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This paper traces the development of intercultural education in initial and in‐service teacher education in the United Kingdom. It is argued that intercultural education in the UK has been continually locked into various political agendas and that its place in teacher education has suffered almost terminal damage as a result. It was stifled as part of the UK Conservative government's anti‐liberal ideology and its attempts to restrict analysis of social issues. The effect continues under the new Labour government because of its commitment to the rhetoric of quality and standards in the basic skills. In order to understand the nature of intercultural education in teacher education in the UK, it is necessary to understand something of the background to developments in intercultural education in schools in general, and the history of developments in teacher education. The first part of the paper will examine the development of approaches in schools and the in‐service training of teachers: the second will discuss the parallel developments in initial teacher education.  相似文献   

The paper examines the theoretical position of intercultural educational studies. It begins by stressing the vital importance of intercultural education and the progress that has been made in recent times. It then turns to the terminological shift that occurred two decades ago, from multicultural to intercultural education, which was accepted unquestioningly at the time. Retrospectively, we might ask what was the discursive strategy of this lexical change. Did it not serve to disguise the realities of much cultural interaction: conquest, slave trade, genocide? What are the theoretical (as distinct from the moral) premises of intercultural education? Is the aspiration realistically for an education able to negotiate between cultures rather than to show that there is more than one culture? As the subject appears not to be tightly focused, so the context is also under‐theorized and effectively de‐politicized. The international political, economic and cultural contextualization (globalization) of intercultural education is essential to its understanding. Is there an international view of intercultural education, or is it rather a few paradigmatic examples? The paper shows how the development of a social sciences and comparative perspective might assist the theoretical deficit suggested above.  相似文献   

This study attempted to enhance cultural sensitivity for graduate students at an American and a South African university, using a six‐week online List Serv, email buddy exchange, and two‐week face‐to‐face experience. After the course was over, results of the intercultural developmental inventory, using t‐tests for related samples, showed that there was a significant difference (alpha equals .04) in the universalism and cognitive frame shifting clusters as well as the overall developmental cultural level of sensitivity. Positive trends were noted in the areas of cultural self‐identity enhancement, and a decrease in inflation in the area of perceived intercultural sensitivity was noted.  相似文献   

This study assessed the extent to which a one‐time experiential intervention improved intercultural awareness and sensitivity among first‐year medical students. The students participated in group activities in which they shared personal experiences, solved a hypothetical problem, and engaged in team building exercises. Post‐intervention, students reported less intercultural awareness, but a greater commitment to improving the intercultural climate of the medical school and an increased willingness to work in diverse groups during their medical training. The results of the study suggest that experiential interventions may provide an important complement to didactics around issues of intercultural awareness and sensitivity with medical students. Importantly, experiential interventions must provide students with sufficient time to reflect upon and discuss feelings, thoughts and attitudes that emerge during this kind of intercultural awareness training.  相似文献   

Despite a recognized need for a global mindset, opportunities for US business school students to gain hands‐on diversity training regarding intercultural issues remain rare. The reasons for this neglect include a lack of agreement on how to teach intercultural awareness and a paucity of faculty qualified to do so. In order to introduce intercultural education into a core business course, students were offered the opportunity to participate in an extra‐credit project that required the development of a proposal for an international joint venture and afforded them the chance to learn about each other while pursuing a superordinate goal of value to each. Thirty‐nine cross‐cultural teams were created, each of which had a partner from the US and a partner from a different country. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses revealed that the value of the project was closely related to the amount of learning that reportedly took place in both the business and cultural realms. Importantly, 73% of the students reported a strong interest in meeting people from different cultures as a result of participation in the project.  相似文献   

This paper describes a project designed for college students unlikely to participate in international exchange programs but who, nonetheless, can learn much about intercultural communication through available resources in their own communities. The project involved a mentoring program between third and fourth year university students and first and second year ESL students at the same institution. The project was conducted over a 15‐week semester‐long course, and learning outcomes were documented through journal entries, written reflective statements, class discussions, oral presentations and instructor observations. A qualitative analysis of these data sources, framed through transformative learning theory, revealed outcomes leading to increased intercultural awareness. While engaging in face‐to‐face conversations, students transformed their prior knowledge about ‘others’ into a deeper understanding of themselves, their culture and their intercultural relationships.  相似文献   

This article highlights how course material on ‘culture’ and ‘intercultural communication’ faces a distinctive challenge in crafting an engaged power‐focused positionality for students. I discuss the importance of incorporating a ‘critical intercultural communication perspective and practice’ into an upper‐division diversity/intercultural communication course in the US academic context.  相似文献   

