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随着餐饮业的快速发展,烹饪专业毕业生的需求日益增加.但是,笔者通过调查这些学生的工作情况,发现一些学生的技能并不能马上适应岗位的需要.究其原因,是学生缺乏稳定扎实、高质量的烹饪技能.因此,如何让学生在有限的学习时间内提高实训质量是摆在我们烹饪专业教师面前的一个重要问题.通过近几年实训课教学的实践与研究,笔者认为在烹饪实训课教学中实施"五步教学法"易于巩固学生所学,有利于提高实训教学质量.  相似文献   

职业学校烹饪专业在教学改革过程中,通过开设烹饪劳动、烹饪美术、西点制作等课程;在实践教学中推行切报纸训练法、趣味训练法等,注重菜品实用性,尝试先实习后示范;根据烹饪专业的教学特点对语文、英语、数学、化学、政治、体育等课程的教学标准进行重新编写,推行理实一体化和快乐教学法;通过举办专业讲座、技能比武、社团活动、创业工程等专业实践活动。  相似文献   

任务驱动教学法是新时期富有创意性和实效性的教学方法,本文立足笔者几年的教学实践,从对其概念的理解入手,介绍了烹饪实践教学中采用该方法的优越性,并从教学效果方面提出了几点注意事项,希望能对相关专业或者其他专业的教学起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

机械制图是工科类特别是机械类学生的重要专业技术基础课,对这门课的掌握程度将直接影响到学生的质量.笔者根据当前的一些教学方法,结合自己多年的教学实践,总结优化出以下五种教学方法:多种教学手段结合、直观演示教学法、引导教学法、实体模型教学法、归纳总结教学法.  相似文献   

于荣 《职业时空》2010,6(8):51-52
双语教学是目前教学改革的热门话题。根据作者多年的教学实践,通过"五步"教学法,运用心理学基本知识,提高学生学习英语的积极性和主动性,促进了专业课的学习,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

吕卫强 《职业》2014,(15):84-85
"小单元课题"模块教学法,就是依据企业用工需求和企业岗位用工要求,设定教学培养目标,制订教学计划和内容。本文探讨技校烹饪专业教学"小单元课题"模块教学法的应用  相似文献   

烹饪专业是一个技能性较强、技术含量较高的专业.该专业实践操作工艺复杂,实习教学比一般专业的难度要大,所需量的教学实践坏节也有其特殊性.教学实践是烹饪专业学生获得基本技能、逐渐形成技能技巧的必需途径.如何处理好各个环节的教学工作,科学地组织实践技能教学,对于提高教学质量是十分重要的.  相似文献   

祝福冬 《现代妇女》2014,(12):I0007-I0008
经济的快速发展带动教育的改革,会计作为一门实践性极强的学科在进行教学的过程中,应该更加注重实践与教学结合促进学生的进步。本文主分析了实践教学法在会计教学中的重作用。会计的实践教学法包括现场指导法、案例总结法、实验模拟法等等多种不同的教学方法,我们主针对这些实践教学法在教学实践中的应用做了一定的分析。  相似文献   

徐智政 《职业》2013,(23):175-176
市场营销是一门实践性和操作性很强的专业,根据技校的办学思路和技校学生的学习特点,采用传统的教学方法,从某种程度上看是不适合、不利于技校学生专业能力形成的。笔者根据多年的市场营销从业经验以及教学经验,总结出项目课程五步循环教学法。在市场营销教学中把市场营销的相关教学内容规划在项目课程教学中,能有效地解决市场营销教学缺少实践和操作的问题。同时,利用项目课程五步循环教学法不仅能积极调动学生的积极性,而且在整个教学过程中还实现了对学生职业素养的培养。  相似文献   

陈祖国 《职业》2014,(20):127-128
本文介绍了视听教学法的渊源,论述了视听教学法在导游实践教学中的适用性,指明了视听教学法对导游实践教学的优越性,同时也指出了需要引起注意的问题。  相似文献   


This article presents an innovative refinement in the use of group process records for educational purposes, reviews the history of Rothman's Committee for the Preparation of Teaching Materials, and discusses the Committee's development of a comprehensive framework for teaching records. The teaching record fosters student attentiveness to practice context and complexities, regard for ongoing self-evaluation, and interest in cooperative learning. Teaching records also provide a structure for integrative learning through the identification, elucidation, linkage, and illustration of practice concepts and principles. The five key parts of the teaching record—major teaching themes, overview of group characteristics, group process record, teaching points, and teaching strategies—are described, and excerpts from an illustrative teaching record of a session with nursing home residents are presented.  相似文献   

