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张琦 《现代交际》2014,(11):100-101
在高校武术教学中,仅注重健身性和表演性的教学目的已不能完全适应现代武术教学发展的需要,其忽略了武术的本质属性——攻防技击性。为进一步了解其价值,本文通过文献资料法、问卷调查法等研究方法,对吉林地区三所不同高校体育教育专业的学生进行调查研究。结果表明,攻防技术在课程中的运用,可以有效调动学生学习的积极性,增加学习兴趣,更快地掌握技术动作,提高教学质量,从而为武术在高校中的可持续性发展提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

传统武术是体育课程教学的重要内容之一,也是提高学生身体素质、文化修养的主要手段,通过将传统武术融入高校体育教学中,可以有效推动武术锻炼及武术文化的现代化发展。本文主要探讨在高校体育或武术教育中,引入传统武术教学内容,来促进体育健身及武术文化发展的策略。  相似文献   

浙江省高职院校武术公共课教学现状及发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐晓斌 《职业时空》2008,4(7):68-68
高校武术公共课教学的积极开展,不仅反映着高校体育课程改革的成效,作为爱国主义教育重要载体之一的武术,更关系到中华民族文化的继承与弘扬以及奥运发展战略的实施。1961至今,浙江省绝大部分高校都已开设了武术公共课。通过不断的建设和完善,在浙江省内各大高职院校中场地、器械问题等硬件设施问题已基本得到解决。本文针对浙江省高职院校武术公共课教学现状进一步地进行调查和研究,深入了解浙江省高职院校武术公共课教学现状及存在的问题,  相似文献   

高玥 《现代妇女》2014,(12):352-352
高校的武术教育是弘扬我国传统的武术文化,武术文化的传播在高等教育体系中具有非常重的作用。我们针对高校武术的教学现状以及存在的问题入手,对高校武术教学的重意义进行分析,为推动高校武术教学的发展提供借鉴性的经验。  相似文献   

高玥 《现代妇女》2014,(12):332-332
中国的文化发展时间比较早,在世界文化发展过程中占据优势地位。当前在国际最受人们所关注的是中国武术,武术文化在中国发展史上占据重地位。同时它也是中国人民智慧的结晶,是我国目前比较宝贵的非物质文化遗产。武术是最具中国特色的传统文化之一,是我们国家历史文化中的重组成部分,因此武术教学是传承与发展我国优良武术文化的基本形式。高校体育课程中包含着各式各样的体育活动。武术教学使其中的一种,这也是符合我国教育改革目标而设置的课程。但是在当前的武术教学中传统的武术文化并没有得到充分的传承与创新,在教学中仍然存在着许多方面的问题。本文将着重阐述传统武术文化与武术教学的相关概述,分析传统武术文化在武术教学传承与创新中存在的问题,制定相应的政策加以解决。  相似文献   

武术活动我们幼儿园的教学特色之一,将武术活动渗透到一日教学中是老师研究和实施的重点。幼儿园开展武术特色的运动课程区别于其他教育阶段的组织实践,结合学前期幼儿的年龄特点和发展需要,通过多种生动有趣的武术教育活动,激发幼儿对传统武术的情感认同,运用武术游戏、武术名人故事欣赏、武术音乐的欣赏、武术绘画活动,区域武术活动、武术体育游戏、情景练习等组织方式激发幼儿参与武术特色活动的兴趣,有效把武术课程融入教学和主题活动。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法,对河南部分高校开展武术功力课程现状进行分析。结果表明:河南高校开展武术功力课程的单位很少。武术功力具有健身和竞技价值,符合大学生学习和锻炼的需求,丰富教学内容。  相似文献   

李岩 《现代交际》2014,(6):199-199
随着我国教育体系的不断完善,高校武术教学质量也得到了相关部门的高度重视,其不仅关系到学生个人身体素质的提升,而且还直接影响到大学生身心素质的良好发展。因此,加强高校武术教学的创新工作目前已经成为了一项大学体育教学中的重大课题。本文通过对素质教育背景下,高校武术教学的创新途径进行介绍、分析,以此来为今后的武术教学工作提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

孙喆 《现代交际》2014,(11):205+204-205
高等教育国际化已成为一种不可避免的趋势,双语教学则是高校实现教育国际化采取的一项必要措施。而在当代生命科学领域中发展最为迅速的细胞生物学,其课程实施双语教学的迫切性更加突出。文章根据总结以往的双语教学经验,对细胞生物学双语教学的必要性、面临的问题,以及提高教学效果的对策等几方面进行了深入论述,为细胞生物学双语教学改革取得良好成效提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

聂剑 《现代交际》2012,(12):255
教学方法是教学中的重要环节,高校武术教学既有一般体育教学的特点,也有其特殊的地方.本文从武术教学的实际情况入手,从示范教学与语言讲解相结合,多种练习方法交叉综合运用,因材施教,合理安排运动负荷,激发学生的学习兴趣等几方面探讨高校武术教学方法,对提高学生身体素质和教学质量有重要意义.  相似文献   

