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李少斐 《社会工作》2011,(12):94-96
本文以对河北省某市166名社区服刑人员调查数据为依据,从居住情况、经济收入和人际交往三个方面描述了社区服刑人员的生活适应状况。同时,用六个变量分别与该三个方面做交叉表并进行卡方检验,发现文化程度、婚姻状况、有无服刑经历和户籍对社区服刑人的生活适应有影响,性别与年龄没有影响社区服刑人员的生活适应。  相似文献   

村庄民主、村干部角色及其行为模式   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
孙秀林 《社会》2009,29(1):66-88
对于中国乡村精英角色及其行为模式的讨论,一直是社会学的一个非常重要的课题。尤其是在民主制度引入农村地区后,村干部的角色定位是否有所变化?在日常的治理过程中,其行为模式与角色定位是如何实现的?对于这一问题的回答,不仅需要以深入的个案调查为基础,而且也离不开严谨的实证分析。本文试图以6省的数据,来定量化地考察村庄民主对于村干部行为模式与角色定位的影响。实证模型结果显示,村庄民主的实行,可以促使村干部在日常治理过程中减少对于国家任务的关注,而增加对于社区事务的关注,从而使其角色定位更倾向于社区利益代言人。  相似文献   

为全面落实民政部关于民政系统社会工作人才队伍建设推进会议要求,各省各地市积极探索社会工作介入基层社区的途径与模式。本研究选择了2009年民政部社会工作人才队伍建设试点单位——长沙市天心区作为研究对象,对社会工作介入城市社区工作以来的功能进行评估。研究结果表明:社会工作在增强社区居民主体意识、加强社区居民能力建设、改善社区居民人际关系、维护社区弱势群体权益、丰富社区居民文化生活等五个方面均体现了较为显著的功能。社会工作介入城市社区已初见成效,社会工作的介入使城市社区工作由"管理型"向"服务型"转变。  相似文献   

张继龙 《阅江学刊》2012,4(2):72-77
学分互换是建设高教强省和区域高等教育一体化的内在要求。江苏高校已通过组建或参与教学共同体、大学联盟等形式开展学分互换的合作,但整体上还处于学分互换的起步和摸索阶段。加强学分互换制度建设应坚持完善学分制改革与推动学分互换并行不悖,坚持高校"自下而上"的自主探索和政府"自上而下"的积极介入并驾齐驱,坚持组织建设、技术建设和利益协调机制建设多管齐下。  相似文献   

This paper presents a critical analysis of the level of disaster preparedness among households in the Badakhshan Province in Afghanistan. Based on an analysis of baseline data collected as part of a project aimed at strengthening the disaster response in this province, this paper emphasizes the complexities of disaster preparedness among Afghan households, including a critical gap in knowledge, a lack of resources, and limitations in existing community responses to disasters. The findings reveal that less economic security, less knowledge of emergencies and emergency plans, being a female head of household, and having prior disaster experience tended to predict lower levels of preparedness among households. Disaster‐preparedness interventions targeted at improving the knowledge of hazards and hazard plans, as well as enhancing the livelihood and income security of affected households, could minimize the negative impact of disasters. Because most households relied on social networks and indigenous preparedness measures, future research should examine the nature of such measures and their effectiveness in mitigating the impact of disasters on this population.  相似文献   

狄金华  钟涨宝 《社会》2014,34(1):148-174
本文在田野调查的基础上,以鄂西南河村黑地的产生与演变为基点,展开对中国乡村社会治理变迁的研究。文章分析了基层政府同乡村社会的互动,进而探寻村庄社区内部的治理逻辑。研究发现,黑地的产生是科层制留给乡土社会实践空间、农户自我拓展生存资源以及村组干部摆平社区内部关系等多种因素形塑出来的结果。对于黑地的存在与分配,乡镇政府以默认的方式视而不见,它所赋予村组干部行为的自主性促使其在缺乏其他软性价值规范的治理手段的情况下,将土地本身作为一种治理手段。黑地就是在这一过程中被不断地再生产和分配的。  相似文献   

