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宁夏人口增长:结构性差异和自回归预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
廖永松  于法稳  李周 《西北人口》2011,(5):77-80,84
本文在回顾已有关于宁夏人口预测方法和结论的基础上,首先用Chow检验法检验了建国以来宁夏人口变动特征。结果表明宁夏人口增长出现了显著的结构性差异,然后用扩展的Dicky-Fuller检验法验证了宁夏人口数量、宁夏人口占全国人口的比例为单位根过程,而宁夏人口增长率为带常数和时间趋势项的平稳随机过程,最后利用建立的宁夏人口增长量、宁夏人口占全国人口比例一阶差分自回归模型预测了未来宁夏人口规模。预计宁夏人口在占全国人口中的比例会进一步增加。人口将从2009年的625万增加到2050年865万。  相似文献   

一、中国人口发展的历史回顾 中华人民共和国成立以前,人口发展的特点是高出生率、高死亡率、低自然增长率。如一九三六年,人口出生率约为38‰,死亡率约为28‰,自然增长率只有10‰左右。从一八四○年到一九四九年的109年期间,中国人口由四亿一千多万增加到五亿四千多万,共增加一  相似文献   

“少生快富”工程作为宁夏首创的一项民心工程,从2000年在固原开始试点,已经走过了十年的历程,形成了具有宁夏地方特色的计划生育利益导向机制,为控制人口过快增长、促进全区人口与经济社会协调发展起到了重大推动作用。2008年,宁夏“少生快富”工程荣获国家人口计生委绩效评估“创新奖”,2009年又荣获“利益导向机制建设”工作奖。  相似文献   

一 最近三十余年我国人口再生产类型发生了巨大的变化。历史上高出生率高死亡率的传统人口再生产类型已不复存在,以低出生率低死亡率为特征的现代人口再生产类型正在形成。 人口转变包括死亡率由高变低和出生率由高变低两个方面。多数发达国家死亡率下降开始于十八世纪后半叶,而出生率的下降则开始于十九世纪后半叶;到本世纪三十年代,基本形成了低出生率低死亡率的现代人口再生产类型。这就是说,多数发达国家的死亡率转变经历了一百多年的时间,而出生率的转变也至少用了五、六十年的时间。相比之下,中国的人口死亡率从解放前的20‰以上降到10‰以下只用了十几年时间,出生率从七十年代初的30‰  相似文献   

一、人口变动状况 近三十年来南斯拉夫人口变动的特点是出生率、死亡率和自然增长率都呈不断下降的趋势。1950年出生率为30.3‰,1980年则降至16.9%。;同期,死亡率从13‰降至8.8‰,自然增长率则从17.3‰。降至8.1‰。各年变动情况见下表:  相似文献   

过去十几年里,西欧国家的人口增长率一直在下降。1960——1975年间,欧洲共同体国家的人口增长了11%,从二亿四千一百万增加到二亿六千七百万。根据经济合作与发展组织的统计,西欧人口到1900年将达到二亿七千三百万,仅比1975年增加2%。这一新的趋向,正在引起西欧各国政府的重视。 西欧人口增长率下降的部分原因是人口死亡率提高。1975年英国、意大利、西德的人口死亡率分别是1.18%、1%、和1.21%,而1950年这些国家的人口死亡率却是1.17%、0.97%、1.05%。死亡率提高原因就在于人口比率中老年人的比重增加。所以有的国家政府已经开始重视人口的老龄化问题。 然而,人口增长率下降的最重要原因则是出生率的大幅度下降。事实上,这不仅是西欧特有的现象,美国、日本的出生率下降幅度更大。出生率下降一方面由于育龄妇女的人数减少,另一方面也因妇女们更愿意少要孩子,甚至不要孩子。 根据西德的人口出生率和死亡率来推算,西德的人口将从1975年的6,200万减少到1990年5,800万。如果按这样的下降幅度,到本世纪末,西德人口将减少  相似文献   

康县的人口状况康县现有总人口186,941人,比1949年增加了56,541人,人口自然增长率由1949年的15.90‰下降到1984年的3.57‰,低于全省人口增长水平。从全县和五个乡人口发展状况看,35年总增长50%,年均增长率为1.4%。其中,王坝乡人口总增长48.2%,年均增长率为1.5%,有七年为负增长。类似的情况在大堡、贾安等乡也存在着。普遍表现出死亡率较高,一般都在10‰左右。如1984年的死亡率和自增率:王坝乡为13.4‰。  相似文献   

目的:利用六普人口资料,分析各地死亡人口年龄综合指标,探索我国31个省区出生时预期寿命及经济人口社会变量,与2010年人口死亡率的关系.方法:使用描述性统计分析技术和相关回归分析拟合技术.结果:我国普查调查人口死亡率低于当年登记的人口死亡率,各地区人口死亡率全面低于全国人口死亡率;死亡人口登记误差主要发生在我国农村,及西南和部分西北地区.结论:2010年我国人口普查中,死亡人口、死亡率漏报率为18%左右,死亡人口漏报数量可能与外出人口数量,农村基层管理等有关.而出生时预期寿命,65岁以上老人比例等指标对于该地区人口粗死亡率有着较大的影响.  相似文献   

