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《决策》:2015年是全面完成"十二五"规划的收官之年,也是"十三五"的奠基之年,铜陵市将如何适应新常态,展示新作为?宋国权:"新常态"意味着发展速度、发展方式、经济结构和发展动力都发生了全新的变化,要求我们站上新高度,获得新动力,拓展新空间,形成新格局。对铜陵而言,认识新常态,适应新常态,引领新常态,就是要立足于我国经济发展的趋势性变化和阶段性特征,尊重经济发展规律和逻辑,准确把握市情特点和发展条件,重新构建铜陵新的生产力发展结构和内质,走出一条转型发展、创新发展、绿色发展、可持续发展的新路子。  相似文献   

正■今年中央经济工作会议像是系统论述当代中国经济学的专题讲座,全面阐述了中国经济在新常态下的趋势、特征和规律变化,如同转动的"经济魔方",对需求、供给、风险、调控等进行综合论证。但从各地落实会议的情况看,谈认识、谈适应的多,谈引领的少。"掉链子"的问题有可能延宕和消减新常态下中国经济转型发展的大逻辑。在新常态语境下,学习贯彻落实中央工作会议精神,做好2015年经济工作,要深刻认识新常态,主动适应新常态,但更重要的是如何引领新常态。谨防陷入思  相似文献   

<正>当前,全国上下都在热议经济工作新常态,对此笔者认为,适应经济新常态不仅要在思想上端正认识,而且要在思维方式上全面革新,更要在具体办法上与时俱进。只有这样,才能言行一致围绕新常态,一切为了新常态,坚持实践新常态,真正把握新常态的精髓。依笔者之拙见,适应新常态,当务之急是要做到"三不"。  相似文献   

<正>随着经济步入新常态,中国的政治生态也在不断发展变化,"诚欲正朝廷以正百官,当以激浊扬清为第一要义",特别是"四个全面"的首次提出,使政治新常态呼之欲出。建设好政治新常态,当前领导干部要把握好五个维度、倡导四个思维模式、做好三个方面的工作。一、政治新常态的维度把握政治新常态是一个国家政治生活现状以及政治发  相似文献   

<正>新常态下,组织部门务必遵照从严从实的新要求,努力构建"开放包容,主动进取,服务大局"的组织工作新格局。具体来讲,要做到"三要三不要"。要做文章,但不要做"表面文章"。组工干部必须破除"捂着乌纱帽做官"的思想,彻底打消患得患失的权衡  相似文献   

正■2014年,新常态尚在碰撞磨合之中;2015年,新常态将进入更高层次的发展阶段,其内涵将更加丰富。判断2015年的形势需要跳出原有的思路和框架,要适应新常态,彰显新趋势、新高度、新作为。2015年,经济发展的主题词是"改革"、"结构调整",而不是"危机救助",必须在推进新改革、开拓新空间、培育新增站点、管控新风险中寻找新的发展动力。2015年是"十二五"规划收官之年,是全面深化改革的关键之年,也是依法  相似文献   

正在我国经济进入新常态的背景下,党员干部也要尽快适应在严格约束下为官用权、回归本来的作风"新常态"。而对于政治生态存在各种问题、党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争形势严峻的很多省份来说,当务之急,就是要主动担当起吏治改革的试验田,并率先制定出台贯彻"三严三实"要求、营造弊绝风清政治新生态的意见、决定或行动计划,由表及里,举一反三,真正把党建工作责任落到实处。  相似文献   

正一个新的名词正为大家所熟悉——"新常态"。新华社从9月17起,连续三天对"新常态·新亮点"进行系列报道。透过这组报道可以看到,随着中国经济步入新常态,变化的不只是政策导向、经济结构和产业布局,还有每一个官员的心态和普通百姓的日常生活。GDP增速下降,就业人数增加  相似文献   

新常态"是我国当前经济特点的新概括,在"新常态"背景下,物流业应采取怎样的措施进行变革,才能适应"新常态",获得可持续发展?本文将现阶段的成果做了分析,并就物流业在"新常态"下的若干表现作出了归纳与探讨。  相似文献   

习近平总书记指出,认识新常态、适应新常态、引领新常态,是当前和今后一个时期我国经济发展的大逻辑。河南省委书记郭庚茂指出,面对经济发展新常态,观念上要适应,认识上要到位,方法上要对路,工作上要得力,否则很难与时俱进抓好工作。  相似文献   

Abstract. Moving off from the lessons of the Italian incomes policy experience of the 1980s, this paper presents a new framework to interpret the performance of incomes policy (LP) agreements and institutions, and propose new strategies for the 1990s. IP is viewed as a cooperative outcome that evolves from a non-cooperative long-term game between several players (workers, unions, firms, government, parliament, etc.), along the lines of the model drawn up by Brunetta and Carraro (1988). The paper is divided into three sections. The first summarizes the history of IP in Italy, starting from the phase of the predetermination of disinflation (1983-84). We firstly outline some of the fundamental features of recent Italian development (the “Italian model”), noting how new IP measures could be taken to create an adequate response to the new European and international deadlines. The difficulties and uncertainties that presently exist at both national and international level make the introduction of IP in new, cooperative and evolutive terms, necessary. The second section examines the various topics and new objectives of a “strategic” IP resumption, particularly relevant to the concerted action on the cost of labour, presently being discussed. The topics we consider are: the link between wage reform and IP; the recent concerted agreements reached on fiscal drag (26.1.89) and on the cost of labour (25.1 and 6.7.90); the importance of the role of productivity gain-sharing; programmed inflation and price control; indexation of gross wages and safeguarding the net wage; increase of the tax base; profit-sharing. The third and final section presents a few observations which further investigate the distribution of productivity gains between sectors and uses: how it is articulated amongst the various bargaining levels (central, sectoral or enterprise). Redistribution amongst sectors is dealt with in terms of “protected” and “unprotected” areas of the economy, showing the need of a concerted regulation at the central level. Sharing between factors and allocations presents a very different case, and is dealt with at sectoral and firm level.  相似文献   

