、对资产管理能力要求高等特点,长期以来,其发展一直滞后于住宅市场。2010年以来,在住宅地产调控政策的影响下,房地产企业、银行、保险、基金和信托等不断将资金从住宅市场转移到城市商业地产市场,城市商业地产投资增速加快,年均增速约30%;2011年~2012年,中国城市商业地产处于快速增加期;2013年,在城市商业地产供大于求的市场压力下,城  相似文献   

●中国经理人团队领导力、团队合作、业绩导向表现最突出●中国经理人商业敏锐度、企业家精神和创新精神最需要提升●从性别上划分,女性经理人能力表现更为突出●从企业性质看,外资企业经理人和国有企业经理人的能力各有千秋为了帮助企业及企业的高层管理团队更加了解中层管理人员的能力素质,美世咨询于2006年开展了一次针对中国中层经理人的能力素质调研。  相似文献   

本文从外语教学现状分析入手,结合大连地区日资企业的行业特点,探讨民办高校满足日资企业各部门人才需要的职业课程群,提出民办院校日语专业应该适应区域外向型经济发展的需要,不断完善"职业课程群"建设。  相似文献   

近年来,日资企业受到世界经济变化以及劳动力成本、原材料价格上涨等因素影响,其在中国的规模逐渐缩小,投资也向泰国、越南等东南亚国家转移。日资企业的减少直接导致对日语人才的需求减少,不少地区开始出现专业日语人才就业难的现象。另外,日企对日语人才的需求也出现多元化倾向,对单纯的日语翻译人才的需求逐渐降低。日资企业中制造类企业的比重在逐年下降,而非制造类企业的比重则呈上升趋势。这种形势下,急需技术型、管理型、财会性、销售型等有日语基础的多元化人才。就以大连地区为例,日语专业毕业生在软件园区就业的占有很大比重,这是一个IT行业相对集中的经济区域。IT行业的日语从业人员,不仅要熟练掌握日语、英语,更要熟悉计算机应用、编程等。类似这种"语言+专业"的人才是最受日企青睐的。这无疑对只接受过日语专业知识教育的学生就业来说是很不利的,甚至可以说是日语专业学生进入日企就业的一大短板。因此,探讨根据市场对日语人才需求的变化来建立合理的就业指导体系就成为我们日语专业的一大课题。  相似文献   

周师迅 《科学发展》2016,(10):69-73
中国企业国际化和跨境并购潜力巨大,提升中国企业跨境并购能力有助于加快推进中国企业“走出去”步伐,服务我国创新驱动转型发展的战略目标.建议以自贸试验区建设为抓手,加快投资贸易便利化体制机制创新,积极参与双边、区域和多边国际投资规则制定;立足国家战略和企业转型升级战略目标,强化企业跨境并购能力建设.  相似文献   

美国双边投资框架协议(2012)研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张娟 《科学发展》2013,(12):49-55
美国2012年双边投资协定范本是目前美国双边投资谈判的依据。这一范本在2004年范本的基础上主要修改了4个方面的内容。以美国2012年双边投资协定范本为基础,中美双边投资协定谈判关注的重要问题聚焦了中美双方的主要利益分歧。该范本的公布,以及中方承诺采用准入前国民待遇和负面清单,有望推动中美BIT谈判进入实质性阶段,这将影响中国经济和全球经济,也对中国下一步的谈判有所启示。  相似文献   

Abstract  It has long been recognized that Japanese modern society, policy and economy exhibit some very distinct characteristics, a distinct mode of structuration of modern institutions and organizations which are structured in ways radically different from those which have developed in other —especially Western— societies. Such differences are not just local variations. They pertain to the very basic ways in which the various modern institutional arenas are regulated, defined, and the broader social and cultural contexts in which they operate.
The common denominator of these characteristics is a very high level of structural differentiation. mobility, openness and dynamics grounded in conceptions of service to social contexts, ideally (as promulgated in the Meiji ideology) to the national community. Neither the emphasis on equality nor the strong emphasis on achievement were grounded in any conception of principled transcendentally oriented individuality or of transcendental legitimation of different functional (e.g. political or economic) activities.
Such a rather strong structural similarity, together with a distinct institutional dynamics. can be identified in comparing Japan and Western Europe already in the premodern period, when there were only but minimal contacts between them.
The analysis in a comparative framework of this unusual combination is of central importance for the understanding of Japanese modernity and in the following pages I would like to present some preliminary steps for such analysis.  相似文献   

The manifestation of gender in the Japanese puppet theatre is also a study of men who depict male and female roles. The visual sociologist must take into consideration the intermeshing and communication of voice (tayu), with music (shamisen player) and puppeteers on stage in the dramaturgy of roles and their enactment. The researcher explores aspects of front and backstage as we learn about male and female role making and taking. It could be argued that women are fictionalized, idealized and subject to stylization, while men are allowed to be more free in their depiction of emotional variation. At the same time there is a long tradition of gender interpretation which contains sexual ambiguities and varied meaning levels. This research addresses the masked and unmasked aspects of the Bunraku theatre and the ways that maleness and femaleness can be visually and verbally conceived.  相似文献   

While both aversion therapy and psychotherapy can claim considerable success, they also fail occasionally. In view of this experience an attempt has been made to intergrate these therapies. Two cases are discussed in which such collaboration of representatives of both schools was achieved. After successful termination of the treatment, the patients filled out questionnaires in which they evaluated the contribution of each of these therapies.  相似文献   

Abstract  Benedict's classic work on Japanese society, The Chrysanthemum and the Sword (1946). is still cited frequently in studies on Japanese society and culture, despite the fact that it is now nearly 50 years since it was published. However, although this book has exerted enormous influence on subsequent generations of scholars, her research into the work on the Japanese that preceded the writing of Chrysanthemum . is virtually non-existant. This paper first traces the process through which Benedict progressed during her war-time study of cultures at a distance. It then examines the eventual report she wrote on the Japanese and the significance of this report. Benedict's report, which stresses the importance of "giri to one's name" within the code of Japanese ethics but devotes very little space to the discussion of "shame". raises questions about the excessive attention devoted to repetitive references concerning her depiction of Japan as a "shame culture" by numerous social scientists.
As this paper demonstrates through a consideration of her background research, the importance placed on the concept of "shame culture" by others was not shared by Benedict herself.  相似文献   

The author ofThe Evolution of Labor Relations in Japan (1985).  相似文献   

This article explores the role of religious nationalism in the making of the modern Japanese state. We describe a process of adaptation featuring bricolage, as an alternative to imitation accounts of non-Western state formation that privilege Western culture. The Meiji state, finding it could not impose Shintô as a state religion, selectively drew from religio-nationalist currents and Western models for over two decades before institutionalizing State Shintô. Although we see some similarities to Europe, distinctive features of the Japanese case suggest a different path to modernity: a lack of separation between state and religion, an emphasis on ritual and a late (and historically condensed) development of popular religious nationalism, which was anchored by State Shintô disciplinary devices including school rituals and shrines deifying the war dead.  相似文献   

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