一、当前宁夏人口发展的现状改革开放以来,特别是近年来,宁夏回族自治区坚持计划生育工作党政一把手亲自抓、负总责,实行计划生育工作目标管理责任制和一票否决制,转变思路,创新方法,加大扶持力度,健全工作机制,率先在全国实施了“少生快富”扶贫工程,探索建立计划生育工作利益导向机制,有效地控制了人口的过快增长,基本实现了人口由高出生率、低死亡率、高增长率向低出生率、低死亡率、低增长率的历史性转变。出生人口总量保持稳定,妇女生育水平呈逐年稳步下降态势,并向低生育水平靠近,计划生育工作为全区经济社会的快速协调和可持续发展做…  相似文献   

宁夏第二次人口科学讨论会于1983年11月1日至4日在银川召开。参加会议的有130多人。会议收到论文、调查报告、资料分析共五十篇。会议就宁夏人口的历史、现状、发展趋势,宁夏人口的素质、婚姻状况、生育状况、家庭规模、劳动力结构、老年人的赡养问题,人口与经济、人口与环境资源以及少数民族人口等问题进行了认真的讨论和广泛的交流。会议期间,山西省财经学院毕士林教  相似文献   

W Wang 《人口研究》1984,(5):25-31
An analysis of mortality trends in China, based on data from the 1982 census, is presented. It shows that the mortality rate has gradually declined since 1949, but has recently leveled off and is now on the rise again. The main reasons for this decline were fewer deaths from disease and the changing age structure of the population. It is noted that the mortality rate varies from region to region, with infant mortality in border areas accounting for a large portion of total deaths. An increase in life expectancy has occurred as a result of declining mortality.  相似文献   

Allan G. Hill 《Demography》1975,12(3):537-548
Kuwait has experienced a dramatic rise in national income since 1945, and its material standard of living is as high as that of any country in the world. The national population (Kuwaitis) is a stable and almost closed population comprising 45 percent of the total population of the state. The Kuwaitis, readily separable from the immigrant population, both de facto and de jure, have a very low level of mortality but retain their traditionally high level of fertility. It is suggested that this largely unaltered pattern of fertility is a function of the peculiar form of economic development to which Kuwait has been subjected and of the strongly pro-natalist pressures associated with Arabic Islam.  相似文献   

W R Hou 《人口研究》1980,(2):61-64
After liberation in Romania the high birth rate, high mortality rate, and high population growth rate pattern changed to a low birth rate, low mortality rate, and low growth rate pattern. Higher standard of living and educational level, the increasing involvement of women in social and economic activities, the rapid development of cities, and the lower infant mortality rate are the 4 main factors responsible for this development. Consequently, Romania is facing a problem of increasing labor shortages. People who would otherwise be in the labor force are in school to allow the rapid development in science and technology. The increasing proportion of older retirees in the population also decreases the labor supply. Agricultural mechanization has provided labor to support industrialization in the past. Future increases will emphasize irrigation and soil improvement rather than mechanization. The Romanian government has established 6 new laws to stimulate population growth. First, award bonuses to families with more children and tax childless couples. Second, eliminate factors destabilizing families, preference to young couples, and restrict abortion and divorce. Third, protect women's societal rights through bonuses to mothers and paid maternity leave to pregnant women. Fourth, reduce mortality rate and improve people's health and life span. Fifth, better utilize the labor force and redistribute the population by economic methods. Six, use longterm procedures to achieve the best population structure and to have a younger population.  相似文献   

Zhao Z 《Population studies》1997,51(2):117-127
Human populations have lived on the earth for millions of years, yet the study of population history only began to be established in the mid-twentieth century. In spite of the considerable progress in the study of historical demography which has since been made, there have been hardly any detailed studies of fertility and mortality before the sixteenth century. This study, by analysing a set of Chinese genealogies, examines long-term mortality patterns in a selected clan population over a period of more than 1000 years. The result shows that, in this selected population, mortality fluctuated around a relatively high level and showed no secular change over the very long period studied. The study also provides a comparison between the mortality patterns found in the selected population and those observed in a much larger Chinese lineage population, as well as those recorded among the British elites born between the sixteenth and the early nineteenth century. Based on the findings of this research, the paper presents some tentative suggestions about long-term mortality changes in Chinese history.  相似文献   

