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对我国城市住房保障制度的再思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李国敏 《创新》2009,3(8):26-28
住房保障是社会保障体系的重要构成内容,也是实现小康社会的重要举措。政府作为城市住房保障制度的责任主体,应着力解决城市住房保障制度所面临的问题,深化城市住房制度改革,发展和完善我国的城市住房保障制度。  相似文献   

Since its introduction in the 1980s, China's housing privatization reform has gradually transformed urban residents into private homeowners, and reinforced disparities in housing allocation and living conditions. Various studies have analyzed the mobilization of private homeowners in newly built, upscale apartment complexes. Using data from field observations and in-depth interviews conducted in five low-income, urban neighborhoods in Beijing in 1999–2000, this article investigates the shifts in the organizational and power structure in older, working-class communities. The article describes the changing status of traditional and newly developed organizations and agencies within these neighborhoods, and analyzes the underlying reasons for the displacements and conflicts they experienced. Drawing on the author's subsequent fieldwork with community organizations in the USA in 2001–2002, the article suggests means of coordinating community organizations in low-income, urban neighborhoods in China, and discusses the opportunities and challenges for the social work profession in its attempts to deliver social services and advocate social justice.  相似文献   

Since its introduction in the 1980s, China's housing privatization reform has gradually transformed urban residents into private homeowners, and reinforced disparities in housing allocation and living conditions. Various studies have analyzed the mobilization of private homeowners in newly built, upscale apartment complexes. Using data from field observations and in-depth interviews conducted in five low-income, urban neighborhoods in Beijing in 1999–2000, this article investigates the shifts in the organizational and power structure in older, working-class communities. The article describes the changing status of traditional and newly developed organizations and agencies within these neighborhoods, and analyzes the underlying reasons for the displacements and conflicts they experienced. Drawing on the author's subsequent fieldwork with community organizations in the USA in 2001–2002, the article suggests means of coordinating community organizations in low-income, urban neighborhoods in China, and discusses the opportunities and challenges for the social work profession in its attempts to deliver social services and advocate social justice.  相似文献   

阮氏清心  覃丽芳 《创新》2007,1(5):133-137
随着越南经济社会的发展,尤其是越南加入WTO,越南对钢铁的需求量不断增长。中国是个钢铁生产大国,在中越两国地理位置、价格低、运输成本低等方面具备有利条件,这就为中越两国钢铁贸易提供了发展的可行性。从基于越南、中国钢铁行业的基本情况出发,分析中越钢铁贸易的情况,并指出中越钢铁贸易发展的趋势。  相似文献   

In Chinese cities, about 1.45 million migrant workers stay away from their home villages for longer than six months. The total will reach 230 million if those who work less than six months outside their home villages are also included ( National Bureau of Statistics PRC 2010 ). The scale of migration has put huge pressure on urban housing. Apart from a few local exceptions, little state effort has been dedicated to improve migrant housing for a long time. Existing studies of migrant housing in Chinese cities have focused on the necessity for the state to remove discriminatory policies and offer equal access to urban housing benefits. However, few studies have examined carefully who are the most vulnerable and what are the causes of some of the problems. The authors of this article argue that without proper understanding of the interaction between the state and the private providers, equal access to urban housing benefits may not lead to improved housing conditions for migrant workers. We use three surveys in three cities, Tianjin, Taiyuan and Lanzhou in China to support our argument.  相似文献   

当前我国房地产价格过高且居高不下,在一定程度上背离价值规律,蕴含极高风险。虽然现行的房地产开发制度和商品房按揭制度促进了房地产市场化,带来了房地产业的短期繁荣,但由于我国房地产价格形成机制极具投机性,缺乏相应的风险控制机制,面对席卷全球的金融危机,极易酿成风险。采取法律手段,限制房地产业的信贷发放、改革现行公积金制度、抑制房地产投机,对控制房地产价格泡沫的膨胀,防范房地产价格风险大有裨益。  相似文献   

