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Two Novel Evolutionary Formulations of the Graph Coloring Problem   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We introduce two novel evolutionary formulations of the problem of coloring the nodes of a graph. The first formulation is based on the relationship that exists between a graph's chromatic number and its acyclic orientations. It views such orientations as individuals and evolves them with the aid of evolutionary operators that are very heavily based on the structure of the graph and its acyclic orientations. The second formulation, unlike the first one, does not tackle one graph at a time, but rather aims at evolving a program to color all graphs belonging to a class whose members all have the same number of nodes and other common attributes. The heuristics that result from these formulations have been tested on some of the Second DIMACS Implementation Challenge benchmark graphs, and have been found to be competitive when compared to the several other heuristics that have also been tested on those graphs.  相似文献   

A subset M of vertices of a graph is called a static monopoly, if any vertex v outside M has at least \(\lceil \tfrac{1 }{2}\deg (v)\rceil \) neighbors in M. The minimum static monopoly problem has been extensively studied in graph theoretical context. We study this problem from an integer programming point of view for the first time and give a linear formulation for it. We study the facial structure of the corresponding polytope, classify facet defining inequalities of the integer programming formulation and introduce some families of valid inequalities. We show that in the presence of a vertex cut or an edge cut in the graph, the problem can be solved more efficiently by adding some strong valid inequalities. An algorithm is given that solves the minimum monopoly problem in trees and cactus graphs in linear time. We test our methods by performing several experiments on randomly generated graphs. A software package is introduced that solves the minimum monopoly problem using open source integer linear programming solvers.  相似文献   

A k-chordalisation of a graph G = (V,E) is a graph H = (V,F) obtained by adding edges to G, such that H is a chordal graph with maximum clique size at most k. This note considers the problem: given a graph G = (V,E) which pairs of vertices, non-adjacent in G, will be an edge in every k-chordalisation of G. Such a pair is called necessary for treewidth k. An equivalent formulation is: which edges can one add to a graph G such that every tree decomposition of G of width at most k is also a tree decomposition of the resulting graph G. Some sufficient, and some necessary and sufficient conditions are given for pairs of vertices to be necessary for treewidth k. For a fixed k, one can find in linear time for a given graph G the set of all necessary pairs for treewidth k. If k is given as part of the input, then this problem is coNP-hard. A few similar results are given when interval graphs (and hence pathwidth) are used instead of chordal graphs and treewidth.  相似文献   

An acyclic edge coloring of a graph G is a proper edge coloring such that no bichromatic cycles are produced. The acyclic chromatic index a′(G) of G is the smallest integer k such that G has an acyclic edge coloring using k colors. Fiam?ik (Math. Slovaca 28:139–145, 1978) and later Alon, Sudakov and Zaks (J. Graph Theory 37:157–167, 2001) conjectured that a′(G)≤Δ+2 for any simple graph G with maximum degree Δ. In this paper, we confirm this conjecture for planar graphs G with Δ≠4 and without 4-cycles.  相似文献   

A graph \(G\) with convex-\(QP\) stability number (or simply a convex-\(QP\) graph) is a graph for which the stability number is equal to the optimal value of a convex quadratic program, say \(P(G)\). There are polynomial-time procedures to recognize convex-\(QP\) graphs, except when the graph \(G\) is adverse or contains an adverse subgraph (that is, a non complete graph, without isolated vertices, such that the least eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix and the optimal value of \(P(G)\) are both integer and none of them changes when the neighborhood of any vertex of \(G\) is deleted). In this paper, from a characterization of convex-\(QP\) graphs based on star sets associated to the least eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix, a simplex-like algorithm for the recognition of convex-\(QP\) adverse graphs is introduced.  相似文献   

Given a configuration of pebbles on the vertices of a connected graph G, a pebbling move removes two pebbles from some vertex and places one pebble on an adjacent vertex. The pebbling number of a graph G is the smallest integer k such that for each vertex v and each configuration of k pebbles on G there is a sequence of pebbling moves that places at least one pebble on v. First, we improve on results of Hurlbert, who introduced a linear optimization technique for graph pebbling. In particular, we use a different set of weight functions, based on graphs more general than trees. We apply this new idea to some graphs from Hurlbert’s paper to give improved bounds on their pebbling numbers. Second, we investigate the structure of Class 0 graphs with few edges. We show that every n-vertex Class 0 graph has at least \(\frac{5}{3}n - \frac{11}{3}\) edges. This disproves a conjecture of Blasiak et al. For diameter 2 graphs, we strengthen this lower bound to \(2n - 5\), which is best possible. Further, we characterize the graphs where the bound holds with equality and extend the argument to obtain an identical bound for diameter 2 graphs with no cut-vertex.  相似文献   

