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“To be or not to be.”Of all famous words in the literature of theworld the six words spoken by Hamlet when he is thinking aloud are perhapsthe most famous.They are the best known words in the golden treasury ofliterature,for they have sunk into the heart and gripped the imagination of  相似文献   

1 Introduction Shallow tundra lakes are one of the dominating landscape features in the Alaskan Arctic. They typically cover 20% of the total area of the North Slope of Alaska, and up to about 40% in the coastal plain [1,2]. Many lakes are, in their entirety or in part, shallower than the maximum annual ice thickness, consequently, some ice freezes completely to the lake bottom, nevertheless, large areas of water are deeper than the maximum ice thickness and the ice remains afloat througho…  相似文献   

一一一一一一一一一,二~~ L00k!Wll之It’S A:What are 这些是什么? B:They are 这些是梨。A:Where’5 the tree? 树在哪? B:It’5 over there. 树在那边。A What are 那些是什么? They are 那些是苹果。those? B aPP 1 e 5. A:I’m very haPPy today. 我今天很开心。  相似文献   

The large number of expressions like "break out, come across", etc. forms an important characteristic in the modern English vocabulary. Such combinations of a common verb plus one or more than one particle are called "phrasal verbs". They are used casually and colloquially in everyday speech. Because of their simplicity and effectiveness, phrasal verbs are more and more used in modern English,especially in the last thirty years. So,a mastery of phrasal verbs will help  相似文献   

We had guests last night who have not stayed in a B&B hotel ago. They did not want breakfast because that they were going out early in the morning. They came back lately and had some tea. I came into the riving room and saw one of them just go through the kitchen door but turn on the light. He was looking for a glass the cupboard. He had no ideas that the kitchen was not for guests. I just smiled to me and thought, “What can I do? We are guests after all.”  相似文献   

"Literature, clearly, does not exist in a vacuum."①Literary works are a mirror of reality. They come from reality and reflect changing ways and times. Although American Literature in many ways reflects the changing ways of life, some  相似文献   

李雷和他的妈妈在大街上走。他们看见一只大狗和一只小狗。“李雷,你知道它们是谁的狗吗?”妈妈问道。“对不起,我不知道。”“这只大狗是小狗的妈妈。”妈妈说道。“哦,我知道了。这只小狗是大狗的儿子。”李雷回答道。Li Lei and his mum walk in a street.They see abig dog and a small dog there.“Li Lei,do you know whose dogs they are?”hismum asks.“Sorry,I don't know.”“The big dog is the small dog’s mum.”says themother.“Oh,I know.The small dog is the big dog’sson.”answers Li Lei.阅读自评根据上文,回…  相似文献   

The classic《Geometry and the Imagination》by D.Hilbert and S.Cohn-Vossen mentioned 4—dimensional space 120—cell and 600—cell.They are themost complicated two of the regular polytopes in 4—dimensional space.andthey are a pair of conjugate regular polytopes.Their vertex number,edgenumber,face number and 3—dimensional cell number are respectively 600,1200,720,120 and 120,720,1200,600.Owing to people's limited imagina- tion,it is difficult for people to make the 4—dimensional models.So,up tonow.people fail to watch their complete images.  相似文献   

A bird and a duck are playing together. They are going to see their friend, Mr Fox. On the way there, they meet a river. The bird says," We must fly across the river." The duck says,"No! We must swim across the river."T he bird says,"W e m ust fly across the river."T he duck says,"N o!W e m ust sw im across theriver."T hey can't agree w ith each other.A n old goatcom es up and says to them,"Y ou're both right.B irds are good at flying.D ucks are good at sw im m ing.D on't be too pr…  相似文献   

"Okay,guys,today we are going to let you plan a trip in US.If you were the richest people in the world,where are you going to go?"(同学们,今天我们的作业是制订一个在美国国内的旅行计划。如果你  相似文献   

There is no doubt that social media are of strategic importance to public relations. They are the most important platform that enabled the Shanghai World Expo to make a far-reaching impact and achieved  相似文献   

In China the acquisition of collocations is considered as one of the most difficult points for the Chinese students in their foreign language learning. So far there are few empirical studies involving the Chinese students‘acquisition of collocational knowledge. The author of the present thesis attempts to examine the acquisition of collocational knowledge in the Chinese students from the productive aspect by investigating the acquisition of collocations in the students at three proficiency levels : elementary, intermediate and advanced. The present study aims at finding out whether there are any proficiency-related differences in the acquisition of collocations, and which collocation types are acquired in the early stage of foreign language learning and which are acquired in the later stage. Altogether 110 students have participated in this study. The results have shown that there are indeed proficiency - related differences in the acquisition of collocations and that there are specific types of collocation that are acquired in the early stages of language learning, and some types are acquired in the later stages of language learning.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.THE DIAGRAM: ITS DEFINITION AND PURPOSE In the traditional grammar in the schools, though the structure of any sentence may be make clear by the direct analysis of the function of each of its words, phrases, and clauses, such an analysis may be make more vivid by the use of a diagram. A diagram is a visual device showing the grammatical relationships of words in a sentence. None of the forms of the structure of sentences is difficult, once you are able to identify the various parts of speech, phrases, and clauses; and practice in diagraming  相似文献   

