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强化大学生党员的党员意识是提高高校党建工作质量的关键,是保持党的先进性和党员先进性的迫切要求。文章阐述了强化高校大学生党员意识的重要意义,提出当前大学生党员必须增强学习意识、使命意识等六种意识。  相似文献   

There has been much research on gender inequality in higher education and the benefits of mentoring. However, since mentoring has been a predominantly male experience, most research with female students focuses on advising relationships. For women, there is a significant difference between experiences of advising and mentoring with problematic effects for them. Attrition rates are high for both men and women but the causes of female attrition are unique and possibly related to their mentoring experiences. Mentoring remains largely an informal activity in most graduate departments, and due to the patriarchal nature of graduate education, it has been a predominantly male experience ( Lovitts 2001 ). In this paper, I provide an overview of the different types of advising/mentoring relationships for women in doctoral programs and the benefits of these for them. The paper concludes with a discussion of policy implications for graduate departments, suggestions for future research, and a call for developing and implementing feminist models of mentoring for all graduate students.  相似文献   

This article discusses the development of a two hour training for undergraduate volunteers in youth programs in community agencies. The trainers, from a Department of Applied Psychology, conceptualized the task in the context of Miller's idea of ''giving psychology away,'' providing psychological knowledge to non-professionals who can benefit from it. The key concept given away in the training is the ''helping alliance,'' an idea from psychotherapy theory, which is modified for the specific context of volunteer helpers. Implementation of the program, preliminary evaluations, and further projects and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper takes a critical look at simulation exercises. Little evidence exists that these exercises have a positive effect on either attitudes or behaviour but, despite this, they are used extensively in disability awareness training, both for children and adults. It is argued in this paper that by individualising and medicalising disability, and by focusing excessively on problems and difficulties, simulation exercises provide false and misleading information, and inculcate negative, rather than positive, attitudes towards disabled people. It is suggested that simulation exercises fail to simulate impairment correctly, and address neither the coping strategies and skills disabled people develop in living with impairment, nor the cumulative social and psychological effect of encountering social and physical barriers over a lifetime. Rather than using simulation as a means of attempting to understand the experience of disability, the paper concludes by advocating the use of disability equality training, which is devised and run by disabled people themselves.  相似文献   

This study compared the questionnaire responses of 71 faculty and 231 students from 12 university and 10 institute, AAMFT-accredited and non-accredited family therapy training programs. The findings about the preferred type of training program, criteria for program selection, expected student experiences, program policies and interprogram cooperation suggested key differences between universities and institutes as well as important similarities. Non-accredited institutes emerged ashaving significant value differences from other programs in the study. The results also highlighted some of the major issues critical to the continued development of family therapy training.  相似文献   

The paper describes a classroom assignment that was used to raise social work students' awareness of the importance of timely, clear, and thorough documentation. The assignment was devised in view of the great importance of quality documentation in social work, coupled with the reluctance of social workers to invest the necessary time and effort to produce it. The core of the assignment was for the students to examine and report on the documentation in two client files at their fieldwork agency. The findings obtained from the students' reports show that about a fifth of the 190 files that were examined did not contain various pieces of basic information about the clients and intervention outcomes, and that much of the information that was provided was unclear and unorganized. The students' written reflections following the completion of the assignment indicate that the assignment achieved its aim of elevating their awareness of the importance of quality documentation. The paper ends with a discussion of issues to consider in repeating the assignment in the future, based on the reflections of the students and their classroom instructors.  相似文献   

Thirty-two first year graduate social work students were tested at the beginning and end of the academic year to determine the differences between those with undergraduate research courses and those with no past research instruction in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, as well as changes in both groups. Results showed no significant differences in the amount of change between the two groups and past research instruction did not predict competency in research A positive change was noted in attitudes related to research knowledge, skills, and interest in the total group.  相似文献   

以高职生物制药技术专业为例,介绍了以创新能力培养为目标的大学生试验工场训练计划(SPPT)的设计与实施,倡导在高职中开展基于生产的、专业技能与GMP实务相结合、创新能力培养与专业课程教学相结合的训练。  相似文献   