Objective. In the United States, growth regulations aimed at environmental protection and better‐quality urban areas have become very popular since the 1960s. Although many studies have examined the housing‐price effects of local and regional growth management regulations, none has examined the effects of a state law. Past research has also tended to be cross‐sectional, rather than longitudinal, and has frequently ignored alternate hypotheses that could explain housing‐price trends. The research presented in this article examines the housing‐price effects of Florida's Growth Management Act of 1985. Methods. Using secondary source data from all 67 counties of the state for the period 1980–1995 and employing pooled time‐series analysis techniques I test the hypothesis that the Act had an inflationary effect on single‐family house prices. Results. After controlling for alternate hypotheses such as population, income, and size of house, I find a statistically significant increase in the price of single‐family houses attributable to statewide growth management. Also, the demand‐side and supply‐side price inflationary effects of growth management are similar in magnitude. Conclusions. Since higher housing prices could become the Achilles heel of growth management programs and thwart their implementation, I suggest a few ways some of the price inflationary effects may be reduced.  相似文献   

城市新型社区居民自治组织的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对中国城市商品房小区居民管理组织的首次社会学调查,分析新型社区和业主的主要特征、业主对新型社区管理和社区居民自治组织的看法、业主委员会的性质和主要特点以及业主在参与社区公共事务方面的态度和行为,提出应建立符合市场经济原则的新型社区管理体制以及积极支持并培育居民民主自治能力。  相似文献   

方长春  刘欣 《社会》2005,40(4):163-190
与关注中国城镇住房制度改革中的体制性因素和市场能力因素对住房不平等的影响,以及着重以个体的劳动力市场处境予以解释的观点不同,本文认为,居住有很强的空间粘滞性,地理空间差异同样是理解住房不平等问题不可忽视的结构性因素。对2016年“中国家庭追踪调查”(CFPS)数据的分析发现,居民家庭房产的地区差异具有高度的统计显著性。基尼系数按地理空间分解后显示,相对于家庭收入或家庭人均收入的地理空间差异而言,家庭住房资产的地理空间差异更为突出;运用赫克曼两步回归法分析资料发现,地理空间因素不仅影响产权住房的获得,对房产产值的效应也具有高度的统计显著性。这些发现都支持了我们的基本论点:地理空间差异不只是住房不平等的外在表现,而是导致住房不平等的不可忽视的因素。关注地理空间这一结构情境对个体行为的影响及其社会不平等后果不仅有现实的政策意义,也有助于拓展当代中国社会分层研究的视角。  相似文献   

改革开放以来特别是实行市场经济体制以来,北京市的半城镇化人口数量和人口半城镇化率整体上呈逐渐增长态势.造成北京市人口半城镇化程度逐渐加重的直接原因,是城市流动人口增长快而流动人口转化为城镇户籍人口的比例低;具体来说,是由北京市经济增长、 产业结构升级带来的对劳动力需求的拉力,其他地区在经济、 社会发展水平上与首都存在的较大差距形成的推力,严格控制城镇户籍人口的政策和不断上涨的房产价格造成的迁移阻力,空间承载力对人口容量构成的现实约束力综合作用的结果.要抑制和缓解北京市人口半城镇化状况,需要采取分流拉力、 化解推力、 减小阻力和提升承载力的综合措施.  相似文献   

我国经济发展和社会转型时期,城市居民最低生活保障被称作是城镇居民的“最后一道安全网”。本文阐述了中国城市居民最低生活保障制度实施的历史和现状.在对城市居民最低生活保障政策实施过程中出现的问题进行分析基础上,探讨运用社会工作的方法实施城市居民最低生活保障政策。  相似文献   

金虎斌 《创新》2012,(2):62-65,127
房地产限购政策对遏制房价过快上涨、抑制投资性购房需求具有重要意义。运用我国70个大中城市2009年9月至2011年10月的面板数据,采用双重差分模型对房地产市场限购政策的实施效果进行了系统而严格的实证研究。结果发现,房地产限购政策的实施对我国相关城市的房价有大约1.88%的负面效应,但是短期效果并不明显。  相似文献   

消费是经济增长的根本动力。收入与消费密切相关,消费调控政策是宏观调控政策的重要组成部分。我国城市居民收入和消费发展的制约因素包括内外需求不均衡发展,收入差距不断扩大,房价上涨过快、社会保障不完善抑制居民消费行为。促进我国城市居民收入和消费发展,应当加大货币政策在消费调控中的作用,发展和完善信贷消费,完善促进消费增长的税收政策,努力增加居民收入,强化收入分配调节,加快建立覆盖城乡居民的最低生活保障制度,着力抑制房地产价格过快上涨。  相似文献   