培育大学生的民族精神具有深刻的现实意义。由于中华民族精神和武术文化同时受中国传统文化的影响,两者有着密切的联系。中华武术是中华民族传统文化的缩影,其植根于传统文化之中.承载着中华传统文化的巨大形态,更浸透了中华民族独特的思维与行为方式。以武术套路表演为载体传播武术武技与武理技术文化,以基础武术功法教学为载体传播武术行为文化,以武术艺术欣赏为载体传播武术心态文化,将武术文化中的精华运用于校园文化建设中,可以为培育大学生的民族精神提供有效的途径。  相似文献   

The recipient of the 2014 John F. Schnabel Distinguished Contributions to Teaching award delivered this keynote address at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the North Central Sociological Association in Cleveland. The author outlines the lessons that sociology instructors can derive from the martial arts. Although the parallels between martial arts and university classrooms may not be apparent at first glance, Holtzman demonstrates that the primary lessons of Ninjutsu—to know your enemy, to persevere, and to embrace the unconventional—are also fundamental lessons for sociology professors.  相似文献   

每到周一和周三,青岛大学汉语言学院敏行楼下就成了练功场,20多名金发碧眼的女学生在武术老师的口令声中踢腿挥拳。汉语言学院的留学生来自世界各地,是典型的”世界村”。女留学生在中国学习期间,疯狂迷恋上了中国功夫,少林拳、太极拳、长拳、武当剑…洋妞们练得有板有眼,娇柔的洋妞俨然成了功夫高手。  相似文献   

太极拳是中国传统武术中的一种,它的每一个动作圆柔连贯,每一式都是绵绵不断,犹如太极图一样。这种融健身与修身养生于一本的运动蕴含着丰富的中国传统哲学思想和伦理观念。太极拳不仅仅是一种拳术,它更是一种文化,是力与美的艺术结合。  相似文献   

This paper examines how the discourse on suzhi (human quality) has been imagined, reconstructed, and negotiated by short-term martial arts students and their parents in Dengfeng, a county-level city in central China. Dengfeng was home to 48 Shaolin martial arts schools and more than 70,000 full-time students in 2012. Aside from the full-timers, who board throughout the year, short-term students are provided martial arts learning for several weeks to months. They are sent to learn martial arts for several reasons: for example, misbehaviors, obesity, or poor people skills. Their parents want them to either get fit or improve their social skills. Highlighting such diverse motivations and expectations, this paper suggests that sending children to learn martial arts is rooted in the widely influential discourse on human quality (suzhi) in China. This social discourse provides both parents and students narrative structures, through which people create their own strategies of and meaning system for legitimizing their decisions, expectations, and desires.  相似文献   

Literary masculinity has dominated Chinese society for thousands of years. Even in today's academic schools, boys with good academic performance have a higher status than those who are seen as ‘aggressive’ or ‘tough’. In this article I examine how students reconstruct the hierarchy of literary/martial masculinity in Shaolin martial arts schools, an alternative form of education in China. Rather than being disciplined into socially useful subjects, as expected by parents and school authorities, I show how martial arts students have reconstructed the symbolic meanings of masculinity and shaped a new space of belonging. Through displays of violence and cultivating toughness, students deploy technologies of martial masculinity to fit in with their peers and reproduce the masculine ethos of martial arts schools.  相似文献   

Women who participate in male dominated sports engage in sport that is framed from a gendered ideology. Sports, within this society, is identified as masculine and, as a result, values masculine characteristics. Femininity, women in particular, have been marginalized. The focus of this paper is to examine the female martial arts practitioner within a gendered society. As Title IX has enabled women to gain access to participate in sports, it has yet to fully challenge dominate gender ideology. The female martial arts practitioner not only has to battle masculine traits within the martial arts studio, but also within gendered norms. Unfortunately, the research focusing on the experience of female martial arts practitioners is limited; however, when they are examined these women are either placed in the margins or in gendered terms. Upon further examination, the female martial arts practitioner challenges the gender norm in a unique manner; she questions the male as protector and the female as victim.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyze the precarious situation concerning undergraduate public relations education in Spain, despite the existence of a Degree in Advertising and Public Relations. In addition to core subjects, which are set by the government and required on all university curricula, the Spanish system allows universities to complete their curriculum with other compulsory and elective courses. Given this freedom, universities have failed to come up with either the specific contents for public relations or for liberal arts, social sciences and business courses that will enable students to enter the profession. In light of the future restructuring of degrees through the Bologna Process, this situation is a serious threat to the continuity of public relations teaching in Spanish universities.  相似文献   

赵天平 《现代交际》2014,(3):218-218,217
由于地区发展差异的原因,西部高校体育课程改革的发展滞后。本文从体育课程改革的指导思想入手,以西部高校体育课堂教学与课外、校外的体育活动有机结合,西部高校体育课程与社会为主线,提出新时期适合西部高校体育课程发展的"三维"结构理论。  相似文献   

In the past, contingency theory has been used by researchers to explain what factors influence the design and implementation of budget systems. However, little of this research has been conducted in the context of nonprofit organizations, especially private universities. Previous research on university budgeting has focused on resource allocation issues, and most of these studies have involved state institutions, which differ in significant ways from private universities. This article presents the results of a case study of the budgeting systems within three schools of a private university. Using a contingency approach, it describes the characteristics of the schools' environments that appeared to affect the types of budget systems used by the three schools studied: a law school, a liberal arts school, and a school of management.  相似文献   

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