Since Sedlá\(\breve{\hbox {c}}\)ek introduced the notion of magic labeling of a graph in 1963, a variety of magic labelings of a graph have been defined and studied. In this paper, we study consecutive edge magic labelings of a connected bipartite graph. We make a useful observation that there are only four possible values of b for which a connected bipartite graph has a b-edge consecutive magic labeling. On the basis of this fundamental result, we deduce various interesting results on consecutive edge magic labelings of bipartite graphs. As a matter of fact, we do not focus just on specific classes of graphs, but also discuss the more general classes of non-bipartite and bipartite graphs.  相似文献   

The independence number of a graph and its chromatic number are known to be hard to approximate. Due to recent complexity results, unless coRP = NP, there is no polynomial time algorithm which approximates any of these quantities within a factor of n 1– for graphs on n vertices.We show that the situation is significantly better for the average case. For every edge probability p = p(n) in the range n –1/2+ p 3/4, we present an approximation algorithm for the independence number of graphs on n vertices, whose approximation ratio is O((np)1/2/log n) and whose expected running time over the probability space G(n, p) is polynomial. An algorithm with similar features is described also for the chromatic number.A key ingredient in the analysis of both algorithms is a new large deviation inequality for eigenvalues of random matrices, obtained through an application of Talagrand's inequality.  相似文献   

A weakness of next-hop routing is that following a link or router failure there may be no routes between some source-destination pairs, or packets may get stuck in a routing loop as the protocol operates to establish new routes. In this article, we address these weaknesses by describing mechanisms to choose alternate next hops. Our first contribution is to model the scenario as the following tree augmentation problem. Consider a mixed graph where some edges are directed and some undirected. The directed edges form a spanning tree pointing towards the common destination node. Each directed edge represents the unique next hop in the routing protocol. Our goal is to direct the undirected edges so that the resulting graph remains acyclic and the number of nodes with outdegree two or more is maximized. These nodes represent those with alternative next hops in their routing paths. We show that tree augmentation is NP-hard in general and present a simple \(\frac{1}{2}\)-approximation algorithm. We also study 3 special cases. We give exact polynomial-time algorithms for when the input spanning tree consists of exactly 2 directed paths or when the input graph has bounded treewidth. For planar graphs, we present a polynomial-time approximation scheme when the input tree is a breadth-first search tree. To the best of our knowledge, tree augmentation has not been previously studied.  相似文献   

The classical greedy heuristic for approximating maximum independent set is simple and efficient. It achieves a performance ratio of ( + 2)/3, where is the maximum node degree of the input graph. All known algorithms for the problem with better performance ratios are much more complicated and inefficient. In this paper, we propose a natural extension of the greedy heuristic. It is as simple and as efficient as the classical greedy heuristic. By a careful analysis on the structure of the intermediate graphs manipulated by our heuristic, we prove that the performance ratio is improved to ( + 3)/3.25.  相似文献   

Graph pebbling is a network model for studying whether or not a given supply of discrete pebbles can satisfy a given demand via pebbling moves. A pebbling move across an edge of a graph takes two pebbles from one endpoint and places one pebble at the other endpoint; the other pebble is lost in transit as a toll. It has been shown that deciding whether a supply can meet a demand on a graph is NP-complete. The pebbling number of a graph is the smallest t such that every supply of t pebbles can satisfy every demand of one pebble byt a vertex. Deciding if the pebbling number is at most k is \(\Pi _2^\mathsf{P}\)-complete. In this paper we develop a tool, called the Weight Function Lemma, for computing upper bounds and sometimes exact values for pebbling numbers with the assistance of linear optimization. With this tool we are able to calculate the pebbling numbers of much larger graphs than in previous algorithms, and much more quickly as well. We also obtain results for many families of graphs, in many cases by hand, with much simpler and remarkably shorter proofs than given in previously existing arguments (certificates typically of size at most the number of vertices times the maximum degree), especially for highly symmetric graphs. Here we apply the Weight Function Lemma to several specific graphs, including the Petersen, Lemke, \(4\mathrm{th}\) weak Bruhat, and Lemke squared, as well as to a number of infinite families of graphs, such as trees, cycles, graph powers of cycles, cubes, and some generalized Petersen and Coxeter graphs. In doing so we partly answer a question of Pachter, et al., by computing the pebbling exponent of cycles to within an asymptotically small range. It is conceivable that this method yields an approximation algorithm for graph pebbling.  相似文献   

A vertex coloring of a graph \(G\) is called acyclic if it is a proper vertex coloring such that every cycle \(C\) receives at least three colors. The acyclic chromatic number of \(G\) is the least number of colors in an acyclic coloring of \(G\). We prove that acyclic chromatic number of any graph \(G\) with maximum degree \(\Delta \ge 4\) and with girth at least \(4\Delta \) is at most \(12\Delta \).  相似文献   

In this paper we study the acyclic 3-colorability of some subclasses of planar graphs. First, we show that there exist infinite classes of cubic planar graphs that are not acyclically 3-colorable. Then, we show that every planar graph has a subdivision with one vertex per edge that is acyclically 3-colorable and provide a linear-time coloring algorithm. Finally, we characterize the series-parallel graphs for which every 3-coloring is acyclic and provide a linear-time recognition algorithm for such graphs.  相似文献   