研发阶段新产品信息发布:时间与频率策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新产品开发过程中,何时、以什么频率向外发布所开发的新产品的信息,是企业经营者需要决策的重要问题.现有的文献对新产品信息发布频率尚无直接研究,对首次发布信息时间的研究也还非常有限.本文基于信号理论和有效市场理论,以2000-2010年间我国上市公司发布的602个新产品项目为样本,采用事件研究法和回归分析,研究了研发阶段企业新产品信息发布的时间与频率策略及其市场效果.结果表明,新产品首次发布信息的时间、发布信息的频率对新产品的市场价值都存在倒U形的影响;开发过程中企业与外部商业伙伴的合作对上述两种影响产生负向的调节作用;新产品的创新性正向调节首次发布信息的时间对新产品市场价值的影响.本文的研究结果对于企业新产品开发阶段信息传播策略具有现实的指导意义.  相似文献   

The problem of interest is covering a given point set with homothetic copies of several convex containers C 1,…,C k , while the objective is to minimize the maximum over the dilatation factors. Such k-containment problems arise in various applications, e.g. in facility location, shape fitting, data classification or clustering. So far most attention has been paid to the special case of the Euclidean k-center problem, where all containers C i are Euclidean unit balls. Recent developments based on so-called core-sets enable not only better theoretical bounds in the running time of approximation algorithms but also improvements in practically solvable input sizes. Here, we present some new geometric inequalities and a Mixed-Integer-Convex-Programming formulation. Both are used in a very effective branch-and-bound routine which not only improves on best known running times in the Euclidean case but also handles general and even different containers among the C i .  相似文献   

从总体上看,与发达地区相比,目前欠发达地区推进新农村建设还存在很大的差距,特别是在思想认识上,不少干部群众对新农村建设的重要性、紧迫性还缺乏足够的认识。一些同志认为,新农村是工业化、城市化高度发展的产物,必须以强大的财力作支撑,而欠发达地区工业化、城市化水平不高,财政实力薄弱,推进新农村建设还为时过早;一些同志认为,欠发达地区重点要加快工业化、城市化进程,强调新农村建设会淡化工业化、城市化,把推进工业化、城市化与建设新农村割裂开来、对立起来;还有些人认为,推进新农村建设需要大量投入,欠发达地区底子薄难以有所作为…  相似文献   

This is a study of risk perception in relation to New Age (NA) beliefs, including traditional folk superstition and belief in paranormal phenomena, as well as use of alternative healing practices. Data were also obtained on trust dimensions and on personality and psychopathology variables, as well as religious involvement. It was found that four factors accounted for the investigated NA beliefs, which were termed higher consciousness beliefs, denial of analytic knowledge, traditional superstition, and belief in the physical reality of the soul. NA beliefs were strongly and positively related to religious involvement, and negatively to educational level. These beliefs were also positively related to maladjustment and to concerns over tampering with nature. In regression analyses, it was found that NA beliefs explained about 15% of the variance of perceived risk, and that the most powerful explanatory factors were higher consciousness beliefs and beliefs in paranormal phenomena. Traditional superstition and use of healing practices did not contribute to explaining perceived risk.  相似文献   

新资本逻辑与企业制度——新资本的概念与逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识经济时代的到来,使得传统资本的内涵得以扩展,劳动成为了一种新的资本。劳动资本化的命题,在不同的社会制度下都产生了一种新的劳动关系作为有产者的劳动者们之间联合劳动的关系。因此,在联合劳动和对生产资料共同占有的基础之上,重新建立劳动者个人所有的制度成为可能。由此,现代企业制度的基本内涵也将被改写,企业管理的相应观念与方法也将发生一场革命。  相似文献   

A new ensemble of organization development (OD) practices have emerged that are based more on constructionist, post modern and new sciences premises than the assumptions of the early founders. These include practices associated with appreciative inquiry, large group interventions, changing mindsets and consciousness, addressing diversity and multicultural realities, and advancing new and different models of change. We propose that the emerging field of organizational discourse offers sympathetic concepts and research that could add additional insights and theoretical rigour to the New OD. In particular, studies of organizational discourse based upon social constructionist and critical perspectives offer compelling ideas and practices associated with the establishment of change concepts, the role of power and context in relation to organizational change, and specific discursive interventions designed to foster organizational change.  相似文献   

良好的公司治理是资本市场健康发展的基石。通过概括全球公司治理的发展趋势,以及对我国和全球公司治理发展趋势的对比,认为提升我国公司治理水平需要进一步完善董事会质量和组成,大力发展机构投资者,引导中小股东向积极股东转变,此外,还需关注与企业长期价值和可持续性相关的ESG等非财务信息。  相似文献   

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