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We investigate the exact coverage and expected length properties of the model averaged tail area (MATA) confidence interval proposed by Turek and Fletcher, CSDA, 2012, in the context of two nested, normal linear regression models. The simpler model is obtained by applying a single linear constraint on the regression parameter vector of the full model. For given length of response vector and nominal coverage of the MATA confidence interval, we consider all possible models of this type and all possible true parameter values, together with a wide class of design matrices and parameters of interest. Our results show that, while not ideal, MATA confidence intervals perform surprisingly well in our regression scenario, provided that we use the minimum weight within the class of weights that we consider on the simpler model.  相似文献   

The exact confidence region for log relative potency resulting from likelihood score methods (Williams (1988) An exact confidence interval for the relative potency estimated from a multivariate bioassay, Biometrics, 44:861-868) will very likely consist of two disjoint confidence intervals. The two methods proposed by Williams which aim to select just one (the same) confidence interval from the confidence region are nearly – but not completely – consistent. The likelihood score interval and likelihood ratio interval are asymptotically equivalent. Williams's very strong claim concerning the confidence coefficient in the second selection method is still theoretically unproved; yet, simulations show that it is true for a wide range of practical experimental situations.  相似文献   

A conditioning on the event of having selected one model from a set of possibly misspecified normal linear regression models leads to the construction of uniformly optimal conditional confidence distributions. They can be used for valid postselection inference. The constructed conditional confidence distributions are finite sample exact and encompass all information regarding the focus parameter in the selected model. This includes the construction of optimal postselection confidence intervals at all significance levels and uniformly most powerful hypothesis tests.  相似文献   

The conditional confidence interval for the location parameter of an exponential distribution following a preliminary test is investigated. The conditional confidence interval (CCI) may be shorter than the unconditional confidence interval (UCI) in contrast to the findings for the mean of a normal distribution by Meeks and D'Agostino (1983). The conditional coverage probability of the UCI is obtained by computing the coverage probability under the conditional probability density function. It is shown that the conditional coverage probability of the UCI is not uniformly greater than or less than the nominal level.  相似文献   

For the two-sided Student t confidence interval for the mean of a normal distribution there is, for any sample size, a sufficiently large confidence level that ensures that the interval covers all the observations; there are also sufficiently small confidence levels guaranteeing, respectively, that (a) the interval does not cover all the observations and (b) the interval lies within the extreme observations. Necessary and sufficient conditions are also obtained for the width of the confidence interval to always exceed the sample range, as well as for the reverse inequality. Some implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Approximate conditional inference is developed for the slope parameter of the linear functional model with two variables. It is shown that the model can be transformed so that the slope parameter becomes an angle and nuisance parameters are radial distances. If the nuisance parameters are known an exact confidence interval based on a location-type conditional distribution is available for the angle. More gen¬erally, confidence distributions are used to average the conditional distribution over the nuisance parameters yielding an approximate conditional confidence interval that reflects the precision indicated by the data. An example is analyzed.  相似文献   

We develop an approach to evaluating frequentist model averaging procedures by considering them in a simple situation in which there are two‐nested linear regression models over which we average. We introduce a general class of model averaged confidence intervals, obtain exact expressions for the coverage and the scaled expected length of the intervals, and use these to compute these quantities for the model averaged profile likelihood (MPI) and model‐averaged tail area confidence intervals proposed by D. Fletcher and D. Turek. We show that the MPI confidence intervals can perform more poorly than the standard confidence interval used after model selection but ignoring the model selection process. The model‐averaged tail area confidence intervals perform better than the MPI and postmodel‐selection confidence intervals but, for the examples that we consider, offer little over simply using the standard confidence interval for θ under the full model, with the same nominal coverage.  相似文献   