We introduce canonical forms that represent certain equivalence classes of totally cyclic and acyclic orientations of graphs and present a polynomial algorithms for their constructions. The forms are used in new formulas evaluating tension and flow polynomials on graphs.  相似文献   

Given a connected edge-weighted graph G and a positive integer B, the degree-constrained minimum spanning tree problem (DCMST) consists in finding a minimum cost spanning tree of G such that the degree of each vertex in the tree is less than or equal to B. This problem, which has been extensively studied over the last few decades, has several practical applications, mainly in networks. However, some applications do not especially impose a subgraph as a solution. For this purpose, a more flexible so-called hierarchy structure has been proposed. Hierarchy, which can be seen as a generalization of trees, is defined as a homomorphism of a tree in a graph. In this paper, we discuss the degree-constrained minimum spanning hierarchy (DCMSH) problem which is NP-hard. An integer linear program (ILP) formulation of this new problem is given. Properties of the solution are analysed, which allows us to add valid inequalities to the ILP. To evaluate the difference of cost between trees and hierarchies, the exact solution of DCMST and z problems are compared. It appears that, in sparse random graphs, the average percentage of improvement of the cost varies from 20 to 36% when the maximal authorized degree of vertices B is equal to 2, and from 11 to 31% when B is equal to 3. The improvement increases as the graph size increases.  相似文献   

A graph \(G=(V,E)\) with even number vertices is called Pfaffian if it has a Pfaffian orientation, namely it admits an orientation such that the number of edges of any M-alternating cycle which have the same direction as the traversal direction is odd for some perfect matching M of the graph G. In this paper, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition of Pfaffian graphs in a type of bipartite graphs. Then, we design an \(O(|E(G)|^2)\) algorithm for recognizing Pfaffian graphs in this class and constructs a Pfaffian orientation if the graph is Pfaffian. The results improve and generalize some known results.  相似文献   

The problem of finding the maximum number of vertex-disjoint uni-color paths in an edge-colored graph (called MaxCDP) has been recently introduced in literature, motivated by applications in social network analysis. In this paper we investigate how the complexity of the problem depends on graph parameters (namely the number of vertices to remove to make the graph a collection of disjoint paths and the size of the vertex cover of the graph), which makes sense since graphs in social networks are not random and have structure. The problem was known to be hard to approximate in polynomial time and not fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) for the natural parameter. Here, we show that it is still hard to approximate, even in FPT-time. Finally, we introduce a new variant of the problem, called MaxCDDP, whose goal is to find the maximum number of vertex-disjoint and color-disjoint uni-color paths. We extend some of the results of MaxCDP to this new variant, and we prove that unlike MaxCDP, MaxCDDP is already hard on graphs at distance two from disjoint paths.  相似文献   

We consider an augmentation problem on undirected and directed graphs, where given a directed (an undirected) graph G and p pairs of vertices \(P=\left\{ {\left( {s_1 ,t_1 } \right) ,\ldots ,\left( {s_p ,t_p } \right) } \right\} \), one has to find the minimum weight set of arcs (edges) to be added to the graph so that the resulting graph has (can be oriented to have) directed paths between the specified pairs of vertices. In the undirected case, we present an FPT-algorithm with respect to the number of new edges. Also, we have implemented and evaluated the algorithm on some real-world networks to show its efficiency in decreasing the size of input graphs and converting them to much smaller kernels. In the directed case, we consider the complexity of the problem with respect to the various parameters and present some parameterized algorithms and parameterized complexity results for it.  相似文献   

A complete graph is the graph in which every two vertices are adjacent. For a graph \(G=(V,E)\), the complete width of G is the minimum k such that there exist k independent sets \(\mathtt {N}_i\subseteq V\), \(1\le i\le k\), such that the graph \(G'\) obtained from G by adding some new edges between certain vertices inside the sets \(\mathtt {N}_i\), \(1\le i\le k\), is a complete graph. The complete width problem is to decide whether the complete width of a given graph is at most k or not. In this paper we study the complete width problem. We show that the complete width problem is NP-complete on \(3K_2\)-free bipartite graphs and polynomially solvable on \(2K_2\)-free bipartite graphs and on \((2K_2,C_4)\)-free graphs. As a by-product, we obtain the following new results: the edge clique cover problem is NP-complete on \(\overline{3K_2}\)-free co-bipartite graphs and polynomially solvable on \(C_4\)-free co-bipartite graphs and on \((2K_2, C_4)\)-free graphs. We also give a characterization for k-probe complete graphs which implies that the complete width problem admits a kernel of at most \(2^k\) vertices. This provides another proof for the known fact that the edge clique cover problem admits a kernel of at most \(2^k\) vertices. Finally we determine all graphs of small complete width \(k\le 3\).  相似文献   

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