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Excel在实物期权建模分析中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对于不确定性环境中的价值评估,应用传统的净现值方法容易导致决策失误,实物期权分析是一门很好的补充技术,本文结合Excel对基于连续时间的实物期权定价技术——布莱克-舒尔斯公式作了探讨,建立了基于Ex-cel的期权定价模型和敏感性分析模型,并举例说明,以期有助于决策者更好地运用期权思想提高决策质量。 相似文献
本文基于实物期权理论,对石油投资项目的传统经济评价方法——净现值法进行了修正。修正后的净现值法考虑了传统的净现值法所忽略的期权价值。以及由此所导致的项目价值低估、决策者错误判断项目可行性的问题。 相似文献
NPV(净现值)法作为传统投资决策方法,虽然有其固有优势,但是在不确定性环境中,实物期权法显得更为合理。本文通过对NPV法与实物期权法在投资决策中的比较分析,说明实物期权法对于有效解决目前日益增加的环境不确定性问题,以及改变企业管理者的决策思维方式,具有重要的意义。 相似文献
尽管金融投资与实物投资在很多方面存在着区别,在对金融投资研究中形成的现代资本市场的理论、模型和方法对实物投资仍有着一定的指导意义.实物期权方法是金融期权定价理论在实物投资中的应用,并被广泛应用于项目评估中.金融期权则是风险对冲工具的重要工具之一,在金融风险管理中发挥着重要的作用.本文从金融期权在金融风险管理中的应用出发,探讨了实物期权管理投资项目风险的思路,并通过构造算例予以说明. 相似文献
本文在分析传统经济评价方法不足的基础上,在石油投资项目经济评价中引入实物期权方法,介绍了其评价思想、评价准则以及定价模型,重点分析了石油投资项目的期权特点,论述了实物期权在石油投资项目中的适用范围与应用对象,并指出在较高不确定性条件下的石油投资项目的经济评价中,实物期权法是一种比较理想的投资分析方法. 相似文献
采用与实物期权理论中分析投资项目进入或退出策略相类似的方法,研究柔性产品组合的最优切换问题,假设两个产品组合可以永续生产、净利润流服从几何布朗运动、产品组合的切换存在成本及在产品组合切换的最优决策时只需考虑产品组合的相对获利能力,通过求解非线性方程组,用图示分析的方法研究了利润流的波动程度、切换成本及产品组合的关联度对产品组合最优切换的影响.与其它实物期权分析中的结论类似,分析表明净利润波动程度和切换成本的增大将提高触发产品组合最优切换所需的相对获利能力.还分析了产品组合的关联程度对最优切换的影响,发现关联程度的增大将减小触发产品组合最优切换所需的相对获利能力. 相似文献
实物期权方法是一种适合具有高度不确定性和高度灵敏性的项目价值的分析方法。通过对BTT项目投资中的延迟期权特性的分析,构建出延迟投资期权的定价模型,为BTT项目的投资者提供了一种新的决策方法。 相似文献
To date, most applications of real options theory (ROT) in outsourcing literature are modeled from the clients' side. Little attention has been paid to vendors' options in outsourcing. In this article, we study outsourcing from the vendors' perspective by analyzing vendors' value of waiting. The contribution of our research to the literature lies in our analysis of a model that compensates for vendors' loss of option to wait since they have to exercise outsourcing contracts at clients' given timing. Such a compensation‐oriented model yields new insights about the vendors' valuation of outsourcing opportunities, and offers important practical guidance to vendors' decision making. 相似文献
In this article we explore the conceptual relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) orientation and real option reasoning. We argue that the firm's attitude, communication, and behavior toward CSR will act as significant determinants to the firm's sensemaking approach to real options; that is, if and how it (the firm) acknowledges, receives, and manages strategic real options. Integrating the previous work of Basu and Palazzo with Barnett, we propose a new model that extends the influence of CSR orientation/character to general strategic decision making while simultaneously developing the attention‐based view to real options. 相似文献
基于实物期权的新技术投资决策实证研究 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
本文基于对我国高新技术企业的实际调研,从实物期权视角检验不同类型不确定性对企业新技术投资决策的影响。研究结果表明,市场与政策不确定性对投资的延迟作用与技术不确定性对投资的促进作用得到不同程度验证,而竞争强度与投资不可逆程度对不确定性与投资关系的调节作用则不完全符合实物期权的理论预期。论文结果揭示了我国高新技术企业进行投资决策的一般规律,可为企业应用实物期权方法提供参考。 相似文献
Henri Philippe 《Journal of Management and Governance》2005,9(2):129-149
Including real options in firms ’ value raises numerous difficulties. Limitations concerning the relevance of option pricing models outside financial markets are the most salient, but carrying out a valuation implies other assumptions, especially on firms’ governance. In particular, assessing whether a real option should be included within a firm’s boundaries and how its value should be shared, is difficult. Most of these issues result from the different property rights on real options: who creates and who can exercise the option? We discuss existing answers to these difficulties and propose a matrix based on property rights to help practitioners decide whether a real option can be valued appropriately or not by real options models. We support our discussion with a case study based on an R&;D firm valuation. 相似文献