There is a renewed focus on skills for practice in the new Social Work degree in the UK, expressed in the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Benchmarks for Social Work and the National Occupational Standards (NOS). Together these make specific a range of requirements for practice which set the terms for what students need to learn in order to work with users and carers most effectively. Of five key areas identified for the new degree, communication skills is the third. In this context, the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) commissioned a review of practice in teaching and learning of communication skills in social work education in England. This article presents the findings from this review. It concludes that, whilst there is significant activity and much good practice, there is little clarity or consensus about meanings, definitions, content and methods between all the stakeholders, including users and carers. Through the lens of current teaching and learning of communication skills it is the contention of this article that social work education needs systematically to address its strategy for replying to the challenge of a greater focus on practice skills.  相似文献   

Limitations of technical rationality, the dominant paradigm for making sense of human interactions in the context of social work practice, have drawn much attention. Currently, practice wisdom in social work education is at the center of a hot debate, but one confined to conceptual analysis. As of yet, there is no empirical reference for its substantive contents and operation. In the current presentation, four features of practice wisdom are developed, based upon a synthesis of the commonalities of practice wisdom as inferred from extensive scholars' views: the interplay of Moral Reasoning and Cognitive Knowledge, the Agential Nature of Knowledge, the Interactive Process of Knowledge Generation, and the Fluid Status of Knowledge. To advance the development of social work pedagogy by filling the gaps in empirical knowledge, these four features, hence, pedagogical practice wisdom, as exercised by practice teachers, are explored. Ten videotaped practice teaching scenarios and twenty co-reflection meetings were undertaken with five practice teachers and analyzed. The main finding is that practice teachers exercised nondeliberative reflection, each emphasizing different features of practice wisdom, thus shaping their teaching in ways unique to each. These results suggest a kaleidoscopic view in understanding pedagogical practice wisdom and specialized training for practice teachers.  相似文献   

As the HIV/AIDS global pandemic continues to grow through a third decade, the need for social work educators to prepare social workers in distinct fields of practice with skills to assist those infected with and affected by HIV is of paramount importance. HIV/AIDS holds multi-level and multi-system effects for vulnerable populations. This article features global HIV and AIDS teaching resources beginning with common global practice challenges. Next, five teaching units focus on practice needs and challenges of divergent vulnerable populations including men who have sex with men, women, injecting drug users (IDU), commercial sex workers, and children orphaned by AIDS. Discussion questions, selected readings and electronic resources accompany each unit. The authors close the article with suggested recommendations for content integration into social work courses, and next steps for the profession.  相似文献   

高校经济管理类专业实践教学体系建设探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济管理类专业发展和教学改革要适应培养跨专业人才的社会需求,就要改变传统人才培养模式,构建信息技术环境下的高校经济管理类专业实践教学体系。文章简述了高校经济管理类专业实践教学的国内外研究情况,探讨了高校经济管理类专业人才培养实践教学体系与机制建设问题,对高校经济管理类专业开展实践教学具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Fifty-seven MSW students enrolled in two different practice courses were exposed to approximately equal amounts (five 4-hour sessions) of live, in-class instruction and two-way interactive televised instruction. Separate post-course evaluations of both teaching methods, using a previously published measure of instructional quality, significantly favored live instruction over televised distance learning. More empirical research demonstrating the potential benefits of distance learning technology is urgently needed prior to the widespread adoption of these methods.  相似文献   

苟振邦 《现代妇女》2014,(12):175-175
本文分析探讨了高职院校机械类专业,如何上好《车工工艺与技能训练》课程的实操与课堂教学相互衔接的教学新思路与实践的现实意义。结合多年一线教学的探索与实践经验,就《车工工艺与技能训练》课堂教学实践经验证明对高职生进行车工技能课堂教学是切实可行的。  相似文献   

甘勇 《职业时空》2012,(1):35-37
根据高等职业教育培养目标,加强创新实践教学,培养优秀的高层次技能型人才是高等职业教育办出特色的重要内容。对于高职机械专业的实践教学,文章提出了创新实践教学的基本要求、注重技能培养的课程体系、明确产学结合建设校内外实习基地的重要性以及加强对高职机械专业实践教学的投入与管理等思路。  相似文献   

As with all practice knowledges, family therapy theory sits in a complicated relationship to practice. This paper offers a set of reflections exploring challenges of teaching and learning theory for, and about, practice in family therapy. The importance of teaching particular frameworks of practice sits in tension and balance with the importance of the common factors of therapeutic change, and the inseparability of the use of self and the use of particular practice knowledge. Passion and commitment to particular ways of working is held in balance with the need for flexibility and the freedom to think independently. Discipline and focus is balanced with creativity and the room for integration. A number of balancing practices are identified in the art and craft of teaching, and the contextual issue of power and vulnerability in the teaching and learning relationship is acknowledged. Finally, the three ‘Rs’ in teaching and learning family therapy practice theory are drawn out – reflection, the recursiveness of theory and practice, and the reflexivity of self in relation to context and knowledge.  相似文献   

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