The discussion of China as a new partner among the ‘old’ international powerful states has largely focused on its actual and potential economic power and performance. To achieve and maintain this status, China has to convince the world and its people that continuous economic development is not only possible but also necessary. The dominant discourse suggests a model of development that relies primarily on the relentless growth in GDP. This discourse has had a profound influence on the post-earthquake redevelopment/reconstruction efforts in Sichuan province. However, alternative models of development/redevelopment also attempt to help the reconstruction of these communities. Community economy as alternative model emphasizes not just on economic growth, but also the importance of renewing the interpersonal relationships among local villagers and the relationships between rural producers and urban consumers. In this paper, the evolution, implementation and outcome of this practice are described and discussed. Implications and recommendations are also drawn for similar community endeavours in the context of global (economic) development.  相似文献   

对江西省农村剩余劳动力转移问题的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江西省是一个农业大省,农业在全省国民经济中占有重要地位,农业人口比重也较大,是我国第三大劳务输出省。农村剩余劳动力的转移将是一项艰巨的任务,任重而道远,我们必须重视它,清楚它的现状,找到问题的制约因素,并应积极采取有效措施,推动农村剩余劳动力有序流动,合理实现农业人口向非农产业转移,以促进江西省经济的发展和社会稳定。  相似文献   

北京市社区建设中的制度创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市社区建设的基本目标是民主自治 ,北京市在社区实践中进行了一系列的制度创新 ,具体包括资源获得机制、社区参与机制、社区工作机制、社区意识的整合机制、社区控制与监督机制和社区激励机制等。此外 ,为更好实现民主自治 ,还需要考虑到每个社区的实际情况 ,避免社区建设落入“模式化”的陷阱 ,理顺政府与居委会的关系 ,重视社区领导的素质与社区工作成效的关系等等  相似文献   

徐云  鲍风亮 《社会工作》2009,(22):33-36
社区是社会的基本组成部分。社区社会工作是一种以社区为服务领域的宏观社会工作,研究社区社会工作的专业化对社会工作专业化的发展以及社区、社会的发展有重要的意义。文章在回顾了我国社区社会工作发展历程的基础上就我国社区发展所面临的形势及问题做出了分析,从社会工作专业化的发展以及对社区建设和发展两个层面浅析专业化发展的必要性,并对实现社区社会工作专业化提出了大力发展社区社会工作职业教育、完善岗位设置及薪酬体系,提高职业声望、完善社会工作职业资格认证制度、提升社区福利性服务的地位、重视农村社区社会工作发展、走适合我国发展的社区社会工作专业化道路等建议。  相似文献   

The article examines the effectiveness of a community programmedesigned for Jewish Israeli mothers who have been exposed toterrorism. The aim of the intervention was to empower the womenand increase their sense of belonging to the community, andto reduce stress symptoms, mainly by encouraging and facilitatingtheir participation in community activities. Thirty-eight women,all residents of the same terror-ridden community, participatedin intensive workshops over a six month period designed to helpthem to become active in the community. The workshops providedthe women with the information and skills required for activityin the community projects in which they were interested. A qualitativeevaluation reveals that, at the end of the programme, most ofthe women reported that they felt better and more secure, andall of the women were participating in at least one activityin the community. The quantitative evaluation revealed lowerlevels of distress, higher levels of empowerment and no changein the feelings of belonging to the community. The implicationsof these findings are discussed in light of the persistenceof terror and theories of community intervention.  相似文献   

传统社区分析以外部专家评估为主,关注社区问题诊断,缺少居民能力建设,不利于社区问题的解决。优势视角下的社区分析将重点放在关注社区资源和社区居民能力方面,在进行社区分析时常采用的方法和工具包括:欣赏性访谈、社区资产图、问题解决与需求满足清单。  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会发展水平的不断提升,社区教育在促进地区、城市经济和社会发展中的作用与功效,日益引起我国各级政府部门的关注和重视,如何进一步深入推进社区教育发展亦成为社区教育实践与研究的重要问题.文章分别从推进社区教育深入发展的各种因素、社区教育资源的整合、社区教育学科建设等方面论述了今后我国推进社区教育实践与研究的若干...  相似文献   

