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Given the persistent problems in the balance of trade in LDCs, the limited effect of foreign aid, and the difficulties of borrowing, the often huge amounts of migrant remittances can substitute for the inadequacies of these forms of foreign exchange. As market flows of foreign exchange, remittances have complex positive and negative effects on development. In this paper, I deal with this role of migrant remittances in the theoretical framework of development economics, as related to the importance of foreign exchange as an indispensable factor of growth and structural change in LDCs. Various channels transmitting the impact of remittances on development are investigated based on the experience of countries from both sides of the Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the co‐integration and causal relationship between international remittances and energy consumption in the context of Morocco. Previous empirical studies associated remittances with various macroeconomic and social variables. To our knowledge, this is the first study that examines the causality between remittances and energy consumption in Morocco. The study finds a long‐run equilibrium relationship between remittances and energy consumption. The results indicate that remittances influence energy consumption directly both in the short run and long run, and influence energy consumption indirectly through industrialization and economic growth in the long run.  相似文献   

The effects of remittances on labour market outcomes have been studied by many researchers, primarily using micro‐level data. While a few studies have also used macro‐level data, they suffer from endogeneity bias due to the inclusion of remittances in their estimations. The present study attempts to fill the gap in the literature by using a set of panel data of Mexican states and by addressing the endogeneity bias with a system GMM (generalized method of moments) estimator. The main conclusions are that remittances increase labour force participation rates and reduce median hours worked, critical employment and unemployment duration.  相似文献   

Armenian families have a long history of receiving remittances. Currently remittances are a major component of the Armenian economy and have a significant impact on families. Utilizing the results of in-depth semi-structured interviews conducted in the capital city of Yerevan, this article examined how remittances affected the lives, well-being, and family relationships of the people who received them. As families managed without their migrant family members, they developed systems and routines that helped them cope with the absence. In addition, they utilized networks of social capital that allowed them to persist despite significant interpersonal challenges. Insights from this study will inform specialists who serve migrant families, helping them better understand what their clients are experiencing and enabling them to provide strength-based approaches.  相似文献   

This article examines the saving behaviour of remittance recipients in Ethiopia and Kenya. The few existing estimates of savings from remittances, often obtained indirectly using expenditure analysis, vary widely. The analysis presented here relies on ordinal saving categories reported in response to a direct survey question. The results reveal that the savings rate is higher in Kenya than Ethiopia, in the raw data and the multivariate model, although in both countries it rises with receipt size. Interestingly, gender is a robust predictor of differential savings, albeit with a contrasting pattern: women save more than men in Ethiopia, while the reverse is true in Kenya. In other results, a pre‐migration agreement about remittances has a strong positive effect on savings. Savings rates are also positively associated with financial inclusion in Ethiopia and formal channel flows in Kenya. Many of these results are confirmed by analysis of broader forms of saving/investment.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between foreign remittances and poverty (incidence and severity) in the Punjab province of Pakistan. Logit regression is used to deal with binary headcount ratio, while the instrumental variable approach is employed to avoid possible endogeneity. Household-based data, covering more than 40,000 household units in Punjab, are used for the empirical estimations. After controlling for several variables, such as the number of dependents of households, age, gender, and education of the household head, the results indicate that foreign remittances’ inflow reduces the incidence and severity of poverty in all three regions of the Punjab province, North Punjab, South Punjab and Central Punjab. The South Punjab, however, is found to be poorer based on headcount poverty and severity of poverty as compared to the other two regions.  相似文献   

Using data from the Nang Rong Projects social survey (N = 4,989), this work examines the effect of migrant remittances on household splits in an agrarian district of Thailand, a developing country experiencing tremendous economic, demographic, and social transformations. Results show that remittances sent from migrants (especially female migrants) to their origin households affect changes in household affiliation. Findings are consistent with a household allocation model, whereby money sent by migrant siblings significantly affects the movement of the migrant’s sisters and their husbands into a new household. Results suggest that remittances are a significant determinant of household nucleation, especially in the latter stages of the Thai household life cycle. Results also suggest that rural Thais still follow traditional postnuptial residence patterns.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of international remittances on private school enrolment in Kerala. Using data from the 2010 Kerala Migration Survey and employing an instrumental variable (IV‐Probit) approach to address the endogeneity of migration, we found that remittances have a positive and significant effect on private school enrolment. After disaggregating the sample into different heterogeneous groups, we found that remittances have greater effect on boys, children residing in rural areas, and those belonging to socially advantageous groups and from higher wealth quintile. Children from lower wealth quintile and belonging to socially disadvantageous groups are least affected by migration and remittances.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between remittances and migration intentions in the source country using data from households in the Pacific island countries of Tonga and Fiji. Unlike previous research it accounts for potential endogeneity in the relationship between remittances and intentions and also includes households that receive remittances but do not have current migrants. We find a positive impact of remittances on intentions. The impact of remittances on intentions is stronger in a country with a longer history of migration and stronger in households with current migrants than those without migrants. These results provide new evidence on the role of remittances in the development of migration chains.  相似文献   