Cooprate Identity System (CIS), genrally speaking, is design or moulding for enterprises'image. As a whole, CIS is a kind of enterprise' culture's construction, a kind of distinguishedstrategy used by enterprises in order to exist and develop. After introducing and analyzing CIS' orig-ination and development, this paper analyze and summarize the key reasons for which CIS can be-come fashion in China: Firstly, CIS can be more suitable to and promote the development of modernsocial productivity. Secondly, the intredction of CIS can mnake enterprises gain abundant return.Thirdly, CIS is growing up every day in itself. Then, it analyses that some conditions must be creat-ed when enterprises introduce CIS in China. They are: (1) knowledge preparation; (2) conceptpreparation; (3)The preparation of managerial level; (4)The preparation of clerks' quality; (5)Expense preparation; (6)Social preparation. Finally, it sums up five misunderstanding regions of introducing CIS in China.  相似文献   

Where is the other cake?There were two cakes in the cupboard,but nowthe mother could only find one.Mother:Where is the other cake,do you know?Son:I could only find one because it was verydark in it.在橱柜里有两块蛋糕,而现在妈妈只找到一个。妈妈:你知道另一块蛋糕在哪儿吗?儿子:因为太黑了,我只找到一块。  相似文献   

Father Goat and Mother Goatgo to the river They want to find somenice grass for their children. Little Goatand Baby Goat are at home.  相似文献   

入口在哪儿?那儿,我们进去吧。A Where is the entrance?B There,let's go in.我可以用你的卫生间吗?当然。A Can Iuse your bathroom,please?B Of course.A Where is the toilet?厕所在哪儿?BIt's in the cornerdow n here.在那边拐角处。AH ow do youlike the haircut?你觉得这个发理得怎么样?BIt's nice.Thank you.不错,谢谢。AW ho is it?谁呀?BIt's m e.是我。英语读吧…  相似文献   

As the oldest and most frequently used conventional expressions,Chinese proverbs usually represent the way of thinking of the Chinese people.Metaphors,one typical type of Chinese proverbs,try to establish a relation of equality between two relatively dissimilar entities, such as time and money.The ability to understand and to use figurative language is related to one's social competence and professional achievement.In order to reveal the mechanism of proverb processing,the current study takes a close look at the nature of semantic properties and their inter-relationships in Chinese proverbs.522 Chinese sentential proverbs(the two clauses of the proverb are of the same syntax,e.g.,“人活脸,树活皮”)were presented to 360 university students.They were asked to rate the familiarity(1 for least familiar, 7 for most familiar), predictability(1 for least predictable, 7 for most predictable),agreement(1 for least matched between the two clauses,7 for most matched between the two clauses),degree of being understandable(1 for least understandable,7 for most understandable),and imaginability(1 for least imaginable,7 for most imaginable)based on a 7-point Likert Scale,as well as age of acquisition(AOA).Correlation and regression analysis were conducted based on these ratings. The results show a significant positive correlation between familiarity and each of the rest semantic properties,which are consistent with the findings of the previous work.A significant negative correlation between age of acquisition and each of the rest semantic properties is also observed in the current study.However,no significant correlation is found between familiarity and degree of being understandable,which might be due to the low rating of familiarity and the wide dispersity.In order to further reveal the inter-relationships of semantic properties, hierarchical regression analyses are carried out and show that familiarity,imaginabiltity,agreement,and age of acquisition significantly predict the degree of being understandable,while familiarity and age of acquisition significantly predict the predictability of proverbs. Our results demonstrate that familiarity and age of acquisition are two important factors which influence our understanding of Chinese proverbs. In addition, the semantic consistency between two clauses of a Chinese sentential proverb and degree of imagination also play an important role in understanding idiomatic strings.Imaginability is related to the theory of″Dual Coding,″which argues that visual and verbal information are processed differently and along distinct channels in the human mind, creating separate representations for information processed in each channel.The mental codes corresponding to these representations are used to organize incoming information that can be acted upon,stored,and retrieved for subsequent use.Both visual and verbal codes can be used when recalling information.The ability to code a stimulus in two different ways increases the chance of remembering that item compared to if the stimulus is only coded one way.Our results suggest that the processing of a Chinese proverb partially relies on the accessibility to visual code of a proverb which is primarily affected by culture. Therefore, Chinese culture could influence the understanding of Chinese proverbs. Specifically,in the creating process,a number of concrete concepts are used to express the abstract inter-relationships through their similarity,e.g.,the relationship between a person(人)and his/her reputation(脸)is similar to that between a tree(树)and its bark(皮).In other words,the reputation of a person is as important as the bark of a tree.In order to successfully understand the Chinese proverbs,it is important to learn about the deeper meanings of″face″and″reputation″in Chinese culture.That explains why the comprehension of a proverb is significantly associated with one's culture understanding.Based on the current study,more studies should be conducted with a focus on the understanding process of proverbs,which will help reveal the mental mechanism of Chinese and preserving Chinese culture.  相似文献   

Noncontact measurements of the permittivity of a smooth convex target are described in this paper. Two methods are presented. The first one is a modified Erteza and Doran's method. The second one is measuring the reflection coefficient of the target and then evaluating the permittivity. Both methods are implemented in the open with a S-band bistatic radar. The experimental results are in good agreement with those obtained by the perturbation method.  相似文献   

This paper aims to give some suggestions to improve the extensive reading teaching in normal college. The students are the center of the class. The class should emphasize communication. A teacher is a instructor, but also is a controller, a prompter,a participant and a resource.  相似文献   

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