季伟 《社会工作》2008,(18):49-51
城市社区为满足社区居民的需求而建立,凝结着社区居民各方面的利益。居民本应具有较强的社区认同感,然而当前城市社区认同感的缺失却日益严重。通过对南通市崇川区学田街道的实证调查,本文认为培育城市社区认同感,既要加强城市社区文化建设,主要包括社区服务文化建设和社区管理文化建设;同时需要鼓励、支持和动员居民参加社区建设。  相似文献   

随着人口结构的变迁,中国养老模式逐渐由以家庭为核的橄榄型结构向以社区养老为核的橄榄型结构变迁。社区养老将家庭范畴由传统家庭扩展到社区大家庭,将家庭养老的情感依赖与机构养老的专业服务融入社区养老平台。 S街道老年人需求分布呈现出:基本生理需求>精神需求>社会服务需求的序列。社区养老供需失衡的根源在于政府供给错位、市场购买的实践梗阻、社会团体的供给失灵。在信息时代,“数字化社区网格养老”利用成熟的城市网格管理系统,以社区网格为单位,在政府统筹下精准投入多元养老资源,借助于互联网+社区+养老的信息化方式,实现养老服务的精细化管理与无缝隙服务。  相似文献   

我国传统社会形成了以"仁"为核心的慈善理念。近代以来,传统慈善理念逐渐消解,而现代慈善理念还未建立。"差序格局"的社会结构、地缘优势和社区精英使社区成为培育现代慈善理念的良好载体。在现代慈善理念的指导下,个人和社区自治组织将是推动社区慈善事业发展的主体。由于个人和社区自治组织不是强势力量,在推进社区慈善事业发展的过程中还需要政府部门和社区工作专家保驾护航。  相似文献   


Improving social service in local communities is a complex undertaking. Over the past few decades, the performance and sustainability of community initiatives have been questioned, while such factors as a lack of funding, insufficient community involvement, unsatisfactory community service, and lack of awareness of the impact of community initiatives have restricted community development. From a case study of community operations in Scotland, this article provides insights into how social service delivery is organized in the absence of public capital. This study utilized data from semi-structured in-depth interviews with a sample of 76 participants from a deprived area in Scotland, including community management team members (n = 6), local residents (n = 52) and community partners (n = 18). The findings illustrated how participants of all ages, local organizations, policy makers, funders and media came together to create a cohesive and responsive community environment. Residents' needs and funders' demands were identified. Results further revealed that a Community Partnership Mechanism helped strengthen the social service network and create flexible social services. Service benefits included improved resident wellbeing in the context of less government intervention. Future implications include suggestions for government and other stakeholders involved in community reform to focus on service recipient skill building and tracking changes between the indicators and service provision.  相似文献   

谢晖 《社会工作》2009,(10):52-54
社区规划是城市规划的重要内容。社区是城市的基本单元,社区发展直接影响到城市经济、社会的发展,因此城市规划要充分考虑社区的因素。本文探讨了城市规划与社区规划的关系,分析了社区规划的基本原则,并从宏观层面、巾观层面、微观层面、技术层面介绍了广州社区规划的特点。  相似文献   

Involvement of the community is a topic that is gaining increasing importance in the debate on child protection social work. However, the empirical findings that help to understand the factors which enable social workers to involve community actors successfully are still scarce. The article presents the results of an empirical pilot study carried out on a sample of 24 child protection social workers employed in four public agencies in Italy. The results of the research highlight the complexity of the factors that influence the ability of social workers to involve the community in schemes involving children and their families and the importance of constructing a community‐based approach that directly involves local‐level institutions and policy programmes.  相似文献   

温淑春 《社会工作》2009,(10):61-64
现代社区作为不同阶层、不同利益群体、不同经济社会组织的聚集地,居民与社区的关系变得十分紧密,而作为社区中人们归属感和凝聚力体现的社区文化建设便成为构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。本文对社区文化的特点、作用及社区文化建设中存在的问题进行了分析探讨,对发展社区文化建设提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

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