An analysis of Spanish multiculturalism, together with the lack of systematic teacher training in the area of intercultural education, a fact which was revealed by a review of the educational programmes and strategies developed in our country, has led us to propose a training course which improves the attitudes of teachers and educators towards intercultural education and the ever‐growing cultural diversity in our country. The study, carried out using a quasi‐experimental methodology and based on the Theory of Reasoned Action, revealed that this type of training programme favours a positive predisposition in teachers towards the development of intercultural programmes in schools, a fundamental element in promoting a further dissemination of this particular focus throughout the whole of the educational system.  相似文献   

It has now become commonplace to state that foreign language learning should be viewed in an intercultural perspective. The main objective of foreign language education is no longer defined strictly in terms of the acquisition of communicative competence. Teachers are now required to teach intercultural communicative competence. The aim of the study reported on here was to investigate to what extent and in what way teachers' current professional profiles meet the specifications formulated in the theoretical literature regarding the ‘foreign language and intercultural competence teacher’. To answer this question, an international research design was developed, involving teachers from Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Mexico, Poland, Spain and Sweden. Our findings suggest that teachers' current foreign language‐and‐culture teaching profiles do not yet meet those of the envisaged ‘foreign language and intercultural competence teacher’, and that patterns in teacher thinking and teaching practice appear to exist within and across the participating countries.  相似文献   

This article locates the discussion of this Special Section within the wider analysis of Interculturalism and intercultural dialogue as a new way of framing dynamic inter‐ethnic and broader community relations, and considering how perceived and real crisis affects both states’ and societys’ understandings of ethnicity, culture and diversity. Taking cases from Catalonia, Spain, the European Union, this Special Section's multi‐level approach illustrates how intercultural dialogue can be developed at the sub‐State, State, Region and international levels. By surveying the articles in the Special Section, this introduction critiques the Interculturalism framework and develops it. Crucially, drawing out insights from across these different types of groupings and from theorists offering a range of perspectives, this collection is able to offer new insights on Interculturalism, its relations with Multiculturalism, and forms of intercultural dialogue.  相似文献   

In Italy teachers for nursery and primary schools are trained in many ways. Although in this complex system numerous initiatives regarding the implementation of intercultural education have been taken by the Ministry of Education, practice is still inconsistent and a great deal is left to the initiative of individual teachers, principals and schools. The Teachers Centre of Democratic Initiative (CIDI) realised two projects in the field of language education. The basic idea was to ascertain to what extent the language used in school may pose an obstacle for children whose mother tongue is not the school language. The follow‐up was a field training course on intercultural issues. The objectives were to identify didactic instruments and procedures designed to transform the way in which a foreign child would be viewed from being a “problem” to being appreciated and valued. The paper closes with a list of elements that may be viewed as cornerstones of training activity in an intercultural framework.  相似文献   

Foucault's discourse concept provides an instrument for the critical examination of internationalisation and, respectively, inter‐cultural education in Swedish teacher education. Three different discourses concerning internationalisation are treated in the article: solidarity with developing countries, immigrant knowledge, and integration within the EU. Attention is focused on the analysis of intercultural teaching upon those visions that governed implementation of the concept in teacher education, and on reality as it appears in evaluations of teacher education. The question is whether a dilemma exists for teacher education in realising the goals of intercultural education, or whether these goals merely act as teacher education's false banners? The article concludes with perspectives on the future of the development from immigrant knowledge to intercultural learning.  相似文献   

The article presents a student‐impact assessment of a model two‐year place‐based intercultural approach to indigenous education. Students at Lewis & Clark Primary School in Missoula, Montana, connected face‐to‐face with tribal educators and members residing in the nearby American Indian reservation. The program’s learning outcomes included impressive gains in knowledge of Montana tribes, fewer stereotypical images, enhanced consciousness about the histories and cultures of the place in which students’ reside, heightened appreciation for and connectedness with Native Americans, and increased cultural awareness. The power of the place‐based intercultural‐education approach is that K‐5 students can acquire cultural knowledge, break stereotypes, and develop new appreciation for, and interest in, diverse peoples and issues by directly experiencing the local context in which diversity resides.  相似文献   