青少年公民意识培养的主题探究模式其目的在于开展青少年公民意识的实践研究,跟踪青少年公民实践活动过程及公民意识变化状况,通过实践引领学生经历“发现问题一选择主题一设计方案一躬身实践一整理成果一交流反思”的探究模式,其成效在于促进青少年公民意识的全面发展,践行了“学生为主体,教师为主导”的教育思想,有利于各种教育合力的形成并促使学生融入社会。  相似文献   


Coming to terms with one's sexual identity always has presented a challenge to gay and lesbian adolescents. Older gays and lesbians have useful knowledge to contribute to the younger generation, whose members usually lack role models of successful gay and lesbian adults. Mentoring programs that involve gay and lesbian youth and adults are an important, but overlooked resource for sexual minority youth.  相似文献   

Given high recidivism rates and the vulnerability of detained youth, the authors posit that juvenile detention centers may be most efficacious by serving as both place and process to create career opportunity through vocational training. The authors review the psychosocial factors contributing to delinquency and the primary theories of rehabilitation that extend to detained youth. They highlight key ingredients to effective vocational programming in juvenile detention, such as integration of traditional career theories with constructs pertinent to this population (emerging adulthood, sociopolitical development, social cognitive career theory). Considerations for successful implementation of vocational programs in juvenile detention are also offered.  相似文献   

豆敏 《职业时空》2012,(6):94+98
高职院校学生干部作为发挥桥梁和纽带作用的群体,在学校的教育、管理工作中起着重要的作用。当前高职院校普遍存在对学生干部重使用,轻培养的现象,导致学生干部队伍或多或少存在不足之处。因此,加强学生干部队伍组织建设,培育一支高素质的队伍是当前高职院校的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

Mixed methods were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the infant adoption awareness trainings. Quantitative data were collected through a pre-test/post-test design (n = 2797) that measured trainees’ level of knowledge gained from the trainings. Qualitative data were collected through a follow-up survey (n = 304) and telephone interviews (n = 82) with trainees to assess whether the learning that occurred at the trainings has been applied to adoption-related practices. Findings suggest that trainees felt more comfortable discussing adoption as an option and were better prepared to use correct adoption terminology. Implications for practice, policy advocacy, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

We discuss faculty-graduate student collaborative teaching as a model to enhance programmatic graduate teacher training efforts. Co-teaching can improve graduate training through intensive support and engagement, while also enhancing the teaching experience of faculty and the learning experience of undergraduates. This form of classroom collaboration between faculty mentors and graduate students provides important hands-on teacher training, emphasizes pedagogical reflexivity, and offers support within a mentorship relationship. Faculty can use co-teaching with graduate students to explore classroom techniques and reassess their teaching. We conclude with strategies for implementing effective collaborative teaching models.  相似文献   


This paper argues that institutional agendas associated with the development of the enterprise model of the university in many western countries are changing the nature of work and in so doing demanding new work practices and identities of academic staff (or faculty). Within this climate academic staff are exhorted to expand and enhance their performance repertoire, leading to the growth in emphasis on the professional development of academic (and other) staff. This paper considers the role of formal mentoring, in particular mentoring of women faculty, in promoting self-review and self-regulation in this increasingly performance driven climate. It argues that mentoring plays an important role in promoting specific dispositions and behaviours suited to the enterprise model.  相似文献   


Government contracting out of responsibilities for the delivery of social services is an increasingly common phenomenon in these times of economic restraint. This paper argues that this practice, with its inherent technical and philosophical problems, negatively affects social service systems and social work practitioners. The resultant changes are described as having serious implications for social work educators, The argument is made that if educators are to remain relevant to the needs of service consumers, social work students, and welfare agencies, they must carefully reconsider aspects of curriculum planning and student placements as well as faculty involvement in research and advocacy.  相似文献   

在示范性院校建设以后,科研是提升高职院校办学水平的重要方面。针对目前高职教师科研工作的困境以及高职学生创新能力培养不足的问题,分析了高职学生参与教师科研工作的可行性,提出了基于教师科研工作的高职学生创新能力培养方式和对高职学生创新能力的评价方法。  相似文献   

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