稳定的社会环境是北京建设世界城市的根基。综合考察北京的阶层收入差距、北京房价和北京的经济实力以及进一步城市化的需求,本文认为北京建设世界城市要加强民生住房保障体系建设和管理。本文就此提出相应对策,这个对策的基本思路是:需求-分级-分配-流转-退出一体化;土地-资金来源多元化、用途专一化;法律-法规-政策-监控一体化。这三者形成统一整体,统一执行。  相似文献   

The rapid growth of population, the mushrooming of poor settlements and unplanned urbanization have crucial implications for the efficiency and equity of urban services. The resultant infringements of critical human rights throw into focus the importance of housing as a social policy issue. Urban services are strained in Dhaka city. Urban management has been disrupted as a result of spatial encroachment and environmental degradation. In addition to land scarcity, land speculation and endemic corruption, the high price of land is also a product of the system of land registration. The dearth of valuable urban land, together with delays in urban planning and its implementation, have made the acquisition of land for housing prohibitively expensive for middle and low‐income households. Consequently, the quality of the housing environment is deteriorating. The problem of housing finance is intrinsically linked to its affordability, being currently the prerogative only of the affluent. This article delineates the inherent lack of integrated urban planning, the lacunae within institutions responsible for urban management – and, contextually, the nature of housing as a social policy issue, where reinforced, coordinated planning and administration could ensure distributive benefits even to the poor.  相似文献   

我国经济发展和社会转型时期,城市居民最低生活保障被称作是城镇居民的"最后一道安全网"。本文阐述了中国城市居民最低生活保障制度实施的历史和现状,在对城市居民最低生活保障政策实施过程中出现的问题进行分析基础上,探讨运用社会工作的方法实施城市居民最低生活保障政策。  相似文献   

Housing policy in China has undergone profound changes ever since the dismantlement of the in-kind welfare housing system in 1998. A modern housing system has emerged in China in line with a rapidly growing real estate sector. Meanwhile, China is also plagued with similar housing problems that western governments faced during their industrialization and urbanization and are facing now. In response, the Chinese government has attempted to tackle housing problems by imposing strict regulations on the real estate sector, introducing new affordable housing schemes, and channelling and even limiting housing consumption behaviours. However, the outcome has proved to be meagre. The unsound outcome has driven further policy changes. This paper presents an updated trajectory of housing policy development in the post-reform era. It concludes by discussing implications of housing policy changes on social development and argues that housing policy in China is at a crossroads and is ready for a major overhaul.  相似文献   

陈铭 《创新》2010,4(6):115-117
当前,我国城市规划管理信息化发展仍面临着诸多困难和挑战,未来我国城市规划管理的创新发展应着重从信息化标准建设、创新信息技术的应用以及搭建面向公众服务的信息化平台等多个方面着手。  相似文献   

Israel’s rapid population growth, deriving from its unique demographics, is generating a consistent rise in the demand for residential housing. The low interest rate environment in Israel since the beginning of the last decade has also contributed to the rise in demand for housing, which exceeded the available supply and led to a continuous rise in the price of housing. The various government programs all attempted to halt the rising prices, with no long-term success, if any. Policymakers focused on making ownership of housing affordable for young couples but directed their activity at repressing the demand for housing among investors and housing upgraders. This interpretive article focuses on analyzing Israel’s housing policy and indicates the built-in failure engrained in this policy, as the demand for housing in Israel is a rigid demand deriving from the country’s demographics and values and therefore attempts at repressing it are futile in essence. The housing policy aimed at making housing affordable for young people must examine, before it is finalized, their overall incentives to own housing on one hand and the obstacles they encounter that prevent them from opting for rentals on the other, and accordingly formulate the features and different terms of the policy. The research conclusion indicates the need to implement a public policy that will promote the rental alternative as an efficient way of meeting the demand for housing on one hand and of curbing the price of housing on the other.  相似文献   

西宝  温玉杰 《学术交流》2002,1(3):43-46
由于中国住房金融市场发展历史和政策原因 ,在市场竞争、业务运行、市场体系、金融工具和产品营销方面还存在诸多不足。因此 ,利用中国与西方发达国家住房金融政策比较研究的方法 ,借鉴相关住房金融政策经验 ,以建立、健全贸易自由化条件下的中国住房金融政策。应建立完善的住房金融体系 ,建立健全住房抵押贷款机制 ,实行差别利率等政策。  相似文献   

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