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A basis is proposed for a theory of competition which will cover all its forms and all areas of social relationship where it occurs. Forms may be classified as either autonomic , in which entities are ordered or winners determined by the process itself; or decisive , in which results are determined by a decision-maker. The first category includes two subclasses: crescive , in which relative rates of growth determine winners, and Richardson competition, in which competitors seek to outachieve one another.—Editor  相似文献   

In this paper, I first survey the ways in which bisexuality was understood by late 19th-century sexologists, by Freud and his followers, by Alfred Kinsey, and by contemporary social scientists and political activists. Then the three domains distinguished by Freud in which bisexuality is currently being examined are surveyed: biological bisexuality, psychological bisexuality (in terms of gender), and kinds of object choice. Particular areas of research that indicate how questions about bisexuality are currently being considered are mapped, for example, transsexualism. The final part of the paper is an inquiry into the ways in which objects are bisexual, a domain that has been neglected in the complex history of work on bisexuality.  相似文献   

Uncertainty is an intriguing aspect of social life. Uncertainty is epistemic, future-oriented, and implies that we can neither predict nor foresee what will happen when acting. In cases in which no institutionalized certainty about future states exists, or can be generated, judgment is needed. This article presents the forms by which uncertainty is reduced as a result of judgments made about different alternatives in a process involving several actors. This type of uncertainty may exist, for example, about which artist is the best, which offer in the market is more valuable, which football team is better than all the rest, or which research proposal will get a grant. The result of different forms of uncertainty reduction is increased certainty concerning alternatives in relation to one another, such as good and bad, rank lists, scores, quality assessment, and “winner and losers.” Based on the result, uncertainty is reduced and action is facilitated. The forms are structural and comprise roles; may be legitimate in a smaller or larger domain; and may exist in all spheres of life, as exemplified in sports competitions, in labor markets, and in the ranking of universities. Three forms of uncertainty reduction based on judgment are identified in this article: (1) decision, made by an authority; (2) valuation, by means of which order arises as a result of actors ascribing values; and (3) contest, by which an order is the result of direct struggle.  相似文献   

Most social science explanations emphasize idiosyncratic or psychopathological motivation for gambling behavior. These explanations understate the fundamental significance of conventional social structural and cultural factors in determining the meaning and outcome of human social behavior such as gambling. They also neglect the gradual process by which the individual is socialized into the gambling subculture with its roles, norms, and values and the process by which subculture is internalized eventually as cognitive rules which distinguish the gambler from the nongambler. The synoptic model presented in this paper proposes a process by which gamblers continuously compare their gambling behavior with the cognitive rules with which they define gambling. The degree of consonance gamblers perceive between their own gambling behavior and their cognitive image of the standard gambler determines the gambler's behavior in subsequent gambling events.  相似文献   

Since 2006, Britain has been fighting an intense military campaign in Helmand in which over 200 soldiers have been killed. The article examines the way in which twentieth‐century commemorative rituals, which mourned the sacrifice of anonymous individual soldiers for the nation, have been superseded by new lapidary conventions which fundamentally revise the status of the soldier in public imagination. In acts of remembrance today, soldiers are personalized and domesticated, remembered as fathers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters. The article concludes by considering the political implications of this revision of public understanding.  相似文献   

Recent debates and controversies have highlighted several issues surrounding sociological research, which relate to the general conditions under which it is undertaken and how this is changing. There is a pressing need to respond to these issues as a whole, in particular by examining what they tell us about research practices. This article argues that a consideration of themes raised by the American television drama The Wire is useful for facilitating such a response, since it may be read as a discussion of working conditions within neoliberal societies. The following themes are pertinent here: the need to reflect upon the terms by which research is framed by funders, to take adequate time to conduct and complete research, and to encourage critical debate within research. Whilst these relate to influential epistemological discussions by Pierre Bourdieu and Michael Burawoy, this reading of The Wire is particularly helpful for highlighting the practical and inter‐relational situations in which sociological research is carried out but which tend not to receive the systematic attention they deserve.  相似文献   

《Social Networks》1996,18(3):189-199
Lattice theory and Galois lattices can help in formalizing the sharing of properties by subjects, together with the corresponding group intersections, by means of a well-known—since the early 1970s — duality which formalizes intensional/extensional approaches, as well as implication models, by means of another natural lattice/implications duality.As Galois lattices may grow exponentially, this construction calls for some approximation procedures, for which we suggest making homomorphic reductions by constructing (sub-)semilattices, which can be defined by revising the original lattice by an extra list of ‘quasi-implications’ that are contradicted by only a few counter-examples in the original data. These claims and procedures are illustrated on a classic example of network theory with some appropriate outputs from our graphic program GLAD.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the differences in products offered by nonprofit and for-profit firms in a monopolistically competitive industry where goods are differentiated both by product attributes and by the degree to which benefits are public. Because nonprofit firms receive donations, they provide a Pareto improvement of the equilibrium product set: nonprofit firms will be less biased against goods with a high social good component than will their for-profit counterparts, hi addition, the optimal donations function which equates the nonprofit equilibrium product set to the set which maximizes societal welfare is derived.  相似文献   