Supply chain risk uncertainty can create severe repercussions, thus it is not surprising that research interest in supply chain risk has been growing. While extant inquiry is informative, there is a lack of investigations that center on supply chain investment decisions when facing high levels of risk uncertainty. Given the potential dollar value involved in these decisions, an understanding of how these supply chain decisions are made is of significant theoretical and practical importance. Real options theory, with its focus on decision making under conditions of uncertainty, is an appealing theoretical lens for this endeavor. In essence, real options theory asserts that managerial decisions center on creating and then exercising or not exercising certain opportunities. To date, theorizing about and investigations of real options have used firms as their focus. Not yet examined are real options within supply chains that cross firm boundaries and drive much of the competitive activity in the modern economy. Accordingly, we extend real options theory to the supply chain context by examining how different types of options are approached relative to supply chain project investments. Specifically, we theorize how the options will be related to perceived value under conditions of high supply chain risk uncertainty. Overall, our investigation builds knowledge by extending real options theory to the supply chain context and by providing evidence suggesting some options operate differently in supply chains than they do in firms. 相似文献
Software project escalation has been shown to be a widespread phenomenon. With few exceptions, prior research has portrayed escalation as an irrational decision‐making process whereby additional resources are plowed into a failing project. In this article, we examine the possibility that in some cases managers escalate their commitment not because they are acting irrationally, but rather as a rational response to real options that may be embedded in a project. A project embeds real options when managers have the opportunity but not the obligation to adjust the future direction of the project in response to external or internal events. Examples include deferring the project, switching the project to serve a different purpose, changing the scale of the project, implementing it in incremental stages, abandoning the project, or using the project as a platform for future growth opportunities. Although real options can represent a substantial portion of a project's value, they rarely enter into a project's formal justification process in the traditional quantitative discounted cash‐flow‐based project valuation techniques. Using experimental data collected from managers in 123 firms, we demonstrate that managers recognize and value the presence of real options. We also assess the relative importance that managers ascribe to each type of real option, showing that growth options are more highly valued than operational options. Finally, we demonstrate that the influence of the options on project continuation decisions is largely mediated by the perceived value that they add. Implications for both theory and practice are discussed. 相似文献
《Long Range Planning》2003,36(1):93-107
In the 1970s, scenario planning gained prominence as a strategic management tool. Scenario planning encourages managers to envision plausible future states of the world and consider how to take advantage of opportunities and avoid potential threats. In the last decade, finance researchers have developed real option analysis as a way to value investments under uncertainty. Scenario planning and real option analysis have complementary strengths and weaknesses as tools for managers making strategic investment decisions under uncertainty. We combine these two approaches in an integrated risk management process. This process involves scenario development, exposure identification, formulating risk management responses, and implementation steps. We advocate a corporate-level perspective on managing risk that takes into consideration the full range of exposures across a firm’s portfolio of businesses. In contrast with the predominant emphasis on quantitative analysis in the real option literature, this study illustrates qualitative assessment of real options. 相似文献
代理冲突下企业多元化投资行为的实物期权分析 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
利用实物期权的方法,本文分别建立了以股东利益最大化以及企业价值最大化为目标时的负债企业多元化投资模型.通过两种决策目标下多元化投资政策的比较,分析了负债代理下股东存在的投资决策非最优化问题.结果发现,若负债企业在投资前后都不存在债务风险,股东的投资决策将符合企业价值最大化原则;若投资能使债务由无风险变为有风险,企业将过度投资;若投资前后都存在风险,企业将投资不足. 相似文献