This work analyzes the impact of remittances on nutritional status of children aged <5 years old in Ecuador in 2006. Using a set of anthropometric indicators constructed according to the new World Health Organization standards, the last household survey available for this country, and an instrumental variables strategy controlling for endogeneity of remittances, this study finds a positive and significant effect of remittance income on short-term and middle-term child nutritional status; nevertheless, no significant impact on long-run anthropometric indicators.  相似文献   

The paper examines the role of the banking network of foreign banks, namely Greek and Italian banks, on the transfer of remittances of Albanian immigrants. Remittances through the official network that is formed mainly by the banking network, grew much higher in comparison to non-official network during the period 1994–2006. The paper finds that the growth of the amount of remittances conveyed through the official network as part of the total amount of remittances is related to the evolution of branches of Greek and Italian banks in Albania.
Nikolaos SariannidisEmail:

Using the Cambodia Socioeconomic Survey 2004 and employing micro-static simulation techniques, we measure the potential impacts of cash transfer programs for children to identify targeted groups that will have the most effect on poverty and school attendance. We conclude that the largest impacts occur by targeting poor children. If this proves to be too administratively costly, then targeting children in rural areas or targeting all children living in the ten poorest provinces will also yield significant poverty reduction. With regard to improving school attendance, the same targeted groups generally provide the biggest impacts as well, although the impacts on school attendance tend to be smaller than on poverty reduction.  相似文献   

This paper examines how trust and trustworthiness respond to lowering the principal’s risk in cultural settings focused on risk mitigation vs. risk prevention. We employ a binary-choice trust game and show that principals are confronted with a complex optimization problem: risk mitigation lowers the principal’s cost of betrayal but if agents are inequality averse or reciprocally minded, it can also increase its likelihood. This may be exacerbated in cultures not used to fostering trust by risk mitigation. Our experiments suggest that lowering risk only increases trust in the United States but not in Jordan. In both countries, trustworthiness decreases as the principal’s vulnerability decreases. We extend our findings to naturally occurring vulnerabilities in addition to the financial ones created in the laboratory.  相似文献   

对新生代农民工生活压力的研究发现,消极事件、子女教育、经济困难、人际疏离是该群体主要的生活压力来源,其中,经济困难与人际疏离两个维度的压力相对突出。并且,生活压力存在显著的群体差异:男性的子女教育压力小于女性;已婚群体的子女教育压力较大,经济困难压力较小;年龄越大的群体受人际疏离压力的影响越大;受教育程度越高的群体受消极事件与经济困难压力影响越小;个人租房的群体在经济困难方面面临较大的压力;工作职位越高的群体经济困难压力越小,但受人际疏离压力的影响越大。上述研究结果表明,关注多维的生活压力,为新生代农民工提供切合需求的社会服务,有利于破解新生代农民工生活压力难题。  相似文献   

This article uses new data to analyze whether the 1990s brought a change in terms of migrants' access to urban jobs. The November 1997 “Beijing Migrant Census” provides a unique data set that enables a quantitative assessment of non‐locally registered migrants' access to the formal sector, and more specifically to “white‐collar” occupations. The results show that a university degree and a nonagricultural registration status are both means of increasing access to employment in the formal sector. The “formal” sector is defined as employment with five types of large, relatively stable employers — government organizations, state‐owned enterprises, joint ventures, shareholding enterprises, and enterprises owned/invested in by foreign, Hong Kong, or Taiwanese capital (San Zi). White collar jobs, in particular, are only available to migrants with a university degree, with hukou status having a limited relative effect. This article shows that qualified migrants are penetrating the formal job market while the majority of migrants are still taking low level jobs in the informal sector. This dichotomy represents a recent change that could reflect a new stream of migrants and/or more open urban employment. At the same time, the continuing segregation or marginalization of most migrants is clearly evident from the data.  相似文献   

It is well documented that newly arrived immigrants face a significant earnings gap relative to native‐born workers. One way for new immigrants to improve their relative labour market position upon arrival in a host country is to improve their educational credentials. According to signalling theory, a host‐country credential should provide employers with a proxy for true productivity on the job, leading to higher earnings. Using data from a Canadian longitudinal survey, we employ longitudinal growth‐curve techniques to estimate the effect of receiving a Canadian educational credential on the income growth of racial‐minority recent immigrants compared to native‐born Canadians. The results indicate that the earnings gap between recent immigrants and native‐born Canadians is significantly reduced with the attainment of a Canadian educational credential.  相似文献   

The debate on health inequalities usually focuses on the interplay between socioeconomic status (SES) and health, where it is widely accepted that the former influences the latter. However, little is known on whether the influence of SES on health is sufficient to explain the observed lower health statuses among various migrant groups in European countries. This paper presents a model that integrates the influences of SES and migrant status on health and tests its implications empirically for Austria. Several ordered logit regressions are performed, whose results show that particular migrant groups are disadvantaged with respect to health. In addition, the overall influence of migrant status on health is considerably stronger for women than for men, while health status of men is influenced by interactions between migrant status and occupational status.  相似文献   

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