This article evaluates representations of Central Asian ethnicities in British literature between 1830 and 1914. It commences by evaluating the ways in which representations of Central Asia were influenced by the Mongol campaigns in Europe of the thirteenth century and proceeds to examine the ways in which these changed during the debate over the 'Central Asian Question' in the second half of the nineteenth century. It argues that the way in which different ethnicities were depicted was contingent upon a number of factors. The first was the extent to which they were deemed to conform to 'Tartar features' (the greater the perceived resemblance, the more unfavourable the assessment). The second was geopolitical factors (the extent to which they were perceived as allies or enemies in the Anglo-Russian rivalry in Central Asia between 1830 and 1914). The third was social Darwinism, most notably the notion of 'degeneracy' articulated by proponents of eugenics.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the experience and ideology of emotions among animal rights activists, and more broadly, the applicability of the sociology of emotions to the field of social movements. I examine the case of a social movement which relies heavily on empathy in its initial recruitment, and which has been derisively labeled by outsiders as ‘emotional’. I explain recruitment to animal rights activism by showing how activists develop a ‘vocabulary of emotions’ to rationalize their participation to others and themselves, along with managing the emotional tone of the movement by limiting the kinds of people who can take part in debates about animal cruelty. The interactive nature in which emotions develop in social movements is stressed over previous approaches to emotions in the social movement literature, which treat emotions as impulsive or irrational.  相似文献   


This paper takes as point of departure current attempts at understanding what the notion of an embodied subjectivity might mean for life writing. It begins by providing a psychoanalytic perspective on how subjectivity is related to the body, describing the processes by which subjectivity emerges out of bodily drives and showing how the emergence of the subject is coterminous with the emergence of language. Having identified the processes by which subjectivity, language and body are related, the paper examines the writing of the body in the poetry of Arthur Nortje, drawing attention to the stylistic means by which bodily drives are configured. It concludes by suggesting that because the body is present in writing not as substance but as a system of articulation, the only way in which the biographer is able to convey the embodied life of the subject is through what Nietzsche calls the ‘felt text’.  相似文献   

As a feature of social change and as an aspect of social stratification, ageing and age groups have been seriously neglected by sociological theory. This article attempts to conceptualize age groups in a multi-dimensional model of stratification which considers ageing in relation to economic class, political entitlement, or citizenship, and cultural life-styles. This multi-dimensional model provides an analytical basis for rejecting functionalist theories of ageing, which emphasize the positive functions of social disengagement, activity theories, which show that self-esteem in ageing is an effect of continuing social involvement, and Marxist social gerontology, which argues that retirement is determined by labour-market requirements in capitalism. The article concludes by developing a reciprocity-maturation curve of ageing which explains age stigmatization through exchange theory as an effect of declining social reciprocity. Both young and elderly social groups in a period of economic recession are perceived to be socially dependent, and become the targets of 'the politics of resentment'. The processes of social ageing can be located in the core of sociological theory, because they are connected fundamentally to the conditions of social solidarity.  相似文献   

Although social constructionists have taken the process by which people learn to present social problems for granted, these skills are acquired in the course of socialization. Through high school debate, adolescents acquire techniques for making arguments, using evidence, and presenting claims to multiple audiences. In the process, they learn that taking a public position does not necessarily require a deeply held commitment. This model resonates with the institutional structure of politics and law in the United States in which adversaries battle each other in a rule-governed "game,'a contest ultimately evaluated by judges assumed to be impartial. To understand the process by which adolescents gain the skills to construct social problems, I conducted an ethnographic study of debate teams at two high schools. The ability to take both sides of an argument, express ideas with which one does not personally agree, and present powerful, if questionable, evidence, constrained by time, teaches teenagers how to engage in social problem discourse and provides a training ground for moral entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

Arguing that institutional rationality constitutes a meta‐institution upon which the specific institutions of the capitalist social order depend, this paper explores the possibility that it might be interrogated through the imaginary worlds created by readers in their responses to literary fiction. It does so by constructing a fictive encounter between the response aesthetics of Wolfgang Iser and two novels by Ian McEwan, Saturday and Enduring love, both of which feature institutional rationality as a core element of the ‘reality’ from which they are constructed.