We consider a 2r factorial experiment with at least two replicates. Our aim is to find a confidence interval for θ, a specified linear combination of the regression parameters (for the model written as a regression, with factor levels coded as ?1 and 1). We suppose that preliminary hypothesis tests are carried out sequentially, beginning with the rth‐order interaction. After these preliminary hypothesis tests, a confidence interval for θ with nominal coverage 1 ?α is constructed under the assumption that the selected model had been given to us a priori. We describe a new efficient Monte Carlo method, which employs conditioning for variance reduction, for estimating the minimum coverage probability of the resulting confidence interval. The application of this method is demonstrated in the context of a 23 factorial experiment with two replicates and a particular contrast θ of interest. The preliminary hypothesis tests consist of the following two‐step procedure. We first test the null hypothesis that the third‐order interaction is zero against the alternative hypothesis that it is non‐zero. If this null hypothesis is accepted, we assume that this interaction is zero and proceed to the second step; otherwise, we stop. In the second step, for each of the second‐order interactions we test the null hypothesis that the interaction is zero against the alternative hypothesis that it is non‐zero. If this null hypothesis is accepted, we assume that this interaction is zero. The resulting confidence interval, with nominal coverage probability 0.95, has a minimum coverage probability that is, to a good approximation, 0.464. This shows that this confidence interval is completely inadequate.  相似文献   

This article presents procedures for testing hypothesis and interval estimation of the common mean vector in MANOVA models when the covariance matrices are unknown and unequal. The methods are based on the concepts of generalized p-value and generalized confidence interval. Some important statistical properties of the exact test and confidence region are given. For two multivariate normal populations, a minor modification to the combined tests given by Zhou and Mathew (1994a Zhou , L. P. , Mathew , T. ( 1994a ). Combining independent tests in multivariate linear models . J. Multivariate Anal. 51 : 265276 . [Google Scholar]) is proposed. Some simulation results to compare the performance of the proposed tests with others are reported. The simulation results indicate that new tests have significant gain in the power.  相似文献   


For interval estimation of a binomial proportion and a Poisson mean, matching pseudocounts are derived, which give the one-sided Wald confidence intervals with second-order accuracy. The confidence intervals remove the bias of coverage probabilities given by the score confidence intervals. Partial poor behavior of the confidence intervals by the matching pseudocounts is corrected by hybrid methods using the score confidence interval depending on sample values.  相似文献   

We consider the classic problem of interval estimation of a proportion p based on binomial sampling. The ‘exact’ Clopper–Pearson confidence interval for p is known to be unnecessarily conservative. We propose coverage adjustments of the Clopper–Pearson interval that incorporate prior or posterior beliefs into the interval. Using heatmap‐type plots for comparing confidence intervals, we show that the coverage‐adjusted intervals have satisfying coverage and shorter expected lengths than competing intervals found in the literature.  相似文献   

Let X1,X2,…,Xm be distributed normally with mean μ and variance σ2 X; Let Y1,Y2,…,Yn be distributed normally with mean μ and variance σ2 Y; let X1,X2,…,Xm,Y1,Y2,…,Yn be jointly independent. There have been several papers written concerning point estimation of μ for this problem, but very little is available in the literature concerning confidence intervals on the common mean μ. In this paper a method is proposed that results in a confidence interval with confidence coefficient essentially equal to a prescribed value 1 - α. The method is evaluated and compnred with other methods through the expected length of the confidence interval.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of finding an equi-tailed confidence interval, with coverage probability (1-α), for a scalar parameter θ0 in the presence of a (possibly infinite dimensional) nuisance parameter ψ0. It is supposed that the value taken by θ0 does not restrict the value that ψ0 may take and vice-versa. Given a sensible estimate ψn of ψ0, profile bootstrap confidence interval for θ0 is defined to be the exact equi-tailed confidence interval with coverage probability (1-α) assuming that ψ0n. We compare the properties of the profile bootstrap confidence interval and the ordinary bootstrap confidence interval when they are based on studentised and unstudentised quantities. Under mild regularity conditions the profile bootstrap confidence interval is always a subset of the set of allowable values of θ0 and is transformation-respecting when based on either an unstudentised quantity or a studentised quantity satisfying certain restrictions. As a confidence interval for the autoregressive parameter of an AR(1) process, the profile bootstrap confidence interval has important advantages over the ordinary bootstrap confidence interval based on a studentised quantity.  相似文献   