C Wu 《人口研究》1984,(4):1-6, 13
The age composition of Chinese population is analyzed via data collected in the 1982 census, which has been the basis for planning the social and economic life of 1 billion people. The census reflected complete population age composition, by birth, mortality and growth rates, from the time of the Liberation in 1949. The 10% sample, based on the national age composition, did not include the 4,240,000 people in military service which, as .42% of the total population, did not constitute a large differential. The population has grown rapidly since 1949. A few years before and after 1960, growth was reduced due to economic conditions, but the overall growth trend remained unchanged. The census showed that since 1970, growth has experienced a downturn, but the decrease was not related to the sudden drop before and after 1960. The census also showed China's population had changed from 1964's primarily young population to an adult population, but the process of population aging is only beginning, with a still relatively young population. China's population is not a stable one. This increase and decrease were greatly influenced by the changes in social and economic conditions. The disparity in age composition caused by these changes has created problems in social life, education, employment, marriage, housing, health, transportation, and cultural facilities. There are large differences in age composition between regions and ethnic groups. The decreases in birth and growth rate of the eastern coastal provinces were more rapid than those of the southwest and northwest regions. The age composition of minority nationalities is considerably younger than the Han people. Factors that influenced age composition characteristics included reduction of the neonatal mortality rate, the rises and falls of economic development, and the work in planned fertility.  相似文献   

张广裕 《西北人口》2009,30(3):62-66,70
本文用Brass曾生子女存活比估算儿童死亡率的方法和Gompertz死亡率定律等方法对甘南藏族自治州的“五普”男性人口的死亡和生存原始数据作了进一步的修匀和校正。在此基础上。我们用Farlle死亡概率法编制出了甘南藏族自治州男性人口的简略生命表.并通过生命表的结果分析了甘南州男性人口的死亡水平、死亡模式和死亡的性别格局。  相似文献   

与其它发展地区类似 ,二战以后香港人口死亡率已经经历了显著的下降 ,达到了一个非常低的水平。在这种极低水平的现状下 ,香港人口死亡率进一步下降的空间还有多大呢 ?本文基于香港人口死亡率历史数据 ,探讨了其演变趋势 ,同时利用Lee -Carter模型对香港未来 5 0年分性别的人口死亡率进行了预测。如果我们将预测结果与最近的官方预测数据进行比较 ,可以发现 ,本文Lee -Carter模型预测的未来香港人口死亡率下降趋势比官方预测结果要乐观  相似文献   

Child mortality rates have fallen substantially in developing countries since 1960. The expected fertility decline has followed only weakly in sub‐Saharan Africa compared to other recent and historic demographic transitions. Disease and anthropometric data suggest that morbidity remains prevalent in Africa despite child survival improvements. The uniquely high infectious disease burden among children in Africa reduces population health and diminishes the returns to human capital investment, thwarting the quantity–quality tradeoff for children that typically accompanies the mortality transition. Individual‐level data from the Demographic and Health Surveys are used to show that persistent morbidity has weakened the positive relationship between child mortality and total fertility rates throughout the region, slowing Africa's demographic transition.  相似文献   

Population change in the former Soviet Republics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Demographic trends in the former Soviet Republics and Russia are summarized and discussed in this publication. The former Soviet Republics in Europe as well as Georgia and Armenia had completed or almost completed their demographic transition before October 1991. Other Central Asian republics experienced reduced mortality, but, despite rapid declines, fertility is still above replacement level (at 3-4 children per woman). The economic and social dislocation of the breakup of the republics has hastened fertility decline. The annual population growth rate of the USSR in the mid-1980s was 0.9%; this rate declined to 0.4% in 1991, and the decline has continued. The 1991 population of the USSR was 289.1 million. Between 1989 and 1991, the crude birth rate was 18/1000 population, and the crude death rate was 10/1000. The net migration rate of -4/1000 helped to reduce growth. Total fertility in the USSR was 2.3 children in 1990. In Russia, fertility declined from 1.9 in 1990 to 1.4 in 1993. The preferred family size in Russia was 1.9 in 1990 and 1.5 in 1993. This decline occurred due to lack of confidence in the economy and insufficient income. Only 19% of women used contraception in 1990. Marriages declined after 1990. Age pyramids were similar in the republics in that there was a narrowing in the proportion aged 45-49 years, and the male population aged over 65 years was diminished, due to the effect of World War II. The cohort of those aged 20-24 years in 1992 was very small due to the small parental birth cohort. The differences in the republics was characterized as broad-based in the younger ages because of high fertility. The number of childbearing women will remain large. Life expectancy has been 70 years since the 1950s and has declined in some republics due to substandard health care, lack of job safety measures, and alcoholism. Some republics experienced increased life expectancy, but, after 1991, mortality increased. Tajikistan had the highest infant mortality of 47/1000 live births in 1993. A demographic profile provided for each republic offers several population projection scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper reconstructs the trend in the population sex ratio in India between 1971 and 1996 from available information on changes in sex differentials in mortality in the country since the beginning of the century. It is estimated that, although the mortality of females relative to that of males in India has improved since 1968, the population sex ratio increased between 1971 and 1981, stayed constant between 1981 and 1991, and started to decrease only after 1991. This implies that the recorded decrease and increase in the periods 1971–81 and 1981–91 respectively were both spurious and were the results of undercounts of females in 1971 and 1991. Another implication of this finding is that, owing to the lagged effect of past mortality on current trends in the population sex ratio, this ratio is a bad proxy for use in the study of changes in differential mortality by sex.  相似文献   

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