The conclusions are somewhat negative. The problems posed to McEwan’s personifications of institutional rationality, despite the author’s reputation for arbitrary and sometimes macabre plotlines, are nowhere such as to call into question their understandings of the events which befall them. Nor, reading the novels as explorations of that very one‐dimensionality, are readers likely to be induced into a questioning of their own understandings of the world. This is because the novels in question, like most modern literary fiction, have been produced within a tradition which reaches back to the romantic/humanist reaction to institutional rationality, and this makes it possible for readers to distance themselves from characters in which it is exemplified. Far from producing a critical Imaginary, readers who respond in this manner are likely to externalize any interrogations of institutional rationality suggested by its fictional recontextualization and produce, instead, one in which the superiority of their own understandings of the world is confirmed. Whilst this may be opposed to institutional rationality in the routinised sense of an antagonistic accommodation, nothing new is added by the reading of the novels.

Whilst some of the problem may lie in the characterization of the principle protagonists in the selected novels – which is both flat and static – it is suggested that there is also a problem with the initial expectation of a critical imaginary created by Iser’s theory. The fact is that its creation depends on an assumed response on the part of the reader that has no evidential basis. This empirical deficit cannot be made good either by Iser’s earlier construct of an ‘implied reader’, nor by his later posit of self‐aware role‐taking as a fundamental anthropological need. Whilst one cannot rule out the possibility that some readers might respond as Iser supposes – even to the novels discussed in this paper – there is no particular reason to rule it in either.  相似文献   


In his oeuvre the nineteenth-century American author Herman Melville engages critically with the role of narrative taxonomies in imperial praxis, particularly as they relate to his own country's emergence as imperial nation. The relativising influence of Melville's years at sea is an important factor in shaping the ontologically indeterminate and anti-teleological character of his narratives, which both critically and parodically recall the ways in which narrative representations serve imperial ends by bridging or overwriting epistemological lacunae. Melville's lectures ‘On Traveling’ and ‘The South Seas’ provide a useful introduction to his countervailing perspective: the former, by delineating a mode of travelling that remains open to that which is other; the latter by considering critically the introduction of the Pacific into Western historiography by means of several acts of misnaming and symbolic appropriation. Melville highlights the self-deconstructive nature of such acts, yet also shows a keen understanding of how nominal appropriation and exotic refiguration foreground and enable colonisation. This recognition informs Melville's first prose fiction, Typee, in which he launches a two-pronged critique of imperialism: by his first person narrator's polemic against missionary and naval activity in the Marquesas, but also, more tellingly, by exposing this narrator's own acts of misrepresentation, which suggest a deeper complicity in the discourse of empire.  相似文献   

《Journal of Child Custody》2013,10(1-2):31-48

The author reviews research on confirmatory bias, discusses its role in evaluations of comparative custodial fitness, and creates a distinction between confirmatory bias and confirmatory distortion, in which there is an indisputably conscious endeavor to find and report information that is supportive of one's favored hypothesis. Information is provided concerning the dynamics of confirmatory bias and distortion, the ways in which these phenomena manifest themselves, and the ways in which they can be addressed by reviewers and by cross-examining attorneys.  相似文献   

时间有客观、主观双重含义。人们既生活在根据自然现象划分的客观时间中,也生活在受自己生活经验和思想感情影响的主观时间中。本文探讨的就是阿拉伯人的客观时间和主观时间。  相似文献   

While the concem with ‘identity politics’ has grown in recent years, there are few studies of the ways in which people order and negotiate their national identities. The study reported here focuses on the identities used by members of the arts and landed elites in Scotland in the assertion of perceived cultural differences between Scots and non-Scots. These two groups have good reason to be sensitive to the problematic and negotiated nature of national identity in a changing cultural and political context in Scotland. The raw materials of national identity, in particular, birth, residence and ancestry, are used by individuals in these groups to make claims which are sustained by and through social interaction in the course of which various ‘identity claims’ are made and received in various ways.  相似文献   

 This paper establishes a clear connection between equilibrium theory, game theory and social choice theory by showing that, for a well defined social choice problem, a condition which is necessary and sufficient to solve this problem – limited arbitrage – is the same as the condition which is necessary and sufficient to establish the existence of an equilibrium and the core. The connection is strengthened by establishing that a market allocation, which is in the core, can always be realized as a social allocation, i.e. an allocation which is optimal according to an ordering chosen by a social choice rule. Limited arbitrage characterizes those economies without Condorcet triples, and those for which Arrow’s paradox can be resolved on choices of large utility values. Received: 30 December 1994/Accepted: 12 August 1996  相似文献   

A source of social movement transformation which has been relatively neglected by researchers involves the effect of factors in the pre-movement environment which reemerge sporadically throughout the careers of social movements. Their reemergence may account for the direction of the transformation process and, specifically, for the differential transformations which characterize some movements at various points in their careers. A case study illustrating this effect is presented, followed by a more general consideration of when this phenomenon may be expected to occur and what movement-related factors facilitate its effects.  相似文献   

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