In this article, the hypothesis testing and interval estimation for the reliability parameter are considered in balanced and unbalanced one-way random models. The tests and confidence intervals for the reliability parameter are developed using the concepts of generalized p-value and generalized confidence interval. Furthermore, some simulation results are presented to compare the performances between the proposed approach and the existing approach. For balanced models, the simulation results indicate that the proposed approach can provide satisfactory coverage probabilities and performs better than the existing approaches across the wide array of scenarios, especially for small sample sizes. For unbalanced models, the simulation results show that the two proposed approaches perform more satisfactorily than the existing approach in most cases. Finally, the proposed approaches are illustrated using two real examples.  相似文献   

The authors examine the robustness of empirical likelihood ratio (ELR) confidence intervals for the mean and M‐estimate of location. They show that the ELR interval for the mean has an asymptotic breakdown point of zero. They also give a formula for computing the breakdown point of the ELR interval for M‐estimate. Through a numerical study, they further examine the relative advantages of the ELR interval to the commonly used confidence intervals based on the asymptotic distribution of the M‐estimate.  相似文献   

We extend the confidence interval construction procedure for location for symmetric iid data using the one-sample Wilcoxon signed rank statistic (T+) to stationary time series data. We propose a normal approximation procedure when explicit knowledge of the underlying dependence structure/distribution is unknown. By conducting extensive simulations from linear and nonlinear time series models, we show that the extended procedure is a strong contender for use in the construction of confidence intervals in time series analysis. Finally we demonstrate real application implementations in two case studies.  相似文献   

The comparison of two treatments with normally distributed data is considered. Inferences are considered based upon the difference between single potential future observations from each of the two treatments, which provides a useful and easily interpretable assessment of the difference between the two treatments. These methodologies combine information from a standard confidence interval analysis of the difference between the two treatment means, with information available from standard prediction intervals of future observations. Win-probabilities, which are the probabilities that a future observation from one treatment will be superior to a future observation from the other treatment, are a special case of these methodologies. The theoretical derivation of these methodologies is based upon inferences about the non-centrality parameter of a non-central t-distribution. Equal and unequal variance situations are addressed, and extensions to groups of future observations from the two treatments are also considered. Some examples and discussions of the methodologies are presented.  相似文献   

The distribution of the estimated mean of the nonstandard mixture of distributions that has a discrete probability mass at zero and a gamma distribution for positive values is derived. Furthermore, for the studied nonstandard mixture of distributions, the distribution of the standardized statistic (estimator - true mean)/standard deviation of estimator is derived. The results are used to study the accuracy of the confidence interval for the mean based on a large sample approximation. Quantiles for the standardized statistic are also calculated.  相似文献   

The mode of a distribution provides an important summary of data and is often estimated on the basis of some non‐parametric kernel density estimator. This article develops a new data analysis tool called modal linear regression in order to explore high‐dimensional data. Modal linear regression models the conditional mode of a response Y given a set of predictors x as a linear function of x . Modal linear regression differs from standard linear regression in that standard linear regression models the conditional mean (as opposed to mode) of Y as a linear function of x . We propose an expectation–maximization algorithm in order to estimate the regression coefficients of modal linear regression. We also provide asymptotic properties for the proposed estimator without the symmetric assumption of the error density. Our empirical studies with simulated data and real data demonstrate that the proposed modal regression gives shorter predictive intervals than mean linear regression, median linear regression and MM‐estimators.  相似文献   

This article considers the construction of level 1?α fixed width 2d confidence intervals for a Bernoulli success probability p, assuming no prior knowledge about p and so p can be anywhere in the interval [0, 1]. It is shown that some fixed width 2d confidence intervals that combine sequential sampling of Hall [Asymptotic theory of triple sampling for sequential estimation of a mean, Ann. Stat. 9 (1981), pp. 1229–1238] and fixed-sample-size confidence intervals of Agresti and Coull [Approximate is better than ‘exact’ for interval estimation of binomial proportions, Am. Stat. 52 (1998), pp. 119–126], Wilson [Probable inference, the law of succession, and statistical inference, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 22 (1927), pp. 209–212] and Brown et al. [Interval estimation for binomial proportion (with discussion), Stat. Sci. 16 (2001), pp. 101–133] have close to 1?α confidence level. These sequential confidence intervals require a much smaller sample size than a fixed-sample-size confidence interval. For the coin jamming example considered, a fixed-sample-size confidence interval requires a sample size of 9457, while a sequential confidence interval requires a sample size that rarely exceeds 2042.  相似文献   

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