This article challenges the dominance of social constructionist theories of childhood by presenting a structural analysis of the child star as a recurrent, universal feature in the myths and legends of the world. The article argues that by conceptualising our understanding of children and childhood as being due solely to the socio‐historical context in which they live, an important dimension of childhood may be overlooked. Through looking at media stories about child stars throughout the twentieth century, this article uses a psychoanalytic Jungian framework to explore deeper similarities and patterns in cultural story telling about children over different cras and social contexts.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on intercultural competence and dialogue across cultural borders between university students from different Portuguese‐speaking countries. Various principles and strategies for intercultural education are summarised, and the project cultures@esec, based on such principles and strategies, is described. The project was focused on cultural heritage. The identities of African students and the intangible culture were also explored. Part of the project involved frequent contacts between domestic and international students, cooperation under equal‐status conditions, joint decision‐making and active learning. Results show that sharing knowledge and ideas, and working under pleasant learning conditions, can help reduce cultural barriers and prejudice and contributes to intercultural sensitivity and competence.

Este artigo centra‐se na competência intercultural dos estudantes universitários de países lusófonas e no diálogo entre culturas. São identificados, de forma sumária, alguns princípios e estratégias de educação intercultural e apresentado o projecto cultures@esec, que se baseia em tais princípios. O projecto esteve orientado para a valorização da herança cultual dos estudantes africanos e respectivas identidades e explorou a cultura intangível dos seus países. O trabalho desenvolvido implicou frequentes contactos entre os estudantes nacionais e estrangeiros, decisões conjuntas e cooperação em igualdade de estatuto. Os resultados mostram que partilhar conhecimentos e ideias e trabalhar em condições de aprendizagem agradáveis ajuda a quebrar barreiras culturais e a combater o preconceito e estimula a sensibilidade e a competência intercultural dos estudantes.  相似文献   

With the socio‐economic crisis that is affecting Europe particularly negatively, immigrants have been often reported as additional threats in the job market for established residents. Theories of prejudice, such as the Theory of Self‐interest or that of the Perceived Group Threats, have suggested economic factors to explain these kinds of attitudes towards immigrants. More recently, some scholars have advanced theories of intercultural values to account for individuals’ dispositions towards those perceived as newcomers. The aim of this work is to understand whether or not intercultural values are able to modify the effects that economic factors exert on prejudice in times of crisis. The main objective is to identify whether the kinds of values instilled within societies play a stronger role than other variables, particularly economic factors. The findings show that Interculturalism plays a much greater role than economic factors in influencing attitudes towards outsiders.  相似文献   

An abused child's use of sandplay in the healing process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1939, Margaret Lowenfeld, a child psychiatrist in London, created a therapeutic medium with which children could freely communicate and express themselves. Through the influence of Jungian, Dora Kalff, and the Jungian theories she applied to it, this new technique spread throughout the United States, Europe, and Japan. Termed Sandplay by Kalff, it is recognized as a highly effective and creative modality used mostly in child therapy, but also in Jungian analysis with adults. As a sandplay therapist who specializes in sexual abuse treatment, I have experienced the healing power of sandplay in the treatment of traumatized children, especially those who were sexually abused. The focus of this article is on the inner world expression and process of a boy I call Adam, who was a participant in my doctoral dissertation study on sandplay with sexually abused children. The article describes Adam's twelve-tray sandplay process and the theories behind the assessments that I made, based on Jungian psychology, Kalffian sandplay theory, and previous research.  相似文献   

There is a significant population of Muslim citizens in Greece, sometimes referred to as the Muslim minority, who live in the geographical region of Thrace. For many years, little attention was devoted to the educational needs of this group, and there was consequently a high percentage of school failure and early school leaving. The poorly functioning collaboration between the teachers of the majority and the teachers of the minority, weak communication between minority schools and mainstream schools and the lack of teacher‐training in intercultural education were key reasons for this. Recently, significant educational initiatives have taken place in the field of Muslim minority education within the framework of a broad educational project, entitled ‘The Muslim Minority Education Project’. The aims of the project are to improve the educational provision for students from this Muslim minority and to promote the principles and philosophy of intercultural education.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implementation of intercultural education in two teacher-training courses in the north of the Netherlands. The place of intercultural education in the formal curriculum was examined as well as the assessment by the students and teachers of its implementation. It was found that intercultural education has found its place in teacher-training programmes, but only in a marginal way. Students as well as teachers find that the intercultural content of the programmes deserves further development. It also seems that intercultural education does not have a high priority, is offered in a too non-committal way and is formulated in too abstract terms. The institutes do not have well-developed visions pertaining to intercultural education. Teacher-training programmes should be aware of the responsibility they have in better preparing prospective teachers for the reality of multicultural classrooms and a multicultural society. There are, however, indications that the institutes are working on the intercultural dimension of their mission.  相似文献   

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